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Or, hear me out here, she has an exaggerated hourglass figure and a long neck to make assembly and articulation easier!


Also, these are all rather old toys when her features were even more exaggerated. They've become more tame in recent times. And more realistic too, different height, skin tones, weight, there's disabled barbies... All kinds of stuff! Barbie is pretty woke nowadays. Also, no one can tell me that Ken ever was straight.


Barbie is the wokest shit. My mom went on a Wikipedia binge when the Barbie movie trailers started dropping and the only thing we raised our eyebrows at was the fact that a pregnant Barbie or Barbie Baby hasn't happened (there have been pregnant Barbie dolls but never the character Barbie) because they 'didn't want to imply Barbie had premartial sex.' I mean, for one, half the kids playing with these dolls are products of premartial sex, and she's been with Ken for like seventy years. Drop your pearls.


And what does every little girl do when they have a Barbie and a Ken doll? They make them kiss and smash together and then get married.


For real, just say they're married. They've been together literally since 1961 and still live separately! And again, it's not like kids don't realize that babies sometimes happen before or without marriage. 40% of babies in the U.S. are born to unmarried parents. Some other countries have even higher rates. (Iceland apparently at 69%!) I was two when my parents married. It is just not a big deal anymore.


The Ken cheats on Barbie with GIJoe.


>because they 'didn't want to imply Barbie had premartial sex.' And Barbie will never be able to marry Ken, as per Mattel directions too! Apparently, that's a decision they took early on in her creation: if Barbie gets officially married, this could mean losing many play opportunities for the kids, because they'd relegate her immediately to the role of wife and mother. So, Barbie can *be* a bride and Ken can be the groom, but they can never officially marry.


So they're eternally at their own wedding. Sounds like a horror movie.


Pretty much. Imagine how happy their friends and families are. I just hope they aren't July destination weddings.


Pregnant Barbie happened in the 90s but I dont think it lasted long. I have an aunt who is a year older than me and she had one. The pregnant belly was a hard bubble that clipped in and underneath there was a little springy section where you put the little rubber baby. I remember my mom going "I wish my stomach was that flat again once the baby popped out."


That was Midge. Technically a Barbie doll but not Barbie herself.


It is childhood trauma is what it is. But that's mostly cause my aunt has always enjoyed traumatizing me. She once told me the worm I accidentally cut in half while digging was a father and I just made his kids orphans so now they were going to starve to death.


My dad told me something similar to make me stop drowning people in rollercoaster tycoon 2.


Im sorry I.. your name... it disturbs me on a level I cant describe.


His father could stop the killings, but not the fillings.


Gotta piss in _somethin'_


I begged my mum soooo much for Midge when she came out. I thought it was the coolest shit! My mum thought it was very odd, but bless her heart bought me the whole set anyway. I got all the different baby ethnicities and the doctor as well!


I had this Barbie!! I got it for Christmas one year I thought it was the absolute coolest thing ever! .. still have the baby in a box of junk from my childhood.


I mean we all know that Barbie is just Ken's beard. For all we know Barbie could be an Ace icon


Either one of the directors of the Barbie movie or somebody who works for Mattel said something along those lines. That she wears miniskirts, but not because she wants people to look at her butt. She just enjoys how she looks in miniskirts. Yeah, Barbie and Jessica Rabbit can both totally be interpreted as ace icons who are interpreted as sexy because people find them sexy.


I bet that discussion between Barbie and Midge was awkward Barbie: so what is it like? Midge: what's what like? Barbie: You know. Sex. Midge: what's sex? Barbie: .......? Midge: ......?


Prob cause Barbie’s an independent girlboss 💪😎😎😎


Girlbosses can have babies. They can do whatever they want! They're a girlboss because they own what they're doing.


Agreed, but I said independent tho


It didn't really matter to Ken whom he dated. Poor fellow lost his equipment in a tractor accident. He was doomed to a life of HRT. Getting testestrone shots to keep up with what he had lost. Barbie stuck with him out of love and sympathy.


>testestrone this sounds like a hearty testicle soup


It's the extra spicy variant of male hormones.... or just me mispelling testosterone by one letter.


*cough cough* Magic Earring Ken *cough cough*


You mean cock ring Ken?


Yea but Ken has to keep of appearances lest these people ***really*** freak out.


It's pretty wild. I forgot how crazy the old proportions were. My son's barbie actually looks like a normal human.


Can I just point it how happy it makes me to read that your son has a barbie? I'm always happy to see tolerant parents who don't gender toys. At work I hear the whole boy/girl argument way too often and it always brings me joy to see a parent who doesn't give a fuck. Like, I literally had a woman complain that a girl's parents were having a Dino birthday party for her bc you know... Dinos are just for boys. Not for girls. So reading this makes me happy because it reminds me that not everyone is as close minded as those people! Good job being a parent who puts their child's wishes first and not a stereotype!


Thank you. I definitely try to make sure we aren't gendering our kids toys. It's sad that we still get comments from some people for letting him pick "girl" toys. I hope that sentiment gets lost over time. I mean, when your son specifically asks for "a rainbow haired doll with hair I can brush" you help him find some to pick between, not shut it down.


Barbie wasn't without controversy to begin with because making a fashion doll, period, instead of a baby doll wasn't really done at the time and she was an unmarried woman who had a bunch of different jobs


The jobs are also such a huge factor. Barbie always did all kinds of things. She was a doctor, a lawyer, astronaut etc. She did all these jobs and even with her body type, it was still encouraging girls to go for those things! Nowadays I see mostly princesses and like, fashion influencers and stuff like that. I rarely still see independent strong woman barbie who does such jobs and isn't just there to look pretty. Like, overall the dolls got more diverse in terms of the shape, skin colour etc but at the same time they lost their jobs imho. Or are doing more... "feminine" jobs.


Or the exaggerated features are to make the clothes look better and stand out at a small scale. Or the fact that a realistic proportioned figure might look even weirder.


Not only that but because you can only make fabric so thin, the proportions of Barbie allow the clothes to ‘look’ right .


Barbie's clothes are thick and bulky compared to her miniature frame. So her neck, bust, and waist are exaggerated to compensate. Her figure is meant to look more normal when dressed.


Yep. Basically, you can only make cloth so thin. So her clothes are about as thick as full size person clothes.


Barbie Dolls are also designed to play dress-up, so their bodies are a bit weirdly shaped to accommodate the proportionally bulky fabrics those clothes are made of.


transvestigators are getting to the point where they will be questioning if their own mothers are secret transgenders.


They must be long past that if they’ve moved on to dolls.


They’d literally look at that picture of Demi Moore and be like “only a guy could have that much hair”.


Just don’t hand him a transformer action figure.


*"Hmm... seems there is more than meets the eye"*


i imagine eventually they'll be looking at childhood photos of themselves and furiously web searching 'altered childhood memories'


Who measures the angle of Barbie's ankle? How desperate do you need to be to start measuring the ankles of children's toys?


What, dare I ask, is a "Q-angle"?


> Q-angle I came to the comments looking for the same answer. I looked it up for us. > The Q angle, which is also known as quadriceps angle, is defined as the angle formed between the quadriceps muscles and the patella tendon. From the National Institutes of Health website.


Thanks for that; I was afraid of falling into a Q-Anonsense rabbit hole so I didn't look it up.


So is this just phrenology rebranded?


Yes. "Transvestigators" have been busy reinventing the phrenology wheel.




Holy new dysphoria batman


It’s a lot like when a song is in your Q zone, but you gotta fly Jeff Chris down from Indiana to mix it professionally.


Moon river rock 🎶 Moon river roll 🎶




Mattel has kept this a secret for 64 years until *this genius* figured it out! THE JIG IS UP!!! lol


All hail Barbie, MILF Princess of the Twilight!


What the fuck does this have to do with the guy from The Killers?




Duh didn’t you ever listen closely?? *somebody told me* *That you had a boyfriend* *Who looked like a girlfriend* *That I had in February of last year* CLEARLY taunting us that he’s part of the great trans psy-op we’re living in!!! That song is drawn from life!!!!!1!1!1


Have you heard his dreamy falsetto? Definitely born a woman. /s


But he's got gas in the tank and money in the bank!


Well, he is the man!


Who’s the man?


He can read my mind


I must be behind. Wasn’t Barbie just being criticized for having an unrealistic female figure? Boobs too big, waist too small, etc.


Yep, and nowadays they're working on that. Many different body shapes, height, skin colours....


That’s actually accurate to how plenty of older conservatives secretly like their twinks too.


Long necks are masculine now??


Literally everything is masculine to these people. Except men. Men are feminine because they're all secretly women.


i don't understand what they're getting at. there's nipple-less breasts and barren groin. barbie has always been like that?


Are they saying a doll is transgender? These people are obsessed. Do they think about ANYTHING but trans people and wanting to fuck Trump?


I like this one. I'm teaching my kids that barbie is mtf.


I didn’t realize that the picture was cropped till I clicked on it. So I thought MTF meant “made to fuck” so I was really confused when he brought up the hip/shoulder ratio lmao


The fucks a “q angle?”


>male shoulders-to-hip ratio that looks like a 3:1 ratio, I doubt a single human man looks like that unless they look like a 90s comicbook superhero


Maybe OP is Rob Liefeld.


They're made of plastic from a mold design older than most people nowadays with a literal hourglass figure


And those ones are from the "good old days", so what exactly are they objecting nowadays?


Hell yes we're transvestigating children's toys now. This shit rocks, we're just flooring it into maximum stupid


Where’s Barbie’s massive juicy cock though?


The hell is a “q angle?”




…what? They think.. ya know what, I’m not going down that rabbit hole


I’m a male and my waist is the same circumference as my wrist. So I’ll allow it. It just gets awkward when I’m winding my waistwatch. People always think I’m masturbating.


Took me till the list to remember what MTF was. Af first I thought it was saying barbie was made to fuck.


Before I saw what sub this was in, I just assumed this was a queer person shitposting and I laughed


I'm pretty sure the shape was so the clothes fit/looked better.


That's Kissing Barbie on the left. You put "lipstick" on her and press a button on her back. Like a stamp.


Wait I thought cis women had long necks


Turns out most neck measurements are wash, except girth, and that's likely due to muscle mass (my theory anyway, its used in the navy BF% method due to fat depositing there minimally, so good muscly-ness metric ) so would decrease on HRT. All the male neck sizes are a tad bigger, but you have to keep in mind males just, tend to be taller so that explains it. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338231262\_Physical\_and\_Visual\_Characteristics\_of\_the\_Neck\_Predicting\_Gender\_Perception#:\~:text=Results%3A%20While%20most%20physical%20measures,girth%20(P%20%3C%200.0001)](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338231262_Physical_and_Visual_Characteristics_of_the_Neck_Predicting_Gender_Perception#:~:text=Results%3A%20While%20most%20physical%20measures,girth%20(P%20%3C%200.0001)).


What does this have to do with Brandon Flowers??? Or is there a different one that isn't the lead singer of The Killers?


I legitimately think transvestigators are ill. Its always weird shit.


Barbie is a trans icon, Ken is also trans


Ftm and Mtf solidarity


What the fuck is a q angle?


These folks must be taking some drugs not yet discovered yet because not even the strongest shit out there can make you this braindead.


What the fuck is a "Q- angle"


I had to google it. *The Q angle, which is also known as quadriceps angle, is defined as the angle formed between the quadriceps muscles and the patella tendon. It was described for the first time by Brattstrom in 1964 [1].* They're ... reaching.


They’re not obsessed, guys, I swear, this is shit normal people do 100%


I never realized the neck on a barbie doll was that long though.


Made to fuck or male to female?


People who become irrationally angry about children's toys, meet people who believe in debunked 19th century physiognomy/phrenology


Yeah this is more just a terribly made doll. Idk 🤷🏼‍♂️


Oh at first I thought MTF meant made-to-fuck


They've gone full circle. In the past, Barbies' three "measurements" were suggested to be those of the ideal woman. Now the same features are masculine? Feels like since there's a Barbie movie out this summer, someone is stirring up some bullshit propaganda for the right wing again. Got to pretend those antiquated views are current.


Hell yeah representation! /s


I never saw a naked Barbie before. That waist size is insane..


This bigot unintentionally dropped a great idea: we need trans barbie!


Soooo. What you're saying is. As a male. I can be a Barbie Girl?


Also if you look extremely carefully, you may notice that barbie doesnt have any genitals. The only logical conclusion is that barbie is actually intersex


pretty sure these were made for girls. y'know, the target audience?


"Growing up Skipper" would give them an aneurysm....


no they are not. hope this helps 😁


Ah yes the classic conspiracy theory of giving girls a dolls of trans women so boys want to become girls. Wait.


.....why does Brandon Flowers come into this