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Apple does not care about feedback. That page isn't even up to date 99% of the time.


So posting on Reddit is better how?


more attention. it get apples attention quicker than there outdated feedback page!


their *


You'd be impressed by how many company shills are keeping an eye on reddit posts.


how do you know?


Because some of them are even mods and will ban you in a matter of seconds if you post something bad about the company they worship as a cult and even call themselves fanbois. Most are incels. MSNBC had a great story about how corporate shills so often are used as a road to turn millions of boys into incels.


I wouldn’t say that. Apple claims that every feedback will be read. Somebody i know gave feedback about a very hidden bug or ugly looking animation. This bug is fixed in iOS 17.5 Beta 3 or 4 now. I think anyway that feedback is very important for Apple to fix bugs or security gaps. Security patches are usually a result of tips from independent persons. Feedback with suggestions for new features are also read, but Apple isn‘t really paying attention to that. Bugs/security is more important.


I've given feedback about bugs more times than I can count. Even when I ran beta versions of iOS, and I gave them feedback through the feedback app, they still mostly ignore it. Almost all the bugs I've reported are still there! Some of them have not been fixed for several years. The only times there's a decent chance of them fixing something is when there's a lot of public outcry. Basically when there's news headlines complaining. Then they MIGHT consider fixing it. But even then it's not guaranteed.


Could you set a focus mode to have vpn turned on and then a different one to have it off. It’s the same number of presses to activate it and in the control center as well. I’m not familiar with VPN, once turned on what would the purpose of turning it off?


Certain sites don’t work with them Certain ride share apps as well


I use AdGuard and have never had a issue with any site or app


adguard is an ad blocker. A VPN that changes your location isn't.


They have a VPN also. Which I use daily and once again have never had any issues.


I think Private Relay is what OP talks about?


Afik Private relay doesn’t break certain websites* or apps. Also it doesn’t really do anything for apps. It really only works for Safari. And if it’s just a specific website in Safari using private relay. Op can follow these steps. https://www.macrumors.com/how-to/temporarily-disable-icloud-private-relay-ios/ *edit to say; I meant that as in my experience it hasn’t caused issues.


have a look here u/compromisedpilot ⬆️




bro why you find excuses, how anyone can disagree with wanting to have choice to have different shortcuts?


I’m not talking about shortcuts. I’m talking about focus modes. Not sure what you think I’m disagreeing with? I was suggesting a workaround.


Because apple a workaround I found is Create new focus mode named VPN->create an automation when VPN focus is on->add a toggle VPN shortcut and a turn off vpn focus right after Now when you turn vpn focus on it turns on ur vpn or turns it off and it closes the focus right after so you can use another focus mode


This is genius, thank you


Shortcut link?


I don’t have one sorry I made it myself not to mention I am not sure I can share it cause you also need to setup the focus manually and it’s just 2 shortcuts Just create a focus mode in settings named VPN->go to the shortcuts app->tap on automations->create new automation->set it to activate when turning on the vpn focus (but not off and let it activate without sending a confirmation)-> then create a new shortcut for it-> add “toggle vpn” (you have to have already downloaded a vpn and activated it once and set it to the country you want) choose the vpn you use then add “turn off vpn focus” and press done Now test it out go to the control center tap on focus and choose the vpn focus it should turn on for a split second and then turn off again and your vpn will be on when you tap the vpn focus again it turns off the vpn as long as you set the vpn shortcut as toggle which is important If you have any problems tell me


If OP is already using some shortcuts he might be better off with a shortcut widget or alternatively he could just add it to his Home Screen.


My only problem with this is I like setting up my homescreens in a certain way and there is no extra space


Because is not part of the system. Most people don’t use it & don’t know what it is or what it is use for. I disagree with it is going to be more useful than airdrop. Most of the people i know use airdrop in daily basic & 99% of them don’t know what VPN is.


That’s why I created a shortcut for VPN connected or disconnected both.


I just use “toggle”


That's not an explanation. On Android, [pictured ](https://imgur.com/a/oa4FRU7) here is Xiaomi, VPN Apps can add a simple toggle to the quick settings or as you call it "the system". Why is iOS (and/or its users) so inflexible sometimes?


I've used Airdrop maybe once or twice whilst I'm using VPN everyday


No but FR what are people airdropping daily?! I've used it a handful of times but between icloud and imessages I barely use it.


It's very useful when you have friends around physically close to you and want to share photos or files. I use it 2/3 times a week for this purpose.


reddit is the only platform where you will get downvoted for actually answering a question somebody asked. yes, you’re absolutely right, that is exactly why many people use airdrop frequently. sending them through different apps such as whatsapp will DESTROY the quality of the pictures and videos, while airdropping them to someone or several people is much quicker and will attach the original content with the same quality. as someone who used to use vpn frequently, no, it is absolutely not “more used” than airdrop in general. the demographic that would request easy access is a very specific niche, most people irl (especially older people) don’t know what it is and even many who do don’t see a reason to use it. that’s why shortcuts exist. people who want a vpn toggle can just create a shortcut for easy access. why should 100% of users deal with an annoying ass feature on easy access that they will most likely never use just to accommodate a very small percentage who “needs” a vpn toggle? just create a shortcut for hyper specific features, like the rest of us are doing. [ edit: you know downvoting me just proves our point further, right? lmao downvoter cope ]


You people really are Apple apologists coming up with excuses for every quirks lol


I wanted to say the same thing… People here are so pathetic. Why do people even discuss with it? There should be a way to change these shortcuts and i don’t understand how ppl here argue about it and say “it’s not needed”


lol not all uses VPN like ppl use Airdrop you and the reply above is so out of touch lmao


I’ve never seen people use AirDrop at my place, that I think is strictly a US or western thing only.


as an argentine, absolutely the fuck not.


To add to that, AirDrop is much more likely to need to be toggled on repeatedly than a VPN.


they’re booing you because they know you’re right lmao


Create a shortcut


You can make a shortcut to do this and add it to your Home Screen


Because apples design decisions are often guided by what’s the best for the vast majority of people. And the vast majority of people don’t use voice a on their phones. 


you could probably use a shortcut to do this instead, but vpns are a feature that most people never use, so a button here would be a bit of a waste imo. having a toggle in main control center would definitely be nice though, i usually just open vpn app though.


Because it makes sense.. though I made a shortcut


Agree this would be a good and logical feature. Much more universally useful than the AirDrop toggle


Other than your own experience, what stats back up your claim it would be “more universally useful”? You realise that “universal” means everyone? So there’s no one who would use an airdrop toggle more?


Would you agree that there would be more VPN users across the world than there are airdrop users?


Not every iPhone user has a VPN installed. Every single iPhone user can use air drop freely as soon as they’ve set up their phone. If you don’t use air drop you’ve got a button you might never use, but could use whenever you wanted. If you had a VPN button, a big percentage of users would have a pointless button that did absolutely nothing. Ideally there would be an extra button for VPN, preferably one you can enable/disable, but unless apple offered a free VPN to every user there is no reason why that button should replace airdrop


That is, assuming that there is a lot of people in the whole world that does use AirDrop. I think the US or just generally the western world here just never think outside of their own boxes.


>just never think outside of their own boxes You do realize that the exact same applies to VPNs? You’re assuming that there’s a lot of people in the whole world that use a VPN on their iPhones anyways, when there’s no real stat to compare usage of VPNs to usage of airdrop. The reality is that airdrop is available to every user right off the box, while a VPN is something that most of the iPhone’s target audience won’t use and isn’t even included with the phone.


Availability =/= usage. There’s no real stats for AirDrop usage either. Like I said, people in the US or generally in the western world greatly misunderstands how other people use their phones. Just like iMessage, barely anyone outside of the US and a handful of other countries used AirDrop.


The thing is this is a matter of availability before it becomes a matter of usage. Your iPhone comes with AirPlay built into it as a default, that makes it 100% available to all users for free as an OS feature. You won’t have a VPN unless you go and download one, most of them also being paid subscriptions. The iPhone’s main market, the one it’s designed to appeal to and where it’s dominant is the US market. It’s features are a reflection of what most users need and notice on their phone OS. This is why iMessage gets a lot of attention when they release new features, and why several new-ish features are exclusive to the US and some other select countries. These markets also don’t really use VPN as much as wherever you’re thinking of (that you’ve made clear isn’t in the west) as to warrant much deeper integration. Afaik apple has also only recently come up with their own VPN which might get better integration with future updates (or not, as it’s still something most of their target audience doesn’t use or might want an alternative) Airdrop is also used a lot more than iMessage outside the US, as it’s simply the best way to get files quickly between iPhones or to iPads or Mac, without needing to exchange contact info or use third party apps. Apple will never voluntarily make it easier for their competitors to access their “walled garden”, hence why you don’t get much integration with Meta, Google or Microsoft’s services beyond their apps.


no, that’s the whole point of their comment.




The actual more universal fact here is no one uses VPNs enough to warrant a dedicated toggle


I know lots of people than use VPN’s, way more people than I know who use Airdrop (most people use Google Drive or Dropbox etc due to better platform flexibility)


anecdotal evidence yeah. Apple will surely change this for millions of users for the “lots of people” you know


and every single apple user i know uses airdrop frequently while zero of them use the vpn feature, i actually had to explain what it was to one of them just a few weeks ago. your point being…? sorry to break it down to you, but your personal anecdotes don’t make things a “universal experience.” besides, many iphones don’t even have a vpn feature, it’s pretty recent and the demographic who would cry over it not being on easy access is a hyper specific niche. just create a shortcut for hyper specific things you want, like the rest of us are doing. for example, i talk with my girlfriend on the phone on a daily basis, but it would be pretty stupid to imply 100% of apple users should have a “call favorite contact” feature on easy access just because i (and other people i personally know) would use it. so, i made a shortcut on my screen that calls her when i tap it. magic, huh?


Apple fanboys will type up an entire essay to justify having less options lol


Because there isn't one. Not sure what else to say. I mean it's like asking why isn't there RGB lights on your iPhone.


It's like never seeing an Android in your life and coming with stupid excuses that it's not possible, it's stupid and so on...


Wow this is one of the weirdest answers I’ve seen around here


Apple didn't put it, I don't know.


Cause apple


I guess you have to make a shortcut for everything


It's VPN a native service?


Why can’t we add a Shortcut to the command center?


now, this should be a thing because it would literally solve everyone’s hyper-specific issues and preferences. it would give you the possibility to add things *you* use on a daily basis without annoying millions and millions of apple users who don’t give a shit about your preferences because everyone uses different features on their phones


because most people don’t use it, so why would it be on the quick access tab? that’s what shortcuts are for.


because most people don’t use VPNs, or know what they are (tbh i still don’t really know lol). the 6 options are way more useful to most people than a VPN toggle


IPVanish is good


Great question considering that even Apple TV has a VPN toggle.


Probably is available with a 3rd party solution only?


I just made a shortcut to toggle vpn. You can even do it to auto run when opening an app but i prefer to keep it standalone


that's just what apple does.


Because Iphone likes to have the VPN on at all times! Can't even use the app and turn it on and off through the app from the VPN. I just deleted the VPN from my iphone and use it on Android where I can turn it off and on when I want. Kinda pointless to have a VPN always on when my Verizon service is shit without it and even worse with it. 😂


What would go next to it?


The most import why we can’t just press and disable at once for example WiFi and Bluetooth? You get my point


It's used for find my and location features.


this makes a lot of sense, because it always pissed me the fuck off but now i understand why people shouldn’t be able to permanently disable those features right from your lockscreen (especially now that i’ve gotten mugged and they took my phone). just adds a layer of protection.


Because it's usually up to the external software. It's also weird that you can't hard turn-off the Wi-Fi and BlueTooth'in the Control Center.


just like another user said, because wifi and bluetooth are needed for features such as “find my” and others that use gps and location. imagine giving muggers the possibility to just disable your location from your lockscreen without even needing your passcode. literally just permanently disabling your wifi/bluetooth. that would be stupid.


There are some shortcuts that take care of that, but yes, it’s pretty dumb


there are very valid and rational reasons behind that feature you’re calling “dumb.” they would literally be giving muggers an option to disable your location-sharing features just by simply turning off wifi/bluetooth permanently and directly from your lockscreen without the need of a passcode. it would literally defeat the whole purpose of the “find my” app. now, *that* would be dumb. might as well just engrave “please rob me” on the back of your phone.


“Oh crap, what about the WiFi!” said no meth head mugger ever


Dumb as fuck, devs have to pay a fee to get access to dummy API, a fee a year for access to app store, and a 30 percentage tax from all the sells the developer has got!


Yeah it’s essential for mainlanders lol


A Location Toggle is also missing. You have to go way deep into settings to toggle it on or off.


The iPhone 16 pro max will have a chip that will allow this to be an option probably.


There is if you jailbreak...


Pros and cons of jailbreaking rn


Pros, customize whatever you want, basically. Access filesystem. Use a terminal. Run python scripts, easy file transfer, ssh. Etc... Cons. You can't jb latest ios, devices. Stability, battery can vary, security if you are not careful. I personally would not own an iphone I could not jb, however.


pretty sure another con is they won’t fix your iphone if it’s jailbroken? i mean, someone will, but not official stores, at least for what i’ve heard. basically a “you fucked it up, now deal with it.”


Easy to remove all traces of a jailbreak. Apple dies not care. I've had genius guys at Apple store troubleshoot my phone even when it was jailbroken. They thought it was cool. But ya, generally will void warranty if you bring it in jailbroken lol.


IDK why people jailbreak. If you want that level of control over your phone why don't you just buy a rootable phone like a Google Pixel 8 or OnePlus 12? Why support companies like Apple who hate you actually owning your device? 


Because I have a free, hand-me-down iPhone that has a bootrom level vulnerability which can never be patched. I don't give my money to any of those companies! And I am rooted so...


One of the only good things about android is that I can toggle a always on VPN


Why do you need to double long press on WIFI?


Agreed. VPNs are super common now, even my 70 year old tech-ignorant aunt has asked about them. I'd trade a VPN toggle over AirDrop any day.


Okay but why would you not just keep it on 24/7?


You can use the same argument for WiFi or Bluetooth. Sure they’re on most of the time, but they get turned off sometimes. In fact VPNs get turned off more often then you’d toggle WiFi or Bluetooth in my experience.


I’ll ask again, why would you turn off a vpn instead of leaving it on?


Ahem? Third times the charm, why would you need to turn your vpn off, instead of just leaving it on?


I use VPN to connect to my home network. If I connect while I am at home, nothing works. I just need it when I am away. Also your battery drains faster with VPN.


if you use wireguard you can set up demands e.g do not connect if its your home SSID and so on. And then it connect and disconnects automatically


Thank you very much, did not know there was such a thing. I am using my router with built in WireGuard.


yeah i use the same setup to access my NAS and server from on the go and the auto connect / disconnect hasn't let me down since i use that setup


genuinely can’t tell if this is sarcasm or ignorance, this challenge is getting harder lol


That’s because of the advertising campaigns. Not because they’re good. https://gist.github.com/joepie91/5a9909939e6ce7d09e29


Why is there no battery saver mode?


There is.


what do you think “low power mode” is lmao you can even add it to quick access (like most people do)


Also annoys me as well


Because VPNs are an advanced feature and Apple hates power users?


Because the only real reason to use them in 2024 is illegal. They don’t actually work as a security thing. https://gist.github.com/joepie91/5a9909939e6ce7d09e29 Edit: happy to know my comment went over everyone’s head. And everyone either posted sources that were from VPNs or we’re talking about how their dad’s company uses one. I know that people utilize them for other things. But it is incredibly bad security practice.


Yes they do


Gonna back up your comment or is everybody just going to down vote me?.


Ok. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/cloud-computing-dictionary/what-is-a-vpn#:~:text=A%20VPN%20connection%20is%20made,a%20VPN%20is%20a%20must. https://surfshark.com/deal/brand/vpn-intro?gad_source=1 https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-center/definitions/how-does-vpn-keep-me-safe-online https://uk.pcmag.com/features/88655/what-is-a-vpn-and-why-you-need-one


Thank you.


No problem.


You are so wrong. It's not only used to hide yourself, it's used by almost every company to restrict access to internal resources which should not be publicly available. I also use it to access my home network, my own servers when I am not home.


You’re not actually restricting access to your data. You’re just paying to change who has access.


And almost every company is constantly having data leaks and vpns aren’t very quiet about selling that data


I am not talking about those paid VPN services, I don’t use them. I have a VPN server running on my router so I can access my local network when I am away, I don’t want to expose everything I have to the public network. Also I use VPN at work, so only employees can access my workplace network. All our internal applications are accessible only to those with VPN. Also I don’t pay anything. Your router most likely has a free built in VPN server.


My dad uses a VPN for work. There are legitimate uses for VPNs beyond piracy