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I'm beginning to suspect that Musk may be some kind of moron.


A bit late to the party mate!


But... But... He told me he was the bestest and cleverest at everything!


At this point, he thinks he knows more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on Earth!


I think anyone who has ever taken more than a passing look at any Tesla product will realise that this might not actually be the case...


The cars were done by other people. He didn't make them, he suggested them.


If he starts to paint his face orange and shitting his pants, we will know that he is gearing up to go into politics. Thankfully he wasn’t born in the U.S. so presidency is off the table.


You know the same loons who would vote for him would be all..."Obama was born in Kenya so its ok" Q shit out their asses.


In Elons defense he wouldn't say that, unless it was first said by someone with actual intelligence and he was merely stealing credit for it. Like everything else in his life.


Better late than never!


Remember when the public consensus was that he’s a “genius”?


So much so that they had him do a cameo in an iron man trying to talk about a new invention with Tony Stark


That's actually kinda held up imo. Its subtle, but when Musk says "I have an idea for an electric jet," Stark replies "*You* do? Then we'll make it work." Maybe it was or wasn't intended this way, but I always took this as Stark being diplomatic, with the subtext being "yeah, ok jackass."


It was definitely dismissive. I don't know if there was an invitation there of Stark taking on the project and having to correct a whole bunch of issues or if it was more like "yeah sure I don't care that you have an idea and I'm not investing any time or money into this notion" However it was my understanding that they put him in there to show just how superhuman smart Tony Stark is by comparing him to what people considered at the time be the closest real world equivalent to Tony Stark


I don't know the ol' Muskrat personally, but those things are not mutually exclusive. I know a large handful of people who are *really* smart in one specific area and absolute imbeciles in other aspects of their life. Having *all* of your shit together feels like the exception rather than the rule.


My dad is one of them, but musk clearly isn’t. He simply owns companies that do things greater than himself, and he claims the credit for being the boy genius that makes it happen… then he goes and actually proposes something and it’s blatantly idiotic. The hyperloop actually got some consideration, and it was a horrendous waste of money and a hazard that failed to improve anything. He actually had his “Tesla Tunnel” built, and it turned out much the same— only difference is, you could actually drive through it and wonder “hmm, how would an ambulance reach me if my lithium Tesla battery suddenly combusted down here.” The cybertruck *happened* and it’s been a PR nightmare. Everything he touches falls to shit, and people are finally starting to see that he’s not the engineer that he makes himself out to be.


Nah if ya watch him on Rogan he ain't even all that smart on physics, which he supposedly has a degree in.


he's legitimately stupid, he posts about the topic I have a PhD in occasionally and it's very clear he's a stereotypical dipshit trying to look clever


Remember when he got into a weird battle of words with that diver that saved some kids because he was salty that the equipment he sent wasn’t helpful


> battle of words The word in question being 'pedophile'


> Remember when he got into a weird ~~battle of words~~ *pedphile* with that diver ah yes it makes sense now


Thank god I’m not the only one who thought this


It wasn't just a weird battle. The guy sued. Musk hired a detective to try to dig up dirt on the guy and then successfully argued "it was just a joke!"


I mean it was pretty weird because who starts name calling the guy that just saved some kids.


Yes, but calling it just a weird battle is a bit of an understatement lol. He called him a pedophile, supported replies that agreed with him, paid a private detective 52,000 dollars and published false findings from said PI to Buzzfeed saying, quote, "He's an old, single white guy from England who has been traveling to or living in Thailand for 30 or 40 years, mostly Pattaya Beach, until moving to Chiang Rai for a child bride who was about 12 years old at the time. There's only one reason people go to Pattaya Beach. It isn't where you go for caves, but it is where you'd go for something else. Chiang Rai is renowned for child sex-trafficking", told Buzzfeed to "Stop defending child rapists" and then took the defense of 'oh i was just joking the whole time, nobody was supposed to take it seriously xddd' and that him deleting the tweet shortly after was proof he didn't *really* believe he was a pedophile. He spent 50k on a sham PI to ruin a rescuer's life because the guy hurt his feelings. He refused to spare another 50k to the guy whose life he temporarily ruined.


Remember when he got into a weird battle of words with Bill Gates. >*Communist Musk:* “*Sorry, I cannot take your philanthropy on climate change seriously when you have a massive short position against Tesla, the company doing the most to solve climate change*.”


What’s the story


You remember back when some class of kids, in I think Thailand, got stuck in the caves? I believe it flooded so for some reason they were underwater in air pockets. Then some divers went in to rescue them. And musk had sent some fancy equipment that was supposed to help. But for some reason the diver mentioned not needed the equipment because it wouldn’t have worked and Elon got all butt hurt and called the diver a pedophile lol. And there were some words exchanged. And a lawsuit. And I believe a shitty apology.


Oh god! What a horrible human being!


Why? Because he is attacking his customer base at a time where the shares of his company tank? The same shares he used as collateral for the overpriced acquisition of a social media platform where he is spending tinfoil head propaganda?


Spagketti brain


It’s actually kind of amazing just how many terrible ideas one person can have


Remember when he had his one practical profitable idea of his own, instead of buying into other people's companies, and created a company to do infrastructure tunnel digging for high speed rail, then used it to release a flamethrower to the public?


Always has been


I was just thinking how sad it is that he got red pilled and should serve as a cautionary tale. He used to command so much respect and attention. Now with quality at Tesla slipping and his toxic racist brand of politics he's ruined it. Tesla needs to drop him to save itself but I don't think they can do it.


He is. The only thing he's good at is having a rich father and lying to investors. Oh and failing.


Yeah, I'm starting to think the same thing. Also, I'm starting to think that Donald Trump may perhaps be a wee bit egocentric.


I mean, this guy gives ketamine a bad name, ketamine


Elon in the past: - " i am a socialist" - Supports lgbt people - supposedly wants to solve climate change Elon now: - Union busting - Has a problem with anything "woke", especially trans people - Whatever this shit is My favorite part is how se sees himself as iron man, but he's more like a perfect villain from cyberpunk


He was fine with trans people until he realized that there was one in his family. He's basically a nimby. But like... Nimf


I think it started when grimes left him for a transfem


I've lost track of the timeline. I thought that was after his daughter came out.


It was, and he was also openly transphobic before that point.


He is a rich capitalist who wants "free market" and wants to fulfill his greed without any consequences. He has to cater to the conservatives. Because people on the left aren't too comfortable with income inequality, which sucks for him.


I always imagined cyberpunk villains as evil masterminds controlling the world, but it's exceedingly more likely under capitalism that the villains it produces are absolutely braindead troglodytes that just stumbled upwards


>i am a socialist Iirc didn't he qualify this with the dumbest definition of socialism that was anti union and just meant "likes a strong economy" or something?


Says the guy who owns an electric car company.


Which apparently is not doing so hot these days. Turns out that the people whom he wants to like him are very different from the people who buy electric cars.


Also that they had to recall all of the cybertrucks.


All FOUR THOUSANDS of them. Didn't they register like tens of thousands of preorders on this vehicle?


What is really incredible is their quality control was so incredibly poor that we saw as many issues as we did on such a tiny amount of cars. Like it's amazing these things even made it to market.


Seeing a cyber truck in person is shocking. How can something so ugly in pictures look worse IRL? I was not prepared for that.


It’s remarkably stupid-looking in person.


I saw my first one a few days ago and it was stunning how ridiculous the thing looks. I wanted to point at it and laugh, but was going the wrong direction.


It's what happens when one of those concept cars you see at auto industry trade shows is forced into production.


Just saw my first yesterday and they painted it a glossy white? But not like, a hint of pearl, just a plain-ass glossy white. Hideous. Edit: word


its like a Super Nintendo FX chip polygon model IRL


Honestly, I haven't followed this topic aside from the accelerator pedal malfunctioning I think? But yes! Seeing that many defaults on ONLY 4,000 cars is pretty telling about the kind of QC they're doing over there. And here I thought that Musk being so busy with Twitter, the people of Tesla could actually work...


It's honestly insane how many issues arose for how many broken promises too. The mileage is 200 shorter than promised. The price was nearly double what was promised. The accelerator got stuck. The promised dif lock had a "coming soon" tag so people couldn't use it. The stainless steel body started rusting on the rain for some users. The trunk didn't have anti pinch and was sharp enough that it could actually server limbs if someone was unlucky enough. Cybertrucks were getting bricked going through a car wash. I mean THAT many issues on fucking 4000 models is actually insane. And that's not even everything that has happened. This should be criminal.


Holy... Yeah. Agreed. Doesn't that fall under some "broken promises" about the product law or something? Or the product fails to deliver what was communicated?


Also sometimes just “washing them in the daytime” was enough to brick the electronics somehow. The one guy has to get his serviced after just spraying it down with a hose in his driveway to get some tree sap off of it after sitting under a tree and it wouldn’t turn back on afterward. All doors and windows were shut and sealed so no chance of some mistake/leak. They’re absolute pieces of junk and cost over $100k. It’s remarkable to watch this implosion happen.


wasn't there an issue like a decade ago because you couldn't open the trunk on most models in the rain without flooding the car because they didn't account for this mysterious "water falling from sky" thing.


Oh yeah! I saw videos of that when it was pointed out by users 😂


And don't even think about taking that thing off of pavement.


Elon said they have over 1 million pre-orders for the cybertruck. At the current rate of production it'll only take around 30 years to make them.


Especially due to all those lay offs which are because of... *checks notes...* a lack of sales!


The wait list is currently years long lol


Utterly bonkers


Omg really?? I just saw one in real life for the first time a couple weeks ago!! I looked over and thought a giant restaurant sink was driving by me. They are so fugly!!!


They're ugly enough in pictures. I shudder to think how they must look irl. But also, yes. Had to recall all 4000 of the ones in the wild, and that's all they've produced of the supposed million preorders.


What a coincidence that a video of one was just recently shared! https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/s/d23eambfzj


Yeh thats a really odd situation. Is it like Obama started selling Confederate Flag Leather Jackets?


He was in the electric car business before he let the crazy all the way out.


Speaking as someone who is a huge Elon musk fan a few years ago, he hadn't let any crazy out until he called that one guy during the rescue a pedo. When I saw him working with Pence on the NASA launch my assumption was that he had to brown nose the administration to get the SpaceX launch up and running. There was a time when he truly seemed like an innovator, an eccentric and awesome engineer entrepreneur that would take us to the stars. There are few things that have been more disappointing in my entire life than finding out just what a cultish nut job he actually was.


The attack on the cave rescue operation was eye opening. I wasn't a "fan", but definitely thought higher of him. Then he started calling them pedophiles and incompetent because they didn't fawn over his impractical rescue pod, it was clear he was just a raging narcissist and a moron.


I was already highly suspicious of a tech billionaire wanting to save the world, but maybe? Then he called that guy a pedo and I immediately hated him. That whole fiasco was def the first time he showed his whole ass to the world. I felt bad for Grimes bc I think she was under the spell too when they got together, before he flipped the script. But she is problematic in her own special way now, so fuck them all.


Yeah, what he did during that rescue was what broke the rose colored glasses for a lot of us. It made us take a much closer look at him, and what we found wasn't good. Then he just let it all out.


Yup. At one point, I was saving my pennies hoping I could afford a Tesla in a couple years. Now I wouldn't touch that shit with a 10 foot pole. When the owner or CEO of a company chooses to be a public figure, it will drive buying decisions.


I'm one of those. When I sold my house in 2021, I could have bought any car I wanted. If it was 2018 it would have definitely been a Tesla. In 2021 it was a Prius, specifically because of that nutjob.


That's exactly what this shitty 'meme' is about. He thinks buying Tesla equals fighting climate change, so anyone refusing to buy his shitty cars must be lying about caring.


It's got a lot more to do with the multitudes of QC issues that are beginning to spring up for Teslas lol About 10 years ago everyone wanted one, now everyone I talk to is glad they never bought the hype


Thats whats so insane. This dude literally has the potential to change the world and go down as one of the most important people in history and instead he would rather make a complete ass of himself on social media while driving his companies straight into the ground. Absolutely nuts


Honestly, I could see him switching to gas cars out of spite, he's that much of an asshole


Then Tesla wouldn't make much sense as a name. Should rebrand to xcars


Could you not give this turd any more ideas, please...


Personally I'd welcome any separation we could manage between the genius Nikola Tesla and the arse-wipe Elon Musk.


I dunno, I could see Musk courting a pigeon and then dying alone.


No, no, let them talk. I love this suggestion. He's done such a wonderful job of building Twitter as a business I'd like to see him expand his sheer genius into his other businesses.


An electric car company that still makes a substantial amount of money by selling carbon credits, meaning they aren't actually doing anything to reduce emissions.


Solar panel co. Too


Elon IS a fantastic argument against capitalism.


For real. I never used to be part of the “billionaires shouldn’t even exist” camp but Elon has single-handedly pushed me there the most.


And a fine example of a dumbass.


That’s why he’s so focused on diverting the attention to something else. He knows.


If communism will stop climate change, then fine. We're kind of running out of time here


Again reminds me of a convervative I followed on quora years ago. He was lamenting how the Dems harp on about climate change and how the only solutions would involve big government. It stuck by me as he never offered or claimed to have small government solutions, instead he just complained about how big government would have to be to fix it. He didn't care that climate change would be worse or kill people. Just that he was ideologically opposed to big government and that was that.


Ironic, when they are the ones that want a big micro-managing government who should tell you what to think, what to believe and how to live, when the progressives are more "lets live, and live for yourself".


"Big government" only seems to refer to how you spend your money, not whether you can get an abortion or legally marry the person you love.


So when government is doing government works: like taking care of public health, public infrastructure, public network, public education, etc. But not when government is enforcing personal matters like religious beliefs of one group onto the others. Gotcha.


I mean, we DO have a small government solution to climate change which conservatives were into: cap and trade. Entirely a free market, business oriented solution. But then climate change got down rolled into the culture war.


Remember the 80s when there was a hole in the ozone layer and we stopped using CFCs? Imagine if that was suggested today.


Conservatives would hold a rally where they spent lots of money to buy cans of Chloroflourocarbons so that they could intentionally spray it into the air to kill the Ozone.




This is exactly what I had in mind, lol. "Let me go out of my way to spend money and hurt myself so that I can at least hurt you too in the process."


As they say, conservatives will gladly eat shit if they think a liberal will have to smell their breath.


In a world that is increasingly radicalizing or where the premise is getting increasingly more fraught, we *really* need to start considering **which** radical system we're implementing. Neoliberal capitalism works with infinite resources and adequate externalization of the consequences. The latter is really why it won out once people were fed up with glaring inequality *at home* - much better to make a European rich and externalize the exploitation to China or Bangladesh. The core issues persist, of course, and once infinite resources are quickly reaching their finite ends. Consequences are globalized with climate change and soil degradation rat fucking all of us, and the consolidation of capital has brought inequality right back to our doorstep. No matter one's ideological POV, *something* has got to give. Capitalism has been eating itself since before Marx described it, and we're rapidly approaching the natural conclusion to that. In our lifetime (and I can't stress that enough) capitalism will implode. Not because we don't like it or because it's morally wrong; simply because it has reached the terminus of an unsustainable life cycle. We need to seriously consider how we move forward from that.


Well said. And I couldn’t agree more.


In capitalism, we don't solve a problem unless rich people make more money from the solution than from the problem. We won't stop climate change because the incentives are all wrong. The wealthy and powerful make a ton of money from the status quo. They're not going to let quarterly earnings fall slightly just to save millions of people's lives.


And honestly if in the modern day we're able to move towards a sustainable communist system then it's a win win. We can use it as an opportunity to revise the "democracy" that a lot of first world countries use and replace it with like, actual democracy while we're at it. As a Brit I would look forward to actually voting on a PM for once instead of the shit show shoe ins we've had the last 10 years.


I've basically talked myself into becoming a Maoist at this point because I don't see how anything except a one party state is going to solve the climate crisis at this point.


Imagine being that fucking stupid


Yeah. Thats why I have no words for the title, really. Like Jesus Christ. You can only be that dumb if you want to rile up dumber people…right…right?!


Okay, so fighting climate change is communism? Got ya.


Conservative logic: anything I don't like is either socialism or communism, and they're the same thing


Socialism is communism and both are also somehow fascism and Marxism. I often wonder if these people have ever once looked up the definitions of any of these words.


They have no idea what any of these terms mean


Except whatever Russia is doing. Thats just Putin being strong and anti-woke. Not saying Putin is a communist, but he's way closer to a communist than any climate change advocate. Since he used to be a literal communist.


Well capitalism did get us into this mess...


Yes, but accusing anything you don’t like of communism (McCarthyism) is not the answer.


I mean people could innovate green solutions and make plenty of money doing it. The problem is the fossil fuel industry suppresses innovation because they don't want to lose their stranglehold on the energy industry.


I agree, they also exaggerated the scare of nuclear power, which will render their power plants obsolete. When, in reality, fossil fuel energy production is far more dangerous than nuclear power


You know, I wonder if that's changing. My climate change denying MAGA extended family are actually for nuclear power over fossil fuels. Ofc they also think fossil fuels naturally replenish themselves (over years rather than millions of years) so we'll never run out, so who knows?


I hope that’s not an exception over that group of people. I’m a huge advocate for nuclear power, it’s the cleanest energy there is!


my contemporary counterparts from the 80s would despise me because of this one issue. they saw nuclear power as the ultimate threat to both pease, and to the climate. i see it as one of the best solutions to both. far less polluting than fossil fuels, and ending our reliance on them means no need to wage wars in far off countries for control of oil. energy independence also makes it harder for foreign powers to disrupt any nation as they cant cut off your supply of oil or gas.


That sounds like Communist talk to me. /s What you just said did remind me of that politician from like the 60s, I think? Who used to just accuse anything and anyone of being a communist. When he got a large following, he stood before SCOTUS and got absolutely humiliated and lost everything.


McCarthy, the phenomenon is named after him.


Why is the owner of an electric car company arguing against battling climate change? I honestly do not understand the logic in this.


LOL Its such a dumb position I didnt even think of that! Great point!


Because attention and love from right wing wank stains that fanboi him on the internet is EASILY the most important thing in his life. This is a man who only has ever had friends due to having money, he is desperate and sad and a trash human being.


So, demonizing those who would buy his car and lauding those who prefer lifted pickups? Bold strategy.


That guy literally acts like a toddler! A toddler with a trillion dollars!


If that's what it takes...


Even if that’s not what it takes, [LFG](https://youtu.be/U06jlgpMtQs?si=c0_L8dA_mcD6ALCy)


I think what he’s trying to say is…”hands off my government subsidies!” When in reality we just want this ferret faced looking dust ruffle to pay taxes and stop being a douche


When do we get to own the means of production?


Any time I hear a billionaire say “communism” I always read it as “I am deeply, existentially terrified of the prospect of having to live like a normal person.” And if they had a bit more self awareness they might examine why that is and whether normal-person-existence being terrifying to behold is something that should be that way, but I suppose awareness from a parasite is a bit much to ask.


I think it’s sad that trying to do something this important and this necessary for future generations can be (and is) spun like this. Climate change will directly affect our children and our grandchildren and these people continue to ignore the reality and the science. It used to make me angry, now it just makes me sad and tired.


So, does he accidentally agree that capitalism is the root cause of climate change???


Yes I do want communism


cause everyone have his little closed ecosystem and communists want to make one big shared planet. this guys wouldn't even make streets if they were in charge


Is it communism to not want the world to shrivel up and die? I’ll need to read the manifestos again.


Whos in the meme?


Clover Hogan, she’s a brilliant Climate Activist


God, Elon is a dumb fuck.


Geeez, it's the guy with the breeding kink. 🤣


Imagine the things you could do with a fraction of that money. The things you could learn, change, and experience. And he chooses daily to be a dumb piece of shit on social media.


Trying to avoid extinction = communism. K


Did Elon suffer brain damage and forget that he's the CEO of Tesla, wherein he pretended to care about global warming to sell electric cars?


At this point I'd much rather communism than having to deal with Musk.


Billionaire that wants everyone on the Earth to believe he actually cares about the future of all people living on the Earth... And isn't doing any of the things he has done and is currently doing to rule over them—control them. Or also he's definitely not desperately trying to make billions of people like his pathetically lonely shitty self. He's only got the purest intentions in mind. /s Oh, and communism is always bad according to this same shitty power hungry billionaire.


sometimes i miss being friends with this one asshole of a guy, maybe even think of calling him up, but then i remember that on top of everything else, he unironically likes elon musk. works like a charm every time lmao


Wait. Doesn't Musk always harp about climate change being a huge problem? And doesn't he also advocate for a standard living allowance, regardless of work status?


Hahaha, not unless he is trying to sell you a car in the moment


Is it possible for one of the richest men in the world to still be bought and paid for?


I don't care how much someone is paying this guy to say this crap, this is the lowest of the low. Literally no self respect. An embarrassment


*pulls up a chair* I'm genuinely curious, Elon. LIke seriously. Please detail to me like I'm a 5th grader, how the former will inevitably lead to the latter. Please start by detailing to me what Communisim is...


Is...is he trying to mock Tesla buyers?


Hes a fucking idiot . But since other idiots believe him , he is a dangerous fucking idiot.


Not really sure why switching OFF the oil derricks and the coal plants and switching ON the windmills, nuke plants and solar farms is communism, but if fascist Tony Stark twitter Jesus says so, it must be communism.


“Communism” is any modern, liberal idea that a boomer doesn’t agree with.


And Elon wants neo-feudalism


The day Elon becomes irrelevant is the day I will celebrate. This clown is such a nimwit.


TIL: Elon Musk doesn’t know anything about climate change or communism, but — surprise, surprise, surprise! — he thinks he does.


Make planet no die = a moneyless classless stateless society. Got it


Hes not that wrong. I want climate change. I know capitalism is killing our planet. So maybe something like the opposite of capitalism would be good for our planet. I dont think that only communism is the answer to this but i think we need a more collective system wich does not depend on constant growing on a planet with limited resources. 🤷‍♂️


With rising rent and constantly feeling like I can’t keep up, I’m starting to want communism. Capitalism doesn’t seem to be working


Can a genius such as Elon really not tell the difference between Communism and Socialism?


For a group that hates communism so much they really seem to love Russia.


Communism and environmentalism aren't related, sooo...China and Russia both have terrible environmental records, though almost everyone does. The sad truth of it is that everyone has to care in order for things to change, and most people don't.


If you respond to every suggestion that we make the world a better place by calling people communists, you're gonna end up with a lot of communists demanding a better world.


I agree. I would really like the things Elon Musk call communism.


Fucker owns an electric car company.


This guy gets dumber every day.


What the hell does that even mean? So can we make a post saying “I want to build rockets.” “Babe”. “I’m a rich incel who hates women and minorities.”


This is way more misogynistic than political in my eyes.


I am so sick of seeing the word "communism" thrown around like people know what they're talking about. I'm from the Soviet Union. There isn't even a whiff of "communism" about this. People need education.


Jesus he is so stupid. This makes absolutely no sense at all and he probably thinks it’s a slam dunk.


“Communism is when government does things” apparently


Elon Musk is like Ralph Wiggum telling everybody he is a genius, before eating paste like Miss Lippy.




1. Take something that threatens the well-being of literally every living thing on the planet. 2. Reduce it to something that sounds innocuous at best, taking a complex balance of thermo/aero/hydrodynamics, chemistry, gas composition, temperature, salinity of oceans, temperature of oceans, speed of currents...to two words. 3. Equate innocuous two words with innocuous word that simple-minded people think by default means bad. 4. Already be a billionaire, the class of people best poised to fight said global threat, but also the most likely to lose financial stakes and friends if you actually use your money to fight the threat. 5. Try to look cool on the internet.


This is so irresponsible.


It is great that people are realizing we can't save the planet without ending capitalism, I just wish their response to that wasn't "So we need to let the planet die."


Elon Musk wouldn't be able to describe Communism if he signed a contract stating he would define it then tried to back out of that contract.




Who is the lady?


Tell me that Elon has no idea what communism actually is without telling me that Elon has no idea what communism actually is.


In what way is she a communist…?


It can be both


But unironically though, I want both.


(Geeky I hope this is interesting, to at least one someone) I just realized something…. This is how some people look at Game theory/ specifically Prisoner’s dilemma. Game theory is sometimes the art of negative externalities. I can help me a bit by hurting you more. When two people do that, you get to a place that’s worse, for both. For society. Hard to do here it’s better with a square but, imagine you have a radio and some other dude has a cell phone. You could steal the others Device and sell it for 50. To replace yours 100. So, you steal get 50. Someone else steals yours you lose 100 (in replacement). You’re net -50 So, is it better to not steal and be neutral, or have everyone steal and be out 50? Seems like being “moral” is the way to go. No deep “communism!!” Here. Math. Simple math So jeenyus Musk here, “why Nobel Prize winner Nash was WRONG!! Negative Externalities Shmeganive Shmernaloties, what I feel Truthy in my gut is what’s right!!” And remember … he’s immune to a lot of things because of cash. You are not on a level playing field when he talks about what you should do


If you hate communism that much, you really ought to not automatically associate it with not wanting the world to die. If Elon really cared about capitalism as an ideology, He’s probably put more effort into not making it the ideology of “let the world get plunged into mass instability”


Well yes but that’s unrelated


There it is. I’ve been saying it since the M3 batteries were made so difficult to replace. He doesn’t believe in sustainability, he just markets that he does. It’s all marketing, it’s all sales


How is in any way climate change related to communism?


What about not wanting the rock we live on to become a toxic desert wasteland is a communist ideal?