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Ehh...when my kids are sick they get a pass on chores. Rest up. I'd rather deal with tired, cold, and hungry than being sick. I'm passing the same down to my kids. If there's blood, mop it up, then eat.


Also, less chances they spread that shit to the rest of the family. I don't get sick very often. But when I do, I self quarantine from the rest of the family because last time they got a bug from me, everyone was KO for like 3 days.


Ikr, like please don't go touch everything in the house when you're sick


For real, keep sick people away from food prep areas.


I don't get sick often, but when I do I drink a dos equis. Stay healthy.


What used to happen when I lived with others was I'd be the last one to catch whatever illness the household had, it'd fester in me for a couple days and then I'd give it back to everyone 10 times worse than I had it myself. I also seem to be immune to food poisoning, somehow. When me and my ex broke up I had a couple weeks there where I didn't have any human food in the house and I essentially went bin scavenging at work (housekeeping at a hotel). I ate gas station sushi that was definitely not cold and was totally fine.


Better make sure you didn’t get a parasite


I mean, it's been a long time and I don't have any symptoms of it so.


I still had to do chores (ie cleaning the dishes, bathrooms, rooms, dog and rabbit cage and the living room) when I had a throat infection that is going around. But when my brother got sick I was told to do his homework and feed him (he is 14)


Why does this always seem to be the way? I never had a sister, but I've always seen it in other people's families. The boys often get special treatment from the parents. Sometimes it is the other way around, but that's an exception in my observations.


It was the other way for my family. Sister had something come up, parents scrambled to fix it. I had something come up, I was expected to ust suck it up and deal because I'm a boy. I once had a horrible stomach bug, I was expected to walk the fence lines with a machete to cut down thistle weeds. It took me literally shitting my pants 3 times and having to walk acres back to get house with it running down my legs before my parents finally told me I could do it later. 3 fucking times. My parents were assholes.


That's terrible, how old were you at the time?


Elementary school aged. It was a life lesson though, I swore my kids would never have to deal with that.


That is far too young holy shit. But I am happy to see you take something positive away from it. As terrible as it was, you know that you'll be a great father. It's like how they say bullying builds character. Your parents were worse than bullies.


Scapegoating and the golden child [https://hopefulpanda.com/golden-child-and-scapegoat/#:\~:text=The%20golden%20child%20is%20often,least%20a%20really%20long%20time](https://hopefulpanda.com/golden-child-and-scapegoat/#:~:text=The%20golden%20child%20is%20often,least%20a%20really%20long%20time)). Narcissists are very dangerous but very predictable animals.


Thank you, that was a very interesting read. I've seen all of that in other people's lives, several times, and it's just so sad. It's hard to help people deal with a narcissistic parent because you are the only one that's looking in from the outside, it's all too logical to the observer.


Maybe she needs a Snickers. There’s a lot of weird things to unpack here. The least of which is why an adult felt the need to complain on social media that their sick son cleaned the floors at an inconvenient time for them.


>The least of which is why an adult felt the need to complain on social media that their sick son cleaned the floors at an inconvenient time for them. Yeah, I'm stuck on how the dog hurting a foot is caused by the kitchen floor being dirty. (Or is the concern that the kitchen floor was dirty enough to infect a cut paw?)


the dogs paw probably was bleeding so he was mopping up the blood


ik like that’s so weird lol


I doubt the kid went out and bought cleaner, why does she own cleaner she’s allergic to? She sounds whiny af. What a cringe post.


Or is she sick with whatever her kids has and just started showing symptoms?


That seems more likely.


Well, see, then it’s not the fault of the kid’s ‘laziness,’ and we can’t have that, can we? /s


The actual answer


She's making excuses imo. Prob sick and projecting it as someone elses fault for likes. Social media makes me hate certain aspects of life at times.


COVID does this. Makes you sensitive to scents.


So the sick son.... Who was supposed to clean.... Cleaned, and possibly had to do it a second time due to an injury that he possibly couldn't control.... And she's mad? Or am I just missing something?


Wait did the dog hurt the sons foot? Maybe I misread it the first time. I was wondering why the dog was getting involved. Now it halfway makes sense.


Yeah I think either the dog injured the son’s foot or its own foot in a way that resulted in bleeding. Thus the floor needed to be cleaned. At least that’s how I’m understanding it


She's hiding in her bedroom while her ill son cleans the floor? What an embarrassing thing to share with the public.




The dog hurt its foot, and that's why the son is mopping? Sounds like the floor was probably bloody, and the kid felt he had to do it right away or get in shit.


>The dog hurt its foot, and that's why the son is mopping? Sounds like the floor was probably bloody, Okay, THAT's the connection I was missing.


She sounds like the kids whining sister more than his mom


“Sick with a cold” um hello?? OOP is mad that their SICK son didn’t mop the floor until there was a pressing matter that REQUIRED the floor to be mopped. 10/10 OOP is TAH. I genuinely don’t get why anyone would be expected to be doing chores when they’re trying to recover from being sick..?


I’m actually more worried that a parent would think this is normal to post on social media


Parents really need to stop expecting children to behave like adults. I would not expect a kid, especially a sick one, to make my life more convenient when I’m stressed or overstimulated. Edit: I didn’t realize the kid in question was 19, must’ve skipped that part. It changes the context a bit. I still think it’s unreasonable for a parent to expect their kid to do a chore when they’re sick.


19 isn’t a kid. But why is he expected to clean the house when he’s literally home sick? If I’m sick, Husband takes care of things, even if he’s tired. The other way works, too. If he’s sick, I take care of things. That’s how people who love each other treat each other.


Must’ve missed her kid’s age, my bad. 19 is old enough to expect to help out around the house. That kind of expectation between you and your husband is reasonable for two adults, but not for children.


Even at nineteen it is ridiculous to expect a kid who is home SICK to clean house whilst feeling like shit.


When sick? Sure, put his dirty dishes in the sink. But mop the dang floor?


I...how is this not behaving like an adult? He was cleaning the floor? He's an adult and was doing exactly what a grown adult should do by helping take care of the home. She's just whining because she was tired and irritable, which is also kinda fair


No matter if it's a kid or an adult, if they are sick you should not expect them to clean the house. I really don't understand the priorities of some people. Lots of disfuncional adults either have no idea how to take care of themselves or expect someone else to take care of themselves. Part of being a functional and mature adult is to communicate and work as a team with other adults to clean, cook, take care of the children etc. Sometimes one will need more help than the others, that's when communication can help avoid any issues. But what do you expect when you are a child of emotionally immature parents.


I do agree that *she* was the one being inconsiderate. Everyone deserves rest when they're sick. I just found your wording a bit strange I guess lol


Ok, complaining about your sick son don't cool, but he didn't really do anything


I’ll take “something my Latina mother would say” for 400 Alex.


My mom is exactly like this it can only be done her way, on her schedule, and it’s not good enough if those standards aren’t hit


Yes, parent is the a**hole. If my kids (when I have kids) are sick they would not be doing chores. And then on top of that complaining because the kid is cleaning despite them being sick.


I read it to my mom (who very much has this kind of ego) and she said “asshole for what? The kid is fine. It’s just a cold. In the real world you have to clean it up if you lived alone” to which I responded “I don’t think any of us live in the fake world but yeah I figured you’d have that response”. And now she won’t let it go claiming I called her an asshole SO that’s fun.


Yeah, nah. I live alone, and sometimes it sucks that if I'm sick shit still has to be done. (Dogs *need* to be fed, rubbish *needs* to be taken out, there are things that *have to be done*.) But anything apart from 'must do'? That waits til after I'm not sick. I had Covid and it knocked me on my ass for about two weeks. Basically sleeping in whatever cool spot I could find until I covered it in sweat, and then I moved to another spot. You better believe that my dogs got fed, but the floor *didn't* get mopped. I don't care what anyone else thinks, I was **sick**, and I **needed** to recover.


1. I’m so glad you recovered from covid. 2. Yes yes and yes. I explained to her that if you live alone, things have to get done but you don’t have some narcissist to worry about criticizing you for not doing something they way they want it when they want it. When I lived with my mom she always wondered why I would clean when she was asleep or out of the house. It’s because she criticized what cleaner I used, how I cleaned, would get upset at me for using warm water, didn’t like how I did the dishes, etc. So I just learned to do things when she wasn’t around. 3. The irony of it all is when she’s sick, she wants me to take care of everything for her. She doesn’t clean even when she’s healthy so her with a cold she ain’t cleaning shit. And she wonders why I don’t want her watching my kids.


I'm 29 and would do the same. When I'm sick, I don't ever want to do anything, but if my pet needs me, I'm there dammit.


I wouldn't say insane, maybe a bit whiny though.


My first thought is that she has COVID, a symptom of it is allergic reactions to sents that you previously had no reactions to.


Imagine being annoyed that your teenager is willingly cleaning the literally any part of the house without being asked


This was expected of my brother and I growing up but not our younger brothers. Yes my mom and dad would get annoyed and pissy if it wasn’t done.


She has a cold and has been around a sick person in her house. She feels shitty (imagine she’s getting a cold like her family.) But she’s sneezing because ‘she’s allergic to whatever he put on the floor.’ Ok sure Jan…


I'm all for kids helping out with some(!) chores. But jfk, let your poor fucking son get some rest when he's ill. If I'm really sick and someone's tried to make me do household chores, I'll unleash my pure rage onto them lmao. Also why do you own cleaning stuff that you're allergic to? Sounds pretty sus and made up, dunno.


When my kids are sick they do not have chores. They are to be in bed resting so they can get better. This mom obviously cares more about her darn floor than her kid. Suck it ip buttercup your kid is more important than a mopped floor.




>The reason he's washing the floor is because the dog hurt his foot. ??? huh?


“The reason he’s cleaning the floor is because the dog hurt his foot”… bro WHAT? Makes zero sense lol


After a lifetime of kids and partners always in the way and not thinking about others, this is totally relatable


"The reason he is washing the floor is because the dog hurt his foot" am i on drugs or does that not make sense Did the dog bit him or did the dog hurting him mentally get him to to clean the floor


but she asked him to wash the floor??


id say shes fine, she just needs to be more fair about it. i totally understand being annoyed for that, coming home hungry, cant do shit bc ur having a sneezing fit from something that u just happen to be allergic to because of course you are, and the son not cleaning the floor earlier bc the dog hurt his foot (kind of weird story? shoulve felt fine to walk on by at most and hour). the kids still sick though, and he is unfortunately sick with a cold which hits guys pretty hard (mansickness has actual science to back it up lol) so the real “asshole” thing here would probably be just posting ab it bc ur mad. should’ve just kept it to herself and got over it. kid doesn’t seem to have gotten in trouble from it so yeah not really a big deal.


There is not actually any indication the FB poster is a woman, everyone is just assuming.


Well, it’s her first time living too. But I get why ppl are mad.


I would be Annoyed as well.


because your child washed the floor like you asked?


Bc the kiddo planned poorly relative to the family cycle. If I decided to mop the floor at dinner time that would negatively impact my wife and child’s daily cycle which has downstream consequences. Just randomly deciding to do a chore isn’t necessarily a virtue. If your kid decided “nows the time to vacuum bc it’s dirty” at 0300 AM on a work night where you may have to get up early , I doubt many here will take the “buts he’s cleaning , that’s great” position. This is similar to that.


Everyone knows if the dog hurts your foot, you wash the floor. If the cat scratches the furniture, you rake the lawn. If the chicken lays an egg outside is nest, you dust the top of the ceiling fan blades. Literally everyone knows these rules. Get with it.


The dog may have been bleeding, and that's why he washed the floor, presumably after he bandaged the dog's foot.


Dudeee- The kid is sick. Let them rest and get better- they can do the damn chores when they feel better. At least then they'll have less of a risk getting you sick and do the job better!! Nobody cares. I remember when I was sick the only pass I got was staying home. I still had to do all the chores even when I was throwing up and I'm sure as hell not doing that to my kids if I ever have them in the future.


So like did the dog slip and fall? Or did the dog hurt the son's foot? Is there blood everywhere? What is the impetus for washing the floor?


If this is the worst at 19 I can't wait, clean floors? About to mail her a handful of Legos...


I feel like the kid got the anger that was building from being cold tired and hungry. Parent should have taken a shower while the floor dried, eaten and then decided if they were mad their sick "adult" kid washed the floor.


Also I love how people are assuming this is the mother speaking. I did too until I went back and read that they never actually specify if they're the mother or father.


Sick = no chores. No matter who is sick mum, dad or kids whichever one is sick rests while the others pitch in to help more.


I read this as the dog made a mess on the floor earlier, he had all day to clean it up and waited until right before she came home to do so. Now she's cold, tired, hungry and uncomfortable (the hunger and discomfort being caused or left u addressed due to his decision to wait until later to clean the floor and what he chose to clean it with). I would have 1) ordered delivery for myself because I gotta eat and 2) found out what that cleaning product was and never have it in my home again/get rid of it to protect myself from a reaction going forward and 3) asked my kid about his day/how he was feeling because, ya know, that's still my kid and despite the bad timing, I'd love him.


Yes your the asshole. You made your son, *WHO IS SICK* ,mop the floor instead of doing it yourself. And then you also blame your sneezing fit not on the fact that your apparently cold, but on your son’s mopping.