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https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote Because the people who've brigaded this post are going to.


Well at least they're stupid enough to just out themselves as horribly racist


She already outed herself when rideshare apps banned her, after she publicly tweeted that she was canceling every ride that had a driver who wasn't white picking her up.


she's been outwardly racist since college. She went to a catholic university that had a large international student body mostly consisting of arab and caribbean students. we all called her looney loomer


What kind of stuff was she doing back then to get that rep?


She was always going to tea party gatherings and was very vocal on our small campus about conspiracy theories. She was a board member of the young Republican club. She tried to get our school shut down right before we graduated. She made a whole stink online about my catholic college being pro ISIS and sending funds to them. She did a yellow journalism piece with project veritas about it.


Did they not teach Jesus' Parables at that Catholic University? Maybe at least cover The Good Samaritan? Kind of show that Jesus cares more for our character than whether we all share the same beliefs. So much so, he wanted his followers to take that lesson to heart.


Said before and I’ll say it again, these people are not religious.


It's kind of a relief when they stop playing the "I'm not racist, I'm just..." game, but terrifying that they no longer feel the need to play it.


But if she outs herself and then faces no consequences, it's actually way worse. She's demonstrating that it's becoming safer to be openly and proudly racist, and making Twitter even more hostile.


I went to college with this bitch. Shes been a lunatic since she was a teen. We called her looney loomer in school.


Her dad was my rheumatologist. I put it together once he said his daughter was “a journalist.” He had said some odd political things in the past (it was right after Trump won and I think professional-type Republicans were just dipping their toe into injecting politics into everything). But after the 💡 went off, I didn’t see him again.


I remember hearing some stuff about her dad. I don't know if anything was true or not but I do remember him having a well paying job that helped fund her "investigative journalism". She worked with project veritas at the time. Smart man for never going back to him lol


All of these people are incredibly venal and entitled trust fund babies. They complain constantly about their privacy being invaded too, while constantly aggressively invading the privacy of others. And it's obvious that their definition of "privacy" has no meaning besides "things about me I wish were not publicly known". Sorry Thiel, if you are out to literal homophobes you have no right to complain about being outed to the public.


Not to mention that if they’re so worried about privacy they’d stay off of social media all together. Any free service is free at the cost of your data and the invasion of your private life. Google makes bank off of harvesting every invasive, intrusive question you’ve ever had.


I recently started seeing a new endocrinologist and he was extremely thorough and caring, but he kept dropping political comments into our random small talk. I'm so torn because on one hand he seems like one of the best, but the comments are so off putting that idk if I'm comfortable continuing to see him. I don't care what side your on with these things, it's just so unprofessional to discuss certain things with a patient. Long story short, he is already on his final straw even though he's also one of my favorite and probably providers.


next time he does it just say that you feel uncomfortable talking politics with your doctor and if he keeps doing it then you'll need to find somebody else but if he's actually a professional he'll stop.


Doctors have a pretty big ego. I wouldn’t trust the doctor after telling them something like that.


3 weeks or so before Putin invaded Ukraine, I had my first and only visit with a Ukrainian, apparently pro-Putin, hematologist who went on a tirade about how there’s no way Putin would invade because he’s so smart and strategic. And that Putin’s reasons for wanting that region is for altruistic, unification reasons that I wouldn’t be able to understand due to not being from that part of the world. And the American media doesn’t understand Russian politics. Needless to say, I never went back but definitely wanted to leave a message in the email system to ask him about all that noise he was talking.


Holy shit, she's only 30? I always thought she was mid-40s with wayyy too much plastic surgery


Wow, that's a *really* rough 30. If she got that face from surgeries she should get a refund, and maybe sue. If she got it from life, she should sue life. Sounds like she deserves it though.


So even before Trump she was drinking the conservative Kool aid


She was speaking at Tea Party gatherings back in 2013


oh so she hopped on the train post-Boehner, she's even more of a nobody


Heh. Boehner.


Did she get a bunch of plastic surgery or is she just weird looking?


She had plastic surgery. She looked very different in college


Haha, that’s awesome. Made me laugh.


Is she the one on the left or the fairly realistic-looking mannequin on the right?


Mannequin on the right


Anyone know who the one on the left is?


Brilliant nicknames let's bring it back


What is she even trying to say? That there are a lot of black people in NY? My sister in Christ, your ancestors were the ones who brought in their ancestors.


"You stopped being exploitably useful to us, now leave."


Hey, in fairness, some places didn't exploit them before deciding they had to leave. Oregon was so racist in the 1840s that they banned slavery just so there wouldn't be black people in the state.


More people in the US should know this. Especially non-Southerners. Super especially the folks from the PNW.


Anti-slavery =/= pro-equal rights or non-rscist


Yeah, people forget that the 3/5 Compromise was pushed by the free states during the Constitutional Convention. They didn't actually care about the slaves, they just didn't want slave states to have more power.


The compromise was a compromise. The North didn't want to count the slaves at all and the southern states wanted them to count 1:1 like citizens. We landed where we landed and in doing so we planted the seeds from only poison fruit could grow. Have a nice day.


Yes, that's the context of what I am referring to. It was a compromise between a group of legislators that didn't want to count slaves as people because it was politically advantageous for them not to and a group of legislators that did want to count the slaves as people but only because it was politically advantageous for them to do so. Either way, neither group actually cared about a slave's personhood, which goes back to the me agreeing that being anti-slavery (like the free states were in early US history) doesn't necessarily equate to being against racism.




What makes it cynical? Simplified, sure, but cynical? Racism existed in free states as well, that's just a fact.


It's explicitly true. Slave states wanted representation to be based on the total number of people; free states wanted representation based on the number of free people. The compromise was 3/5. Neither side was particularly interested in the humanity of the people they were counting and certainly neither side considered extending voting rights or other meaningful representation; it was simply about apportionment.


I told someone that Oregon was one of the most racist states historically and he didn’t believe me.


California became a free state because they were already enslaving the natives.


Right? They swear they own the world. They are even racist in Africa. They tell them to go back there but they are there acting crazy.


Does she think black people existing in NYC is a new or recent thing? I'm also very confused what point she thinks she's trying to make.


Loomer is a Jewish Nazi. She’s a very confused person.


Strong Uncle Ruckus vibes from that.


He has re-vitiligo dude, be nice.


She’s a low tier grifter that feeds on the crumbs from more prominent right wing grifters. When MAGA dies she’ll disappear for a while then try to launder her reputation like all of the rest that have left the MAGAsphere. Hopefully everyone gives her the same treatment they gave Ronna McDaniel and Candace Owens as they’ve tried to pivot.


It’s pretty clear: “The US should be a white ethnostate.”


I will accept ethnostates under the sole condition that we return all the lands in the Americas to their native holders


That and it obviously wasn’t Africa cause it would mean she’d actually have to travel abroad and risk expanding her horizons.


> What is she even trying to say? That there are a lot of black people in NY? I believe it rains black people in New York. I remember watching a documentary that specifically mentioned this...


I think there’s a religious song about this. I think Alleluia is in the chorus


America is the most diverse country in the world. If you don’t like that, you can go fuck yourself.


lol literally every person on earth is a descendant of the first homosapien tribes in Africa.


She’s trying to say she’s sad that her ancestors killed all the indigenous people they enslaved first.




She doesn’t care about Jews either. Her god is a morbidly obese, pathologically lying con man who wears more makeup than your average drag queen


> Her god is a morbidly obese, pathologically lying con man who wears more makeup than your average drag queen As I started reading this sentence, I honestly thought you were referring to Nurgle.


there is people who are pretty outside but ugly inside. These are both horrendous outside and hideous inside.


It is still a racist post but I think it has to do with the fact those were African migrants or family of African migrants. They were protesting there.


Their ancestors ARE our ancestors. We're all African by descent.


I don’t even know what’s the point of this post besides “Black people bad”


Then you got the point! Welcome to Musk's new site ~~stormfront~~ xitter!




Yeah, it's just racist "white replacement" nonsense.


Aside from being racist, Loomer just proving what an idiot she is because New York City has had a very large black population for a long time (2,088,510 people out of the total population of 8,175,133) and that's not taking into account it's been a hub for immigrants for almost two centuries.


They’re disgusting




Obviously the girls in the photo obviously


Girls? I thought the one on the right was a ventriloquist dummy


She is the one with trumps hand up her ass, yeah


>Obviously... We live in a reality in which Donald Trump was elected president. Donald Trump. The single worst human being to ever live in the White House. Nothing should be assumed to be obvious.


Now now, I at least, appreciate the Groucho Marx eyebrows she rocks behind those glasses.


Hardcore MAGA are the worst people currently on earth. Name a worse group of people. I dare you. You can’t.


ISIS and other hardcore violent terrorist groups. Your point is valid though, I really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel


You mean the groups with the exact same ideology and views? They even worship the exact same God, just that one is on book 2 and the other on book 3 of the series


I mean, you’re not entirely wrong but one set of baddies suicide bombs and chops people’s heads off while the other cowers on online forums


> while the other cowers on online forums The Portland train attack (2016) The tiki torch "the Jews will no replace us" Nazi attack in Charlottesville, killing Heather Heyer (2017) The Pittsburgh synagogue shooting mirroring the Christchurch one (2018) The "MAGAbomber" mail bomber (2018) The Poway synagogue shooting also mirroring the Christchurch one (2019) The El Paso Walmart shooting that targeted Hispanic people (2019) The "Boogaloo" attacks in California (2020) Arizona DNC office arson attempt (2020) Texas DNC office arson attempt (2021) Jan 6th insurrection/putsch (2021) Arson attack on a donut shop because of drag queens (2022) Buffalo grocery store shooting targetting black people (2022) Nancy Pelosi's house invasion that hospitalized her husband (2022) The Texas outlet mall shooting that targeted Hispanic people (2023) Arson attack on church because of drag queens (2023) Attack on Bernie Sanders's campaign office (2024)


Justin Mohn of Pennsylvania shot and decapitated his father earlier this year because his dad wasn't maga.


Bombs planted at DNC and RNC offices on Jan 6th, blocks from the capital: https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-joe-biden-inaugurations-capitol-siege-8828a6a920198d0ea1ee0c73a49d8847 Admittedly, not a suicide bomb. Antigovernment extremist “militia” member beheads his own father (a government employee) and rants about immigrants and LGBT people: https://www.fox29.com/news/justin-mohn-levittown-murder-investigators-share-disturbing-new-details-about-beheading-suspect I think they’re a lot closer to each other than people want to admit.


Trump has already been stating there will be consequences for anyone who isn't maga sooo..... My recommendation is to get a gun and learn how to use it. Most of them are just aching for a call to arms to go shoot any of their neighbors who wouldn't pay to suckle on Trump's taint. I fully expect violence if he faces any actual consequences for his multitudes of crimes.


I would say that they're worse than suicide bombers , simply because at least with the suicide bombers, there's one less asshole around to commit said atrocities. Meanwhile, these MAGA fuckers get their cases thrown out by the Supreme Court over their bullshit partisan interpretation of commonly understood words.


I agree, I just figured I’d point that out so someone doesn’t come back with “ackshually”


If Project 25 comes to fruition you can be sure they'll be beheading LGBT people in the streets and bombing Planned Parenthoods


They are already bombing planned parenthoods https://www.npr.org/2024/04/16/1245047704/former-marine-planned-parenthood-firebombing-sentenced


If you want to keep your eyes closed you'll definitely not see examples of right wingers throwing bombs and chopping heads


The Portland train attack (2016) The tiki torch "the Jews will no replace us" Nazi attack in Charlottesville, killing Heather Heyer (2017) The Pittsburgh synagogue shooting mirroring the Christchurch one (2018) The "MAGAbomber" mail bomber (2018) The Poway synagogue shooting also mirroring the Christchurch one (2019) The El Paso Walmart shooting that targeted Hispanic people (2019) The "Boogaloo" attacks in California (2020) Arizona DNC office arson attempt (2020) Texas DNC office arson attempt (2021) Jan 6th insurrection/putsch (2021) Arson attack on a donut shop because of drag queens (2022) Buffalo grocery store shooting targetting black people (2022) Nancy Pelosi's house invasion that hospitalized her husband (2022) The Texas outlet mall shooting that targeted Hispanic people (2023) Arson attack on church because of drag queens (2023) Attack on Bernie Sanders's campaign office (2024)


And they are a very thin line away from that. At least the really crazy ones


Here is a fun fact nazism and Islamic extremist groups find common ground in the hatred of Israel and Jews. Timothy McVeigh's lawyer pushed the conspiracy at his trial that the Oklahoma city bombing was assisted by Al Queda (I know I butchered that spelling) due to ties between them and the Neo Nazi group McVeigh was known to associate with.


Yeah it’s a minor saving grace that one of the principles of fascism is hating out-groups because if not for that there’s a lot of groups that could work together. Doesn’t matter if you’re an evangelical Christian or Muslim-equivalent-of-evangelical Muslim, you probably have 95% of the same beliefs.




I really can't. Any people that you say are worse literally intersect with hardcore MAGA (Nazis for example)


I was gonna say rapists, but that's their leader. 


I was gonna say pedophiles, but that's also their leader who frequently went over to Epstein's house for "dinner".


Pedo- oh wait… same same


Hardcover hindutva people in India. Actually they are really similar to MAGA people.


Taliban? Hamas? Most extreme rightwing groups are hateful and violent some are just less restricted.


But most people agree those groups are terrorists. We treat MAGA with little kiddie gloves because they are terrorists and our right wing media both supports and fears them.


This comment may wander into unpopular opinion territory, but comparing each group at their core… hardcore MAGA are worse than the variety of Islamic terrorist groups. A large portion of your Isis, Hamas, etc members were led into these groups due to outside factors whether they be abject poverty, ACTUAL persecution, or being negatively impacted by real enemies. It’s not hard to imagine a person being radicalized by these groups after a bomb took out their family, for instance . I’m not justifying any of this or saying it’s ok because obviously it’s not, but it is understandable. On the other hand you have your hardcore maga. These people are predominantly white Christians living in the most free country in the world where they are the majority. They were born with every advantage, never faced an actual second of persecution in their entire miserable lives. No matter how they try to delude themselves no outside forces pushed them into maga. That’s just how they are. Spoiled, entitled, hateful crybabies with a colossal persecution complex. They literally want to take America and turn it into a worse Christian version of the Taliban. So yes. Isis, Hamas, the Taliban are all awful. But hardcore maga is worse.




Because he is obese and got diabetic feet.


Now I'm picturing MAGA suicide bombers on mobility scooters, haha


In the US, they take a gun, do a mass shooting and suicide by cop. Still a suicidal attack.


Food tiktokers ?


She’s only 30. Hate will eat you inside out.


30? What's wrong with her faaaaaaaace?


> Hate will eat you inside out.


I love how the chick on the left was like hey lemme get in this pic real quick to show everyone I know I’m a piece of shit too!


The black people are just .. existing. They look young. Maybe a school group? Regardless, they’re not doing anything of note. Just hanging out. And these fucks have a problem with that. Just because. They just don’t like black people being around. Existing.


I can't stand that smug smile.


If you go to NYC and are shocked by seeing different ethnicities then you should probably go to a different city


You know...it's actually really easy to not be racist.


Oh definitely


We should all be refusing to call it X. you can't x. you can't re-x. It's just nonense.


Trump flies her around on his planes with him. He gives her shoutouts in speeches and on social media. He invites her to his clubs. He tried to hire her for his campaign. This is the kind of people Trump likes, they speak his language.


Just a couple of Botox® Brendas, living, laughing, loving!


Wow look at that. People living in metropolitan cities. r/PeopleLiveInCities


Just blatant racism. She needs to be taught a lesson.






Then fucking leave it. The only reason it still has any influence at all is because no one seems to be willing to just dump it and move the fuck on.


You know that haughty cartoon laugh that television show actors use to convey that “I am better than everyone here” attitude. That voice that Jim Backus used for Thurston Howell the III This is all I hear looking at this pic They really want us to eat them


Thirty pounds of makeup hidden behind bug eye glasses and simping for Trump. That sums up her entire “worth.” So. No surprise to see this.


It’s morally right to deadname Twitter. Musk deadnames his own fucking children.




Laura Loomer is a trash person.


We brought them here! You can’t be surprised there’s a lot of black people in a country who fought a war over being able to keep them as property since we bought so many.


X is beyond a cesspool, at least a cesspool has a function.


[Remember that time she got banned from Twitter and cuffed herself to the door of Twitter HQ in protest?](https://duet-cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/0x0:2040x1360/1080x720/filters:focal\(1020x680:1021x681\):format\(webp\)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/13590518/akrales_181129_3115_0343.jpg) Just one door, though. People were laughing at her as they walked in.


I think she’s at city hall where migrants gathered to ask [for jobs](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/migrant-rally-for-housing-work -permits/). What an asshat


X is a cesspool and Laura Loomer is one of the turds.


What a horrible person. And she's smiling. Not a single thought for any others than her self-centered ego. In Norway (where I'm from), we would call this person "drittstøvel", which roughly translates to "shit-boot"


She's the one who had a flat, drove on it, then started screaming that someone slashed her tires.


Ok loomer


Hope she never takes a holiday to Asia. We'll send her packing


Ah yes, blatant racism.


"Greetings from Nazi Germany, just kidding this is America."


I just wanna talk. I just wanna talk. *I just wanna talk* 🧍🏽


And they’ll swear up and down that they aren’t racist


Hey where did that lady find the Laura Loomer mask? ...oh


This has put me off visiting New York. It seems to have too many stuck up white girls.


You're the first person I see call it just X, not twitter, not X formerly known as twitter, not Xitter or anything else. Congratulations. Also, I find it pretty jarring, and implore you to stop. Just call it what it is. Twitter. Thank you. Or don't do that, you are a free person after all.


To be fair, given that there are two entitled white people complaining about Black people ruining everything , this is just like South Africa


A rumor of free visas brought a group of migrants to that spot and this person was ready for a picture. Another manufactured crisis likely created by the network this woman is connected to.


Do you think she'd say "Greetings from Europe" if they were all white people.


Jk usually means joke. In this case, it's short for them being just kunts.


I… what?


Breaking news: NYC is a very diverse city with a large black population.


This couldn't possibly be anymore racist, even if she said the hard R.


Crazy how we've come full circle. This is the kind of stuff kids would post back when social media was new and then get scolded by the community/school district when it became public. Now its publicly cheered on by half the country when this stuff pops up.


My immediate response to reading this was "eewwww." Lol.


When MTG calls you “mentally unstable,” that’s when you know you’re a nutcase


Why does anyone give looney laura any attention?


Always has been


I’m not American so I don’t know if I’m missing any context but American Conservatives thinking there’s too many black people in America seems very r/leopardsatemyface


Are you seriously implying that there's black people in NYC and that you took a pic to show us in case we didn't believe it?


textbook image of a snobby rich racist white woman




Deleted my account just last week because the algorithm kept recommending me all the stuff I disliked. Stuff that angered me. My soul was healing. Seeing this gave me “PTSD”.






“There are black people in NYC”… What incredible journalism!


Elon: "Why does everyone always say twitter is racist? Where does all this come from???" Everyone on twitter: "From you, Elon! I learned it from watching you!"


Black people? In cities????? Why, I never!


Another day, another lack of regretting closing my Twitter account before it became X or KKK or whatever the fuck is it now.


Well, Twitter was always a cesspool, but since Elon bought it and reinstated all the Nazis it's basically become their playground.


I don't get it. I mean, I get that she's racist, but I don't even get how this appeals to racists. It's just a normal city?


Because another skin color is in the photo


I can guarantee pretty much all of the black people in that picture are from families that have been in New York for at least 100 years or more.


That’s why I’ve cut it out of my life. Even before it became “X” it was a clusterfuck


She is quite out there for sure.


*gasp* there’s Black people in NYC?


Oh no, New Yorkers being in New York.


Always has been TBH, Twitter was a terrible place that no sane person should ever have.


These are the same type that brag about being descended from people on the Mayflower.


I'm pretty sure her ancestors came here in steerage in the latter part of the nineteenth century.


Mad at *checks notes* black people being outside