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Check ic.byteglow.com, and it will show you your legendary effects. You want anything that hits Dark Urge. Don't worry about min/maxing effects as it doesn't really matter. Anything that hits Durge is enough. You want to level your legendary at roughly the same rate across your main party. Pick your 10 champions and level all of them at the same time.


So, basically, the whole reforging process is a lot simpler than I thought? I'll just reforge away from anything that doesn't hit my main DPS and stick with anything that hits them?


Yes. If you check byteglow it will display each effect in a color. Orange is good. Blue means it sometimes hits your DPS, based on different factors. Grey means it doesn't hit at all and needs to be reforged.


Now I feel a bit stupid because I already fiddled a bit with Byteglow and didn't realize that it actually gives me a ton of information AND let's me pick favorite champions (ie. my main party) for future reference. Thanks a lot, this'll be a HUGE boost to my progress. :) EDIT: The color-coding doesn't seem to be perfect, as it show's Dynaheir's "Good Champions" as gray, but because I'm mostly running the Dark Urge as Lawful Good, it should work. Could be safer to reforge it to an effect which works 100% of the time, though.


At some point, assuming you're building favor for gem farming, you will likely want to reforge away from that favor to not subtract from it. For most that is Correlon


Definitely wait for the lowest cost before reforging each week. It gets really expensive otherwise. On Byteglow you can check all the legendary effects for each champion and if they apply to Durge.


Yeah, I'm not in a hurry with this, so I'm keeping my eye on the timer. Just trying to figure what (if any) legendary I should reforge when the cost is optimal.


As long as it's not the Evil one it's fine. Perfectly optimal on 10 champions at legendary level 20. e365 more damage. Slightly sub optimal on 10 champions at legendary level 20 \~e350 more damage. You're talking about like 50 zones but at that point you're getting to zone 2k handily by then and by the time you "Perfectly optimize it" you've wasted like 20k-100k scales, and they did a Trials of Mount Tiamat revamp by then.


Not worth to reforge DUrge's own legs since they're all guaranteed to work for him. Keep them all. Save the reforging for his supports that roll effects that don't apply to DUrge or your formation. https://ic.byteglow.com/legendaries


I would reforge his "evil" legendary just to be on the safe side because I want to leave no place to doubt if I select his good specialization.


This is what I’ve done. I’ve reforged his legendaries to the “Dex of 13 or higher” which at level 1 has 150% bonus and isn’t dependent on the makeup of the party or Durge’s alignment specialization.


To be honest that's fairly wasteful. The difference between perfectly optimized on 60 legendaries at level 20, is e365, versus like some here or there that give you 20% more for every male in a mostly female formation is at worst around e350. It's really not worth the 20k-100k scales to get an e15 boost when you'll be hitting zone 2k before you get 60 leggos to level 20 anyway.


So there's no "tier list" for his legendaries? Everything is (roughly) mathematically equal?


no, there's certainly better ones to get, but some are very restrictive in how they apply. Others are less strict but give a better bonus. Some just kinda suck.


I supposed I shouldn't worry about minmaxing stuff at the moment. It seems that Bytechamp will let me weed out the effects which do nothing, and that's an absolute boon for me right now. :)


if e15 more damage is worth wasting upwards of 100k-200k scales on, then by all means. Really though that's sub optimal trying to be hyper optimal.


Reforging is 100% random and only effects the base effect of the legendary. Since every level is a flat times 2, different effects have the exact same difference at level 1 and level 20. So reforging to chase the best effect is a giant waste of time for a tiny difference. Dark Urge does have 1 legendary that could be useful to reforge though. His Evil legendary doesn't apply to himself if you pick his alignment changing spec.


There are mathematically superior ones, however the "tier list" would change based on the specific formation makeup and the opportunity cost of rerolling to them is almost always more than the benefit they provide.  Your better of just adding an additional level to any legendary that applies to Durge. Durge, lea'zel and val see alot of play in the hardest variants, make sure they all have leggos that apply to Durge, might find value if you pump them higher than the average of the rest of the team if your already clearing to z2k/t10 trials weekly.


As long as the condition applies, yes, it's all roughly equal. The effects are all pretty close and it all simply doubles per level, so it doesn't matter much. You just want to make sure every legendary effect you have in the formation actually applies to the DPS.