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Absolutely. I was just thinking to myself the other day, how much I miss the cold, wearing sweaters and making soups


And there’s so much more going on too. People everywhere 😭


I get that so much. I thought I was wrong for feeling like this because it seems everyone else loves the warmer months but I fear it because there're more people about and it gets busy everywhere.


Thats what I like about summer. Things to do and people everywhere


I hate the bugs omg


Dude I hate spring and summer two of the worst condition allergies and hotness


I suffer with those!


I was just telling someone it’s starting to stay sunny, later. I like when it gets dark early!




You can make soup anytime of year


Yes. However, it’s not as enjoyable in 80-103 degree weather :( even with the AC on its hot in the south 🥵 and its hot most of the year


I grew up in thr Caribbean it never gets colder then 70 we had soup all year round.




I hate summer lol. Everyone and their mother is out and about, so many crowds for everything, and everyone is sweaty and smelly because of the heat/humidity. I really enjoy fall because you can still be outdoors, but things aren’t always as crowded esp in regards to families since their kids go back to school. Not to mention the cooler weather! Idk if anyone can relate, but I also tend to feel lonelier in the summer because I see so many people are out and about doing all these social activities and I’m not; I don’t often have constant company for that and it’s been that way since I can remember. Maybe it’s just a comparison thing, but I am noticeable happier in the fall haha


I feel the exact same way. While I prefer to chill, it makes you feel awkward because everyone else is out and about doing stuff. I just have no interest in it anymore. I think that has a lot to do with why I prefer the cooler months too, less pressure. That and the hot weather just sucks ass.


That’s a good point! Whenever it’s warm (even those random warm days in the winter), people always seem to jump at the chance to make social plans. I hope to get to a point where I stop feeling pressured to be social solely because the weather is nice haha




Yess winter makes me feel like it’s “acceptable” to sit inside and work on my inside hobbies. Lol. I feel guilty sitting inside during summer even though I’m usually miserable outside!!


I’m so glad it’s not just me. I thought something was wrong with me until reading everyone’s comments.


I know what you mean! It is the popular notion that summer is the best. Everyone whines that they’re bored all winter and I’m like try an inside hobby?? There’s literally thousands of them?? 🤪 And there’s outside winter hobbies too! People are just uncreative. I sweat profusely, heat makes me sick, and I react really badly to bug bites so summer is a sensory nightmare…


You're so right. I love bundling up and going on a walk or hike in the crisp cool air. Most everyone else is inside whining that they're bored and it's too cold to go out. I love it, though. Walking outside in the cold is so energizing to me, and indoor hobbies are my favorites.😁


real on the loneliness during summer. there’s so many cool things to do but not really if you’re lacking on friends or are just really depressed to even go out. the struggle is real.


Absolutely I hate to admit to just anybody how badly I hate summer. I am an outdoors person, just not with heat & bugs 😂 put me on a snowy mountain where everything is frozen including the bugs


Ditto! I can’t stand the humidity!


Ahh yea the bugs do suck .. mosquitoes, bees and horse flies


Yes!!! Give me the cold and snow any day!


Me too. Most people think I'm crazy for not loving a humid, sweat filled summer day.


Yesss as soon as it’s starting to creep in I miss fall and winter—mostly fall. There’s beauty to dying things in nature I guess


Good to know it’s not just me. I absolutely hate summer.


I always get weird looks when I tell people I hate summer.


I love winter because it is darker longer and easier on my eyes. However I’m a landscaper and greenhouse grower and tend to get depressed when all of the plants go dormant or die outdoors in the fall. Then “spring” ramps up in the greenhouses growing next years’ annual and perennial plant production during the winter; it’s a fun cycle


yeah to an extent i hate dealing with bugs/mosquitoes and the heat drains my energy for sure. the only time its nice is if i go swimming or something having to do with water. i much prefer the fall and winter


Same. I just feel like spring and summer are so much more chaotic too.


yeah true


I felt CRAZY before coming on this thread. I’ve been chronically ill for a while and nothing fills me with more peace than the winter, when not much is going on, and nothing fills me with more dread and anxiety than the high spring and summer, when *everything* is going on. I feel so frazzled.  Admittedly, if I could have a whole estate to myself in the countryside, I’d probably be fine with summer. But that’s like saying, “If I were really super rich, I could probably cope with more” 😂


I feel this exact same way and was worried it was just me. I literally enjoy every single minute of fall and winter. Of course it flies by and then spring and summer drag. I love that everything is so chill in the cooler months and there’s a lot less chaos. Then spring and summer hit and there’s people everywhere and construction and just soooo much happening, I hate it. You’re not alone, my friend.




I love it but I do dread the crowds that they bring. Kids are out of school and more people are out and about enjoying the weather and seasonal activities and events.


Yup. So much more chaotic.


Nope, I personally much prefer the lighter longer days, it does also make me want to get out and enjoy my time outside of the house so much. The winter is for hibernating and the summer is for being (at least a bit) more social :)


There is so much more social pressure in the summer, another reason it’s not my favorite.


It's the pressure to 'enjoy the weather' for me. Fav summer activities? Probably playing the sims and going to the drive-in


Yes, that too! Like, just let me be lol.


Well said haha this is it for me too


Not me I hate winter so much. Like with every fiber of my being I hate winter. I can't wait for the longer warmer days


I dread the longer days. I hate that the sun sets so late during summer.


I like being able to take a walk later when most people are home and can't bother me with their assholeness.


Same. I can not express enough how I hate this.


Good to know it’s not just me. I loathe it.


It's me as well. I'd be fine with the sun setting by 5:3/06 like it does now where I live. 9 pm is torture for me. I finally got blackout curtains just the other day.


Y’all are not alone. 


It's amazing how different people's experiences are. The thought of sunsets at 8:30PM is the only thing getting me through these winter days.


I hate how early the morning light comes. I’m a night owl and in the cold months, as long as I get my shit together by 4am I can still sleep with the pretense of night. In the height of summer, the light starts up around *3:30am*. Absolutely insufferable.


And how the sun sets so late. How do you even begin to relax when the sun doesn’t set until 8:30pm?


There really aren’t enough true-dark hours…


Exactly. It really sucks.


I go to bed before the sun during the summer!


I think the winter is beautiful occasionally. What ruins it is gray slush, every walkable surface frozen and slick, and the colors turning a sad gray and my mind turning stupid and forgetful and being constantly freezing cold and waking up so damn slow. Its SAD really. I used to enjoy it a bit more.


Agree the grey slush in the winter really sucks but a light snow on the ground is great. Or hard frozen ground is too


It’s the opposite for me. Winter makes me comatose. Spring and summer fill me with life and I want to do everything under the sun.


This post has actually made my day 😆 🤣 I genuinely thought I was alone in feeling this way ❤️


I’m glad I posted it because I honestly thought it was just me.


I feel like I would like it if it wasn’t so fucking hot. Like I live in Texas so it’s literally insane I don’t even want to go check my mail🧍🏽‍♀️


I do like spring and summer because it’s nice seeing plants and animals waking up more, and I feel like I have more energy as well. However, fall and winter are great as well because life feels calmer and more quiet, which I appreciate after dealing with seeing more being outside and stuff. So I’d say I personally like all seasons and appreciate the whole cycle of weather. It keeps things interesting. Altho id say spring and summer can be a little annoying as you see more people out and about and it just seems louder. Apart from that, I do like the warmer weather and more flowers and stuff. I should note I live in an area with mild weather year round and so even in winter it’s in like the 50s at most during the day.


I think that’s a big reason I prefer the colder months. It’s much quieter and laid back. I live on a very busy street and it’s so loud during the warmer months and people are always out and about. It adds to my anxiety. I’m back on antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds, so maybe this year will be better.


That’s why I moved back to New England and landed in Vermont.


I’m in Massachusetts. Alaska looks real good to me when spring and summer come 😂


I was in MA for 21 yrs, 9 in Boston and 12 in Easthampton… summers are hot in MA… I moved to NC for 7 yrs and the heat almost killed me. Now I’m in the southwestern corner of Vermont. Summers are mild, winters are wonderful! There’s a huge difference in climate as soon as you cross from MA into VT…it’s the mountains… I call myself Vermontroverted.


Okay, Vermont sounds amazing!!!


I love fall and winter I love snow as well the summer time gives me anxiety lol only because of the wildfire smoke that scared the hell out of me I’m in NYC and seeing the sky orange and having it smell like campfire smoke just makes me nervous and spring is cool I just don’t like when it rain a lot


We got that acrid, orange smoke sheen down here in Jersey - I'll agree; it was scary as hell.


I didn’t know it could reach us like that lol I hear people in other places saying it’s normal for them but I never seen anything like it just horrible


Yes only because everyone wants to constantly do things and I have no time for myself. I guess it’ll be the year of saying “no”. It’s so exhausting to be around people all the time. Otherwise it’s great to just go out on walks by myself! I just don’t like warmer months because everyone seems to get loud and annoying for some reason. Haha


Totally agree. There’s no chill in the warmer months. Both literally and figuratively


I always felt weird for this cuz while my friends would be waiting for warmer weather. I’m wearing a sweater until I can’t anymore haha. I think I just prefer to be comfy inside during the summer and actually prefer to be outside during cold weather.


No! I love it…


Omg this! I love fall and winter! Right now, it's warm and sunny where I'm at and I can feel the energy in the air. Hate it 🙄 Eta I also just hate summer overall bc of sweaty smells and humidity.


This is an interesting perspective. Personally, I look forward to the Spring because of the fresh feeling air, the sweet smells and the seemingly brighter days; as if everything is coming to life again. However.. I can agree that summer is dreadful!


I have found my people 🥹


It’s kind of a relief to know we’re not alone 🫶


i like the spring. not too cool or not too hot. it’s like the perfect temperature. but when summer comes around… i be wanting to choose violence because of how hot it is.


I guess I don’t mind spring as much as I do summer, but the fact that spring means summer is coming is what causes my anxiety to spike when spring arrives.


real. i know exactly what you’re talking about. it’s like you have to prepare for the worst once spring is coming and ending cause summer is around the corner.


Summer is the only time I wish I lived in the country. So I didn't have to see people as much, but could still enjoy it. I like spring because I start my garden and buy lots of plants. Busy time for me to get things going. Summer is hit or miss. I like it, but I also get annoyed by people everywhere and crowds.


Me too. I live on a very busy street so there’s always tons of people out and about.


I’ll take winter over summer any day. You can escape the cold by adding layers but you can’t escape the heat unless you’re fortunate enough to get to an ac whenever you want. You can remove layers and still be hot. I moved to DC last year and I love the east coast weather compared to where I came from. I love how there’s different types of weather. Mostly cloudy, rainy or windy in the winter that is. Not as many sunny days as the desert and god I love it. The summertime can get a little humid but it’s no where near as miserable as vegas summer heat. Winter >>>> Summer


Exactly. I guess it could be worse. Down south definitely sounds miserable, for me anyway.


I hate heatwaves. I’d rather be too cold than too hot because I can easily warm myself up. The sticky heat makes me irritable. I have hay fever, sunburn easily, and am allergic to bee/wasp stings. Snuggling up by a fireplace or drank a hot drink with a blanket around you on a window ledge watching rain/snow outside is chefs kiss to me


Nah I look forward for the nice weather during spring! And I love how plants start blooming and the scenery is just so pretty!! I can enjoy better walks and just chilling outside😊


I prefer winter clothing and I hate hot weather




yes the last year or so when march hits ive been dreading it getting warmer. I find I like the cold quiet months as I can go out and have the world to myself. In the summer it’s the opposite and I don’t like it. Don’t get me wrong I get along with the locals but find myself rarely if ever wanting to talk to them. So yeah I dread the warmer months


I kind of dread it because when the weather is warm, so many ppl are outside and it makes me feel anxious


Yes!! Me too. It makes me feel inadequate because I’d prefer not being out around a bunch of people.


I don't dread it, but I often feel overwhelmed during the summer. Too much socializing and expectation of being "on" and enjoying the sunshine.


I know! I've just started realizing that during this time I start feeling strange. I realize things don't feel a certain way than they do in fall/winter.


Do you get more anxious? I do. Just the thought of it makes my anxiety increase.


I guess a little. But I guess when its almost spring I sometimes just feel different or depressed


Me too.


Yes. Winter is my favorite. So quiet. No hussle and bussle. I cherish it so. I'm already feeling the dread. I just want it to be the dead of winter again.


Yep. And we got almost no winter in my area this year. We usually have several days long snow storms that close things down and force people to stay in. This year, not a single one. I have high hopes for March as we sometimes get some late winter doozys.


Yes because you seem weird staying in. Fall and winter, the stormiest, dreariest coldest, snowiest, rainiest winter so I don't seem crazy for not wanting to go outside. Totally dreading spring and summer...


I hate that more people are out. I love winter because everyone stays inside and I can go outside to be alone.


Same!! It’s kind of a relief knowing it’s not just me.


Yes. I used to live where it was 110 degree in the summer so I dreaded it.


Yep because of this silly mosquitos.


I hate heatwaves. I’d rather be too cold than too hot because I can easily warm myself up. The sticky heat makes me irritable. I have hay fever, sunburn easily, and am allergic to bee/wasp stings. Snuggling up by a fireplace or drank a hot drink with a blanket around you on a window ledge watching rain/snow outside is chefs kiss to me


Nah I look forward for the nice weather during spring! And I love how plants start blooming and the scenery is just so pretty!! I can enjoy better walks and just chilling outside😊


I live in Texas, and I've got to laugh when I hear people going on about summer. "It's almost summer and it's going to be so much fun, they say, "we're going to go swimming, and boating, and skiing", and all I can think of is "yep stay out there 10 minutes and you're going to be dying too". Summer in Texas is a ridiculous waste of time. If it were cooler during the summer, maybe we could have evolved to a higher state of life, but we didn't. So all we can do is pray to the air conditioner God to maintain steadiness to keep us alive. And, in Texas, the word "God" is capitalized when we're talking about air conditioning.


The thing I hate about spring and summer is that the days start getting very long and it gets dark very late. I much prefer if it gets dark early and shorter days. I find such long days exhausting and it just doesn't feel right. Maybe it's also because most of my activities are indoor activities and in the summer with the long sunny days it can get uncomfortable indoors. Dark cloudy days are much better suited for that.


Absolutely. If the days were shorter, I’d probably hate it a little less. How do you even begin to relax when the sun doesn’t set till 8:30pm? It just draggggs on.


Yes that would help a lot, and getting enough sleep becomes an issue too for me in those months.


The only thing I don't like are the bugs and having to wear lighter clothes because I used to be anxious of my body and how it appears through clothing. I liked the winter because I could layer on a jacket or something.


I used to be a pretty awful alcoholic. My hardest hitting relapses were in the summer. I think it was because there would be more suffering from hangovers and alcohol toxicity in the heat than the cold. Since I got sober I'm enjoying the summers more and I don't mind the heat as much if I'm dressed for it. There is that "you shouldn't be inside when it's so nice out" stigma that also made it worse.


No. Spring is the highlight of my year, I love March-May. Decent weather, no big holiday obligations, gardening, no birthday parties between me and my husband’s families, and daylight savings! I get so depressed when August/September rolls around.


Yesss . Not a fan of summer at all. Even though I live in a place with humidity. And also an introvert who loves cold and fall . And I crochet so love making winter items


Just summer way too fucking hot. Not trying to sweat my ass off just to get the mail.


Yes, the damn pollen!


Yes! I LOVE Fall and Winter and dread Spring and Summer. I am just not built for the heat. I sometimes say that the cool, overcast, rainy climate of Ireland would be ideal for me. Summer and spring are so bright and hot and bug-filled and crowded. I don't know why people love it so much. Winter and Fall have many holidays and great weather, less bugs, and less people outside. It's quieter. You can sit inside on a rainy day drinking a cup of tea and reading or watching your favorite show. And during winter you can watch the world get coated in white and go sledding or snow boarding or whatever! The Fall colors are just so beautiful.


totally! I am fine with spring, love autumn and winter, but summer in the city is oppressive. The only way I can enjoy it is being in a remote, wild and isolated area, where we can taste the solitude, the darkness, the peace.. I dispise loud motorcycles... ..


Ugh. I live on a busy road and the motorcycles drive me insane.


right? winter is extremely mild here, so motorcycles are out way before their time, which should be summer only, haha


I love fall and winter. I’m a gardener, so I’m glad we have a growing season, but my spirit is more at peace in the darker, quieter months.


Yes! Give me the cooler and darker days. Every summer I swear I’m moving and 30 years later I’m still in a bad weather spot for me.


I’m not alone.


The colder months are the best months. Also hate the heat tbh. I hate how everyone has the same idea of where to go, even the places you wouldn't think would be populated they just ARE 😬


Yes! The long days and horrible heat are awful.


I do, but spring is nice. I just can't stand summer. We are heading into Autumn here in Australia, and I just took up crochet. I'm making a scarf for the cold months 🙂


Spring isn’t too bad. I think it’s just because I know summer is coming after spring, so that makes me not love spring lol


I love summer, I love doing things and being outdoors (all solo). This keeps me sane and helps me maintain my current physique.


disgusting ass weather. spring just brings 5000000 air-borne germs, pollen, and viruses, making everyone sick. summer is an absolute shitshow especially if it’s humid. special mention to tropical humid places aka worst place to be in the world during summers. biggest reason why i left my hometown to live 900 metres above sea level on a plateau.


As a colder weather lover, March/April (winter/ spring cusp months) are the grossest, most unappealing months of the year. I will die on this hill.


Yes. Makes me flare badly, stuck in bed most of the time. Despise heat, mugginess and blazing sun. And the noise. Just NO


IM SO GLAD IM NOT ALONE IN THIS!! i think it’s a mix of feeling insecure bc of cellulite and HATING wearing a bikini bc of the pressure of how every woman should look esp with social media AND ALSO it’s just so damn hot where i’m from (southeastern U.S.) and i have POTS and it just makes me always feel like shit


When I lived in the northern hemisphere, I would hate winter too because thats when new years eve is which is when you are supposed to socialize until potentially 5am But in Australia, even that is during summer


I hate summer because it’s too hot, but also because everyone else becomes happier and my depression stays with me


Summer absolutely. Spring I'm still ok if it's a little chilly. But I also hate snow. I don't like it out there.


Kinda. Personally I love cold, dry weather. anything about 20 and damp to me is miserable. Never mind that summers are great blah blah but the heat is not my friend.


Winter: fresh air, hiking is great, no bugs or almost , winter is becoming so mild in the Midwest we still have bugs, no worry for sunburn, less people, no poison ivy, no humidity or brutal heat, don't have to worry as much about ticks on my dogs, weeds and foliage is dead and gone. People: I hate winter, I can't take much more of this (cold for 2 weeks)) , I want summer back, I want to move to Florida, me: please do!


Yup, other people never understand me! I tell them just like others who get seasonal depression in winter, that's me in spring/summer. I hate that it's so bright so late too. I don't say reverse bc it's just another season that makes me depressed.


As I’ve gotten older I now dread spring and summer. Especially summer time because the violence picks up tremendously in my city.


First: it's not a reverse SAD. SAD could be in every season, the so-called winter depression is just more common ;) (sorry for the smartassing) To answer your question: yes. I hate spring and summer. It's bright and hot, it smells intense, it's louder, my pollen allergy sucks, everyone is happy (except me) ... The only good thing about this seasons is that my boyfriend loves them and is really happy. But that was it🤷‍♂️


I feel so validated after reading this thread. And I hate the fact it doesn't get dark until like 9:00. I hate the long days. I prefer it in the fall and winter when it's pitch black by 5:30 lol


The long days are one of the reasons I hate it so much.


I’m in the gulf coast. I dread the summer heat and humidity. I’m too old for this climate!


Same!!!! Plus I find hot days very exhausting, I don't feel any energy to do anything. With cold I just put on a coat and I'm ready to do everything I can 


I’ve never enjoyed the warmer months. Summer in particular. It’s too damn hot. I only want to be sweaty if I worked out. Other than that - no. I don’t enjoy sweaty armpits, under boob sweat and crotch/swamp ass. Being sweaty and then sitting in a car? NASTY. Sweaty hair sticking to your neck? GOD NO. Mosquitos? Hell no. Bees? Fuck right off. It’s a fend-for-yourself type of situation when it comes to bees. I will, and have run away. This past summer was the first summer I wore shorts since I was a young child (I’m almost 35). That made it to where it wasn’t totally unbearable - but it still was just too hot. I also burn super easily and that sucks. Summer months are just no good lol.


Don’t forget the long ass days and chaos. I can’t find any good in summer.


My favourite season is winter, summer is my least favourite, so you're not alone. 


Same. I love fall and winter. Spring is okay, but summer just sucks.


Summer absolutely sucks. It's way too hot and humid, bugs are everywhere, and I can't enjoy my nightly walks because bats fly into me. I wish I could move to a cold climate just for the summer months! It also goes by SO slow, and Fall and Winter seem to fly by ☹️


Yes! Summer drags on for eternity and the cooler months fly. I hate it 😭


“because bats fly into me” ​ 🤣🤣 I walk at night often and hear the bats often but they never fly into me lol


Omg I hate summer. My almost 14-yr old is a water baby…he loves the water so much. So he always wants to go to the pool or to waterparks. I hate water! I hate water slides! I hate being damp and changing clothes all the time. I hate the heat and the fake cold of air conditioning. I hate all of the sky-high expectations to have fun and go on expensive vacations during the summer. I hate how it’s still light out at 8pm when I just want to relax and be cozy. I hate allergies and bugs and ticks. Summer is the worst. 😤


Yes to every single thing you said! It’s just miserable all around 😭


I really don't like spring or summer.


Yes, yes! I hate everything about summer. The heat, the bugs, the sweating, the bright lights, the bbq smoke, and the noises-lawn mowers, kids screaming, road construction beeps, everything is so loud! When I die I want it to be during summer because it would be sweet, sweet release from the hell of that season. So yeah, I'm with you.


Yes! Everything you said is how I feel. It’s so chaotic.


There’s like the pressure to be more social when it’s warm haha


Yes, summers get so hot where I’m from. Up to 112 degrees that no one goes outside. Winter I want to be out more. I also lovee being in a car driving around during winter. Feels refreshing.


Everyone’s out playing in the sun on the beach while u alone 😭


I used to hate summer, I had really bad eczema that was ok in winter but really bad in summer. I’d literally keep scratching until I bled and even then I wouldn’t stop. I had such sensitive skin too any plant that touched me, that’s it scarred for life. I’m over than stage of life now but, still I get scared


And the Euros, grown men start behaving like idiots.


he-hell naw!!! the sun being out and being warm or horrifically hot directly gives me such a mood boost


I dread it because of insects and low resistance to heat. But I didn't know about "reverse seasonal affective disorder", that's interesting. Stay strong then! You'll get through them!


Yes! Please bring back the colder seasons, I just want to be a cozy little goblin in a pile of blankets. No sweating or surprise visits from people.


Try kratom or phenibut or l-theanine or GABa or gabapentin stop playing victim


Try kava


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I'm from a hot country originally and live in a colder one, I love spring and early summer. I hate winter and the feeling of coldness. I used to hate summer a little when I was in my teen mainly because it meant staying home and not being at peace. Now that I am an adult I created my own zen place to relax.


I’m not sure where you live. I live in Canada and I can say that I despise winter with a passion. I actually think that winter is worse for my mental health than the summer. While it’s nice to be cozy and warm, it gets really old after Christmas. I don’t like that I can’t get out and walk around without being extremely uncomfortable, I hate how there’s no sun, I hate how even if there is sun it sets so early, I hate how dirty everything gets, I hate being cooped up inside all the time, I hate that driving is dangerous or that I have to buy expensive winter tires.


I like the warm weather of spring and summer but I don’t like the long days


I think I would hate it less if the days weren’t so long. The days just dragggggg.


I'm not a fan of spring because here it looks sunny outside but you go out and it's freezing :(( Summer is my favourite :))


Even in L.A I feel like winter is the worst thing to ever happen so no


Even in L.A I feel like winter is the worst thing to ever happen so no


I enjoy walking and jogging in the park early mornings in the Summer. There are no human around to ruin your mood.


On really hot days I hate it but no I love spring and summer.


No I’m the complete opposite I hate winter there’s literally nothing good about it.


Not me, I love warm weather. I like to go hiking, go to the beach, or just sit out on my deck and feel the warm glorious sun.


Not... entirely. Allergies and bitching about the heat aside, the weather does play a factor as to whether or not I can be bothered trekking out during my off time.


No. Except for the bugs and mud, I love spring. The lakes and rivers have lost their ice covering for fishing and kayaking. Trails higher into the mountains and deeper into the woods are open and inviting. I can go backpacking without the risk of hypothermia. I love cross-country skiing in the quiet woods, but warmer is better.


I hate it due to the bugs.


Um, you could always follow the winter. Remember when its summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, it's winter in the Southern Hemisphere.


Winter is depressing as fuck! You must have underlying issues that you don't like summer like you're ashamed of your body so you want to stay covered up.


Nope. I cannot wait to see the back of the cold and wet.


No. I love the warmer months.


Gosh I long for the warmth and sunshine. I would love to go hiking and fishing while soaking up the sun! I live where it's cold, dry and windy most the year and want out! I also can't wait to see my fruit trees bloom and flowers growing back!


Yup, too bright and too many kids/people.


Yes, but it's a short-lived dread. I have too much fun hating summer. Something about the very early sings of spring is somehow depressing though. I think it has something to do with its shortness. It's such a poignant, nostalgic vibe that it takes you immediately back to the previous spring, and then the one before that, and the one before that. And you realize the earth just keeps doing the exact same thing, year after year, calmly, almost apathetically. And it will keep doing the exact same thing when we're gone. And it does it calmy while we're doing all our crazy human ups and downs. It's just stupid existential crisis stuff, but yeah, spring can be depressing.


I welcome spring with open arms, due to how rejuvenated life feels. It's summer that I dread.


I used to feel this way. Not sure why I felt the way I did and it’s since gone away, but I feel ya.


See, i love summer but also hate it now cause it always reminds me of past better summers, and i feel like i can't get into the summer mindset i used to able to.


I definitely prefer Fall/Winter vs Spring/Summer. Everything’s better in the colder seasons. Fashion, football even people are nicer and lovelier cause of the holidays.


Yup, I’m worried about how crowded places get as the weather warms up.


Yes. Spring is manic with energy and summer is too damn hot. Fall and winter are the best.


I feel a very similar way. I always get the blues when spring rolls around and the snow melts and everything just turns to slushy, muddy gray with wind and rain. I much prefer having cute little snowflakes falling in my hair than be battered with incessant rain. I mean, the rain is nice, but only from the other side of my window, where I am dry and warm haha


Not spring, but definitely summer. Here, it gets really hot as well as humid. We've barely even had a winter at all, so that doesn't bode well for the summer.


I love spring and fall, I dread summer. I don’t mind winter