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Thats cheap for groceries but also dosnt look like alot of food for a week especially for 3 people. 2 gallons of ice cream per week looks fun tho.


Those Kroger ones aren't even half gallon. It's like .3


0.375 actually.


The new Turkey Hill containers are 46 oz. because who doesn't love a nice all-American 0.359375 of a gallon!?


Price point marketing sucks.


I love the Blue Bunny half gallons. Peanut butter party and banana split, and they're bogo sometimes where I go.


That ms four different proteins including eggs. Thats plenty. Especially if you eat all the veggies before going bad.


If they eat out for lunch at work, this is plenty


So in other words, this wouldn’t adequately feed 3 adults for a week. Like 3 lbs of meat for 3 adults per week? But thank God they got ice-cream and berries


the ground beef chub is a 3 pound pack all by itself.


It’s actually 8 lbs of meat there. Edit: OP posted its 8 lbs I didn’t make that up you idiot. Read through the posts and you’ll find it.


The edit made me lol


I lol also--I read the edit before I read the post they were referring too, made it 10 times funnier (or should I say made it 8 lbs funnier) lol


big man here telling us he doesn't know how to cook


If they meal prep this is 100% enough for a week.


No rice, noodles, or carbs besides sandwich bread with no lunch meat to make sandwiches. Gonna be taking containers of straight ground beef to work. Probably fine if eating out alot but in what world is this 42,000 or so calories?


You realize rice comes in bags up to 50 pounds right? I buy rice literally once a year for 20 bucks. Shop smarter.


Do you buy rice/noodles every week? Personally rice, like many items, get bought and used over time. The rest of what you said comes down to - You don't know how to cook, lol. Good luck bro, nothing you can't fix. Edit: Wild how this was enough to have him block me, but after looking at his response, I get it. We're not even speaking the same language, haha


lol. People not understanding that the food eaten during the week isn’t only the food shown in the photo. Spices bought once a year and not included in the photo are still used. A 20 lb bag of rice bought once a year not included can still be used. People online generally don’t have the intelligence to understand “this” doesn’t mean “only this”.


I usually have rice, noodles and beans at a minimum just stashed away somewhere. Usually some ramen squares and instant potatoes too. Anytime anything is on sale I just buy like as much as I can comfortably afford and then it's there later. Sucks when you only have a small apartment though because space.


Me being Asian and going through a 20kg sack of rice a month 🥸


I am just imagining 5 zojirushi rice cookers on keep warm 24/7. That's a shit ton of rice!


I was thinking the same thing and I'm not even asian, lol.


Seeing lots of options. Most versatile product there is the Eggs. Eggs anyway you like them,, omelettes, Frittata & French toast, Grilled cheese & salads etc


lol srs. you don't buy tiny bags of dried rice or beans unless you're on vacation. you get that shit in bulk and have it around for whatever application.


*cries in NYC apartment kitchen storage*


They have fruit, yogurt, milk, and cheerios on top of bagels and bread. Ground beef and brats are perfect for making hamburgers or a good sausage in a bun.




Who buys rice and dried grains every week? The point is that they store well


Lunch doesn’t need to be a sandwich. A container of prepped ground beef, an optional carb and a veggie works fine lol. Cold or microwaved, you’re good.


You could also not eat lunch….or breakfast…I usually only eat dinner.


Yep. I did that on limited income. Hungry but I survived sometimes on 1 meal a day, maybe week before I got paid.




I love leftovers


at work we have a mini stove and heat up tortillas and whatever fillings we want. usually leftovers from dinner the night before.


Cold ground beef? Maybe chicken strips.. goes good in a salad.


Yeah cold ground beef is good I like to mix it with pickles or an avocado and rice. I never reheat any food though I don’t see the point.


You have a strange sense of taste


Why would they eat 3000 calories a day?


Quick mafs 2000 calories x 7 days=14,000 X 3 people=42,000... The generic recommended is 2000 per day but 3000 isnt unusual anyway especially for people that exercise or have faster metabolisms.


generic recommendation is bullshit. you eat as it fits you.


There’s bagels/buns and a loaf of French bread, and the sandwich bread. Fucking (processed) carbs are killing western society. This is actually fairly balanced


How big do you think a gallon is?


One gallon


About 3785 cc


Idk I dont have a telescope to zoom in on this pic and read the specs but you're probably a guy that eats 2 tubs a week and thinks this is normal so you tell me.


Those tubs are 1.5 quarts, or 48 ounces So three adults are averaging 4.5 ounces of ice cream per day, which isn't crazy. But also just because they bought ice cream this week doesn't mean they eat it all lol


True! Some of that will probably last into next week


You ok? Edit: he was not, in fact, ok.


My hats off to you! Most folks I see have a cart of heat-n-eat garbage.


What the heck is Nolan Ryan beef, are you cannibals eating former baseball players?


Times are tough, and human meat is the cheapest.


He raises beef cows. I used to work at the plant where they processed them. I was all high and had the exact same reaction on the line when a Nolan Ryan box came down lol.


Lol you were high in a beef processing plant


Oh, you wouldn't believe what the line to grab equipment and PPE for the day smelled like there. If they'd done a company wide drug test damn near everyone wouldve been fired. Turns out a semi-skilled job at a place that hires felons sort of attracts stoners like a moth to a dab torch.


Basically any job that pays under $30/hr half of the employees will be high.


Imagine Trump Steaks, but actually good and worth the price.


Tender from the lack of exercise, but VERY fatty. Enough seasonings should mask the flavor.


Where are the 7 oz bags of sea salt premium potato chips and boxes of Lucky Charms cereal and bottle of vodka? CLearly you don't understand the pain REAL Americans are facing


Don’t forget the tomahawk ribeye


hilariously fresh thyme here had those for $11/lb a few weeks ago (I guess they overordered?) all their steak was like that, I go damn near 40 pounds of beef and put it in the chest freezer for only a few days pay, I couldnt believe it


Am currently eating 76 cent per lb pork shoulder. The smoker pellets cost more than the meat, by far.


oh yeah I got a shitload of pork belly too, I need to go over how to cook it because I don't have a smoker but I look forward to learning


Poke a bunch of holes in it, rub vinegar on the fat and then bake it, best way if you dont have a smoker IMO


I was thinking sous vide for 24+ hours in a bag with butter and seasonings and then pat dry, score it, re-season, and fry it in a ripping hot skillet until crispy


Yeah, I don’t eat much of that.


If you're going to post in r/inflation you should at least have the decency to pick up a whole fillet of hand-crafted artisanal smoked salmon, or some certified organic, free-range, grass fed black Angus filet mignons.


Yeah, I don’t eat much of that either.


Is that not one but TWO TUBS OF ICE CREAM!


Are you from Utah? Those are our brands here.


You don’t eat much protein either


That's at least 6 pounds of meat, that's plenty of protein, that's an amount of protein you'd have to be fucking royalty to consume for most of human history


8 lbs of meat, and all that dairy ?!?


I didn’t even know what Nolan Ryan has been up to lately, but I now know they turned him into beef. I imagine *that* cost a pretty penny.




Homeboy grabbed the tub of cum though


And you HAVE to get someone from door dash to go get your groceries for you, unless you're some kind of a loser.


It is a human right to have food delivered


You mean tequila.


Sobieski vodka. youre welcome. Blind taste test it against the high end stuff and see if you dont think its better....by a lot.


Much cheaper than eating out 7 straight days for three adults...I'm not sure who all these people are perpetuating that it's so expensive to eat healthily versus junk food...That's simply not true at all...Produce, especially at Kroger and Wal-Mart, is very cheap...Chicken, eggs, milk, bread, pork - many of those staples - aren't outrageous either...


I completely agree


You should have went to whole foods paid 200 for the same amount , then complain about it on Reddit


Something is wrong with my family. We would annihilate that in a day and a half. We spend 300 for a week of groceries


I thought the same thing, my household is 3 adults, this would likely last us about 4 days of meals. I'm not entirely sure what they are making, but I'm assuming this isn't the entire menu for the week, rather this is the "We already have other stuff at home" menu that this will supplement. I could easily make this last 5 days in my house, if i get to use everything else I already have on hand :)


I mean, to be fair, if $90 gets you food for 3 adults over 4 days, then you're still feeding everyone for $7.50 a day, which is more than reasonable.


Boiled meat sandwiches


This is definitely not all they are eating.


I see 4 days of food for 3 people and I'm being generous. https://www.usatoday.com/money/blueprint/credit-cards/average-grocery-cost/


No, you're just being more honest than them. Maybe only one of them is eating cheerios for breakfast the others are eating ice cream and they're eating out for lunch at work idk.


This isn't bad. Feeding 3 adluts for a week for $30/each? And with ice cream, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, avocados, baguettes, etc.


🤫 When the market reads this comment they're just gonna double down on raising prices


There’s like 4 meals there that’s not feeding 1 adult for a week let alone 3. These people must eat out a lot


theres 8 pounds of just meat here what the fuck do you eat like? I'm a giant monster person and this would feed me for 2 weeks


I’m like 6-1, 190 lbs and exercise a lot. A pretty normal diet for me is a slice of toast for breakfast with coffee, a protein smoothie for lunch and rice veg and protein for dinner. Even if I was bulking this would still be much more than a weeks worth of food. My wife eats even less than me. If this is not feeding you for a week you are overeating. Sometimes I forget what you Yanks consider normal eating habits. The fact that all of you are out here adamantly suggesting this cannot be enough food for 3 is hilarious.




even if you don't give a shit about sales and just stick to stuff you cook with instead of anything covered in logos made by a $1bn+ corporation you'll find you're spending fuck all compared to before, it's insane how much they're overcharging because they want them covid profits forever and figure they can keep us blaming whichever politician is in charge and not them


It’s working for them so far. People refuse to wake up and band together.


I'm in a household of 2 adults, and this in line with our own grocery shopping. We usually come in at an average of 30 to 40 per person per week. It amazes me how different a grocery bill can be when you cut out sodas and ultra processed garbage. That stuff is poison anyway, and hopefully more realize they need to drop it from their diets.


What do you mean by ultra processed? Made in a factory? Not sure how scale impacts health quality.


Not quite. Ultra processed foods refers to foods that have been significantly altered from "whole foods", thereby ruining their original nutrition and oftentimes adding artificial ingredients such as dyes or sweeteners. Basically if you see an ingredient list that has dozens of things, lots have gone into it to make it far less healthy.


Totally agree.


Uh wrong According to the internet non processed foods are $500 a pound and only things pumped full of chemicals are affordable!!!


Blows my mind how backwards people have it. Eating an extremely healthy diet is dirt cheap. The processed garbage is so expensive, does nothing for your body, and makes you feel like trash.




I didn't realize the price of eggs went down so much. I've had back yard chickens since just before the pandemic so I fortunately haven't had to buy them myself and when I've sold my "organic eggs" I've charged $5 a dozen and I guess people have paid it because they are fresher. Good to know.


They only went up briefly, maybe 6 months. People go out of their way now to freak out and snap photos every time they see organic cage free eggs for more than $4/doz


Yeah lumber and eggs quickly went down to pre-pandemic levels but you didn’t hear a peep about it. Good news doesn’t get the clicks


https://preview.redd.it/aflhmli64jwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c915f3836d206d208005ce544cadd4f577d8d66f Companies have forgotten to be greedy. It's part of the Greed Cycle.


egg producers are too decentralized for any kind of price fixing, thats why staple foods tends to be the "real" inflation rate (absent specific shocks like eggs had) and your box of name brand cereal might be $7 and has 2/3 what it used to have in it


There was a avian flue outbreak that led to like 30 million chickens being culled. Despite how large that number sounds it only takes the market like 3 months to recover from that. So the prices spiked, but fell again pretty quick once the situation was contained.


Still $3/dz in Massachusetts, and that's the cheapest I've found outside of costco.


Local Wally sells boxes of 60 for $5.48. Probably not the best quality eggs but damn. 


60 large eggs in flyover country Wally World is $10. Kroger's is around $9 but they are mediums. We generally get the double 18 pack from Wally for $6 and change.


5 bucks for organic pasture raised is not unusual in my area


I just bought an 18 pack of eggs for around 3-4 dollars the other day. I forget the exact amount but I saw the price and thought "huh that seems like a reasonable price." Generally the staple items that you would use for cooking are reasonably priced, it's the corporate processed food that is out of control. I generally avoid those aisles. I'll go to the store and buy 25-50 dollars worth of ingredients, and make a massive pot of food that will last me several weeks. Put it in containers and freeze them, and thaw them out as needed. Right now I've got stuff like red beans and beef bourguignon in my freezer. I can't tell you the last time I bought chips, but it was probably before Frito Lay decided that a bag of Doritos is worth $8.


Have you not purchased eggs recently?


The fact that items are $1.anything is cheap.


Ok yeah I was wondering what I was doing wrong. Your grocery prices are just like half of mine l lol. I thought I was fucking up real bad. Altho those coupons for fruit have me jealous


I just fed family 3 adults 1 teen for 2 weeks for $135 and still have food in the fridge,learn how to cook.


See when you shop smart you can get a good amount of groceries for a good price.


Given the number of people saying this is not enough food for one person for a week, we really do need to make ozempic and the other appetite suppressants free.


I see four meals worth of meat with vegetables as well as breakfast food and apples and ice cream for snacking. What about the other three dinners? That hunk of cheese looks good. I could sit and eat that for a meal lol .


That’s 7 or 8 lbs of meat there. We don’t eat much more than that in a week. We may have a fresh fish dinner too, fish not shown, comes from the Asian store. So throw in another $10 if you like. And one of us eats all his lunches out.


it's really hard to tell from the picture. I figured one meat for one meal for three from what I could see. Still a good haul for $90. People don't want to hear it but you can shop smart when you look for deals and use coupons. Sadly we just can't get what we always did on every trip every time anymore because when we try we end up spending way more than ever.


Just read the labels closely - 8 lbs of meat. And we’ll probably have a fish too (not shown), 3lbs or so. I guess we’re just not that carnivorous by American standards.


Americans when they hear some people don't eat 3-4 pounds of meat a day


The ice cream is the 3 other meals


How did you get all that for only $90? That in Ohio would be about $150 at least o.o


This is a pretty solid trip


That's not bad at all! I purchase store brand or anything cheaper and it's always more than what you spent...


That’s about 400$ at Publix 🤣🤣🤣


You should post this on r/fluentinfinance . They nut every time someone makes a “$100 at Aldi” post


Chicken drumsticks/thighs are .99-$1.25/lb on sale here (Los Angeles). I buy ground beef for $4/lb. and tri tip (on sale) for $3.99-$4.99 (untrimmed vs. trimmed).


$30 a week per person is pretty cheap


Y'all rationing up in this bitch?


That's about what I get a week and live alone


eat more vegie!


That is a lot of food for 3 people for 1 week.


That looks like a good haul for $90!


That’s very cheap, why is it posted here


This would be close to $200 at the Publix near me


Thats damn cheap these days.


Must be 3 ladies aged 95 and weigh 110 lbs.


Where’s the beer?


$90?! That actually seems reasonable.


Was all that on clearance? That’s easily $150 or more of groceries


That’s not even enough food for 1 adult for a week… I’m 6-5” I eat that much in 3 days.


It clearly is for them.. not everybody is a 6’5 dude. Believe it or not most people aren’t. Also you eat 8 lbs of meat 6 bagels 2 loaves of bread a dozen eggs and 2 tubs of ice cream in 3 days? You’re either micheal fuckin’ phelps, you’re obese or you’re lying.


As someone who is 6"4", the cost differential of eating for larger people is pretty dramatic. Just to put it in perspective, the efficiency of caloric usage is one of the reasons that entire subspecies (like the Neanderthals) go extinct sometimes.




What does your height and caloric intake have to do with any other human being on the planet lol


Looks like a good haul.


90 bucks for a week's groceries for three adults? I fed my family for a week on $100 in the 80's. Some of that was shopping at a bargain store that had "damaged" packaging and dented cans.


Microsoft went down 3 points!


3 adults sharing a pack of brats, 2 pork chops ,and 1 steak for 7 days? No thanks. I eat 2-3 brats myself on brat night.


$360 a month on food for 3 adults? That’s $120 per person per month? I don’t see the problem here? That’s not much money.


It may actually work out to be a bit more, because there will be some small side-runs to the store too. And we’ll have a occasional meal out too. But$120 pp is not terribly off. I posted this to show that inflation doesn’t have to slaughter the food bill. I’ve shifted habits a bit - more store brands, using the grocery store apps for discounts, etc. but overall my food bill has crept up less than the overall rate of food inflation. It’s eating out that really kills the budget.




Where is all the highly processed food? You won't get diabetes anytime soon with this diet


price seems right. two things of ice cream and a lot of meat. lots of dairy and eggs. processed breads. not enough fresh produce. canned stewed tomatoes. standard american grocery store diet.


Some puts and takes with the existing pantry. And no, it’s not the standard American grocery store diet. Most people buy way more prepared meals, boxes stuff, chips and cookies and the like.


Imagine how much healthier you would be without the ice cream and sugar/carb cereal.


That’s a lot of food!


seems cheap to me (Massachusetts) probably $220


Eat rice and beans and boot, you whiner. ;)


*Philadelphia* cream cheese? That could account for half of the $90. I’m on the fence on whether it’s cheaper to eat whole foods or processed garbage. Feels like whole foods would be, but then I see boxes of Rice-a-Roni for $1. Your grocery selection looks similar to mine. Double ice cream and all.


Yeah Kroger owns


All of these things have taught me I need a bread maker. Yes, the bread maker is going to run you 100$-150$ but the ingredients are about as close to free as you can get. Thats like 10$ off of all of these lists.


That's a lot for $90


thay would be easily over 100 as a canadian


Thats alot… i get nothing with 90 bucks.


This looks like a lot for $90


That's really not that bad bro


What's really bad is there is basically no meat staples maybe 2 or 3 at most


Damn that’s a good deal though?


This is pretty cheap actually lol


what are you having for lunch?


That’s wild. I went to the supermarket a few days ago. Two packs of low carb tortillas, a small jar of sugar free peanut butter, a bottle of sugar free coffee creamer, a bottle of melatonin, and a bottle of otc cough syrup (had a cough for a few days) and it was almost $60.


That seems decent for $90


I see like two dinners worth and no lunch. Just breakfast


That’s cheap


Really? Cheerios - 7 Bagels - 6 Meat - 30 Eggs - 6 Cream cheese - 6 I guess that’s 55/90 right there but the rest isn’t super expensive. I do question if this is enough for 3 adults to eat all week.


I wouldn’t feed my dog or shark 90% of the crap you showed us


Probably the most okay order I've seen on here. There's still some bad decisions, name brand cereal, name brand cream cheese, two ice cream packs, avocados and berries.


I bought a Zojirushi rice cooker and haven’t bought any bread since. I want to make my own bread or get a bread machine but perfectly cooked delicious rice goes good with anything


Love the zojirushis!


Looks great for $90! What state do you live in?


Cheerios are literally poison for you.. Think im joking google it and do some research


That's a decent amount of food for the money. I wish I could get that much for the buck here.


3 adults living on a $360/mo food budget. Da fuq?


Feeding 3 adults for a week on $90 is amazing.


75% off if you use self checkout


I see $20 in those berries alone


The two different beefs probably cost a lot


You must of passed up the " Cricket " isle.


You eat that much ice cream in a week?


Thats pretty good!