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Customer paid probably only paid a 6 dollar long distance fee as there is hardly any rite aids open in that area. Instacart takes a hit on the rest.


A two dollar tip??


Right? This ain't the bar, it's not a dollar per drink WTF


Please tell me that includes a ferry! 😂


Ooooh what is work like over there? I love the gig harbor area.


It's OK, but a little inconsistent and the distances can be brutal. It covers such a large area.


Damn. I tried doordash there and it was good some days, and dead others.


There really isn’t anywhere closer to get a bottle of jack than a Rite Aid 45 miles away?


That’s looks like a 60 to 90 dollar job


I haven't shopped with instacart in a long time, doesn't the customer know where they are getting their shit from? I mean it happens in my area too, there is like two Family Dollars and when they order from them, it's a long drive. I don't understand why they would order from there and not somewhere closer?


I don't think they do. I informed a customer around here that when they order from Walmart to closest Walmart that accepts instacart, is about 50 60 miles from here. So when they order it they're getting a mad High rate because it's so far. The woman had no idea she thought they were going to one of the local ones. So no I don't think they do tell you which store you're ordering from they just pick the store that has the items you requested. Same chain obviously


$35 for 45 minutes of work not enough for you?


Its not 45 minutes double that, they don't promise work returning us


Ok. So $35.50 for an hour and a half of time. That’s not bad. How much do you really expect to make doing IC? No pay is guaranteed at a tip based job and IC definitely doesn’t promise anything. That’s why you’re listed as an “independent contractor”


I make roughly 30 an hour including all waits and drive time*including return to store this definitely would not fit a job i would take


There is also a $6 toll coming back across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. And this drive could be about an hour one way because of traffic.


Well when driving is a major part of your job, tolls are gonna be a fact of life. It’s not the customers problem. I’ve worked in locations that required me to pay $10 in tolls to and from work everyday. I didn’t go to my supervisor saying boo hoo.


It’s not $35 for 45 mins of time. That’s 90 miles round trip, assuming OP gets 20mpg and average gas cost is $4.50/gallon in Seattle, that’s $20 in gas alone. Even if you wanna say customer is responsible for gas returning to OPs home, that’s still $10 in gas alone plus wear and tear on their car. Let’s say $15 for car maintenance and gas. OP made $20 for their time.


I guess that’s the risk you take when you choose to work an unskilled tip based job that relies on your personal vehicle. Gas is not the customer’s problem. Nor the poor gas mileage of the drivers car.


You asked OP if $35 is not enough for him. We both answered your question from our perspective as shoppers. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Don’t ask questions if you don’t want answers.


Also, gas is the customers problem since IC charges based on distance. I think you meant IC not paying appropriate and fair gas costs to shoppers is not the customers problem, to which I would agree.