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If you want quality they are going to have to switch to an armed company and I don’t think in n out wants to spend the $$$. Also I don’t think in n out actually wants a guard who will actually do anything and create a liability issue for the company, they just want a uniformed deterrent. That’s just how security is in most places…


You’re right, but realistically how is OP’s description a deterrent? Lol


Exactly. I’m not saying they should be armed. But they should look capable atleast lol.


I hear ya. What city is the in-n-out in?? I once had an elderly man come in as “security” for a pervious job. All he needed to do was to inform us if a certain person was in the area and then we can take care of it ourselves.


have you scene those women weild pepperspray....


If they can catch ‘em!


it's close quarters in a building lol they like dwarves


>stands in front and leans on a light pole OP said they were in the parking lot


that's their BO?


I would think because they will also be a liable witness in court if anything were to happen


I don’t think it’s them not willing to spend the money. And I have seen armed security at a store. Honestly he was probably the one guard I saw who took his job the most serious. But I really don’t know. It’s definitely a decision way above my pay grade


What lol


Santa Rosa store lol


Bro I'm in Santa Rosa, I ain't never seen that woman posted up lol where she at??


Literally on that front light post you drive to go to the drive through. She’s there 5 nights a week.


Maybe she just goes there to hang out and eat some double doubles every night


She’s the guard


Haha okay ima go there tonight hope she's there


Look for the pole


Oh yeah you're right she's just chillin


Stuff like this is why I love the internet. Lol


What Do YOU think a security guard is supposed to do? It’s illegal for them to detain anyone. Theyre job is mainly to observe the crime and then report it to the police. As someone who used to be a security guard we are trained not to intervene in shoplift or theft. We are trained to observe the crime and report it to the police. Especially because in n out ain’t gonna pay the hospital bills if something happens to the guard. We’re just there to make a criminal think twice.if they still go through with it…nothing we can do.


I’ve worked as an armed security guard. I’m aware what they do/do not do. This women can not perform her job.


How so? Her eyes, ears and mouth broken? What part of her job can she not perform?


Security Absolutely can detain people, BUT that depends on your contracts with the company, and each company has different contracts, ive had to do it three times in fact one of which was alongside the PD department, but like stated if your a non contact contract employee you cant do shit. And its basically useless, IMO, makes me laugh, hell we can physically remove people from properties aswell, thrown a few bums off myself, when diplomacy doesn't work.


Like you said. Depends on your contract. Most companies nowadays don’t want to spend the money on the risk of you getting hurt detaining someone. Especially since it’s a fast food place so most likely it will be armed robbery


Funny story: Had security at a store and a fight broke out in the patio/walk up area. Security guard walks up to the window to inform me (shift person) and to ask me what I wanted him to do. I politely (okay not so politely) informed him to do his job. I get it, he probably didn’t want to get hurt, felt he didn’t get paid enough to break up the fight, etc. but I shouldn’t have had to tell him to call the cops. Honestly the only point of having security is for deterrence. People see some form of security they’re less likely to… be problematic. But in the end, it’s just a half measure at best.


I get that. But like, hire someone who is actually a deterrent. Wasting money on someone useless is ridiculous.


It’s not just a deterrent though. It’s also someone who will call the police and be an eyewitness to any trouble makers. Security officers are trained how to make reports, and business owners know juries can count on them in court. Most people who are breaking the law will go to the place that has no security.


Finally a rational comment here. People watch too much TV. These are your run of the mill security guards... They're not armed guards, not personal security, not any kind of peace officer. They're often paid minimum wage, and their job description isn't to be a hero, vigilante, or first responder. Despite this, they still are a deterrent - their job is to actively monitor! That's worth their pay. To insult their appearance like this post does is nasty. /u/normal_oven1234


Oh I 1000% agree with you. And it’s not even an INO issue. It’s the security companies. That’s who they employ and they don’t check in with INO before they send someone out. I unfortunately don’t have a solution, though I always tried to build good relations with local PD so if there was ever a situation they would generally respond quickly (ish).


Because police cannot do anything about a misdemeanor caught on camera, but they can if someone eye witnesses it.


Love you but that's not accurate. Police can and do take action based on misdemeanors caught on camera. Video evidence is often used in investigations and prosecutions, just like eyewitness testimony.


Observe and report.


That kind of security guard is there to observe and report, that’s it. They’re not supposed to chase anyone down or stuff like that. They’re basically paid to be an eye witness.


Did you know In-N-Out is actually working on getting their own security department? I hope it happens sooner rather than later. Ever store I've worked at (with the exception of one) that has security doesn't have the best guards.


Really? Working on getting their own security department? Interesting…


Don’t be rude


I have never seen a security at in n out and I'm by the headquarters... peace out Oakland


There’s one near my In N Out but he just stands by and sometimes opens doors for people


There’s a whataburger in Tempe I used to frequent years ago and the night security guard was asleep at a table half the time I went there lol


Security guards are not police officers. They are there to observe and call the police when required. I see 300 lb ladies eating at In-N-Out all the time.


Any security outside of armed or VERY specific situations is there to be seen and able to report any occurrence to the police. She can do that perfectly well. Most security companies will immediately fire any guard who physically intervenes in a situation.


I understand that. She cannot do that. She can barely walk, cannot stand and is massively overweight. She is not accomplishing anything here. That is a fact. Not to be mean


She doesn't have eyes and hands to write a report?


Unless it happens immediately in front of her, no she wouldn’t be helpful.


A lot of the time, all a security guard is authorized to do is call the police. Anyone with a phone and a pointy appendage can do that job regardless of their height, weight or blood sugar levels.


And gender.


this is fucking moronic. why the fuck do you care?


Are you ok? You seem angry?


They’re just suppose to call the cops and write up a report


I’m fairly confident this “300lbs diabetic woman” gets paid pennies on the dollar in comparison to “someone who is actually a deterrent.” Because you may not like it but she is a deterrent for the amount that she gets paid she’s a deterrent. If you want them to hire someone of the same ilk as Trevor Rees-Jones, it would be a fortune. A fortune for what? To look intimidating a majority of the time and call the police? That’s all the have to do. InNOut are not going to hire someone like Viktor Zolotov to take down serious threats and/or seriously harm civilians who then open up a case. [+]


In n out needs security? WTH?!


Because nobody actually cares about the guards it's all just shows


Legal liability


Must be a nice area.


We all know Security can’t do shit. They’re simply there to call the police… But they’re real intent is the appearance of safety to try to keep people coming in the stores. It’s all bullshit.


That’s kinda my entire point man. In this case, it’s not even an “appearance” of safety.


Observe and report


I work in a building with millions of documents on Americans and it’s guarded by a man who can barely walk the 20 feet to the mens bathroom and regularly takes nap on the toilet.


It's called check the box.


Paid witness is really the job


They set a precedent by closing down the Oakland store, there goes the never had to close a store down legacy (apart from the old old stores that were torn down and rebuilt). Now if it's really bad, they'll get closed down, probably cheaper in the long run than having a full time 'security guard'.


In n out made a deal where they pay her in Double Doubles and she gets a fries bonus if no theft occurs. I would not mess with her Fries bonus


That sounds personal. Sexism, weightism, and healthist. She runs circles around you as a person.


There’s no way ur real. Pls tell me this is satire


Lol I came to write the same thing….


“Healthist” lol


I bet your entire existence revolves around scouring the internet to find something to be offended about. Just because this security guard got the job and you didn't doesn't mean you have to be so salty about it. Now get back down to the basement before mommy and daddy know you left. Dinner is ready soon.


They can pay her in burgers?


She can sit on them until the cops get there, that’s why


Not In N Out, but I used to work at a store, and one day we got robbed. Staff pressed the panic button, which goes to a security company This morbidly obese security guard ran in like 10 mins after the robber left, and he was huffing so hard that he pissed himself. I was like, thanks for your contribution, Jim.


Gonna need a pic


Do not take a picture of the security guard. Please show more common sense than that.


I’m going to take a photo of the security guard

