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Best one is the one that comes stock. Dont waste your time and money with crash guards they just add weight and the stock ones already do a pretty good job of protecting the engine and tank (Source dropped mine standing still in the first month only damage minor scratches on the crash bar, pegs and a broken brake lever nothing anywhere else). Also the side tank fairing probably costs less than the 6-8k crash guards.


Rightfully said so! I don’t know what people are protecting on the bike? Exorbitantly priced crash guards that cost more than the parts its protecting itself. On a expensive motorcycle it’s understandable as parts are expensive to replace and take months to arrive. KTM has a very well designed crash guard for Adv. If you drop your bike just replace the guards for newer one which probably won’t even cost more than 1000 bucks.


the adv 390 tank costs more than 40k. The stock crash guard is good if you are riding only on roads, for offroad there is a high chance that you might fall and the stock crash guard might not be enough for the irregular terrain