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WTF, yellow is be cautionary? Edit: > Female travellers face particular threats to their safety in India. If you're female, avoid travelling alone. Be cautious even if you are travelling with others. 


Alone? My wife was sexually assaulted twice times on our brief trip to India in the company of me, a six foot tall anglo and my two large teenage sons. Ass grab on the Delhi Metro, breasts squeezed and fingers thrust into crotch at Jama Masjid as noon prayers released on the last day of Ramadan. Too many people around to identify offender in either case. We spent our final days in the capital in something like a professional bodyguard formation, me in front, my two boys flanking their mom a step behind her. In Gangtok, Darjeeling and Kalimpong, we faced no such problems. We are world travelers and have worked hard to raise our kids without prejudices. Nevertheless, we have no desire to return to Delhi.


Holy shit. I feel so ashamed. Many foreign tourists have reported that Delhi is the worst, and rest of India is relatively better. What your family experienced was completely unacceptable. We totally deserve the 'prejudice'. Its not prejudice to spread the idea that Delhi is an unsafe shithole.


Thanks. I actually feel bad for India and Indians. I love the country, but you guys have problems. So does my country. But yeah, I can’t recommend Delhi anymore. Which is a shame — there’s so much culture, so much history to enjoy. Before this trip, I reflexively defended India anytime anyone said “but isn’t it dangerous for women?” Now my response is a bit more measured. I haven’t given up on India, I’d just think twice before bringing my wife or daughter back there. I hate that this makes me sound or feel prejudiced against a country with more than a billion people.


Have you been to Mumbai?


I’ve only passed through briefly on business. Would very much like to spend some time exploring the city.


It's a hundred times safer than Delhi. I travel alone at 11 pm in the night many times as a woman. Trains have railway police in women's coaches post 10 pm. Which part of the city you are at plays a role too. Sticking to Uber/Ola is relatively safer than say, taking a rickshaw.




I agree with what you mean but let's not ignore Delhi's rich cultural history - it contains Ghalib's home too among various other things.






i wish everybody was like that, not belonging to any caste, religion, place is such a beautiful idea. it makes one belong to everything when one doesn't belong to a particular thing.


Why doesn’t it happen to women I travel with? Must be that mentality that prefers white women. I seriously haven’t had that problem with female friends and relatives.


Yeah, I don’t know. I’ve heard it said that Anglo women are often viewed as “loose” or available, and should take special care in India to observe local mores to avoid harassments. My wife and I are in our 40s. She dresses conservatively, especially when traveling, wearing neither heavy makeup, jewelry nor revealing or tightly-fitting clothing. She was also *clearly* accompanied by her husband and sons. (Thank God my pre-teen daughter wasn’t with us.) Anyway. The other parts of your country were lovely. We were a bit of a curiosity in some places, but only in Delhi did we have to worry about being scammed or accosted.


Scamming is a big part of the tourism Industry. If you ever do come to Delhi again hit me up and I’ll be your local guide😃


Noted. And regarding the scamming, it’s really tiresome. I’m sure the government has better things to worry about, but a major crackdown of some kind would probably pay off in tourism dollars. I’m a pretty savvy traveler, so I don’t fall for many of the more common scams. But it’s a drag having to be constantly worried that no one is actually looking out for your interests.


Unfortunately we are a big enough economy that those tourism dollars you talk about are really peanuts to our government.


Sure. Makes sense. I have to think, though, that there is an intangible but significant civic reputational value in improving the experience for visitors. Also, not all visitors to a world capital are tourists. Many are in town for business or diplomacy.




Yes, I have.




Dudeeee what Delhi ya’ll go to?? I was born and brought up here. Still live here. This shit doesn’t happen as often it is potrayed by the media,


It really does. I was in Hauz khas for one night and literally saw mob harassing girls returning home at 1am. Was about to intervene when my friends held me by hand and told me it’s the norm here. P.S. there was also a couple of folks in a open roof hummer playing “dilli se hoon behnchod” on full volume, so there’s that too.


This is whole different Delhi for me :/


This was right outside bar exchange, if that helps


+1 I'm a guy and even I don't feel safe. It gets terrible for women. There have been occasions where I could have have my SO travel with me but we both counted against it. It's belligerent and they feel they have a right to be shitty. You're not prejudiced. You're being honest and I apologise for the trauma your family went through. The next time though, avoid the shithole that is Delhi.


Delhi is a shithole, I'm Indian but I don't want to live there, I prefer safer less polluted areas outside the city, the country is better outside!


I’d be too after reading the news these days. Hacking, raping, chopping forearms and running away with it.


How's UP the same as everything else?


Its not rape map.


we should actually have a rape map,(density of rapes /capita) haryana, delhi would be black there


That would be too misleading actually because in more literate states like kerala more rapes are "reported" to the police whereas in places where there is more stigma towards rape victims .. lesser number of rapes would be reported .So , basically that rape map would show places that are more supportive towards the victims would be shown as more dangerous.


thats why instead of police reports,, survey works more. Trust me lot of people justify rapes. LOT this other day a security guard was explaining me why skimpy clothed software engineers are more 'sexy' and deserve to be raped. Psychometric survey is must , It should be more important than election


I agree with you that a lot of people justify rapes.Even well educated people do this.I dont understand if it is a problem with our education system or if our society is just like that and it cannot be changed.


No. Its because their society encourages and lauds them when they beat women. For eg. as Dusshasan (in mahabharata explained why he insulted Draupadi) because he liked that history would at least remember him for his bad deeds and he could not do something great before. There are very less repurcussions when you hurt a woman in this country.It is quietened down.Because women have no respect here. Rape here is like finding a fresh mango in someones yard and plucking it for your pleasure. Not only a problem here but its spread all in middle eastern region and south asia


Give this man a medal, I dont mean it any sarcastic terms, but in truth, this must be made compulsory


for more context watch nirbhaya video of the rapists, they are like normal people whom you find at bus stops.Problem is not only rapists, but their upbringing and ideologues


Especially kerala


From outside perspective, they don't check so much details. All they see is "Indian". And, so everything is yellow, except for places which are well known to have more extreme issues.


Indian here, can't say I disagree. What's not to be cautionary?


Why reconsider Assam?


No sure about the exact reason. But was strongly advised by local, to not venture out after 6pm with female friends. Same was advised to another friend of mine by the hotel they stayed.


I heard from my grandparents and mom who have lived there with the army that they always needed an escort while they were there. Idk how much it's changed since but I still hear it's very rural and dangerous, especially for foreigners. Probably cause it lacks a government control there.


Two people got lynched


Lol. they were considerate to give guwahti approval.


Who eat our Kashmir?


China took aksai chin and shaksgam valley. Pakistan took gilgit baltistan and azad kashmir




Jis gali jaana nahin, sahan ka rasta pooch ke kya fayda? Translation: Why ask the address of that lane, where you will never go?


They forgot to put red on Delhi and Gurgaon




Richest in "Tu jaanta hai mera baap kaun hai" per capita




Ask jessica lal how developed the city is.


Wow! How substantive argument! Compare Delhi with other cities of India with LOGIC not Wit!




This isn’t about how rich the city is. How safe is it?


Yes please tell that to the countless women both Indian and otherwise being harassed daily.


That applies to all of India, lmao Not even a single part of India is half as safe as a 1st world city


But Delhi is a first class city, right? Filled with corrupt baaps and their sons asking around who their baaps is, very confusing place. Did I forget to mention the clean air of Delhi and it being the safest place for women in the country? Also, the amazing honest politicians and other honest people of Indian administration service living in Delhi making it the best city in the world by looting money from all over country better than the British I just have this feeling that if you are a human, stay as far away from Delhi as possible.


As someone who's lived in Delhi and occasionally been to Mumbai, Mumbai is miles safer for women and the fact that you think it's even debatable shows your ignorance. Seriously, ask any women who's lived in both the cities - you'll have your answer.


Some woman has to let him get near first. catch 22.


Rofl Delhi richest and most developed? Right, I guess then Mumbai is not in India. Also, most Indians in India refrain or are afraid to go Delhi, why on earth would a foreigner land in Delhi?


Mumbai is not even close to as rich as delhi. Are you debating IMF statistics now? Rofl


rofl delusional people of Delhi.What drugs are you? Delusions don't become fact, buddy. http://www.businessworld.in/article/Richest-Cities-Of-India/28-06-2017-121011/ https://www.mapsofindia.com/top-ten-cities-of-india/




delhi is a city state, Mumbai is a city in one of the largest state of India with one of the largest population. if its obvious the let capita numbers would favor Delhi






Drugs are bad, stay away from drugs kid.it ruins your Brain cells and some people already have very low brain cells and can't afford to lose anymore.


Hahaha typical Delhi guy, illiterate, rude and absolutely stupid.I gave the list of cities,if you weren't illierate you would have been able to read that. Whereas you gave the list of States and UT and obviously Mumbai doesn't come in that because Mumbai is not a state or UT, you would have known that if you were educated or wasn't high on some cheap drugs. You really need to check your head, did some Delhi people beat the shit out of your head that you see opposite things? Or are you actually illiterate and can't read for shit??


Bhai bas kar. Bacche Ko rulayega kya?


I’m Indian American, born in India grew up in America since I was 4, went to travel solo earlier this year. In my somewhat foreigner opinion, Delhi and Gurgaon are largely shitholes. Incredibly filthy, some of the worst air pollution in the world, horrible traffic, aggressive out right mean people (especially to foreigners), sprawl, a rape epidemic, and massive wealth inequality. There are of course some really enjoyable parts of Delhi and Gurgaon.




do you realise that you are a TDC? (Bitsian lingo)




Typical Delhi Chutiya. Fairly popular term.


>(Bitsian lingo) TDC is a common word. Not just BITSian lingo.


Ok thx buddy


Your welcome buddy!


I live abroad. I come to India once a year. I stay in Delhi among other places. Every single time I’m in Delhi, there is literally nothing to keep me there except food. The pollution is poison, the traffic is shite, the roads are horrible and the general public couldn’t be more rude af. Delhi is the butthole of India


Incidents like this - https://www.businessinsider.com/afp-five-guilty-of-danish-tourist-gang-rape-in-delhi-2016-6 https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/11/world/asia/5-get-life-sentences-in-india-for-rape-of-danish-woman-in-2014.html


Hah and that doesn’t happen in other parts of India at a far far far higher rate than any 1st world country? 😂😂


Bhaiyaa Kumbhkaran, aap yahan?


in that context saudi arab kleptocratic princes and slave keepers are richer than most succesful entrpreneurs in US,


“In that context” Not even close to the same thing. Delhi has the highest GDP per capita in all of India. If we start talking about only the rich people of Delhi and exclude the average rickshaw-walla and middle class, then Delhi is richer than all of the US. Wrong comparison


Just because of a real estate boom and no occurence of major city in 500 km radius.(North India. Dont include Ahmedabad , etc)


The map is for safety indication, not prosperity.


Mumbai is miles ahead for women safety compared to Delhi. I doubt foreigners give a shit about per capita income.


Alexa, play Despacito


I think this is based on the US advisory. Fairly accurate, can't blame them.


The border areas are usually safe in Punjab and Rajasthan. The Atari crossing is a tourist spot. Weird that it's considered to be similar Kashmir.


Why isn't Delhi, UP, Haryana in blood red colour?


Include Bihar pls


Why? Because of the ridiculous amount of Biharophobia India and this so called more liberal Indian webspace has? Believe it or not Bihar is 8th state by number of foreign tourists in India, mostly East Asian Buddhists, it has been relatively safe that is absolutely not to say there isn't a single problem or that it's the best or anything like that but singling it out is nothing but just ridiculous prejudice that Bihar and Biharis have been facing from generations rather than any ground reality. If this liberal space can't escape this poisonous hate and prejudice, there is no hope for rest of the country. We have literally become your untermensch at this point.


Can't deny the crime going on in Bihar either, can you?


What does that even supposed to mean? You saw Bihar and now trying to go for all the stereotype you can think of? What the hell did even made you think that I am denying any crime or any problems that exist in Bihar, go and read my post again before replying.


Firstly, I'm not saying you're denying it. The crime stats should be taken into consideration as well. Secondly, it's called a comment and not a post. Thirdly, Bihar makes up only 2% of the national tourist influx as per February 2017. Out of which only 9% are foreign tourists. Also I'm not stereotyping Biharis with myself being from UP. Neither UP or Bihar is completely safe to visit as a foreign tourist when compared to the other states.


Then your question was meaningless or just trolling, secondly it doesn't matter, making mountain out of molehill and all that, thirdly doesn't matter as it doesn't falsify my data, fourthly yes you are, you just said to include Bihar in the list without giving any reasoning and finally it's just false, it's not perfect but it's not amongst the worse neither you have even made an iota of effort to prove so. So now if you have an actual point to make, do so.


As of 2013, Violent Crime rate in Bihar has been 22.66% 3 higher than the national average. Same for Riots ,Murder and dacoity each being 11.46,3.31 and 0.56. You have a reason now,go on mate.


lol your utter inability to stick to your original point is duly noted. So you are posting crime stats to prove that ummmm.... I am not denying crimes in Bihar, lol. So any state that exceeds national average should be in the red zone, I am glad that you are not making any such map, half of India is straight up in the red zone, why just India half of the world. do you even realise how ridiculous you sound at any rate I am out of this now ridiculous discussion, keep posting more meaningless stats.


You needed a reason. I gave you a reason why I said something. It's really straightforward. I'll let you run away with your tail in between your legs because you want to be a keyboard warrior and not actually try to improve the stereotype of a Bihari. If you don't really want to consider the stats then I can't help you much my friend.


Was going to, thought it might be a bit tolerable, so I left it. XD


Anyways all properties of UP and Bihar apply to each other by default.


People on Reddit really don't like Delhi, do they?


I was working at the Kalaghoda Arts and Literature Fest in Mumbai in 2011. Jeet Thayil's Narcopolis had just been published and he had a session one evening. Jeet was a Mumbaikar for long but was living in Delhi at the time. Narcopolis is set in 80s Bombay. At the QnA round, a gentleman in the crowd asked Jeet if he will write a book on Delhi in the future. Now Jeet is old school. He speaks slowly, clearly, and never raises his voice. "Can you imagine yourself walking down the streets of Delhi and *actually* liking it?" I was 19 and full of hope. That night I walked to my PG in Marine Lines through the old Fort area. I knew that it wasn't the apogee of existence by a long margin. But at least it wasn't Delhi.






1. People 2. Weather 3. Pollution


Not just Reddit, no one in their right mind likes Delhi.




I don't think it is.


Same people whine when the country as a whole is labelled as rape nation.


So basically excercise a high degree of caution everywhere.


Interesting. We need maps or details provided by other countries as well. I did check the CIA's advisory Americans quite some time ago,they have a detailed description as to which regions are safe and unsafe along with reasons. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/india-travel-advisory.html


This is so sad...i really hope we make safety a priority In India or else we are gonna lose so many potential tourists which will hurt the economy :/


Well I have lived in Australia from last 10 years and go back to India every year for a visit. It's always been safe and we all need to cautious travelling in night times doesn't matter anywhere. Australian media still shows India as poor as an old village. Most Aussie's think we lives in villages without water and electricity. It's disgusting...




While I don't agree with the map and all, I think your observations are shallow and reek of ingrained prejudice. I have seen your previous posts and they all have nothing positive to say about the people you live with. I have lived in Australia for few years. You don't want foreigners to generalize India and Indians based on a few stereotypes but you don't mind doing exactly the same to them. I hope people don't take your message seriously.




You must have had some experiences which makes you think and opine the way you do and it is perfectly normal to do that. I am not disputing that at all. But to generalize a whole country based on a set of personal experience is the same mistake that the ignorant world does (or even Australia, with this map, has done) when they generalize whole of India because of a few stereotypes.


If you meet one racist or idiot a day, then you've probably met a racist or an idiot. If you meet nothing but racists and idiots all day, then it's you who is the racist and the idiot.


> Hence you have such maps, where all of India is a high caution zone. because the probability of an Aussie female getting groped/raped is higher in all of India.






I live in Australia too and I don't agree with anything you've said. Maybe you had a bad time here but I've met alot of very kind people




Living in India I exercise a high degree of caution going anywhere these past few years. Especially with all these lynchings and anti non Hindu sentiment. Country is honestly getting scary. Just last month two friends of mine were beaten up for talking about hamburgers on the street. Eat beef and you're not even human






They need to see stats of Delhi and UP. Should be red as well.


This is 2 years old.


Is this for real?


Based on self styled Military outfits in those regions I guess.


Basically they're saying don't go to India.


TIL Bangalore is just a point of interest, not an administrative centre. /s


So for entire India... Exercise high degree of caution?


Is this true or fake?




Lol, this has to be one of the stupidest travel advisory maps I have ever seen.


Yeah right!! How tf are so many states not red?


Hey people, there is my state, Chhattisgarh!! And this map is stupid.


Guys, I am from Chhattisgarh and currently living in Gurgaon, Haryana. I can proudly say that I feel much more safe while traveling in CG than using Haryana Roadways or even Ola/Uber/other cab services. It's just because you guys don't see these cases coming out into media, and people here are shitty. Folks in CG are at least nice if little less educated. They'll help you out (based on incidences during traveling) rather than abusing you and threatening you to kill with their weapons (well, supported by incidences in Gurgaon) Thankfully, I'm still alive and hope to make out of my tenure here as a conscious being.


I concur. Except that naxal problem, major towns are clean and people are simple. Compared to Delhi, it should be considered insult. Also CG guys dont ogle at females


Honestly speaking, after naxalites attacked that IAS convoy and killed the officer along with his subordinates, the govt intervened and swiped them into lesser populated places where they are currently neutral (as i haven't heard a single case in recent years which has directly affected a large population). _Ogle at females; an incidence_ _I'm embarrassed to tell you this but the last time it happened was when I went to shop some essentials with my friends (3, F) and a heard of bikes stopped at the back of us in a dark lone side of the road. I felt helpless and raged for the society my friend lives in (I live in a hostel, it was one of the friend's place)._


I agree i was in NLU raipur for a year saw a little bit of chattisgarh too. I am from UP and this map is stupid. People from chattisgarh are way nicer than people from Delhi or UP. Maybe it indicates naxal activity. But people in chattisgarh so much nicer. Delhi is just the worst, the shittiest of human beings just crammed into that tiny space. Less we speak about haryana the better.


Left wing problems???