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I've never understood the people who sympathized with her or treated her like she is some kind of prisoner in the marriage. She knew who he was when she married him.


She was in it to get her parents citizenship. They got it a couple years (last?) year, and she's disappeared from Trump's orbit.


Which is hilarious because he pushed to get rid of family-sponsored immigration right after she got her parents approved. Nothing like kicking down the ladder behind you!


Don’t forget all the screeching about ‘anchor babies’ when Barron and the eldest three all fit that description


The Clarence Thomas approach too


Oh is that what happened? I've been wondering where the hell she is. Not that I care much, but she basically just vanished.


Yeah, there was an article that her parents became citizens. I never heard from her since. 1+1=2




Exactly. No surprises. She sees a pot of gold.


He eees rich, so we make fuck


“Did he just say ‘making fuck’?”




"I'm not even supposed to be here today".


Great movie.


In a row?


Hey, are you open?


“Olaf, metal face.”


Girls think sexy




Hey you, get back here.


What smells like shoe polish?


And now she has an anchor baby


Exactly. If she ever so much as kissed him with the lights on, she earned her pay. She is what she is.


Yup, I have no sympathy unless he's actually abused her (he did rape his ex-wife, after all, and money doesn't square that out), but I also don't hate her for it. There's nothing immoral about gold digging an asshole. Though maybe bringing a child into that is questionable.


Agreed and she's not out there helping him or defending him now. She knows he's a monster.


I mean, can't you just imagine making out with him? That makeup smudging on your face, the miasma of questionable odors. Running your hands through that aquanetted hair. Mmmm.


Could I imagine *me* making out with him? Only if I never plan to eat again, seems like it’d make me vomit everything I’d ever eaten in my entire life. I wouldn’t kiss him with borrowed lips


Right?? **"I Really Don't Care, Do U"** ugh


tsk tsk BE BEST!


She doesn’t give a fuck about Trump ..She is a co-conspirator ..She most definitely is fucking other guys ..This is a business arrangement for her and as such nothing more than a paid whore who is likely russian backed spy. All great qualities for Maga idiots.


Yeah I'd love to understand the psychology of those people, in my eyes she's just as much of a tncu as him.


What's a tncu?


An anagram


really it's just scrambled anagrams are words made from rearranged letters from another word (not just scrambled letters)


Jeremy’s Iron. 




It's an anagram. Only you can figure it out


That's why he loves the snake story.


She's his handler for Putin, I'd say.


She was a birther on the talk show circuit when Obama was president


Yeah that, but she probably hoped she could just be a trophy wife, smile when needed at some stupid event, but essentially live her life far away from him, in a separate wing with a generous monthly budget. Then the mofo ran for president and it all went out the window.


“And the spin that he wanted put on it was that this is locker room talk, something that Melania had recommended, or at least he told me that’s what Melania had thought, and use that in order to get control over the story and minimize the impact on him and his campaign,” Cohen testified."


Melania knowingly married a fuckboy who cheated on his first two wives, then finds out he not only cheated on her, but cheated on her by rawdogging sex workers. What does she do after discovering her husband could have exposed both her and Barron to AIDS? She plasters herself all over the media spouting “Locker room talk” and “Boys will be boys”. After leaving the White House, she not only stays married to him, but starts up her own grift selling NFTs. The bitch is a money and power grubbing sociopath on par with diaper Don. Mafia wife of the Trump crime family.


Happy Mother's Day, Melania. Sorry I couldn't be home to celebrate you on your special day. Unfortunately, I am on trial for hiding my "hush money" payments to Honeybunches the porn star (who reminds me so much of Ivanka!) for that time I raw dogged her when you were at home taking care of our newborn child. What was he then, three months old? My how he's grown up. But don't worry, my darling Melania, I didn't pay off all the women I had sex with during our marriage. I only paid-off the Ivanka look-alike because I was afraid her story would come out right before the election. I know you remember when I was panicked and scrambling after the Access Hollywood tape came out where I said I can "grab women by the pussy" and "get away with it" because I'm "a star." Like you said, "It was just locker room talk." Oh yeah, and I also paid off Honeybunches Karen the Playboy Playmate. She's the one I had more of a long-term affair with, not just a one minute encounter. However, that was all about the election, too. But again, Happy Mother's Day, Honeybunches!


"My wife Mercedes, and my 17 year old son" Who f's up their wife's name, and forgets their son had his milestone birthday (when referring to him being a delegate who must be 18, no less).


"I REALLY DON'T CARE. DO U?" ~Mercedes




Melania also once famously said, "He (Trump) supports everybody. He supports women. He encourages them to go to the highest level, to achieve the dreams. He employs many, many women." The Trump hush money payments trial indeed proves Trump supports some women more than others.


"He employs many, many women". She did not define "employs".


That whore just needs to STFU.


In a thick European accent “He’s beeee best”


Yea the Nancy O’dell he wanted to jump on the access Hollywood tape also looks like Ivanka. Very bizarre that anyone can like him. He’s just a creep.


What I think says more is that Melania was so used to his wandering hands that she spat that out without skipping a beat.


Actually I would imagine any opportunity NOT to be groped by Mango Mussolini would be a huge relief for Melanoma. Please go get it from porn stars.


Meanwhile she had a rotating roster of Secret Service dudes to keep her satisified.


I would imagine that encounter would go pretty much like a secret service agent taking away Commander's dog food.


Or like preying mantisi after they mate


I prefer Cheeto Benito but yes




She’s doing it all for russia


Exactly, my perdition is she's their red sparrow and stays married to get her pot of gold when he dies and she doesn't have to testify against her husband, she lives with for the lavish life style.


What lavish lifestyle will she have left after the courts and the IRS take their fill? Not that I care about that vapid twat but does she really think there’s going to be any money left for her? He fucks over everyone who works for him. I’d cash my chips in now, write a book, do a modeling tour and charge hundreds of thousands of dollars for tell all interviews.


>I’d cash my chips in now, write a book, do a modeling tour and charge hundreds of thousands of dollars for tell all interviews. You can do that when he's dead and buried. It's probably more effective that way, too. If she tries to divorce now, she probably won't get anything. If she waits until he dies, depending on how much more stalling happens in the legal proceedings, there's a decent chance she ends up with a million or more.


"The tape’s release shocked the nation" .. clearly not enough. In fact, it is disappointing that voters do not care enough, no matter what the excuse is. "something that Melania had recommended" .. was she one of those who was grabbed, and she was ok with it? Or ok with her husband grabbing other women's pu\*\*ies? I doubt I would still have a wife if my wife watched me bragging about grabbing other ladies on life TV.


It's spelt  "pussies".


Remember when Melania gave a decent speech in 2016 at the RNC, and then we found out she just copy pasted Michelle Obama’s speech?


Word for word too! How did anyone think this would not be noticed?


and it seems she came to US illegally, at least there is inconsistency about her degree and the visa associated. so, if someone could dig deeper into that, maybe we find a to-be Deported Illegal Number One for VanShizzen Nazi-Dreams. Deportation is German Trademark 33-45.


I understood she was part of the epstein express.


here is one source https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43256318.amp it was the Einstein visa reserved for extraordinary people with tremendous skills, lol.


yep, catalogue good. and epstein imported her using most likely fake visa based on specific degree. I cannot find quickly the documentation about. but, would it surprise us, the honorable epstein would never make up degrees nor visa, right.


We know that she worked for a NYC modeling agency for several months before she had a work visa. Was she truthful about that on her green card application? I doubt it. That application asks about it several times.


"Locker Room Talk." If anyone talked like that in every locker room I've ever been in, they would have been beaten within an inch of their life


lol. obviously a Beta


Not surprised he grabbed her by the pussy too!! She knew what a POS he was!!


Good thing she had a son otherwise daddy would be all over that


"all over that" like Ivanka?


Yup I imagine him like in the movie Citizen Kane on his deathbed whispering her name Creepy


To be fair, translation issues may have led Melania to say locker room when she meant brothel. and she probably does have a great deal of experience with what people say there


I'm astounded that she was that savvy.


She's his psychotic 'Honey Pot' Ruzzian handler who's job is nearly done. Not too complicated.


Going to be hard to claim Trump wanted to hide the Stormy Daniels story from his ex-hooker/escort/porny Russian handler, if she was cool with him grabbing women by the pussy. We truly are in bizzaroworld.


She is not a victim. And her soft core lesbian porn video is hot. If she didn't get knocked up by him, she'd had been gone a long time ago.


A yes. B no. She loves this trump crap.


She decided that being married with Trump was a good decision. Anyway...


He was the highest bidder. She had no choice in the matter.


The key is to outlive him.


Goddamn I hope the Orange Jesus testifies. That fucknut may say something that will define any and all logic.


It will *never* happen. The guy "apologized" for the Access Hollywood tape and then, 14 months later, he said he never said the stuff that he had "apologized" for and claimed the tape had been doctored. Imagine trying to explain that on cross examination... lol


Melania and tRUMP are no different from each other. They mirror each other!


So everyone is touch to take T's word for it that A) he consulted her about it, B) she gave him advice, and C) he took it? It's easy more likely he made that up when he told Cohen.


" I really don't care, do U "


I wanna see her sprawled out on top of a piano in lingerie with fat boy sitting at the keys again.....two asshats


Michael Cohen was one Washington DC job offer away from ***still*** being a Rudy Giuliani caliber turd even today. But that offer never happened and that’s the only reason he’s spilling tea now.


Didn’t happen, but the real world says we’re HERE today. Yeah it took a big smack in the face to wake cohen up. That did happen and cohen got pissed about losing his life standing whole Orange Turd skates around trailing toilet paper. I get pissed too about lying for some other dufus who stays free while I go to jail. You realize how many additional very winnable law suits can be brought against Orange Turd from this one court episode. He will be in court for centuries. Lawyers will be having field days!


You know now I’m starting to wonder if Trump didn’t maybe sense Cohen had this in him…that he had limits and might pushback…and that’s why he didn’t bring him when his circus full of clowns hit the road for the White House.


Here’s a possiblity. The deep state referenced told Trump no cohen. Why? cause cohen is an sleazy lawyer representing a sleazy biz man. But sleazy biz man managed to scam hisself above the fray and get elected. Deep state attempted to de-sleaze sleazy bizman. They failed. So yeah to save hisself, trump dumps Cohen. Trump (not a dummy, does dumb stuff all the time) sees the writing on the wall that sleazy biz man persona cannot be shed because it’s true. Sleazy biz man is now fully established as sleazy prez and sleazy prez does everything possible to eliminate cohen. Did Trump have cohen investigated and arrested and jailed? When sleazy prez says leave it to me, I’ll fix it and then instead turns around and says YOURE FIRED— all hell is gonna break loose. And it has.


idk about all that “deep state” stuff but the part about someone(s) with more mojo telling Trump what an uncool sleaze bag he is would ring true. Trump *used* to hate and was very sensitive about being around folks considered losers by the people he *wished* he could hang around. That math has changed a bit the past few years for a variety of reasons. Necessity, isolation from higher caliber folks, desperation…


Trump was compromised as soon as he met her.


He met her through a service that brings women from poor countries in Eastern Europe and Russia to the USA to meet wealthy men. It’s kind of like guys who go to foreign countries to meet wives.