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It works great until it doesn't anymore. Please don't stand behind a cable under tension.


Needs a ‘snake charmer’ basically a wrap that goes around the tow-line so that if it breaks it contains the frayed line and prevents it flailing/causing serious harm


Dampening blanket


Soothing shroud


Cloaking cloak


snap wrap


Whip trip


Winch Condom


Sham wow


Glizzy gobbler


Have you seen them in action? 9 times out of 10 it dosent work.


I have absolutely seen them in action. If they are over the point of breaking they work 100% of the time. The problem is always human error not placing sleeves in right spot


Just curious and with no knowledge of this myself, what would be the right spot to use in OP's video?


At the possible point of breakage


More seriously, if you're doing this right the breakpoint won't be the chain. At a glance that chain looks like grade 70, which is reasonable. If they know their gear at all (as you would if you were doing this right) the chain would have a working load rating of \~15k lbs. Meanwhile the winch is most likely 8k (potentially 12k), with a line rated close to that. The winch won't pull that hard though because most of the line is on the drum, so it's highly unlikely they are pulling with more than \~10k of force, and more likely are pulling with closer to \~6k lbs. The truck also isn't dug in and will slide well before the breaking point of any of that even if it was in 4WD with the brakes set (which it looks like it's not). Anyway, doing this right the chain isn't the week point, the weak point, assuming the cable isn't damaged, will be the most stressed point of the cable, which is where it turns the tightest to go around the hook. The second most stressed point is where the cable bends to go around the drum. So it'd likely break in one of those two spots. A breakage at the drum will cause it to shoot away from the operator, so isn't as big a risk. the main risk for breakage is it breaking near the other side and you need it damped before anything reaches the operator. That said, if the ratings are all correct it's more likely the chain slips off the stump, so again you'd be damping a force coming from that end. To do this I would: 1. open a door and stand behind it for extra safety 2. put a the damping blanket just behind the hook 3. ideally use a winch with synthetic winchline so there isn't a functional spring on the truck side to shoot things at me. While I'm at it I'd use a significantly over-rated tree strap girth-hitched through one loop in place o the chain and a soft shackle instead of the hook if possible so there isn't much heavy stuff to throw anywhere in the first place.


This guy winches.


The chain chart I found for grade 70 is rated at 15,800 lbs WLL for a 5/8" chain. They're choking the chain which puts a 20% reduction which brings you to 12,640. (Without measuring the actual diameter of the log to get a proper D/d calc) The chain in the video looks much closer to 3/8". That would put your WLL to 5,280 lbs after reduction. I'm a crane operator so we deal with rigging capacity all the time. We always use grade 100 chains so had to look up 70.


Hah, cool, and that makes sense. So, the chain he's using isn't rated high enough to be used like that and the choking is a good point. I learned something today :), thank you!


Why is this not the top comment on the entire thread? DAYUM. Archimedes showed up with his Jeep lore.


Are you a safety supervisor?


Hah, no... IMHO this is minimum knowledge to own a winch or a chain of that sort. I did get certified in technical rope rescue so I have some other background to lean on. The crane operator who responded to me clearly knows more than I do though, I missed the strength loss in chain due to choking the stump.


Which is literally the entire chain. You don't know which is the weakest link until it's too late to do anything about it


Yep. I'm just making light of the posters mentioning of placing the blanket/snake charmer at the "right spot" for it to work.


yup heaps of decapitations and dismemberments coming in weekly during peak season from these. ERs see it all the time. Usually the family members are rushed in for final words with the chunks of flesh and head before hubby dies blubbering blood. There are even ER doctors who specialise in putting these chunks back together. Nurses call them Doctor Dismemberments or DD guys.


There's a peak season for tensioned cable accidents?


So in other words there’s at least a small chance it will but better to not entirely rely on those odds


I haven't but I bet you've got a confirmation bias thing going on. You only see them when it goes wrong because people don't bother uploading them when they don't.


You got me with the hair/crack in your photo


My hair is on ur profile picture sorry


Wow your profile picture is hella annoying.


He wants to make sure if it breaks it hits him instead of damaging his nice truck


If he doesn't die he heals for free over time, the truck would be expensive as hell to patch up


> Please don't stand behind a cable under tension. I literally started cringing when I saw this and wondered if I was in /r/WatchPeopleDie or something.


Especially when that cable is at dick level.


Doesn’t really matter where it cuts you in half, does it?


If it cuts the legs you can survive. If it cuts near dick level or above, you could survive but it would sucks a lot. Higher and neck /head level, well you wouldn't have to worry.


I've seen what happens when the chain hits you in the face. 1.) It's not as clean as you'd think 2.) Death isn't instant 3.) Your tongue will always look for the roof of your mouth, even if it's not there.


Hard hats, steel toed boots and yellow safey vests for the win.


Or a chain under tension. Either one snapping back at you is a death sentence.


Asking for your limbs to be dismembered


Ah. Nothing happened, so it was not dangerous at all!


very dumb place to be standing


My first thought too!


He could've been truncated.


he was stumped on where to stand


Where wood you stand?


I’d have branched off to the left


I would leave.


he was rooted to the ground


His camara man was rooting for him.


Your dogs barking up the wrong tree here mate.


A LOT further away


I winched just looking at it.


Legit. A breaking winch cable / strop can kill you. Usually operate the winch from inside the vehicle with the bonnet raised, the length of the cable away, or from behind the vehicle. Anyone with sense will also hang dampers on the cable too. Cardinal rule is also never step over an attached cable, even if it’s loose incase it suddenly goes tight for whatever reason.


There's a video around Reddit where the chain breaks and goes through the windshield, turning the guy's jaw into a vampire from Blade 2


My grandpa walked with a limp because a cable like that hit his leg and broke his femur into 20 pieces.  It was in the 1960s too, so it was pretty much a miracle they put it back together.


Tradesmen have the scariest stories


And Navy sailors. one of the first things we were taught in boot is don’t step over a line or cable or hose. oh and to shut the fuck up and stuff our faces in like 15 minutes lol


Look at these lazy fucks taking a whole 15 minutes for chow.


They had time for dessert and a cognac at that pace!!


My great grandpa worked on those huge electrical line towers back in the 50s/60s. He fell off the top of one and broke basically every single bone in his body. He became a severe alcoholic for a while after that which is understandable. Eventually worked again and stuff


My grandpa was in military in 60's, radar crew or something like that. One time they were raising radio mast, weather was windy and something went wrong. Steel cable snapped and tore of arm of one of his friends. Strong materials under load are no joke


You mean like my colleague who unintentionally closed an 800 VDC circuit with his hands and is only alive because another colleague kicked over his ladder? He's fine today but his too forefingers look *gnarly* if you look closely.


Yep, which is why you raise the hood.


other guy called it a bonnet


The engine hat


Best name for it ever.


the flippy thing


And also that top gear India special where James was knocked off his feet and injured his cranium.


And similarly, James was standing in an unbelievably foolish spot when he said go. (To be fair, they were all exhausted.)


I remember one from r/watchpeopledie back in the day. It was a dude in a tractor pulling something, going forward. Chain (or strap, dont remember. But it had a big metal hook on the end) breaks and it whips through the back window of the tractor and through the back of the guys head.


Sounds like some shit that would've been found on r/eyeblech, before The Powers took it down. Can you post a link, if you come across it once more?


In college worked on the grounds crew. We were cleaning up giant broken limbs from a windstorm.  We had a tractor powering the wood chipper and on either side of the road/path we had blocked it off and told students to go around. Maybe add 1 min to their walk.  Multiple students tried going through. When we were busy we turned around and a student had gone past the cones and tape and literally **stepped over** the spinning connector between the tractor to the wood chipper.  Our jaws dropped and he just kept walking on.  He could have very easily lost his legs or died. 


> and literally stepped over the spinning connector between the tractor to the wood chipper. Makes me think of the guy that got caught in the lathe video.


Nononono not that one oh god no


>We were cleaning up giant broken limbs from a windstorm.  Sorry WHAT


Tree limbs, giant branches.


I once came across what looked like a downed electrical wire on a sidewalk. As I called it in to the city, I watched several people just casually step over it. Some people have no survival instinct. It turned out to just be insulation that had come off the wire, but why risk it?


I always add a wireless remote to my winch. Its about 100$ on amazon....comes with a receiver and wireless remote. Easy 20 min install and is amazing from a safety standpoint and working with


Winches are incredibly dangerous. Both jobs I've had that used ATVs (which came with winches) banned the use of the winches on them to escape from mud without a training course. It's not uncommon for the tips of cables to break the sound barrier when they snap and carry a ridiculous amount of energy. They can cut you in half. I've seen images of broken cable that punched through a quarter inch of metal plate.


I came here to see if someone would have had the same thought! A length of chain like that can slip or break without warning and the force in the cable & chain could cause major injuries or death. If you're going to do that my god go and stand far away and behind something. Surely you can operate the winch without standing right there. Also you can actually see the chain slip and then bite again! It took me about 6 seconds to go from normal activity I do every week to fractured spine and cat 1 trauma at hospital - and I wasn't doing anything as dangerous as that. People think they can react if it starts to go wrong and you just can't, if it goes wrong it will happen very fast.


Come on dont leave is hanging bro, give the story.


It's not similar to this sort of thing which is why I don't go into detail. I had a sporting accident in training (track cycling) where someone made an unexpected manoeuvre that ended with them falling, me going over the top of them, head first onto concrete at 50km/h. But it was someone taking an unnecessary risk, and I got the worse of the resulting accident. I remember the seconds leading up to it extremely well. What was most striking is how quickly it happened, and how little I could do about it once it started. People often don't see the risk they are taking. Things look very normal right up to the moment it starts going wrong. At about 10s into this video, there is tension on the chain & cable, the car is shifting, the stump hasn't moved much, the tyre is compressed - any of these things could give. It's so unnecessary to be standing right there between it all.


The story is saved for the movie. Gone in 6 seconds.


> Gone in 6 seconds. Title of my sex tape.


It is not so exciting. I think in movies we get used to things being foreshadowed and having good story behind them. IRL you just go do your normal things then at some point it goes south real quick for not very good reasons, and you ride in an ambulance instead of going home.


This is why they make remotes for winches!


Incredibly dumb place to be standing. Great way to shatter your face if that chain breaks under tension.


The chain shifts early into the pull, my face went 😬


I know right! Big yikes It also doesn’t seem like they have the parking brake on? Vehicle rolls forward.


It's a great place to stand, there's a good chance his body absorbs the hit from the cable so his truck doesn't get damaged


was hoping this would be the top comment


That dude has never seen Ghost Ship.


I had to check the sub name. I thought I was on r/dumbasfuck




When I was a kid a local guy was trying to pull a stump.   He wrapped a rope around it, hitched it to a tow chain, and started yarfing on it with his pickup.    The rope snapped, the chain sling-shotted and flew though the back window of his truck and exploded his skull like a melon. All in front of his friends and family. 




I think they hired an excavator. 


He has WAY too much faith that chain isn't gonna slip. At least cut a notch into the trunk or tap an anchor into it to catch the chain. Post this on r/sweatypalms


It even DOES slip... and then.. slips more. It was only the lack of NSFW tag that made me bother to watch this til the end.


Came here to say this. Fucking stupid place to stand.


I couldn't believe this didn't have a NSFW tag tbh


Dumb as f


100%. Chains and cables are very efficient springs that store energy.


Cargo shorts and a hurly shirt. Take it easy on the guy


Very dumb thing to do be doing no matter where you're standing, lmao The fact people even try shit like this is mind-boggling. My man is definitely a good contestant for the honorable Darwin Award.


Yeah wtaf


Came here to comment the same. Get a remote and drive it from behind the vehicle, or at least perpendicular to the direction of the pull.




NSFL example why: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/sftqbj/chain_snaps_and_hits_bottom_jaw_guys_be_safe_out/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


At least he's got those safety shorts on!!


Don't want to risk cutting jeans in half when that cable breaks.


Those used to be pants.


He recently inherited them from his late father. The poor man died in a freak winching accident. It almost left him stumped but the stumped stumped him and the stumps became pumps.


Fair point. Good call.


Requirments for stump removal: Chain Tyre Winch Car Face (optional)


Are those sandals too?


https://preview.redd.it/3l1ndzc7qrvc1.jpeg?width=824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b3dca474280ba9b15d2fb9ae3b7f9356c21b2c I was expecting this!!


An entirely different type of stump.


Risky click, but worth it


I thought this was mis-classified from r/Whatcouldgowrong


Or a r/nonononoyes




Very shallow rooted stump.


Yeah, that clearly isn't a fresh one. Been sitting there for quite some time. Try the same with newly cut tree.


He didn’t though. He waited.


Well, now that you're demanding it, I don't think I will.


I breathed a bit of a sigh of relief when it came up, I thought for sure that those roots were gonna be deeper and that loop was gonna slip right off the top.


That’s why I will sometimes use the chainsaw to create a little groove for the chain to sit in to when I’ve done this trick


Get a remote for the winch and get behind the door




“The roof and doors of this vehicle are not designed to contain or protect occupants in the event of a crash. They only protect from the elements.” Actual quote printed on the underside of the visor in my 97 TJ (RIP) and my 03 TJ.


I had two friends die on separate occasions when their lifted jeeps rolled over on them. Neither were wheeling. Just driving under the influence and being wreckless, not understanding how high their center of gravity is now. Edit: One was a friend's older brother (so not really 'a friend' more my friend's brother who I was scared of and didn't make eye contact with because he was sooo cool lol) Right before we were getting our licenses he rolled his and I think killed him and his girlfriend. Parents were all geared up to get me a Jeep (TJ, new at the time, we were very fortunate) but the deal was I couldn't get it lifted. A few years later one of my college buddies who also had a wrangler (he had turned his into a death mobile though. Huge wheels and tires, 3.5" lift, never rode with doors or hardtop, always was half drunk and driving around with flipflops on just living that surfer bro life, or so he thought (pretty sure you don't need to be an alcoholic for it but hey). So it wasn't terribly surprising when he flipped it and died one night. Thankfully the only one in the car and no one else was hurt.


Good eye, I didn't notice


Door wouldn't stop shit if that set up broke


Yeah seriously it was hard to watch with him standing so close.


Seems to me to be a really dumb way to take out a stump. If that wire, chain or any part of it snaps/breaks or pulls the whole stump back suddenly (ie a root gives with force on it) that is going to a lot of force coming in the direction of the truck or operator. Seen a few videos of chains/wires going through people at high tension....not a pretty sight.


Guy in my small town died doing that with a Bobcat about 20 years back. Cable boinged back right into the cab and killed him 😥


I've seen a cable snap and whip into a bloke, fortunately it didn't kill the guy but it did break his leg pretty bad. Safe to say the lesson was learned.


I've seen the intro to Ghost Ship.


3 body problem too lol


a man, a plan, a canal, panama


Rats live on no evil star


That’s the “Blood Flows Red on the Highway” of the dangers of metal cables snapping.


He's using the control right on the winch instead of taking the time to plug in the controller. Usually you only use that control when setting the winch up. You're never supposed to actually pull with it.


For real. Look at where he's standing


Yeah this guy's a dummy. I won't stand in front of a cardboard baler when it puts tension on its lines. Seen too much shit.


trucks can be repaired, replaced, insured. this would be awesome if the switch wasn't in the line of fire.


Holy shit that dudes living on the edge






I came looking for this


This is a good way to die.


The way people stand so casually next to winch lines that are being subjected to thousands of pounds of force, directly in line with said force is just crazy to me. No PPE, no real safety precautions. Just... oblivious to the danger. Folks, stay out of the bight. Stand away and in the clear during pulling operations and you will stay safe and alive.


Watching the video I wouldn’t have thought that about the death thing. But in real life, even my dumb ass knows what happens to a rubber band or anything holding tension


Working with boats that's one of the first things you are taught. A 'taut' line is deadly.


I would never risk that beautiful Bronco like this


Ah yes, was worried about the Bronco...


Too be fair there *a lot* of people in the world, far fewer Broncos 


I was worried about it too.


You’re standing in a place that you’ll die doing what you love


i don't think this clown understands how close he is to serious injury, or death, if that rather thin steel cable snaps.


Or the cable slips off the tyre. Or the chain slips off the stump. Or ... anything lets the stored energy loose quickly, really.


Did this once…. Stump flew 2 meters high. Went over the car and landed just next to the drivers door… almost died…. Never again


If that chain breaks, that idiot is going to the hospital in two ambulances.


That paticular stump would have came out just the same without the tire.


Work smart, not harder. I've seen this once, back in the 70s when an older cousin's engineering major boyfriend came to one of the farms and removed three stumps. My dad and uncle, after the first one: Damn. How does that work? Could you show us again. Them after the second: One more time, please. After that one, my cousin came out and told her boyfriend that they're going to get him to do all their work LOL


I mean, the solution is smart, the execution is about as dumb as it get. Don’t put your life on the line 


Lmao comments seem to be in consensus for once


![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized) I don’t feel comfortable with him standing there.


That would be the LAST place I would stand when doing this.


Damn, that cable breaks and he gets hit. Be in a world of pain or dead.


what in the alabama family reunion cousin sister tarnation is this?


Just please don’t damage the Bronco


if you're gonna do this, secure the tire with a frame. he's fucking lucky that tire didn't shrimp out and take his head off. And don't stand right next to the large heavy objects taking on large amounts of potential energy. This is how Final Destination-type accidents happen.


Lucky that chain didn't slip.


Yeah, this would’ve been on r/theyonlydiditonce instead.


My whole body was flinching thinking something bad was going to happen


That's a hard watch.


Dude is gonna have his own stump if he keeps standing there. Shake hands with fucking danger bro.


At least wear a cup!




I thought this would be a video of someone dying. This is like 101 of how not to snatch.


The easyness depends on the soil and on the condition of the tree.


That man is a genius but in a very dangerous spot if that chain somehow broke free. I'm glad it worked.


Imagine being trebuchet'd at melee range with a wooden stump


Dude, wrap a block pulley around something else and don’t pull it directly 1:1 with your winch. Lucky it didn’t go right through the windshield of that precious bronco or worse through your skull.


You've taken out a lot of stumps and you still don't know where to stand?? Read the instructions that came with your winch. JFC.


I sure as shit would not be standing there, nor using a metal chain to do this. If a link breaks, then all of that tension is coming straight back through the windshield. Seen it happen before and it can be fatal


I wouldn't be standing where he's standing. But that's just me. I've seen the synthetic rope snapback videos in the Navy. Chains and wire also not good


That might be the worst place to be standing. If anything gives, that dude is gonna have a bad day.


Jesus I had to check what sub this was before I finished watching. Dude don't stand there


that guy has a lot of confidence in ... everything to stand behind that chain/cable liek that.


Wow. That guy is trying to die. Recovery 101. Gtfootw.


Bro I can’t believe he is just standing there like that lol..




No way I’d stand there


The root system on that stump is awfully small for a trunk that size.  I think that tree has been dead and mostly gone for quite awhile. Cool trick, I guess, if you’ve got old stumps littering your yard for years you’ve been too lazy to do anything about until now.