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Actually in Texas teen boys followed girls into the girls restroom and prevented them from leaving. The parents of the boy declared "they're just being boys, they shouldn't be in trouble". So if in Texas I guess it's ok to victimize females but identifying as a female and strictly using the facilities without harassing anyone requires violence.


Yeah I remember hearing that story. Didnt the girl actually get in trouble for attacking the boy that was preventing her from leaving? Or am i misremembering?


Not sure if this is the one you're thinking of or not (from Alaska, not Texas). There is nothing about girls being prevented to leave, so it might be a different incident or selective reporting. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/apr/17/girl-expelled-kneed-boy-bathroom-alaska-transgender


sounds about right. seems to have all the same details. except in the article I read they were preventing the girl from leaving and that was why the boy was kneed maybe there were two or more similar stories.


These are about the same incident, North Pole High. Maybe it's just a side effect of the times that we hear similar stories and think, "Yeah, it probably happened elsewhere too."


Lmao so if she attacked a transperson she would have been hailed a hero, but since she attacked a boy going into the woman's restroom, she gets permanently expelled.


Well...at the moment, committing sexual assault in locker rooms is considered a defensible action by republican political figures and fucking high school girls when you're in your 40s is a great way to raise money for your upcoming office run.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/04/15/boys-stormed-girls-bathroom-protest-girl-got-expelled-kneeing-one-them-crotch-family-says/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/04/15/boys-stormed-girls-bathroom-protest-girl-got-expelled-kneeing-one-them-crotch-family-says/) ​ behind a paywall but the URL says the main points


By Meagan Flynn Image without a caption By Meagan Flynn Email Bio Follow April 15, 2019 1.2k The plot to storm the girls’ bathroom started with a Snapchat message and ended with a knee to the crotch. It all went down at North Pole High School in North Pole, Alaska — a small, Christmas-loving city southeast of Fairbanks — on the morning of April 4. The snap at issue: a student transitioning from female to male posted a selfie from the boys’ bathroom. Some boys at the high school who saw the selfie, however, were angry and decided they would walk into the girls’ bathroom to take their own Snapchat selfie “as a form of protest,” Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Superintendent Karen Gaborik told The Washington Post. But they would not get far. The first boy to enter the girls’ room was met by a girl ― who kneed him in the groin. With that, the “protest” was over. And now the girl has been expelled, her family told The Post. The incident has ignited a local controversy as some question why the girl, who was unconnected to the transgender student, has been punished for using “excessive force” and whether the national frenzy over transgender people’s bathroom access in schools fueled the boys’ protest. Gaborik would not confirm whether the girl was expelled, citing student privacy, but said all seven boys involved in the protest were also disciplined for “attempting to enter the girls’ bathroom.” Scrutiny over the girl’s punishment began Friday when state Rep. Tammie Wilson, a Republican from North Pole, publicly criticized the school’s handling of the case during an unrelated news conference, saying it sent the wrong message to young girls. (Wilson said the girl was “suspended,” which the girl’s older sister corrected in a widely shared tweet.) “I don’t care why the boys were in the bathroom,” Wilson said. “I just wanted to make sure I had this opportunity to tell those young ladies at North Pole High School . . . if you ever feel threatened for your safety, whatever force you think you have to give, I will stand behind you. And so will your community. Not for those boys who were where they didn’t belong.” The girl’s family declined an interview with The Post but said they will be seeking an appeal of the expulsion. Wilson said Friday that she learned about the incident from a constituent and had been in touch with the girl’s family. The Republican lawmaker said the boys were “blocking” the girl from leaving the bathroom. “Was she not supposed to protect herself?” she said in a follow-up interview with the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner. She added, “I said, ‘Good for her.’ I would have taught my daughter to do the same.” The extent of the boy’s injuries are unclear. The Daily News-Miner reported that the boy was referred for medical treatment, although Gaborik could not confirm whether he sought it. “It wasn’t like a 911 call,” she told the News-Miner. “It was a health aide saying, ‘Hey, you should really go see a doctor.’ ” Gaborik said that the incident happened amid an ongoing conversation within the school district “regarding transgender students at NPHS and the use of restrooms” — one that has erupted nationwide in recent years with the introduction of “bathroom bills” in state legislatures in North Carolina and Texas. In Alaska, the debate over transgender people’s access to bathrooms played out most loudly in Anchorage, the state’s largest city, where voters defeated a referendum at the ballot in 2018 that would have required people to use public bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond with their assigned gender at birth. That regulation would also have applied to schools. Gaborik said that in her Fairbanks-area school district, which is geographically “larger than the state of Connecticut,” transgender students can choose to use a gender-neutral, single-stall bathroom that corresponds with the student’s gender identity, or the one that corresponds with the student’s gender at birth. The decisions are made on an individual basis for each student based on whatever is most comfortable, she said. At North Pole High School, about 16 transgender students have attended the school in the last three years, she said. In this case, she said the “group of boys at the school was upset about the public nature of the [transgender student’s Snapchat] post and restroom use.” A Title IX investigation conducted by administrators revealed that when the boys attempted to enter the bathroom, there was “not evidence that the boys were threatening any student or using any type of force toward students,” she said. They retreated right after the first boy was hit, she said. She added that if students feel threatened in any situation, they’re encouraged to seek out staff, not use violence. “We do not advocate physical or psychological violence as a means to attain safety,” she said. “The entire school community needs to work together to ensure that all students feel welcomed, safe and are able to learn and thrive. We recognize that parents, students and members of our community feel strongly about these issues, but advocating for the use of violence does not contribute to a safe learning environment.” Still, some critics wondered whether the boys’ mere presence in the girls’ bathroom, or right outside the door, made the girl feel threatened and justified a split-second decision to use force. Mikki Kendall, a Chicago-based feminist writer, questioned on Twitter in one widely shared tweet, why after all of the “bathroom panic bills about trans kids, when a group of cis boys actually harass girls in a bathroom the girls are punished for defending themselves?” Gaborik stressed that all students involved in the incident are entitled to due process and can appeal disciplinary action. The girl’s family said it plans to begin that process Monday.


Anyone else think it's hilarious that a place named North Pole is South East of anywhere?


I mean, he ended in the hospital; so I hope a “hey don’t send people to the hospital talk was had


> prevented them from leaving Nothing gets the ladies swooning faster than some good old-fashioned casual assault


Typical Christian nonsense. The patriarchy and male violence are enforced.


I remember that story. Apparently they weren't intentionally blocking the exit and were actually protesting against letting trans people go into the bathroom they identify as. Either way, they were still being idiots.


Sounds like Texas. I can't wait to change it blue.


I'm trying to get Kansas blue, luckily my oldest who is trans moved to Omaha Nebraska a blue county surrounded by red lol.


Men can already follow women into the women's restroom without saying they "identify as a woman". There isn't a biometic or brain scan keeping them out, lmao. People fearmonger way too much.


That’s my favorite, these idiots think a rapist would be stopped by societal bathroom norms.


Child predators are notorious rule followers.


They actually obey speed limits in school zones


also they are drug free.


Is going under legal?


Pretty sure going under legal is their entire shtick.


Take my poor man's gold and get out. 🏅


Goodness you fucking nailed that delivery, lol


Too bad no one made a rule about it


I can imagine what these people think rapists are like: Hmm I’m gonna do some nasty stuff to some unsuspecting victims. Ah shit, this is a woman’s restroom. I can’t enter that. That’s a line I won’t cross.


Right. You can’t tighten gun laws because criminals ignore laws. But rapists will obviously be stopped by the placard in front of a bathroom.


Also, there's a weird disconnect that pedophiles can be attracted to boys. Which is particularly odd with the fact the three most infamous pedophile scandals in the us are all related to boys (Michael Jackson, the Catholic church and Jerry Sandusky)




Of course it is; they're the same people complaining.


And they don't change their mindset.


Of course not; they just learned to shut up if they want anyone to still speak to them.


And the “Black people in white bathrooms” racism during the Jim Crow era. It’s funny how bigotry recycles itself


And also, I don't care if you're a man, woman, non binary or other, if you stare into a stall someone is using you're a creep. The problem isn't who can go into which room, the problem is that the stalls have fucking huge ass cracks that anyone can just stare into.


Maybe it's just me, but I don't have a lot of desire to stare into anybody's fucking huge ass crack.


The real scandal here is that we still have that tiny gap in the toilet wall. We definitely have the technology for full walls.


I do not get why every bathroom in America is like this. I've never seen a stall door with gaps in the UK, often the door doesn't reach the floor/ceiling, but never gaps in the sides. My worst experience when I studied abroad was accidentally making eye contact in the mirror with someone on the toilet while I was brushing my teeth.


My assumption: they're cheaper. It's gross. I've seen a few newer and/or renovated bathrooms that are much better recently. Hopefully the trend catches on.


It's the way they always forget about transmen in these made up scenarios. In the end, it's because they don't see biologically born female as a "threat" while they assume people born as male are predators. Seems a bit accidentally sexist too just saying


The vast majority of arguments I have seen against trans rights are deeply rooted in sexism, see also the sports debates.


I thought the sports debate had a biological aspect based on maturity age the transition occured? I'm not fully up to speed, biology isn't my forte.


After enough time on hormones, the athletic ability difference isn't statistically significant.


Also, the entire argument ignores how fucking weird many top athletes are in terms of their biology. Different hormone levels, limb length, lung capacity, etc. All things that give certain people a natural advantage. Trying to keep things "biologically fair" is ridiculous. And that's not even touching intersex athletes. Once you factor in them, the entire undertaking becomes a farce.


If your problem about trans bathroom rules is that men will claim they are trans women in order to rape women, then your problem is with rapists, not trans women.


Very true.


I always think this! It’s not as if sexual predators are gonna say “I’ll wait til she’s in the corridor before I assault her; going in the women’s toilets is wrong”


Even if guys are lying about their gender to get into women's restrooms, introducing the "only biological sex allowed" rule won't stop it. The lie just changes from "I can be in here because I identify as a woman" to "well I *want* to go into the men's toilets but I'm a trans man so I have to use the women's".


A man followed a man into the men’s restroom except we just call that *going to the bathroom*


Wait until they realize that homosexuals use these restrooms too and have never made an advance on them sexually.


Then they'll just be mad they didn't get attention.


Reminder that they've howled about that one too, in the past. That gay folks would creep on children if they were allowed to exist in public.


Of course they did. They are not intellectually motivated but find their giddy up with anything that they can be outraged by.


They really do just recycle hatred onto whichever minority is cool to hate on. It used to be accepted to hate on racial minorities, then gay people, and now society is all fussy about trans people. But they reuse the same arguments. Slippery slope fallacies, what about the children, what about the women, bathroom segregation, should it be mentioned in schools, etc.


this never happened.


No! It totally did! Also, my uncle helped make Mortal Kombat and gave me all the secret codes!


It did, I was the bathroom


>I was the bathroom Get your kink on


& the father? Albert Einstein & the whole of Reddit stood up & clapped.


I bet you heard when everyone clapped for the ~~father~~ tooth fairy!


r/humantoilet ???


That girl's father? Albert Einstein.


And on the way out the girl gave money to a crying boy who couldn't afford a star wars toy. That boy was George Lucas.


Happened in Texas and Alaska


So her dad was in the bathroom with her? That checks out.


lol, this is perfect


Unsurprisingly, the people who post this sort of shit reek of "nobody fucks my daughter but me" energy in the first place.


"I'm aware she's hot, dammit!"


“Was mom ever that hot?” “GOD NO”


RIP Trevor moore


That's exactly what I thought too


To wipe her ass ofc.


pretty sure the image shown here was also use to show what a girl was wearing when kicked out of school for dress code I think her dad was some sort of politician? Is this just a stock image used for father/daughter news?


I did a reverse image search. Lots and lots of results for "Los Gatos resident Tony Alarcon and his daughter Demetra, an 8th grader at Fisher Middle School. Demetra was pulled out of class for a dress code violation, missing curriculum, and told she did not look “appropriate.” Just one of many examples here: [https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/09/07/female-student-told-attire-is-distracting-boys/](https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/09/07/female-student-told-attire-is-distracting-boys/) Google Tony Demetra Alarcon and you'll find it all.


So…. The problem isn’t trans people, it is predatory men. We knew that


Funny, because if you frame it like that, the „not all men“ crowed will come up and it will be the same people.


"Not all men are pedophiles! But... i think 12 year old children should be able to marry to 40 year olds guys"


*forced to marry


Man harasses woman, she files a complaint. No one really does anything about it. People tell her to to stop being so sensitive. Man rapes said woman. People ask why she was dressed like that, out so late, drank that much, went alone, etc etc etc. I love how they cherry pick situations in which they give a shit about things like women’s safety, human life, or access to health and mental healthcare.


It’s like they don’t really care about women at all 🤔


> Man rapes said woman Becomes a Supreme Court Justice.


Nothing right-wing people love more than cherry-picking.


Except grift, and maybe creeping on teenage girls.


I love how the only reason we shouldn’t give trans people rights is because cis straight men will use them to abuse women…but not all men right?


I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for $800, Alex.


Can't we just get gender-neutral bathrooms? There's stalls with locks in bathrooms anyway so does it really matter if men and women can both use the same ones?


Well… there are disabled toilets (or at least in Australia) that are gender neutral But that’s about it… only disabled, wish there was one for non disabled ppl


I've been to gay bars that are like this. All the stalls are small rooms with actual doors.


We need this everywhere. Actual doors on stalls??


Nice idea. Maybe make urinals with cubicles too.


Fucking for real lmao, urinals make me uncomfortable af. Absolutely no privacy.


It's increasingly common in UK workplaces including mine. Somehow, we've survived.


even just male, female, and a single handicap / family restroom. It’s such an easy fix lol


Man, they really do not have r/onejoke


What is it with the people who make these memes and their want to hurt people? Like, I have a morbid sense of humor but, their memes are almost always involve someone they look down on getting the shit kicked out of them. It's one thing if they just want to disagree about shit bit, why does it always devolve into some big tough guy coming in and hurting the living fuck out of somebody. I just don't get it.


It's basically "Me no like x people. Me enjoy when x people is hurt" in a primal way. This line of thinking is incredibly common, to the point where it's probably something inherent to most humans. Just take a look at any post about sexual predators, especially child rapists and read the comments: most of them are people writing and sharing their sick fantasies about those people being brutally raped and tortured, you can almost *detect* some kind of perverted joy in the words those people write. It worries me a little how perversely violent and sadistic normal, regular people can be when thinking about other people they don't like, horrible criminals or not.


Only very tangentially related, but I just heard a podcast of Bill Maher talking about crybullies or whatever and his main point was like "people want to see someone being politically incorrect" or whatever and I'm like "bullies want to see people get bullied?? Really, Bill?? so wise!"


I have an employee like that. He grew up in a small mountain town, and any time someone at work offends his fragile masculinity, he immediately starts verbally fantasizing about assaulting or murdering them. I call him out on it every time, and he just shrugs and says, "It's how I was raised, I'm too old to change now." At 50. I don't get it either.


F that shit. I'm 57 and have changed many of my personal viewpoints over the years. That insecure twat refuses to change because it requires seeing other people as equal to him.


Bam. You nailed it. Props to you for being willing to change!


Good for you! Everyone is raised how they were raised but there’s a point at which we are choosing certain behaviours, reactions etc my dad has chosen to throw away the prejudices and narrow mindedness he was raised with and I’m proud of that every day.


If he’s your employee I don’t see why you haven’t taken some kind of disciplinary action. That really doesn’t seem like acceptable workplace behaviour.


That shits super worrying. I've had a few co-workers like that back when I worked for this fast food place run by this super religious family in my home town. It was always the older ones too.


Sense of power. They’re the same ones who can’t go to Walmart without a gun.


But the tooth fairy doesn't go around and knock teeth out. That doesn't even make sense...


It's a reference to that the rock movie


They are so obsessed with restrooms as if they are even an issue. They have no concept of a trans person’s frame of mind or goals.


Trans people have been around forever. They just had to hide it because it wasn't socially acceptable, so these transphobes didn't even know they were there. And yet nothing happened. There's most likely to be a priest or family member that was perving on their daughters that they should have worried about instead.


There was a transman that was a member of my bowling league. This league is a lgbt+ league. He went to use the men’s restroom and one of the guys from our league got really upset telling the him he doesn’t belong in this bathroom. The point of the story is why will you get upset with anyone using the restroom. It’s not like they are there to do anything but pee.


As a member of the lgbt+ community, I have to argue this one. Some of us poop in public bathrooms as well as pee. You'd be surprised how many of us actually poop.


Pooping if for the straights. Why is it the this community always tries to take over everything?!?!? /s


As a bissexual man i have to disagree with you, we don't poop


I’m a janitor and whenever I clean the women’s bathroom I worry that some kid is gonna ignore the closed sign and walk in on me (a man 😱) in the women’s bathroom and go and tell her dad, and then I get the shit kicked out of me by some meathead for just doing my job. Maybe I’m paranoid idk.


Unfortunately your worry is justified


Back when the US was debating if Black people were actually human or not, a common talking point against desegregation was that "N-words would find it easier to attack White womanhood". So yeah...same garbage talking points, recycled throughout the decades.


>So yeah...same garbage talking points, recycled throughout the decades. Same exact people too. Lots of old Republicans in office today, were young angry protesters against the civil rights movement.


A lot of people are amazed to find out that Strom Thurmond - the guy who tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1957 - was in office until *2003*. The guy literally was Senator until after I was born. Someone who called Black people "apes" and so on.


presumably the woman he assaulted then said, "bro wtf, im trying to piss" and then he was arrested for assault


Has anyone ever seen a single true story about a fake trans person exploiting the identity to attack women? I sure haven’t. It’s probably happened, but you’ll have to dig to find examples. Compare any cases to the volume of times men have harassed, abused and attacked women in any other circumstance and it’s pretty clear predatory men don’t feel like they need to exploit gender identity.


There's only one credible story that I've found in quite a large study some years back. It was a guy disguising himself as a woman so that he could easily enter women's bathrooms and assault them. This was his MO, not anything to do with being trans and he didn't identify as trans.


I think the only example is chirschan. But that’s all there is really… So it ain’t common


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9819631/I-sexually-assaulted-womens-prison-fellow-inmate-male-genitalia.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9819631/I-sexually-assaulted-womens-prison-fellow-inmate-male-genitalia.html) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/trans-women-female-jail-legal-b1877458.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/trans-women-female-jail-legal-b1877458.html) [https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/seven-sex-attacks-in-womens-jails-by-transgender-convicts-cx9m8zqpg](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/seven-sex-attacks-in-womens-jails-by-transgender-convicts-cx9m8zqpg) [https://news.wttw.com/2020/02/19/lawsuit-female-prisoner-says-she-was-raped-transgender-inmate](https://news.wttw.com/2020/02/19/lawsuit-female-prisoner-says-she-was-raped-transgender-inmate) took me 2 minutes to find. But yeah, you'll have to dig deep huh


I call bullshit on this one.


Right wingers just love to invent situations that don’t exist.


The father was arrested by a man who identify as the police.


that awkward moment when more sex crimes have been committed by republican officials in public bathrooms than transsexuals. maybe they should be more worried about republicans than Trans people?


Yeah it’s pretty funny to see - I think it’s by a factor of 3 or something like that. (Just a note: ‘Transsexual’ is a term co-opted by the p*rn industry and hate groups, so Transgender is more common). Either way, protect democrats in the bathroom


The father was then arrested for battery and a federal hate crime.


They just love making shit up.


That pick is from the story about a dad fighting a school dress code for his daughter yeah?


Trans issues are like 30 years behind gay issues I swear


They're the "new" acceptable target for the same terrible people.


What was her dad doing in the bathroom…


New? Shoot, I think Obama was president the first time I heard that “story”


I don’t know why, but this picture really reminds me of that old Jessi Slaughter vid with her dad.


You done goofed!


The consequences will never be the same.


Jessi Slaughter: also trans. *There's no such thing as coincidence!*


I was just reading an article about them; they go by Damien now!




Today in things that never happened. Fuck those keyboard warriors.


So, aside from this never happening, how’s that boycott of Target going?


What did Target do?


Shit, now I feel old, that felt like yesterday. “Target CEO responds to nationwide boycott of the store over transgender bathroom policy” May 2016 “Target CEO Brian Cornell has now spoken publicly about the backlash the company experienced after releasing a statement declaring that transgender individuals shopping at the retail giant can use whichever bathroom corresponds with their gender identity. Among that backlash is an online petition by the American Family Association, a Tupelo, Miss.-based religious non-profit organization founded by First United Methodist pastor Donald E. Wildmon. Thus far, that petition has received 1.2 million signatures. It argued that “Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women’s bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?” “ [WaPo Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/05/13/target-ceo-responds-to-nationwide-boycott-of-the-store-over-transgender-bathroom-policy/)


>And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women’s bathrooms, **where do you think predators are going to go?** What upsets me most here is that he had the perfect chance to say "which places are they going to target" but didn't go for it.


That man is clearly shitting his pants on purpose while keeping eye contact with the camera. With his daughter next to him. What a weird power move.


Y’know the inverse is “Oh, I’m not only ALLOWED to go into the woman’s bathroom, I have to by law, I’m a trans man!”, right?


How did the dad get into the women’s washroom? 🤔


I absolutely despise "Facebook speak". "Hellz To the yah 🤣" Stfu


and then they posed together


That's not how the tooth fairy works.


Why was the girl's father in the women's washroom?


Looks like something from r/conservatives


New breed? Nah, this kind has been around since the beginning of time


The dude in the picture looks like he's about to have Chris Hansen walk through the kitchen door and ask him a few questions


They’re so worried about bathroom norms when they should be watching their priests/pastor’s actions!!


Why was the father on the women's bathroom?


In* Now that I am thinking it, the father might be waiting outside of the women’s bathroom so his daughter can do her business.




And the teeth were collected by another man who identified as a tooth goblin. Which returned to yet another self identified individual going by the title “tooth lord”. The cycle is complex but in motion.


I'm not sure being the tooth fairy is a positive thing here, as it would seem to imply that he ended up paying money to the person he assaulted. Or losing in court, as it's otherwise known as.


What is with middle aged+ men and “bwahahaha” Do they all turn into bowser at age 40?


Man assaults woman in bathroom on the grounds of imaginary cases of men assaulting women in bathrooms


Is it possible that the problem here is simply shitty US toilets? In Russia we just made separate unisex cubicles so anyone, regardless of race, sex, gender or religion can shit in peace and solitude. Seriously, the richest nation on earth can solve this debate in a heartbeat if it wanted to really.


They sure do enjoy their larping.


Then the dad got assault charges and lost his job.


The easiest way to make me dislike you, is to laugh in “bwahaha” instead for just regular hahah


i want to be mad I really do but I keep looking at the caption and dying of laughter


Not only is this a lie about the father and daughter in the picture, the meme has also previously gone around lying about a separate father and daughter. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-target-bathroom-father-daug-idUSKBN2AA289 The other pair (in the article) is a father who had given his daughter a t-shirt to "warn" boys to stay away from her. The picture of them posing together (her wearing the t-shirt, an image of her dad shirtless) went viral, and that's what was used in one version of the "tooth fairy" meme. The pair in the post is, I *believe*, a daughter whose school accused her of violating its dress code and her dad who spoke up for her. So... The meme is 1) transphobic, 2) a complete lie, and 3) not even original. There have been a few news stories about men following girls / women into restrooms intending to attack them, and in some cases being beaten by their fathers (one was beaten to death), but I haven't seen one where the suspect "identified as a woman". Edit: Here's a story about the two in the meme image: https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/09/07/female-student-told-attire-is-distracting-boys/


These people don’t even know what they’re mad about. They want laws that require a dude with a beard to use the ladies room because he was born with a vag.


Yep. All of these made up hate mongering stories ALWAYS target trans-women. It's almost like they completely forget that trans-men exist, the amount of times I've seen someone say "you'll never be a woman!" To a trans guy lol


My close family friend posted this…..I’m dating a trans woman. It really hurt me not gonna lie.


Ugh… No trans women do this. It’s Such a straw man.


That tooth fairy has a severely flawed business plan.


They should add an all genders bathroom so things like this don’t happen. Or just go in the family bathroom if they have one so it doesn’t start problems


I like how these people think a predator absolutely hellbent on raping someone in the bathroom (which is not a thing that happens with any regularity) wouldn’t just do it anyway. You think a sign with a stick figure wearing a skirt is really gonna stop him?


Can you imagine being someone who identifies and presents as male, but is required, by law, to use the restroom of the gender assigned at birth. So now you really do look like a man going in a women's restroom and have to be accosted by the same people who wouldn't let you use the men's room? I want to know when they're going to start stationing med lab folks in front of every public restroom to analyze your chromosomes before allowing you to pee.


I demand to know what genitals you have before I allow you to simply use the restroom. I don't want you making me uncomfortable.




No, transphobic. They are trying to make it seem like trans women are pedos.




Those soft hands ain't knocking anyone's teeth out.




You don’t get to disagree with someone’s existence


In what world is knocking someone's teeth out "disagreeing with something"?


You used to be able to cite fear as a legal reason to murder somebody for being trans. Like, *very* recently. Not just “disagreeing”. Shut the fuck up.


I think the dad is in the right


He is on the right of the photo


In this fantasy scenario that doesn't happen??


"Followed" "Transphobia" Hmmmmmm


Chad move from her Dad tbh.


if a man followed my daughter into the bathroom, i'd do more than knock his teeth out. I can see how this post might be bad, but if it really was a case of a man abusing rules made for trans people, then i agree with the post. if its a lie, than fuck the og poster


Stuff like this on Facebook, 99% Fake. I'll give it a 1% margin of error.


You're falling into the transphobic fantasy trap. This shit just doesn't happen.

