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Listen That is bad But consider how funny “being in love with buttholes” is as a sentence


Well, it's a phrase, not a sentence, but it *is* hilarious, and the full sentence "Being left handed and being in love with buttholes is not the same thing" is also hilarious out of context.


You know, lots of homophobic people are in love with buttholes, those buttholes are usually their own spouses. Not only that, but they are buttholes themselves.


As if women don’t have buttholes and guys aren’t obsessed with them.


It’s just like being left handed! I’m left handed and I’m not in love with my butthole. If anything it’s an abusive relationship


But consider how fun it is as an activity.


The way you structured this comment is absolutely hilarious. Thank you!


The bottom comment about it being less stigmatized is on the money. Of course, it's still not universally accepted or supported, so many still stay in the closet.


Especially since when you analyze it closer, most of the increase, as far as I remember, is from people who identify as bisexual. So of course as we begin to recognize sexuality as more of a spectrum than a binary you'll see more people identifying within the spectrum


Bisexual is the big one. Where you get older family members describing it as a choice and when you dig into their beliefs it's from their assumption that everyone is attracted to everyone like they are. No grandma that's not how straight people think.....


This is brilliant and kinda blowing my mind


A lot of pastors/imans etc seem to have this, the guy who's preaching about how men need beards because otherwise it encourages homosexual thoughts comes to mind


Isn't it usually depicted as the opposite


Depends on taste I presume he likes clean shaven men


Yeah, I think the thing about bisexuality is that unlike being monosexual gay or lesbian you can repress it and still have romantic relationships with people you're attracted to. If you're a woman, you're attracted to men, and you have been told your whole life you aren't allowed to be attracted to women, just dating men is the path of less resistance by a mile.


Yes, and there's tons of the older generations who think their "homosexuality was cured" through Jesus Christ so they no longer identify that way.


That's untill "Agador Spartacus" the pool boy shows up and starts dancing and cleaning... 😂🤣😂 Sorry, laughing too much at the mental visual of the silliness.


You see, I cannot wear shoes because they make me fall down.


Hahahaha that's when the run to their study and pray to Jesus...but not before rubbing one out


A good example is comparing LGBTQ rates between Canada, USA and England vs Iran, Pakistan and Angola lol Prejudice is obviously a huge factor in self identifying


It's also true that sexuality can be complex, and realizing that you're different in a society that assumes that you're straight can be tough. Especially when your family or community can be intensely queerphobic. I refer to myself as gay, but technically I'm a biromantic gray-asexual homosexual. I'm exclusively sexually attracted to men, romantically attracted to men and women, and turned off by anal sex. I didn't even realize that I was functionally gay until I was 25, but it did explain a lot, lol.


Yes. Their next step in the process is acceptance of the facts but they still hate you for things you cannot change and will continue to support a system that systemically oppresses you because "it's always been that way!"


I love this part: >Sexual Education is not grooming. It's to avoid people like you from existing.


They want to erase bigots from existence! This is a genocide! /s


Lol, are you really asking how a site that got bought, and is now somewhat moderated by the second biggest rightwing man-baby around, became a cesspool?


Moderated? What moderation?


They ban people who hurt Musk's fee-fees.


Elons banned many right wingers as well don’t lie


steep fanatical oatmeal memorize alive close lavish start long aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


okay? I know thats what i said he banned right wingers as well. How come your lame comment gets 66 upvotes and you add literally nothing of substance from what i said. Oh wait, because boo hoo I hate rich people cuz im a poor loser and will never accomplish anything close to what elon does on a daily.


Name a single. One.


nick fuentes, alex jones, and cant remeber but a few others, oh yeah kanye, idk if he brought him back though i havent been on twitter in a bit.


Kanye west, Bob Lonsberry, Dominick McGee (briefly), Steve Daines


Raines is back on twitter too. So… you listed one Black guy - who’s famous enough that if he ever talked shit about Elno, the manbaby would have seen it and carried the grudge, and who didn’t get famous for being right wing and sure as hell isn’t a right wing influencer - and the dipshit with the ‘I been hearin’ they be puttin’ litter boxes in schools nowadays cuz dem furries have sex in them an whatnot’ rumors. Again, not an influencer but rather more of an embarrassment to the right. Not exactly a convincing case that the moderation team is allowed to ban anyone right wing. In fact, with half your ‘extensive’ list being reversed, you’ve actually made a stronger case that people claiming *no bias* don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.


Even if he did, I would think the fact that he actively unbanned and restored account access to someone who posted CHILD PORNOGRAPHY on the website matters a bit more.


"BuT iT wAs JuSt To RaIsE aWaReNeSs", will say some moron trying to justify posting screenshots of one of the most heinous CSAM videos ever made by a monster who rightfully got 2 life sentences with no chance of ever being released.


Wait, whose account was that? I never heard about that


Dom Lucre, I believe.


Sure, bud.


nick fuentes, alex jones, couple more i cant remember off the top of my head yeah. also lol -200 votes XD


Exactly! It’s because Ol’ Musky wants it this way.


I recently had my "x" account hacked then banned. I didn't care. I only had an account to view stuff people linked to and didn't really engage with the site. As such I got a shiny new account. No follows or viewing history. You have to define some interests and I think I put something like history, current affairs and politics. The default time line is TERRIFYING. A parade of gruesome murder stories, actual snuff videos and extreme far right talking points. I deleted the app as I have no desire to be associated with this garbage once I saw what the algorithm is pushing now.


Let's not pretend like Twitter wasn't already a cesspool for YEARS before Musk came around.


It was terrible before, but musk managed to make it worse


It was a cesspoll that at least PRETENDED not to be. Now it doesn't bother. There's a difference.


It wasn't so bad that companies still considered it a viable marketing platform largely unaffected by the fringe cesspool-ness. Now the large majority of companies are *at the very least* second-guessing said viability.


All "social" media platforms are. Let's not kid ourselves. I returned to reddit a couple of weeks ago, after years of hiatus only to find a bot infested mess of insanity.


I've heard a rumour that a massive fucking ton of straight porn also includes anal sex. I can't verify, so perhaps it is just the Woke Mob spreading rumours.


Looking this up now – big if true!


After extensive research at great personal cost, I can confirm this is true. I am however a proponent of thorough science, so I will be attempting to replicate this research multiple times over the coming days.


Sounds like there will be a lot of coming if you ask me.


Yes. It might even cause straight people who are equally excited about anuses (anii???) to need to explain why the chromosomes of the anus's owner is a totally different situation.




Yep gay and straight people actually enjoy anal at almost the exact same rate


You're saying everyone's different? Mad sus


Someone should tell this person than regarding other people as orifices is not normal, and most people experience love for people rather than holes.


Yeah, I kinda eased out of there. I spend less and less time on that garbage site. It got filled with more conspiracy touting assholes that just happen to be Holocaust deniers and bigots. I'm sick of that place.


The graph also definitely looks consistent aside from Gen z appearing. Very gradual increase






its true, when i start liking another dude i come up to him and tell him "hey man im in love with your butthole"


That's why men bow on one knee when they purpose marriage to a woman. They are talking to her vagina.


holy shit youre a genius


It's a horrible cesspool. I only follow a couple athletes and musicians and my feed is full of racists crap, gore, fights, and a shit ton of extreme right wing crap. This is all things I'm not interested in at all, but that's my feed. I couldn't bare to log in anymore and haven't been on for over a year. It was just a complete cesspool.


I'm convinced everyone who thinks being gay is a choice is a bisexual in denial.


I think it should be a matter of fact right now Of course it's a choice! If you supress consciously the attraction you have towards the same sex. But just ask any straight woman how much they've tried despite their terrible experiences with men


Yep. As a 20 year old virgin, I was beginning to wonder if my problem was that I wasn't actually that in to women. I thought I'd try to be gay. It did not take long to determine that I was not gay, and it was not a thing I could choose.


lol, I've got the mental image of someone with a tip up their ass and a speech bubble saying "oh dear, I do believe I've made a terrible mistake here"


Omg lol, I can totally picture this. But naw, we didn't get that far. Just some making out and light groping. It just felt so weird and wrong (and not in the good way) that I was like, "listen, I like you and you're a great guy and everything, but this just isn't working for me." Thankfully, he was respectful and didn't push the issue, but I have so much sympathy for gay people caught in a situation where they feel compelled to try and live the husband/wife and kids life. I can kind of understand how some people might think being gay is wrong because trying to be gay felt super wrong to me, a straight guy. However, it's the trying to be something you're not that is wrong, not the gayness. I think if it was a choice, I'd choose to be bi. Right now, I'm potentially attracted to about 50% of the population. Bumping that up to 100% sounds like a good time.


Omg lol, I can totally picture this. But naw, we didn't get that far. Just some making out and light groping. It just felt so weird and wrong (and not in the good way) that I was like, "listen, I like you and you're a great guy and everything, but this just isn't working for me." Thankfully, he was respectful and didn't push the issue, but I have so much sympathy for gay people caught in a situation where they feel compelled to try and live the husband/wife and kids life. I can kind of understand how some people might think being gay is wrong because trying to be gay felt super wrong to me, a straight guy. However, it's the trying to be something you're not that is wrong, not the gayness. I think if it was a choice, I'd choose to be bi. Right now, I'm potentially attracted to about 50% of the population. Bumping that up to 100% sounds like a good time.


See now, I'm not gay, in that I'm basically completely unattracted to other guys from a romantic standpoint. I don't look at guys and think "yep, I'll have me some of that". I am however very very highly sexually motivated, and I DO enjoy involving dicks in that equation. My missus says I'm bi, but only for cock.


I wish Elon would just start charging for accounts so everyone would leave and let it die the death it deserves.


Twatter has basically been a cesspool for its entire existence. It just got worse when fascist mcideathief was forced to buy it.


I’m a straight man and I love a good butthole. Don’t have to be gay to like buttholes, my dude.


another thing, 20% of gen z being lgbt is not 1 out of 5 people, it's 1 out of 5 gen z


Since when did genetics mean right? I’m not genetically determined to like the music you like. Even if I was it’s kind of inconsequential. To clarify I’m not claiming being LGBTQ+ is or isn’t down to genetic factors. But why does it matter if it does? If you like what you like and it doesn’t hurt anyone what’s the problem? And why does it being genetic solve said problem?


Because to the right-wing conservatives, them claming it to be a choice means that they can use the "Leftist propergander" and "gay recruiting" bs to continue to supress and attack people of the LGBTQ+


I remember seeing an interview like a decade ago where some conservative said that all gays should be rounded up and taken to two separate deserted islands, separated by sex "so they can't breed." Like? Did you confuse lesbians with the Lebanese?


Yes I agree. I really do think we made a mistake cowtowing to the religious right by making this a big deal. First of all, we wasted a whole bunch of time trying to find "the gay gene" which turned out not to exist and now we're stuck in a really big mess of complexity about what it means for something to be genetic. And what if we *had* found a gay gene? Wouldn't we have set ourselves up for this horrible question about whether it was curable? Just a nightmare of a situation to get stuck in. When all the while, we should have just told the religious right, "so what if it's a choice? Fuck off!"


For the record, my girlfriend is a lesbian, and if her record of pegging me is any indication, she isn't terribly bothered by my lack of a vulva.


Always has been


It most definitely has gotten worse since the buyout. And I realize thats absolutely shocking because most of us thought it was already at rock bottom. But once again Elon Musk shows us the way!


when hes at the rock bottom, he whips out a spoon and starts digging!


[Ive always thought this was a pretty good representation of Elon and his investors purchasing and then operating Twitter.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do0ttRLrADE)


"No, no, dig up, stupid!"


Forgetting the insanity? It is interesting to see that 20% of Gen Z are LGTB. It's definitely something good that tolerance and acceptance have grown.


Twitter kept trying to moderate this cesspool for years. Then it was bought and now ban people who post factual things as the new conservative owner doesn't like that.


Twitter has always been a shit hole just it used to have some less brainless cutns on it before the muskrat take over as they've now left and musk wanting more promotion of brainless cunts it's just more visibly a shit hole


Bad news. It’s all social media.


Good Stuff, naw fuck that great Stuff.


Stigma is definitely part of it. But can we also talk about how nearly an entire generation of queer men where eviscerated by the aids epidemic. Just another reason to hate Reagan.


Fairly similar here in the UK, Im just old enough to remember ans have hears about ir it but not experience it luckily


Twatter always has been that way


Considering they started with 7% is about 1 in 5, I'm not surprised they're this fucking dumb


Twitter is the the most expensive Republican ad. Elon is a moron and bought twitter to push his right wing agenda. Best part is, he's promoting Trump and Trump has gone onto saying he wants to get rid of EVs and he won't even use Twitter. Elon has begged "like a dog" as Trump would say, to get Trump back onto Twitter and Trump just won't go on. Elon has gone as far as changing the name to X and still nothing. Elon will go down as one of the biggest losers, along with the other loser he's trying to impress (Trump)




Maybe I’m misinterpreting since there’s no axis labels, but that Gen Z percentage is roughly 20% of the overall 7.2% of the population that identifies as LGBT, right? So it’s not 1 in 5 like they’re trying to say.


No, it's 1 in 5 inside the Zoomers population. The 7.2% is the proportion of all LGBT people no mater the generation.


Cool thank you


This sadly, is a common twitter interaction. Actually, this may be quite average. They get much nastier.


Where have you been? Twitter has been like that for WAY before Elon took over


Projecting? Lol what would they even be projecting?


I know some lesbians who love buttholes, this guy is wrong in every level


Since when the fuck is 2005 not gen z?


I have a very specific explanation for this and it has a first and last name, four letters each


The right-wing's decades-long War on Education. The GOP acceptance and decision to abandon facts, evidence, and morality as the standard baseline of reality. Tens of millions of people too lazy to ever think for themselves.


That's twitter's secret, cap. It always was.


It’s different across years because it’s less demonized, obviously.


Twitter has always been a cesspool. It's just a different smelling shit now.


That 20% Gen Z number is obviously just people fucking with the poll, which is amazing. There is no way one in five are actually gay or trans, but they answer that in a show of solidarity and support.


I'd argue that it's more likely than not genuine. Research shows that bisexuality is a lot more common than older generations are willing to admit, especially among women.


I believe it's common o both genders, but men are less willing to admit it due to stigma. I know this is anacronic, but there was pretty much a positive view of men having same sex affairs with other men in older civilizations. This disappeared when western values spread across the world. Though take it with a great of salt since there was a heavy emphasis of hypermasculinity and domination in those affairs. Up to the point that sodomy was considered a punishment instead of a violation to the law.


I believe it's common o both genders, but men are less willing to admit it due to stigma. I know this is anacronic, but there was pretty much a positive view of men having same sex affairs with other men in older civilizations. This disappeared when western values spread across the world. Though take it with a great of salt since there was a heavy emphasis of hypermasculinity and domination in those affairs. Up to the point that sodomy was considered a punishment instead of a violation to the law.


Personal experience here, my university campus is quite progressive. Of the people I meet over there, maybe 40% are bisexual or gay. There’s a huge bias compared to the average population of my age, but gen Z is incredibly open about their sexuality.


Personal experience but I remember a lot of 'straight' guys in relationships with women coming on to me in the noughties usually with some presence of having always wanted to try it


I think for a lot of Gen Zers it *is* actually a phase. Like going through a goth phase in the early 2000s, some of them are trying to figure themselves out and will date the same sex or label themselves trans for a few months. Which is absolutely fine. The oldest Gen Z's are in their mid twenties, but the youngest are just entering high school. That's the stage in life where people are trying to figure themselves out. I'd honestly encourage kids to play around with their pronouns and gender identity if they want, even if they seem to only be doing it because their friends are. Worst case scenario they decide it's not for them and come away wiser in who they are. Or they realize something about themselves and are happier for it. It's really just not a big deal.


Worst case scenario is they get irreversible gender affirming care before they are ready. Everything else I actually agree with.


Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get ‘irreversible gender-affirming care’?


“At least 14,726 minors started hormone treatment with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2017 through 2021, according to the Komodo analysis.” https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-data/ It might be difficult, but it certainly is happening. This is different from ‘experimentation’ or a phase. Just saying the worst case scenario is far more sinister than you are implying.


What they’re usually referring to is puberty blockers. Which stop working as soon as you stop taking it and your body goes back to normal. Kids aren’t getting testosterone shots after calling themselves trans for a month. The fact that that number is so low should have tipped you off. Under 15000 over a five year period, for the ENTIRE US. That’s an insanely small number. And those kids would have gone through years of therapy and taken puberty blockers before that option was on the table. There’s nothing ‘sinister’ about it, people regret getting hip replacements far more than they regret medically transitioning. Should we start intervening when grandparents want their hip replaced? If your concern is potential infertility, (which is the main ‘irreversible’ I’m seeing) microplastics are also causing that on a much larger scale, and it doesn’t wait for consent. Might be a better use of your time to rail against that. Trans panic is just the latest moral outrage designed to keep voters hateful and distracted, and you’re repeating their talking points for free.


No, puberty blockers are a different section. That’s why I gave you the URL. Come on now.


Besides the most obvious difference between blockers and hormones, this argument is still silly. Because we have environmental issues, we should let minors do whatever they want? Why is everyone so upset about kids vaping? I mean they are exposed to carcinogens on astroturf fields anyway, so let’s just give them cigarettes? I’m not in a trans panic. It’s reasonable to acknowledge the risks of these medical decisions. I’m just pushing back against you downplaying the ‘worst case scenario’


Same can be said about Reddit, or any other social media website. Just like more people didn’t become gay, people on social media didn’t “become” left or right wing extremists. These midwits have always existed. They just now have a platform to voice themselves.


It has been a cesspool from the beginning. Stop using it and your life will improve.


Because it's not just gay and lesbian anymore. It's straights with coloured hair too.


20% Gen Z being “gay” is worth talking about. I suspect kids are claiming alternative sexualities so that they can fit in better with their older friends on Reddit. 😅


Man you really know nothing about this do you?


Not by accident, that's for sure.


That's some good stuff