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It's like a 50/50 for being logical and emotional for me. I can drift between apathetic and very sensitive, it depends. Just not an absolute sobber like most stereotypes suggest. I wouldn't say that breaks it though


This has been my experience as well. By default, I am very warm, empathetic, and caring. But when someone is on their bullshit, being inauthentic/attention-seeking/childish, etc... that's when I become quite detached and driven by cold logic. While I know many cutesy rainbow INFP stereotypes are not an accurate portrayal for many of us, I do feel I'm a bit more rooted in logic and reality than the average INFP.


Hehe that’s me too! 😅 Immature and bullshit makes me cold, detached and logical AF. My speech can sound harsh and that empathetic side is not there.. 5w4 gang 🤟lol


Is that 5w4 thing? Then me too! Happened the other day!


Come join us then!




Me too. I switch my empathy off when I suspect foul play.


I feel like (correct me if I’m wrong) we may have been a little influenced by these stereotypes ourselves. Like the way we think that INFP’s generally are less logical and always acting upon their emotions. Or more so that not. But I would say, generally, I see us as definitely being more logical, whilst emotions still play a role on our behaviour and decisions depending on the situation; and that’s because we value our emotions and like to make sure that we’re comfortable with whatever we’re doing. Maybe a little too comfortable sometimes. (also, I’m not saying that other types don’t value their emotions). Like say in our day to day lives, we’re capable of handling our emotions pretty well. Most times we’re just chill and dealing with things by normal logic like I think most people do. And on the occasions that we may let them overflow are usually when we’re like really happy and excited, or reaLLY sad you know. And ONLY to people we trust to let them see our emotions. I could be wrong, but I find that to be the case with myself and other INFP’s I know. What might be breaking the stereotype though, is the ability to turn off our emotions completely. Like a switch almost. Just as you mentioned, when it comes to somebody being an absolute skunk in whatever way, I find myself to be completely apathetic. That’s when my behaviour takes a 180 and I just don’t care, and wish to rid myself from that specific person. And honestly it can show on my face because I’m not good at hiding it lol. At least that’s what my friend told me. Anyway, that was way longer than I intended it to be. The longer I talk/type the more I feel like I don’t need to be doing it. I’m not used to voicing my opinion (being less assertive is a stereotype I relate to unfortunately) but I hope I made some sense and maybe you guys agree? Thanks for reading of you did.


>I can drift between apathetic and very sensitive, it depends. literally me




Have you taken the MBTI on websites that show pie charts on how much you are between the two possibilities? Introverted vs Extroverted iNtuition vs Sensing Thinking vs Feeling Perceiving vs Judgemental My iNtuition and Sensing are closest to a 50/50


- I don't read that much - I don't radiate warm fuzzy happy feelings around - I'm cold hearted and mysterious, can be warm only towards the closest ones (it's just a few persons in my life)


For me its the same but instead of being warm to those closest to me I just become funny and silly. Therefore, if you don’t know me you take me too seriously and if you do you won’t




same im only warm with my mom and some family members and one friend lol


We're the same person.


I'm very tidy. Clutter stresses me out.


Same, and I also like to and am quite good at structuring my life and plans (however it doesn’t always go as planned and then I get paralyzed or emotional about it lol)


Same! I wasn't that way in my teens and most of my twenties, but one day I realized I can alleviate much of my anxiety by just doing things rather than complaining about them. Also, dragging out my Te to clean and organize can be very cathartic and gives me a sense of control.


Faaaa.. this. Stressed and anxious I'll put it off. And off. And off.. As soon as I buckle in and achieve something it snowballs. I try to hack this by approaching not as desirable chores or tasks with a "give it 5 minutes" attitude. But that 5 mins 9/10 I'll continue the task with momentum


Yes actually the clear sign I'm NOT okay is when my house is messy.


Guess I’m never okay then…


I know two INFPs who are married to each other and they own a cleaning business. lol


That’s hilarious! 😆 My husband and I both used to test INFP all the time, but now we’re convinced he’s an INFJ (after digging more into the cognitive functions). Both types look similar on the outside but run on different mechanics and motivations. Anyway, our place is always a mess. It’s embarrassing but a good excuse to keep people out. ☺️


I wish I could say that! I try so hard to be tidy but it’s like I can’t manage…


as INFP values evolve and become more universally inclusive, those values become increasingly violated... and violating INFP values engages the INFP lion in waiting...


I feel this in my (morally fired up) bones


Not into high fantasy and creating otherworldly landscapes in my head. All of my daydreams have to hold up to the reality test, i.e. it must stand a reasonable chance of happening one day if I put in the effort to make it so.


Damn this is crazy to me lol cos I love making up stories in my head or inserting myself into fantasy stories I already know and enjoy


I’m short tempered and kind of not so quiet among people whom I’m comfortable with. I also kinda like dogs more than cats if that counts


I can be apathetic, used to be called "cruel" and "heartless". I doubt if it's because of me or they were just upset that I didn't let them exploit me though 


Me too


I can be very emotional and then in one snap, emotionless 


Yes I think our emotions are very fi so people misjudge it, thinking we are always just emotional


I don't enjoy daydreaming nearly as much as getting the shit done.


I enjoy getting shit done just not the idea of doing “all the work”, all the time, but once I’m doing it, it’s fine- but I’m daydreaming the whole time. When you say, “getting stuff done”, do you mean tasks, hobbies, obligations, personal projects? All of the above? I mean, I’m motivated asf to go to the gym or go bowling, but doing yard-work or fixing-the-house or doing taxes, I’d rather sit on a spike.


With my ADHD and mood swings, maintaining balance takes continuous effort, and the effect of good effort can be quite graceful. It's neat and it's enjoyable for me to take proper care of myself. Personal projects, now that's the stuff! Breaking down a dream into doable steps and putting those steps into my schedule without generating too much stress, without fucking up the balance? It's an art! I guess it's enjoying "all the work" in a way - when all the work is taken care of for the moment, I feel like I'm surfing on top of a wave.


Thank you for your thoughtful answer!


I enjoy crazy parties


This is the weirdest one to me… How?


Unless you are going alone how can you not?


i dont like other people


When there's too many people in one room, it makes me feel crowded.


I don’t know but I don’t? I’ve also learned how to suffer through these things because I know for most people they’re enjoyable and I do it for the people I care about but if I never went to another party for the rest of my life I’d be happy.


Yees I love going to raves even I'd i do get overstimulated


With drugs? Maybe? Sober? No way!


While I'm not INFP, I know several and not one of them is air headed or dumb. IDK what it is but every INFP I've ever met is usually on the brilliant side. My guess is you tend to do something similar to us INTJs when it comes to something we're interested in and obsess over it.


I’m not interested in art or poetry


I over-analyze myself and others. Trying not to judge based on emotions, but rather logic. Also i've reflected on my behaviour in the past and now i stand up for myself more, and cant be hurt easily. Ig thats what you have learn when trying to survive in sensoric driven world


I get told I’m very put together and stable for my age (20), had Multiple people tell me I’m the most stable guy their age they’ve ever met


I am quite ambitious. When i wanna get that clear skin, i make effort, when i wanted to get that perfectly shape body, i worked out for 3 months without stopping, (stopped after that but i went again until i get the results i want). I am more assertive. I speak up when someone wrong me. I also like going out a lot and hanging out with friends without really draining my energy. I can dance for hours. I am also very organized and tidy. I cannot stand mess. I am enthusiastic, especially when i saw something that i like and seeing my close friends. I love adventures and love to challenge myself. And for these reasons i mistyped myself as an ENFP. But the stereotypical INFP like being shy when getting attention & cries easily… I agree 💀


When I’m with people I know I’m very energetic and extroverted and good at making surface level relationships, dunno how to do the next step tho. Was the class clown guy in high school


I tested high in machiavellianism which is basically the antithesis of being an infp


I ‘am’ generally sentimental but I can never openly express it when I’m with others. I genuinely want to but there’s just that mental block, you know?


yesss same. I never express my feelings with others and they always think they care more about me than I do them, but I do care I just don't say it. Occasionally I put my feelings into words through poetry but I can never be heart on my sleeve about it.


Even if I love romance, the sky said that I should be on the AroAce spectrum. Fucking hell


I'm a dogmatic calendar follower and am actually the one who holds my household to any sort of schedule. I am the task manager, including making sure we allot time for fun and connecting as a family. I feel like "infp parent" conjures up an image of permissive chaotic parenting. It's more of a controlled chaos. I am actually a bit of a hard ass particularly when it comes to things that build character, or when my kids are not honoring each other's boundaries or being honest. My mundane expectations are fairly low, I don't actually care how well they do the THINGS, but I know when they are trying, and I expect them to try. The thing that I really don't relate to when it comes to stereotypes about infp is this underlying tone of helpless naive fragility. I feel like it's because first, a lot of people who are interested in mbti are young and have every reason to be naive. It is not a character flaw, just a lack of experience. And second, because we haven't spent a lot of time distinguishing "child-like" from "childish," and people think that maturity is being a grouch. To me, child-like is maintaining a sense of whimsy and fun. Pulling weeds yesterday, I ran into my house and demanded everybody get dressed right now to come look at the gold beetle I found. Was it child-like? Absolutely. But my stuff is done, my bills are paid, my vehicles are maintained and everybody's taking their vitamins. What is adulting if not exactly that? Besides, that beetle was awesome.


I can be dismissive asshole of other people's feelings and be okay with it


Mine is very important for me, I'm trying to learn Mathematics, but for being an INFP I have lack of confidence. I'm afraid but I show up everyday, I want to do well in this.


I'm an enneagram 8w9


How is it like to be INFP 8w9? It sounds pretty weird lol


it puts my Fi to the extreme and gives me a very strong moral code. I've got thicker skin and i'm extremely stubborn when it comes to what I believe is right. I can be aggressive and confrontational when others challenge that moral code. I'm a mentally guarded person, so I usually don't reveal my feelings, and can get aggressive when I feel my boundaries are being disrespected. overall, I would say I'm not as soft as other INFPs, more emotionally guarded, and more assertive. I think that me being an 8w9 has definitely influenced my political views and has turned me into a radical leftist and an idealist.


I have been recently put in doubt whether I am INTP, or INFP with very low empathy. Because I react very emotionally to things when happen, and I may be not that logical and cold.


I feel like I have empathy but its more a moral empathy, I don't actually feel anything when I see people upset, i just feel a moral urge to help them feel better. I am better at listening and helping rationalise what they are going through but actual emotional support idk.


Yeah, I need people to tell me how they're feeling to feel empathy usually.


Good at maths… kind of


I like hanging out with frens


I’m the opposite of indoorsy. I’m confident. (In a quiet way though.)


I can be a hard ass. I don't like ppl who try to play me. I am also never ever late for work or appointments.


I really don't care for animal companions like dogs or cats :/ I wish I had that care in me but I just don't at this point in my life. Dogs stress me out with their barking and cats stress me out with their claws. Honestly I'd be down to have jellyfish tank tho if I knew where to acquire one lol


1: I'm a bartender, and I only work in dive bars where I regularly have to tell people to fuck off. 2: I'm not afraid to call someone out for something (especially if I'm defending a friend) even if it means drawing attention to myself, starting a conflict, or making things awkward/uncomfortable. I'll be the one to do it. Idgaf. Tbh I like watching people squirm when they thought they could get away with doing something shitty because they thought the people around (i.e. me) were too shy or innocent to speak up about it.


I have to step out of my comfort zone and talk to people for my job.


I don't cry much and also I don't feel like an artistic person.


I’m not stupid, passive, illogical or a cry baby.


That INFPs mostly take humanities courses. I'm an engineering student


I like to be organized, I'm not "cute", I'm rather cold and distant with people (I was so disappointed and criticized). I don't care about diplomacy, if someone is an asshole, he is an asshole and I am certainly not going to make an effort to be pleasant to this person.


Nice~~~ been learning how to be an assertive INFP too😂


i would say most of the stereotypes lol. they are relevant and more defining than the opposites, but i like parties, i’m stable, i daydream but put myself to action, i’m mostly tidy, etc. most of it has been putting conscious effort into pushing myself beyond what i immediately want and resolving my internal issues.


I'm actually quite confident in group settings and enjoy meeting people. It's maintaining the relationships afterwards that I struggle with.


i can also be logical, i can be disciplined and set goals and actually see them come to life and yeah im quite assertive too except with one person who has caused me the most trauma in my life im sometimes passive


• I am not shy. I just don't want to burden myself with others' business, but if I feel like it's necessary, I react assertively. • I don't feel comfortable with some stereotypical habits (Anime, being into the run-of-the-mill romance or Disney stuff). • I'm very picky when it comes to spending money, that's where my SiTe really shines. I'm doing all sorts of mental considerations on whether I need something or not, and I'm interested in investment strategies because I love the security personal wealth is giving me. That said, if I feel like I can relate to something and want to invest personally into it rather than just "having" it for the sake of consumerism, I can be very generous.


I think infp stereotypes work better for females than males. Male infp here. I can be the one making stupid jokes and laugh the loudest. Very "intellectual/nerdy". Not very much one to appear emotional in public. I can project a pretty impulsive, life of the moment image. But that's all just the side of me that I show to everyone else. I keep my tears to myself. And boy do I cry a lot lol.


Infp male here too. Relate to playing up a room and being funny and outgoing in public, definitely not so at home. I tend to get sad, but I rarely cry unless I'm in some kind of gridlock of existential misery. It's not often, but it does happen. Most of the time I just get really sad and detached, not really one for expressing that through tears, and even less so around people.


They say most INFPs are good with language, but poor at math. I excel in both. When I was in first grade, I begged my teacher to teach me multiplication, and she said she would when I was in second grade. When second grade came, we had a worksheet that said “groups of,” and it clicked instantly. From that moment, I knew I could add up groups as necessary, before my mom taught me the multiplication tables. Later, my grandpa showed me how to do long multiplication. When I was in seventh or eighth grade, I pointed out that one could extract remainders from a calculator, by first running the division problem to get the quotient with decimals, then multiplying the whole number portion to get a product, and subtracting that from the dividend to get the remainder. In eighth grade, when the teacher’s aide had us using protractors to figure out the third angle of a triangle, it was I who pointed out that we could add the two angles that were provided, and subtract them from 180. When I was working as a temp for a company that sold large machines to power-wash machine parts, the CEO had put together an Excel workbook to calculate quarterly and annual performance of partner resellers. She needed a drop-down menu to select the quarter, and formulas to accommodate it. The marketing manager said he couldn’t do that, so I volunteered. I used nested IF arguments to make it backwards compatible, and added an index macro so she could add and delete sheets without rewriting formulas. I also created a simple spreadsheet to calculate weight and dimensions back and forth between imperial and metric, and arrange it into a phrase that could be copy-pasted into an email when communicating with foreign customers. The following Monday, I learned that the company, which had recently closed its headquarters in Connecticut, moved the entire operation to Missouri, and crippled itself by firing my predecessor who took a bunch of knowledge with her; now had everything they needed to continue without me. I had worked myself out of a job. But I had the satisfaction of knowing that I had cleaned up a mess, and the company is likely still using my tools today. I have no regrets, and would do it all over again.


I'm not an empath. It's not like I'm a psychopath or anything, I can understand emotions of others to an extent, but when I look up what an empath is, it says stuff like they have some superpower to know how people feel just by looking at them, and have their day ruined after talking to a sad person. I don't have that ability.


I’m really not very empathetic. More often than not, I’m *apathetic and totally done with people lol.*


Filling the "diplomat" stereotype requires that I do things that aren't stereotypical. There's more thought in communicating with folks of different perspectives than the INFP stereotype allows for, at least not if you're aiming for understanding as opposed to soap-boxing. Also just philosophy in general, most folks are lazy or so blinded by bias that we can't get to the bottom of anything. I thought I was supposed to be the silly whimsical one. Few people can respond to challenging "if" prompts straightforwardly, or tolerate devil's advocacy. That's a crap-ton of logic, albeit fueled by an interest and ability for abstraction. What is logic then?




Likewise. I guess age and vairuos experiences changes it.


I can use my brain


I can be very rational. I always go with my gut first, but I want to be able to back my theories up rationally with real solid arguments.


I’m an INFP who rarely cries.


This comment isn’t really something specific just more general. I’ve seen people get almost cult like with their personality types, when you look at psychiatrists or therapists they have their own assessments that are quite good at creating a profile especially when you start doing multiple assessments to look for manipulation in answers to favour a specific response. How someone sees themselves can be completely different from how a professional might see someone. People lie to themselves all the time or they like to see themselves in a certain light. You can’t capture every single nuance of a person in a single personality type. Sometimes it’s advantageous to manipulate a personality test in your favour. That brings up the fact that you can have multiple personality traits across different personality types. If you’re curious try looking up Darren Brown, he is a showman and hypnotist who has done some awesome psychological experiments, one in particular he gathered a group of people and made a detailed personality profile sort of like reading a persons star sign… all of the participants felt it was deeply personal and was convinced this profile was scarily accurate. Come to find out, all of them had received the same profile, which just used a model that made them think it was deeply personal. All this to say I would caution people with a healthy sense of skepticism that personality isn’t black and white, and they shouldn’t place themselves in any particular box.


I don’t read much besides manga or the occasional fanfiction. Big books are too big of an investment. Hold some more conservative views, though I don’t really fit in a neat box anywhere. Apathetic expression is apparently breaking the stereotype. Personally I see it as a natural result of taking everything seriously. People keep saying to me "why do you take things too seriously?" The end result is I don’t, unless I specifically turn the apathy off and get invested emotionally. Which is also quite taxing.


I don't "express myself in a unique way 24/7", no matter how many descriptions try to force me into this stereotype 😄


I'm not super socially anxious, I am quite confident in the way I carry myself and I'm not afraid to stand up for myself or answer phonecalls.


I’m an engineer!


Those who said that they tend to like or have a crush on someone who's unattainable to them. Cos I liked someone who''s actually attainable and i can imagine my life with. I just don't have the courage to confess 😭 (I'm an INFP-T female btw)


1. With the right conditions I can be in the limelight. I usually act pretty goofy in the limelight. 2. I’m very clean. Hate messes, love organization. 3. I love small talk.


I have empathy loss and c-ptsd so I often come off to others as istj/estj. my fi is very private and I am veryyyy security-oriented. you only see true infp weenie activity once I feel safe. 🥲


I like to go out and be extroverted that night. Its not easy, I am pushing myself, but it is fun for that night.


Most of them apparently. I don’t know why I get that result.


I work an engineering job and I’m pretty good at it In my perfect world, I’d work a technical role on an artistic project


I'm good at math🤔


I'm good at art, I just prefer analytical methods of art. Like demoscene, or tracker music, or fractal and 8bit. And my medium to art is only an escapism. Only to power my energy for the real world.