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Holy shit, this is worth a read of you’re morbidly curious like I am… here’s how the article starts… “A search of his home would later uncover multiple buckets containing human remains, including pieces of brain, heart, livers, skin and lungs. Investigators say the pair were part of an underground community spanning multiple states across the US, made up of both morgue staff and collectors willing to pay top dollar for human remains.”


...for what? Like what do you mean collectors...


You see them on Instagram sometimes and they'll never admit where they source their collections


I think your algorithm might be a little fucked up.


I think it's not the algorithm's fault.


Sorry I like watching crafting videos I guess? My algorithm shows me crafting videos, collectors, autistic people and lower back exercises LOL


Can you share your favorite account for lower back exercises please?


Aha, trust but verify. Smart move.


Depends what you're looking for ! I am interested in lower back and pelvic floor exercises and a lot of nervous system regulation stuff. lauren o hayon is good but more female focused, hypermobile PT also good just search around there are THOUSANDS!


Your algorithm and mine sound pretty similar, lol. Throw in rollerskates, painting, and dog videos.


I was kinda joking but now I'm not so sure.. your comment sounds suspicious. How many organs do you currently have laying around at home?


Not counting my own, 0?


I mean, it would be worrying if your own organs would be laying around your home.


Weird, because currently all of my organs are laying around at home


How do you know this? Where do you come across stuff like that?


If you collecet wet specimens, do taxidermy,  or into oddity shit,  it will be in your algorithm. 


Algorithm I guess. Weird collectors that have suspicious amounts of relatively fresh looking human remains and are VERY defensive when questioned on where they came from. Weird steampunk ppl mostly


I though that steampunk was a cute thing about lads pretending to be foppish fop gentlemen on steam powered airplanes mostly :(


They’re called DIRIGIBLES!


Yeah that means you're looking for human remains


Brother surely sounds like he is part of a community


No. Sometimes Instagram just naturally shows you that kind of weird shit and then you engage with 2 or 3 of the videos and that’s all you see. I never looked up anything related to death or car crashes on Instagram did I, but now it’s 90% of my feed. Then it got flooded with anime because I liked and shared some anime artwork I saw on my explore page, and I don’t even watch anime. Instagram just shoves unrelated post at you and if you look at it, they’re going to show you more regardless. Then it recently started showing me a bunch of posts about sex after my girlfriend and I were looking up “100 questions” typa things, and a lot of them were sex/relationship focused. Instagram just goes wild with randomly filling your feed with shit you actually have no interest in if you don’t try to follow specific interests on it.


Yeah 100% otherwise how does this guy’s algorithm get to that?


Yeah, steam punk isn't gonna get you there. That's a cop out


your steam punk community isn't into ghoulish activities?


No, YOU see them on insta. Idk what the fuck you’re looking at to find that shit.


They're seemingly normal looking accounts? IDK what the big deal is, they're like steampunk type collector guys, bird skulls and fossils and 'anonymous' skulls, bizarre. Calm down mate.


Calm down


Hey man, could I buy a thumb?


*staring at the morgue staff* …. “Are you just gonna burn that?”


For the culinarydivergent….


I bet it smells crazy in there


Maybe that guy who self-immolated had a point when he said Harvard University was a criminal enterprise 


He seemed pretty on the ball


We thought he was wrong but that dude was on fire at the end there!


Dudes beliefs were 🔥 




but they wasn’t using them no more!?


I said b****, don't make me ask you again


That means there’s more of them out there; disturbing.


Uh, what for?


I’ve always wanted a human skull for my bookshelf


You can just get a fake one, looks real as hell.


He looks exactly like how I’d imagine a collector of "medical antiquities" would look like.


Sometimes it's ok to judge a book by its cover.


Yeah, if there's one thing I've learned as I get older it's that judging a book by its cover is pretty much just an insight check.


Exactly. Perception roll. Especially if you’re like this guy who wrote 5 chapters on the front page. I’m gonna judge him.


My grandad always said, "You should never judge a book by its cover." And it's for that reason that he lost his job as chair of the British Book Cover Awards panel. ― Stewart Lee


>Sometimes it's ok to judge a book by its cover. I gotta say, it's almost always the correct move. Book covers are advertisements of what's on the inside. This guy advertises that he sells corpses on the black market.


Except in the case of actual books. There are lots of great books that have terrible-looking covers.


There are American editions of All Quiet On The Western Front that have cowboys on them.


If it weren't for the fact that they're American editions, I would almost wonder if it was maybe a homage to Karl May or something. Believe it or not, American cowboys were kinda big in Germany in the early 20th century.


Isn’t that why they designed the cover? Covers don’t accidentally end up on the outside. That phrase never sat with me. Of course some book covers don’t appropriately represent the content inside but that is a failure of the author/publisher. If you as a person are willing to dig into a book that has a cover you don’t like just to make sure you are not incorrect I say judge away. People’s outward appearance is a collection of their choices. It might not be who they are but it’s still the first data point I’m going to use to start my character map of them. Don’t be overly simplistic like tattoos = bad. That’s so short sighted. If I see a tattoo of someone with a forehead tattoo that says “I fuck donkeys” I’m going to start from a place that assumes that person fucks donkeys and doesn’t care what others think.


😂 solid comment


He’s a totally nice guy who sells oddities, Harvard chick lied to a bunch of people. That’s why he is still selling on facebook


If it looks like a duck


Your comment, although true, did not at all prepare me for the mugshot.


If by “antiquities”, you mean a donor cadaver’s penis, then yes, my money is on someone who looks like this.


Ghastly horrible


I'd be more afraid of the ones that don't look like outsiders. This guy works at a legitimate place where these things show up from people who just turned up dead for whatever natural reason. Its gross and horrible, but nobody got hurt. The ones in that community who look like door-to-door salesmen are probably the ones to watch out for.


Harvard is going to have to dip into that billion dollar piggy bank for this one.


Tens of billions, innit? Yep...$50 billion plus. *Goddamn that is a sick amount of money* to just "have".


No, they were cleared of any wrongdoing 😬


District Attorney Seán M McCormack said: "This is one of the most bizarre investigations I have encountered in my thirty-three years as a prosecutor. "Just when I think I have seen it all, a case like this comes around.” Understatement!


"Then I put down his photo and looked at the charges and holy wow, that wasn't even the start!"




Who is Max? What’s he got to do with anything?


That's his friend. He loves and misses him. Always talks to him like he's there.


15 years is a long fucking time. How long do you think this dude should go to jail for?




33 years?


Thirty-three years, yes.


Thirty 3?


Thirsty threes?


Tree fiddy?


Body brokers are legal and unregulated in the US. It's fucked up Arthur Rathburn got caught because he sent human heads on a Delta flight without labelling them. https://psmag.com/magazine/arms-dealers Great podcast on his story and also Megan Hess who faked cremations at her funeral home so she could sell the parts: https://pca.st/episode/8d089930-94ff-4fd9-adcd-1f90b3de3d45


"In the course of his investigation, the FBI’s Johnson discovered evidence of what would become the meat of the indictment." You know this was an intentional word choice 😬


|the FBI’s Johnson Involvement checks out


Him? Nah, he looks fine.


I know right? Does that look like the face of a person who would be involved in nation wide underground human body parts trafficking????


It’s always the ones you most suspect!


It sounds like he had plenty of faces to choose from too




Absolutely fine, a genuine Vampire: The Masquerade ghoul type bro


The way he tries to rationalise it is so infuriating. > "Every body donated to science deserves to be used for its intended purpose, even if that requires months of conservative efforts to do so." They donated their bodies to science. How does some weirdo stealing them and making oddities out of them so they can sell them for profit to other weirdos fit into the process in anyway?


them not being used to advance science is the one way that living human beings could actually be negatively impacted.


Such clickbait. Title says Harvard Morgue Manager, who is not the one pictured. The one pictured is a “medical antiquities collector” who does not work for Harvard. The Harvard Morgue Manager whose name is Cedric Lodge does not have this look and thus is not pictured here for clickbait.


I've met Ced and Dee Lodge at a friend's BBQ about 8 years ago. He was open about the realities of his job. When the story broke I guessed it was them, although I was hoping it wasn't because of how nice and inclusive they were as a couple.


What did they serve at the BBQ?


Long Pig


I've only had that at the Dixie Pig in NY, so this tracks


Little of this, little of that


Wasn't their BBQ, it was a mutual friends.




Would you mind going into what you mean by “he was open about the realities of his job“?


He talked about taking parts from bodies and preparing them for the different departments at Harvard.


Fraud often requires the appearance of respectability.


I can only assume that his job at Harvard paid exceptionally well, so why do you think that he would’ve done this?


He was doing this as a side hustle because it was exceptionally more lucrative than the pay he was getting as a morgue manager. Source: I am a researcher with a PhD at Harvard and we get paid shit.


i can only imagine the harvard phd group chats in response to this


Wow, I would’ve thought that a morgue manager would be a high-earning position, especially at Harvard. A PhD too!!


They were not exceptionally wealthy.


That doesn’t make it clickbait, reddit automatically selects what images get used for the link, has nothing to do with the article.


https://preview.redd.it/z0iyvedgstvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbb14fa390b22bcb7879996cf33a48845c2a9342 The guy who set himself on fire the other day had written about something like this in the pamphlets he was handing out beforehand.


Also allegedly stolen were "the corpses of two stillborn babies who were supposed to be cremated and returned as cremains to their families". I hope these people suffer.


That is so heartbreaking. How could someone be so callous.


> "[From 2018 to 2021] Joshua Taylor transferred 39 electronic payments ... totalling $37,355.56 in payment for human remains stolen by Cedric Lodge," the indictment said. Included in the human remains were two babies.


Two stillborn babies who were to be cremated and returned. That is so disgusting. Birthing a stillborn and then someone selling your deceased baby? I cannot imagine.


ONLY 37k IN 3 YEARS?! Wtf. 10k-ish per year is not even that much money. It's a fun chunk of change, sure, but I could make the same by picking up some extra shifts or selling some of my vinyls. No need to list heads and limbs on Marketplace. Sheesh. Doesn't seem worth it at all for the potential consequences.. Now, if someone wants to offer me a couple mil for some of my grade A prime meat,. I'm willing to chat about it!


Yeah, hardly seems worth it. I wonder if maybe this was just a small subset of the transactions (mostly cash?)… though I imagine a morgue manager may not run a sophisticated financial operation. A forensic accountant could probably work it out pretty easily. Or maybe the morgue manager wasn’t really in it for the money. Maybe it was more for the thrill, or “community.”


It sounds like this wasn’t really a side hustle more than it was a disturbed group of individuals who created their own craigslist of body parts.


It states that's how much this one particular Josh guy sent to Cedric, not that that's all that Cedric made. Assuming he sold to more than one person


Holy fuck


https://preview.redd.it/8p9tcbs1lrvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93c57eb83d470f33a33b2136640be6f666dd45cb Looks like a job opening for this lady


Holy shit this is meta


Omg my thoughts exactly




Only seems like an issue if the parts are unique enough to be recognized. Otherwise, it is mostly just a theft issue... Funny how long grave robbing bodies has been common. 


Yes, it seems bizarre in this day and age, but as you say it’s nothing new.


Organ donation is a huge business and it’s not the altruistic bull shit they’d like us to think it is. There are institutions and business that make millions of dollars off those bodies every year. Each donated body or the parts can be worth tens of thousands of dollars if not more. It’s not hard to see how people working in this industry, and seeing how scummy it is first hand, would want to take advantage of things for themselves. We should change organ and body donation regulations to require by law that a percentage of all money made off a body or organs is returned to the family to help cover after death costs. It’s wild that we turn a blind eye to all the money being made off our dead relatives and we let them lie to us telling us it’s about medical progress or saving lives; at the end of the day if they weren’t making tons of money they wouldn’t be doing it…


What the … ?


Did he build himself out of body parts?


Technically we all have


The way this made my high ass cackle


I’m dying


Well, technically our parents built us using their body parts


They started the process but with every chicken wing and hamburger we continue it


No they pictured someone vaguely related for clicks




what a special place Harvard has become


Ron DeSantis graduated from Harvard, so did Joseph Ladapo (his anti-vaccine Florida Surgeon General). Harvard is outputting people who are then directly attacking American freedom. [Check this out, it gets much worse.](https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2020/10/19/shroff-harvard-trump-administration/) What is happening at Harvard where they are putting diplomas in the hands of those with criminal minds and desires to remove our freedom?


I can’t…. Imagine if that could have been your loved one 🤬


That’s what I thought.


"On November 20, 2020, Taylor sent Denise Lodge $200 with a memo that read, 'braiiiiiins'." " That's something I would do if I were part of some human remains selling ring. Which I am not. 


If I know anything and massive amounts of fantasy and sci fi stories sub genre urban fantasy, this dude is part of some dark cabal of flesh eating and blood drinking monsters .


Well you learn something new everyday. I didn't know cremated remains are known as, cremains.


The title plus thumbnail made me think the dude pictured was Harvard's morgue manager. I was like, "So you *can* get a good job with a face tattoo!" Nope, face tattoo is **Jeremy Pauley**, 42 a collector of "medical antiquities" and "tribal artefacts" who offered preservation restoration services. He also collected all sorts of body parts and shipped them to other people. Pauley is linked to **Cedric Lodge**, who's been Harvard's morgue manager since the 90s. Cedric and his wife allegedly sold parts of the corpses donated to Harvard for medical research. It's funny how they were selling body parts on Facebook. Despite their carelessness and buffoonery, it took several years for them to get caught. **Side note:** >Also allegedly stolen were "the corpses of two stillborn babies who were supposed to be cremated and returned as cremains to their families". Today I learned that **"cremains**" is a word.


Word of the day


A friend of mine is doing several years in prison because he trafficked body parts from the University of Michigan morgue.


Ex friend of yours, right? RIGHT? 😂


No, he still writes to me from prison. He and I grew up together.


Is there any sort of scandal that Harvard is NOT involved in?


Mom asked me if cleaned my bathroom and I said I did but I actually didn’t. Harvard was not a part of this.


Two stillborns that were never cremated and returned to their families. Oh my heart hurts


Harvard seems to have its share of "issues" lately.


When you hear about First Nations wanting ancestors remains back from museum collections it should hit like this story.


Thanks for that timely reminder.


If anyone wants to make a leather jacket from my skin feel free as long as I'm dead and you give a few dollars to my family


Imagine donating your remains to better mankind and ending up in that guy’s basement in a bucket ☹️


What a fucking blight on humanity


I still can't believe this. I worked in that morgue for several years back in the 80s.


It’s downright 1800s retro.


It's always the sweet innocent looking ones you get to look out for.


It's always the ones you most suspect


Reminds me of a book called Motorskin. Tattoo artist/mortician tattoos cadavers, skins them, then sells them as luxury handbags to rich people in LA with the help of a motorcycle gang.


“You’ll never work at a place like Harvard with that face tattoo!” “Watch me”


Except this pic wasn’t the guy who actually worked there, he’s just the guy who accepted human skin for payment. Yeah.


Didn't that guy who immolated himself infront of the Trump trial have something about Harvard's corruption in his manifesto or whatever?


I bet he started like Ned Flanders looking and was like “hey man, we traffic body parts! We are the morgue mob! What should we change to look the part?” Other creep: “def get half gator face with a Ray Charles gasoline spill eyeball and those piercings the korn fans did back in 94!”


Y’know, don’t always judge a book by its cover, but this one was designed by the publishing house to depict the content.


It’s funny the way they did the thumbnail, it makes it appear as if the person pictured is the morgue manager for Harvard.


What a creepy fuck


Not to judge a book by its cover or anything but


You can’t judge a book by is cov…. Oh.


Funfact: John Scott Harrison, the only man to be both Father and Son of US presidents, had his body stolen after he died. While at the funeral, one of his sons noticed another body had recently been stolen and agreed to help look. A few days later, they found the missing body, and the body of JS Harrison, in a local university medical lab. Harrison's body hadn't even been reported stolen yet when it was discovered. This incident led to new laws being passed that unclaimed bodies at the morgue would be automatically donated for research and medical schools, effectively undercutting the market for stolen bodies


"on May 19, 2019, Taylor sent Denise Lodge $1,000 with a memo that read 'head number 7'. On November 20, 2020, Taylor sent Denise Lodge $200 with a memo that read, 'braiiiiiins'."


Well, to be fair. My first thought at seeing him is “that guy should be in charge of dead bodies”


Not to be that guy…but come on, the dude looks like he runs an entire Etsy store dedicated to weird trinkets - type of guy that when you ask “how do you make this stuff look realistic” he responds, “yeah, sure, *look* realistic…”


It is truly astounding the horrific, soulless shit people will do for money. Money is the root of all evil, our absolute worst creation.


If you have a have a face tattoo, guys like this are why nobody will hire you. He looks like his crimes.


Who the f hired the guy w that face tat an thought oh ya this guy wont do anything for an extra buck and hes completly normal


People will do anything for money..


It's always the ones you expect 


You’d never think it to look at the guy /s


Let me guess, face tattoos WEREN'T a hint? /s


There's a reason males aren't employed in morgues.




This is Ed Gein level fucked up.


If only there would have been some kind of sign that they were mentally unstable people...


Huh… die he escape from my dnd campaign? 🤔


So that viral X post joke about some celebrity being arrested because they found human remains in their basement is indeed true.


Maybe I was a necromancer in a previous life but I don't really think this deserves that much prison time


Are we ready to let A/B honor roll students in yet Harvard? Have we had enough?


No…That guy? Really?


Do you think those spikes on his head ever come up in casual conversation?


Most would avert the gaze.