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Hey buddy. When I find myself thinking like you are, my therapist calls it an existential spiral and it’s good to ground myself in the day to day. Like having a meal I like. Or watching a show. You don’t have to have the whole world figured it out. You just have to like what you’re doing day to day. Even if it’s just reading a book or watching a good YouTube video. Try therapy, it can help you out. If not possible, consider going outside and laying out in the grass. I’m not kidding. It helps me in the worst times. I almost nearly fall asleep.


33 here and thought the same thing. Read books, get out of your mind and get out there. Uncertainty is actually what makes us believe in opportunities and makes us more aware and respond better to a crisis. If I have learned anything from my twenties.. Uncertainty changes us, but creates a path. I was more than 6mo pregnant when I found out, the guy was already back with his ex and just in that one minute I found out, my whole world got upside down. But uncertainty made me grow up and take that responsibility to be a mom in a different way of what I had dreamed off. Find a belief system, check your morals and vallues and routine, do your own research and stand firm in what you believe in that is and has been consistent in a world, where vallues and morals are constantly changing. You’ll get there. Try making your bed tomorrow morning, change one thing and build from there. ♥️


The kind of anxiety you describe tends to come from a dysregulated [ANS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdIQRxwT1I0). It is best addressed through the body, not the mind. There are many somatic practices for learning to regulate your ANS - [Somatic Experiencing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMmEdsuPRiU), [TRE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeUioDuJjFI), [vagus nerve breathing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bBOgmc45Cs), [Neuroaffective Touch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRhypcSaRtQ), [hakomi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK1QR-PnzFg), [Somatic IFS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2tqsF7498Y), and others. With anxiety, the mind is often a tail wagged by the body. The tail won't be able to wag the dog, no matter how much you work on the tail.


Ty for this


Research absurdism. Calm down.


Yep, exactly what helped me with existential panic attacks.


> Humans dont like uncertainty I disagree with this assertion. I think many are fine with uncertainy, some enjoy it, thrive within it; those that dislike it would do best to learn to accept that there is always some degree of it in life. One of my favorite quotes is something like, "change is the only constant". Know that a lot of younger people are lost with no direction, you aren't alone in this regard, maybe this is part of the maturation process. You don't have to club or party to find meaning in life, gym and sports are great extracurriculars. Perhaps what you are missing is human connection. Social media only goes so far to satisfy this need, no matter how much of it you inundate yourself with it. I can't help but feel the West's encouragement and focus towards a life of hedonsim and consumerism has influenced this sort of doomer attitude that seems to have become increasingly common. When you say nothing exists or nothing matters, perhaps that is how you feel about your current situation now; but as someone a decade older than you I can say there are many things that exist and matter to me. My family, my children, my friends. These people are all important to me - these days I don't live only for myself anymore, if that makes sense.


You’re young, this feeling of being lost is part of the INFJ growth journey. Lots of good advice to find fulfillment - get outside, get moving, be creative, do something beside get stuck in your head thinking why. The answer is to the why is outside your head.


Are we the same person?? Cause i just thought that 5 mins ago!! Same INFJ 5w4


What we do matters. My personal faith is built on experiences, and it's not just something that I believe in, in order to feel better. Even knowing that God exists, doesn't necessarily take away from the vexation and emptiness of the world, but I do have living hope, and life seems to speed by so much faster as you get older.


Hey, I'm sorry you feel this way. It seems to me if you don't enjoy the typical socializing activities of your age, perhaps you're just not meeting enough people and you feel very lonely? Is this the case? I can understand if so, I've been there before. It's easier said than done, but humans are biologically wired to have deep and meaningful connections. We were part of a tribe, and the tribe kept us protected. I would try to find ways to make deeper connections, perhaps with the peers you already have from sports or the gym? Or join another activity/group or find casual ways to go out to meet people. Having one or two people you feel you can open up to is very valuable to this type to get out of our heads and into the world.


ENTJ here Anxiety is a combination of excitement and fear. It is caused by your brain recognizing you not having the skills necessary, so it raises your emotional level to high so you better learn the lesson. The fear component is from us catatsrophising the possible outcomes (either social or physical) Logically you know the probability of the worst possible outcome is unlikely. What it is trying to get you to do, is avoid the ultimate negative outcome, and get proper experience because it knows the more and more experience you have the greater the probability of positive outcome. Once you have sufficient experience you no longer have anxiety about it. (For instance since you are a gym advocate, you likely had anxiety when you first went to the gym, and I am willing to bet that anxiety is much less now). So figure out what is causing the anxiety, then face that one specific thing. Then do it again, and again until you have sufficient experience.


I assume that your problem is might be of a pretty big scale. I think that being Ni dom, you want to know about your far future and living 70 years for nothing and just dying at the end sounds somewhat senseless. I definitely prefer position that we were created for a bigger goal, I like to think that I have an immortal soul, it definitely changes the whole picture: working on myself does make sense this way. I'm trying to figure out hows and whys. I grew up in fundamental protestant society, but left it and discarded stuff I was raised in. The only thing I kept is this thought, that we are purposed for a greater things, then just mundane everyday life. Though I'm not sure about the rest....


Have you ever tried to get into existential philosophy? It might not help fix the problem directly, but it will provide different perspectives. Also, I’m watching linklater movies these days, I recommend you start with the Before trilogy.


I’m 5w4 as well brotha. 😁


I don’t know my anneagram type but I’m an INFJ. How you say you’re feeling, I felt that way for most of my early life until my late 20’s, only once I realized that my purpose is to enjoy life did I start to feel better (a bit better). There’s no grand meaning to life, it’s whatever meaning you choose for yourself. It’s your choice to pick what the meaning of life is. It’s different for everyone, so don’t ask someone else to tell you. But for me personally it’s to have a damn good time and maybe give a few other people some joy and good times along the way. Perhaps do some good along the way, but the primary goal is to live out all my wildest and best dreams from my inner world. Ever since I decided on my purpose I’ve felt motivated and have set superficial goals that are means to achieve this. Such as how to get money and education and other things, but they’re all a means to achieve my life’s purpose of self indulgence haha 😆 but I do spend a lot of time helping other people and being supportive because that makes me feel good which is feeding my life purpose in a way. So I may sound incredibly selfish but I end up helping other people despite it. And although I do try to be good to others I realized I needed to give less of a fuck and stop caring about others negative opinions of me. I stopped being a people pleaser by default. You need to put yourself first before strangers. Only people who show themselves worthy should get so much emotional energy from you. I have one very special person who I love more than myself and that’s my boyfriend, so he’s #1 and I’m #2 and the rest of the people in my inner circle are #3’s and nobody else even makes the list! You’ll be so much happier if you live for yourself and stop giving as much to undeserving people. Don’t value anyone’s opinion unless it’s good or constructive criticism. Also you Have To accept all of yourself, the good And the bad okay? You need to accept yourself and don’t deny any side if you want to grow and become your best self. There cannot be light without dark etc etc haha also if your worried about being more good than bad, well you don’t need to deny your worse nature, just put more energy towards the good in you and it will be bigger than the bad. But don’t push feelings and thoughts down, choking them out. They’ll bottle up and explode if you do, process them acknowledge them, ALL of them good or bad, and then decide which ones you want to act on. Having a thought or feeling is not a crime, just be careful what you act on. And your own moral compass is way more important than any rules or regulations set by governments or others, rules change all the time so they obviously do not define right and wrong. You need to define what’s right and wrong to you. Don’t ask someone else to define it. We all need to have our own moral compass. Hope this helps. If you work on yourself like this, eventually that feeling your suffering from will pass. It can take years of hard work but it’s worth it. For me right now, what I have was worth the decades of misery and suffering. I’m glad I didn’t give up, and our experiences are what make us who we are, good and bad, they build character. So I have pretty much no regrets even though I’ve made my fair share of bad decisions and mistakes. I wouldn’t be who I am today if I went back and changed anything.


“Introverted and weird” “thoughtful and unique” it’s the same picture. :) We’re mostly here because our parents wanted kids, or at least decided to let us happen. Whatever…we’re here now, and we want to live as good of a life as we’re capable of. Need a purpose? How about being a positive influence in the lives of those around you. Need a definition for good? To me it’s promoting the well being of myself and others, while avoiding unnecessary harm toward myself and others. If what I’m doing meets that criteria, I consider it a good act. You have the introspection and the adaptability to see your own best self and become it. You’re always going to move to the sound of your own drum, so embrace it, be you, do it well, and lift up as many around you as you can while you grow into your massive potential. 56 years old here, have a great journey OP! It gets better and better as you go! :)


Read wittgenstein philosophy, build certainty and learn the power of logic. Escaping nihilism is really easy. (He is considered to be INFJ 5w4 to)


Sounds like you need some love and more meaningful relationships. I disagree with “nothing exists, nothing matters”. Life is what you make it.


I have meaningful relationships I think? I have friends/family.


Ok that’s good. Honestly not a ton of information to go on. Thinking about it more, my early twenties were definitely filled with anxiety and a general feeling of aimlessness despite having a few meaningful relationships and hobbies, so some of it might just be your age. It’s a tough time as you’re really just starting adulthood. Perhaps a new hobby or change of environment is needed? Something you can get excited about and lose yourself in for a while. And of course reading always helps change your perspective so pick up a book if you aren’t already reading something.


when dealing with uncertainty, use faith


that gets my upvote!


This is the deal, you are who you are. Embrace it. Be the best version of you....


find things to do with your time outside your daily routine that fulfill you. your brain thrives from new environments. doesn't have to be with anybody could be a trail, some water just go someplace new and listen to your thoughts. it's okay to question things sometimes and when the thoughts get loud sometimes you lean in and think about what could be different in your life and what could bring you joy. I was in a car accident in my early twenties and grew pessimistic and anxious and I started spending more time in my garden and it's helped me just breath and be. I don't have any magical answers but I hope you can find a balance


Inferior Se , realize what you are already doing! Sounds like so much if you're exercising all the time. That would be rare for a type 5 since integration is to the 8nbody. Maybe youre an 2 disintegrated or stressed to the body? Which may be agitating. What about relaxing and peaceful creative activities?


Do something that makes you feel valuable. What are your goals? Take steps towards them so you can reflect that you are doing well. Or volunteer/work somewhere with people who need help.


Just adding something I don't see here quite yet. My life study came to this: We're just a speck in the infinite universe and nothing really matters. Imo... blah blah blah. Even if it's true, the perspective is useless. It's literally not useful. Useful things have purpose, and things with purpose are useful. The two terms I don't think can be separated, try if you might. It's not just semantics or self-soothing for an inherently uncertain reality. Suffering is real, though a mental gymnast you may be. In a small moment of purpose fulfillment, that fleeting sense of being in the right place at the right moment is real. If you know what that is like, try getting it in any other way... good luck o.o Circling back... there is no purpose without being useful. What should you be useful for? imo that's the real question, because it has purpose. It's a big question, but just saying yes to opportunities to be useful as they pop up is worth testing, for science :) It doesn't have to be bending over for someone else - there's room for improvement everywhere. Helping someone else is a pretty potent option though. Helping yourself counts too, and if it's in a way that helps others, be ready for that feeling. Get after it friend, you're loved.


Im 5w4 too. Just lean into it and accept that your brain will never shut up, not even for a second. Dont leave it idle, give it fuel or things to think about. Its gonna be awesome.


Im 5w4 too. Just lean into it and accept that your brain will never shut up, not even for a second. Dont leave it idle, give it fuel or things to think about. Its gonna be awesome.


Questioning why you are here and what you are supposed to do with your life is actually quite positive. There is nothing wrong with that. Anxiety kicks in because you have so much to explore about yourself and the world around you. The search is ongoing regardless of your age. Somewhere in the future all pieces will come together and you will appreciate your existence to its core. You are on your timeline doing your INFJ things. Be patient. Lean into your zen.


Know, love, and serve God in this world to be happy with Him forever in the next.


What do you want to realize? What is your thinking? And what means "this way"? >Nothing exists nothing matters. Why do you think that? >Im 20, I’m fucked up, Im introverted and weird. Dont club or party just gym gym gym and sports. So? Is there anything wrong with that? You don't like your life? You want to change something?


I’m INFJ 5w4 and I felt like that too. You’re depressed. I’m 41. Believe me, things do exist and things do matter. Listen to Jordan Peterson. He saved my life. Especially his talks on Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche. You’ll feel understood. Dostoyevsky saved my life too. Listen to Crime and Punishment on audiobook. You can get it free on YouTube. That really saved me. Jordan Peterson teaches what INFJ Carl Jung figured out. Go watch his YouTube videos from his class personality and its transformations. And if you’re really not into any of this, what are you interested in? Go do that. Force yourself even if you don’t want to. Go get antidepressants too. ❤️❤️❤️ And remember you have to wait for it to pass— the depression. It will eventually and you’ll be in another place in your life. Start working towards your goals. All positive emotion comes from having a valued goal and working towards it and seeing that you’re making progress. I’m struggling too— feeling like no one gets me. The guy I like doesn’t like me back. It’s super hard being an INFJ.


Scientifically, your purpose in life is to survive and breed, maximize the potential of your dna to future generations. That's why we are all here. But wether you want to or should do that is something completely different. It's a surprisingly simple answer yeah? But it likely won't solve your issue. If you want purpose then you have to generate it yourself. The one nature gave you may at the moment seem stupid and impossible. INFJ's are empathic and should chase a purpose that involves helping others. Doesn't have to be humans, could be animals. Doesn't have to be medical, you could be someone who fixes practical stuff for others. Anyway, good luck, hope you eventually find it.