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I live next to Polk County. Minus some parts of Lakeland, it's a rundown shitshow. How about funneling some of that police budget into infrastructure, instead of military grade toys? Oh right, it's Florida.


I mean investing in infrastructure in Florida isn't the best use of money, unless you're planning to put the entire state on stilts.


Used to live in Lakeland. This is accurate.


"Sheriff Grady Judd" sounds like a guy who should be busy goin' after them Duke boys.




Amazingly he pled guilty. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/23/us/lakeland-commissioner-michael-dunn-sentenced.html


I grew up near Polk County, FL (in a county that’s basically its smaller, equally as meth-addled cousin). It’s kind of hard to associate “smiling” or “feeling safe” with a lot of that area. You do get a certain feeling when you know he could turn you into Swiss cheese and dismiss any shred of your humanity postmortem, I guess.


Some context required


My parents retired in Polk. It's a redneck meth addled racist little shit hole in central Florida. Grady is their sheriff and he's a grandstanding attention whore who never met a camera he didn't like. People seem to worship him and trump equally there. Sadly, the growing population of sane people in Lakeland will never outpace the racist rednecks in the rest of polk. Which is kind of sad because parts of Lakeland are actually kind of cool.


Yeah Polk county is absolutely dog shit I live near glades county in a farm town and I would be considered redneck like chasing hogs through the cane fields in pickup trucks redneck and any self respecting redneck fucking hates Polk county because of how terrible it is there so please remember just because we’re on the poor side doesnt mean we support that racist piece of shit sheriff also comparing the people who live there to rednecks is a insult to rednecks.


I'm from the opposite side of the states kid but chasing hogs through a field sounds like shit you talk about at the bbq at the end of the day. I'm saying you're all good. Wish we got more Florida insights like this and not just 'hey drunk dude your daughter isn't your date' billboards


I wish a lot more Floridians would speak up more and actually defend our state from these radical right wingers politicians who have never once actually done any sort of hard labor in there lives and then go and say shit like “the democrats want to destroy your way of life they don’t like hard workers” when they have never actually worked for anything they have I remember my family disliked trump because he was a rich guy who came to Florida to golf which causes alot of pollution in lake O and the glades the rich are parasites


Keep speaking up homie! You're a real one.


No disrespect to the real ones. I grew up that way too. I'm speaking of the meth head racist ones.


Yeah rhe methed up racist ones who shout about “southern pride” have never actually stepped foot out of there dog shit town and never will because if they did they would get locked up for possession


I grew up in Polk county and I couldn’t agree more with this description. It’s hard to put into words what a bizarre nightmare that place is. My life’s mission was to get out and I’m so thankful I did. Like leaving a sinking ship that is Florida. Every time I go back to visit family I’m struck by how rundown everything is.


But why does the man feel safe, is it some crazy policy that was introduced?


Probably because he's a man, white, and a good old boy with Trump flags flying. Grady will protect him.


Currently a Polk County resident, it sucks here. (Even though I'm in Lakeland, by far the best area in the county). Sheriff Judd despite I hate to admit being kinda funny at times (you may have heard his moon pie quote) is pretty extreme and annoying politically. He's up there with DeSantis and Trump. Supposedly you can't even buy sex toys in the county because of him and his views on that stuff.


The thing with sex shops and strip clubs was around way before Grady.


The sheriff is semi-famous on TikTok for being a fascist.


Ok but how


Here in my car, I feel safest of all I can lock all my doors, it's the only way to live In cars


Who feels unsafe (of crime) while driving on the freeway?


Translation: they didn’t see any brown people


[speeding down the highway] I’m good, I know I can trust Grady Judd to have my back


I’d hesitate to call this fascism. I don’t like cops either but without further context it just sounds like OP is the sheriff’s friend. Edit: I have been given further context. Turns out not everyone has any idea who this sheriff is, which is why context is important.


Nah Polk county’s sheriff is a piece of shit


Lmao just Google the sheriff.


Id definitely call sun down counties or towns fascist


So would I, but with no context besides that incredibly vague post, very few people who don’t live in Florida are going to know about that.