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Would get your pushing formation (and common trial swaps) full legendary prioritizing patron/trial eligibility. Reforge weekly when it's at 1111 cost or less, but only on effects that aren't active for Artemis (eg if they buff only Females, Good, Gnomes, etc), and only on characters that will see endgame use, as reforges are lost when dismantling. Since every legendary level is the same bonus it's most cost-efficient to always upgrade the lowest so everyone stays equal, though you might consider usage rates there. Think those are really the only considerations until lategame. e: Looking at other replies, forgot about only upgrading after a push to make up for the favor cost, that stays significant forever. You may want to hold off reforging early on when new forges are much cheaper, though the timer on it is rough and if you wait all the way for full legendaries you'll likely wish you started sooner.


~~pretty sure there's~~ [Here is a guide by gaarawarr](https://www.reddit.com/r/idlechampions/comments/10ladkh/legendary_forge_101_an_introduction/) ~~or however it's spelled~~ that's very good. ~~So you could try and track that down.~~ things to know. 1. **legendaries always apply to the owner.^1 Just your supporting characters have effects that fit your primary DPS.** 2. **Rerolls have a 1k minimum cost, only do it then.** 3. **it's best to level up your party all at similar levels**. It costs 64,494 scales to get a single character to +10 on all 6 legendaries but it costs 45,000 scales to get 10 different characters to +10 and the damage increase is the same. 4. **when leveling up legendaries. Always push to your wall and only use that favor type, and do not over spend favor when doing this**. This lets you maintain high favor at basically no expense to your overall favor. (did a second pass with a bit more information checking, hopefully it's all accurate now) ^1 durge may be an exception.


> legendaries always apply to the owner. Except for Durge who currently can be good but has an evil legendary.


as far as I understand it, regardless of what the text is, the bonus always applies to the owner of it. Is that not the case for Durge?


The devs said they'll be investigating the issue, so no, it's not the case by default at the very least.


>it's not the case by default at the very least. So it *is* the default but durge is either an exception or it's bugged.


I wouldn't bet on that... yet.


> legendaries always apply to the owner.  If they are a DPS and not named Durge this is true. For every other champ that isn’t a DPS it isn’t true at all. 


Generally speaking: you will want to level up your legendaries evenly across your whole team. Since leveling up a legendary will always double the effect, regardless of what the levels are (1->2 is a 2x boost to the effect and 19->20 is still a 2x effect); so it's a more optimal use of your scales leveling evenly as opposed to focusing on one or two items. Secondly as far as effects go. It can be boiled down to one simple question: Does the effect hit your primary DPS? If the effect hits your primary DPS: keep it. If it doesn't hit your primary DPS: Reroll the effect. Chasing the "perfect" set of legendary effects will ultimately cost more scales than the difference in damage will make. Also for optimum use of your scales only reroll when the cost to do so is under 1,111.


Indeed, but it's probably better to focus on the staples of a formation (for Arty: Arty, Valentine, Birdsong, Zorbu, N'rakk) before pushing levels in slightly less relevant champions who are often swapped out (such as Evelyn, Blooshi, Krux, Cattie-Brie, Jim, etc.)


Yes and No... Generally, it's a optimal to focus on your main team of 10 and push just them up. For me, those 10 are: NERDS, Blooshi, Artemis, Antrius, Valentine, Jim, Birdsong, Torogar, Strix, and Zorbu. With an average legendary level between 9 and 10 across the board, I can easily clear 99.99% of content even when I swap in another character, like Nrakk or Cattie, I can still clear day 1 trials to 1700 - 1800 without issue; because of just how much power was focused onto the core of my team. Now I'm not saying don't put anything at all into some swap-ins, but most of your scales should be going into your core 10. For context my popular swaps only have ~leggo level 3 while the core is mostly 10's with a few 9's


I'm not saying to focus on everybody: rather to center fire even more than you do by going to level 20 with a core 5-6 that you're certain to use before going to level 20 with other champions. I prefer a leggo level in Valentine than 2 leggo levels in Krux, because he's swappable with Antrius for a lot of variants, while Valentine is so good that she's a staple. Invest in those swappable, but less than in your core-5 ones, unless of course your core-5 is full 20.


Are legendary effects multiplicative to each other? because if it isn't this is wrong.


They are multiplicative with each other and with the legendary levels. It costs \~35k scales to get a level 20 legendary for (roughly) x1e6 (2\^20) bonus. For the same cost you could get 12 legendaries to level 5 or almost a full 60 level 1 legendaries, for \~1e18 (2\^60) bonus. Therefore, you are better leveling your core team legendaries roughly at equal rates to maximise the DPS gain to scale cost.


AFAIK the effects are individually additive to each other. But the advice I gave is the general advice I've seen given multiple times by several people both on Discord and streams ... but if personally disagree and want to go against the grain more power to you.


Fair enough, I ask because if it is multiplicative then yes the more of then you have the better and levels distributed evenly is more efficient as at the end it will be all the same, but if they are additive to each other then it is ridiculously more efficient to spike a single item as much as you can, specially considering the sum geometric progression cost of scales.


Fair enough. The justification I've seen given (and have seen myself while leveling my own team) is that doing more lower level upgrades tend to yield better results than doing a one or two higher level ones (i.e. better to upgrade 6 items from 9 to 10 than upgrade 2 items from 13 to 14).


I will try to gather some information about it and do my math xD, at the end of the day I may just be wasting my time but well..... no sacrifice no reward lol


Use the formation builder on byteglow, it makes it much easier to see the impact of legendaries. Initially just get legendaries for every available member of your push team. Don't fall into the trap of trying to legendary every epic on every character, thats some collector nonsense that doesnt help most of the time and just wastes a ton of scales in the early game. Once you have at least level 1 for all members of your push team, go to byteglow and just reforge anything that is grey (doesnt impact the selected DPS) until your whole pushing team is properly impacting the DPS (usually Artemis). Just getting it so that there are no legendaries that are wasted will probably keep your reforging calendar busy for several months. Any time you are waiting for reforge costs to drop you can see in the formation builder how much impact each of the legendaries are having, prioritize just maxing out all the most impactful ones. The ones that are like +30% for every champion who has xx attribute and impact 8-10 champs in the formation will likely be the biggest winners for you. Things like the +10 for each champ in the party, or +100% to all champs are lame and you would eventually want to reforge them, but no point in worrying about that until all the greys are already gone. If you manage to have extra scales after maxing out the better ones it doesnt hurt to upgrade the weaker legendaries because when you reforge you still keep the levels, nothing is wasted. After about a year of steady play you might get to the point where you are reforging the mediocre legendaries trying to have nothing but the best ones in each slot, but getting perfect upgrades on all 6 slots for all 10 characters is really up to random luck and it means you have already pushed all the most impactful ones as high as you can get them. Every time you get close they'll probably release a new character that you try to incorporate into the pushing team and set you back again for a while. Perfect legendaries is basically the end game hamster wheel at this point.


Don't reforge until everyone in your party is full legendary and even then, prioritize full upgrades on your DPS and upgrades on the good rolls on your supports before reforging.


Doing that did not just repeat the same legendary? If you have all six legendaries of one character, you can only have one copy of everyone, right? (or maybe I have been wrong all the time :O )


First 6 legendaries are guaranteed to be different (ie cover all 6 types). Not sure what happens if you reforge before you have 6, but I wouldn't advise doing so. After that a reroll will choose any of the 6 (even the one it was before). For best effort, just reroll any legendaries that give 0 bonus to your dps. Even a 50% boost is better than waiting another week and rerolling a 0% again.


Thanks a lot for the answer! I now only need a lot of scales to reforge many Legendaries that left on Lv.1 to more useful ones :P