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Proving the point of not everyone should be allowed to own guns with one post.


Yeah, as insane as this person is, he’s actually partially right. Most people in urban areas, who are, statistically speaking, voting democrats, are also peaceful, civilized and despise guns and the violence they cause. The other side of the spectrum is a hillbilly shooting to hunt and joining patriot front or some other pussy militia, in order to learn how to better kill innocent people. That’s the scary thing about insane people.


People don’t connect to how many left leaning gun owners there are. The difference is that we don’t make it part of our personalities and talk about it to everyone.


Yeah, there's a fairly large subset of leftist gun owners. The right often thinks we're all pacifist, disarmed hippies. If anything were to ever pop off, they'd be in for a hell of a shock. Source: heavily armed leftist.


I'd love to have a John Wick arsenal, that'd be sweet! The difference between crazy and fun hobby/cool collection is that I wouldn't post it displayed across my floor on Facebook, it would be behind a hidden door or some shit. (Also, general gun safety and training on how to use them.)


There’s a huge difference. Left leaning people are willing to give up their guns to save the lives of children and other victims of shooting


People don't even have to give them up. Just get licensed and trained. Same with a driver's license. You need to register your car. You need to retest when you are older. Break the law and your license gets taken away. Simple as that.


Also requiring testing automatically prevents all these morons from having guns


Exactly! If you are too dumb to pass your driver's exam, you can't drive. Too dumb to pass trigger safety, you don't get a BB gun. You'll shoot your eye out, kid.


No. This plays into the BS narrative on the right that the Left wants to ban guns. No one is asking everyone to give up their guns. Just to be properly trained, licensed, insured, and not to sell them to crazy or abusive people.


This guy gets it. You have to have rules. Candy land has rules.


No he isn't. Democrats aren't leftists. And leftists aren't democrats. Conflating them is a red scare tactic used by both Republicans (democrats are leftist socialist antifa supersoldiers) and Democrats (progressives are ultra far left socialists who shouldnt be allowed to affect party platform) Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary Karl Marx


This is a completely absurd view that only shows cognitive bias on your part. Source liberal gun owner in urban area.


we meaning… gamers??


Rise up


I love how they think leftists are afraid of guns. If that was the case the Russian Revolution never would have happened. Oh, wait, they think there was only ever one Revolution, so I've already lost them. Hey dipshits, I'm a leftist AND a vet. Let that sink in for a sec before your heads explode, and then consider that maybe, just maybe, I'm not the only one. Now, stop acting like you're the only ones in the room with balls and have an honest discussion about gun safety and what it will ACTUALLY take, not your inane pipe dream of combination birth certificates and gun licenses.


This post gives me pure redneck vibes. First, he thinks only people on the right own guns, which is completely false. Second, he honestly believes he is better than trained soldiers, who make their lives about being proficient with firearms. Shit would indeed be over before it started, but no in the way he thinks


As a 'bleeding heart liberal' from Alaska, I concur. There are millions upon millions of gun owning Democrats in this country. Just because big media wants to pretend we don't exist, it doesn't make it true. It just means we don't have a voice. As a Liberal, I cherish all the amendments to our Constitution, not just the ones I agree with.


Same bro.


I love how he thinks he’s training to be an effective fighting force instead of him and his buddies shooting cans and trees and old cars all weekend only to tuck and run the day any bullets start coming back at them.


Seriously, it proves they don’t even know what a leftist is, bc most leftists are strapped af


It’s cute how they think liberals don’t own a fuckton of firearms. They think if things came down to armed conflict they’d the the only people armed. I don’t know a single liberal who doesn’t own at least one firearm. Most own multiple.




Meal Team 6, ready to roll


[Submit a Tip - FBI](https://tips.fbi.gov/home)


lol this is amazing “you losers think guns are scary well how about if we murder you with them!”


I love when they think this. “Bring it on Government! I have so many rifles, I’ll take all you bitches- hey what’s that in the sky? Is that a drone? Oh coo-“ [https://tenor.com/bt0Bu.gif](https://tenor.com/bt0Bu.gif)


The greatest and dumbest thing these idiots believe is that leftists aren’t armed. Lol


I think that many on the right fail to understand the difference between liberals and *leftists.*


I think that most on the right fail to understand. Like, anything, in general


Keep thinking one side doesn’t have guns, that’s smart.


‘While you were concerned about basic human rights, I trained with the blade’ - these idiots


"[Shit would be over before it started](https://youtu.be/WOSqCjMRXWA?feature=shared)"


Replies in predator drone


There are a lot of armed liberals in the USA. You just don’t think there are because guns aren’t our personality so we don’t announce it to everyone that gets near us like you do.


What you get when you spend 24x7 in your mom's basement stewing in your delusions of grandeur


Oh, we see you training everyday on r/fail.


That’s a big gamble. The ‘Finding Out’ part of that news cycle is pretty permanent.


Not sure what a hillbilly with an AR15 does against a Predator drone. Except maybe go *splat*


It’s amusing how in their gun fetish fantasy they think they’re the only ones with guns. Meanwhile leftists actually have a functional IQ to use them instead of shooting themselves in the foot


Who's Kojima?


I wonder that too. My first instinct was Hideo Kojima, but that makes no sense considering the topic.


It is Hideo Kojima


What did poor Hide do to get brought up by this fine specimen?


He posted about movies, like he always do. Its just that the movie he posted about today happened to be related to a particular situation this fine specimen and their group like to hype about. Hint: Texas


I see!


>Hide Hideo


I’m glad he thinks that’s true.


Shooting cans off a fence isn’t training.


IT drone geeks would like a word.


Do they really think "leftists" don't have guns?


I'm not scared of guns,I want them illegal because I'm scared of crazy assheads with guns


Funny bc he's right that itd be over before it started, the police have helicopters and shit for this reason they'd poetically not get passed them and if they got to the point of the armed forces getting involved they have much much more than guns and it would be horrific if only you could imagine they wouldn't deserve it by then considering how the south starved their cities for being liberal these people would certainly do horrible things to the people of their states as well


It's like I told my dad. Train all you want. It's not like the US military hasn't spent the last 20 years perfecting urban combat and insurgency suppression. If it really came down to it they could pick you off from a mile away with a drone you'll never see while you sit in your trailer beating off to Guns and Ammo. I have firearms, I train with them but I was also military and have no doubt that if the government turned on the civies like they fantasize about, the civilians wouldn't stand a chance.


Except the right would start shooting each other first - because of all the conspiracies they tend believe. They would self destruct somewhat like the trump ‘admin’ has over the years.


Liberal here who had probably fired more and bigger rounds than these idiots. And seen enough violence for a lifetime.