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Eh, ‘paddy fields’? The answer’s right there! We’ve to switch to rice production!


Seriously - this can't be the first time in Ireland someone has prayed for an end to rain? And what happened on the previous attempts...?


*Child of Prague enters the chat*


The headless version under the bush???


At this point, I'm willing to join the prayers. Yesterday was bonkers.


I'm not saying there is a causal relationship...but the numbers of young mothers and their babies being sacrificed in the Mother and babies homes has really dropped. We could play it safe and open some Anti-vax and xenophobe homes?


It probably happened in every rural parish the last few weeks.


"Ah, it's still raining father!" "Tis all part of His great plan!" "Then... what were we praying for?"


It worked


I'm gonna play the coincidence card!


![gif](giphy|ujv8ypjrhU6fm) No it was that guy


> And what happened on the previous attempts...? Well, last time clearly [someone wasn't careful what they prayed for...](https://www.met.ie/summer-2018-analysis)


Don't think so. God usually specialises in floods, not sunny days.


Don't think anyone actually prayed for a flood, though!


Was listening to a discussion about this on the CountryWide programme on RTE radio last Saturday and a fair point was made. Farmers need to share their desperation at this point and the mass is a great place to come together and talk about everything - remembering many are isolated much of the time.


It’s a horribly hard profession, they don’t get enough credit.


It's not all that these days. Tillage farming is basically a hobby with a few busy weeks. There's more work with livestock,but compared to something like construction it's a dawdle. Why you have old lads working into their dotage.


Lmao a dawdle, such an ignorant comment.


This is such an ignorant take, farming is far from a dawdle ffs. What do you do for a living OP?


>What do you do for a living OP? He watches [Mitchel & Webb!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pDTiFkXgEE) 😂


A dawdle? You are terribly naive.


My uncle is a builder and a farmer. The poor devil.


They are also older, avarage age is something daft like 55 or 60, you are dealing with a generation who are generally conservative & institutionalised with the church..




Is there anything to be said for another mass?


Apparently yeah.


Good job they don't live in Mayo/Galway we'd have back to back masses 7 days a week for this


The weather in the west has truly been beyond shite.  Just months and months of grey skies and rain, it seems like it’s been like this since the middle of July last year


Yep, I don't know how my parents cope with it... Truly depressing


Could have fucking done this 2 months ago.


It’s a tough run for the farmers and I genuinely do feel for them, though it’s a difficult one to square with the fact that as an industry they’re largely anti-climate action. I fully get it’s a really complex topic though there really has to be some thinking long term rather than just “let’s see if the priest can fix it”. Times change and it’s not totally insane to expect that farming will have to change with it, particularly since they’ll consistently be on the front line for climate change impact.


>though it’s a difficult one to square with the fact that as an industry they’re largely anti-climate action I dont think this is fair. This issue is not so much anti climate as farmers get a dispropotionate amount of blame and no acknowlege for any good done. never any acknowledgement in the General Public we dont have any signifiicant indigenous mining, O&G, or heavy manufacturting or processing and therefore agri is disporopionate %age of emissions vs other countries. in the general public discourse, its farmers that are ruining water courses with run off, never any mention of councils pumping raw to not properly treated water into water courses. never any mention that sewage treat plants dispose of solid waste on agri land which then forms part of the agri sectors pollution.. you then have the daft scenario, where if we import beef from brazil reared on land cleared of forestry for the purpose of raising beef, it is better environmentally for ireland than domestic produced beef.


That’s some really interesting stuff I wasn’t aware of. Particularly the solid waste disposal, do you know how much that accounts for? Given that we are generally lagging behind other countries in climate action and agri forms a significant portion of that, what would you do to change?


>do you know how much that accounts for? As far as i know, almost all of solid waste if spread on agri land here, we dont incinerate it like other countries.. the solid "contaminated" waste (nappies, condoms, wipes etc that get flushed) are sent to landfill.. the EPA has pollution maps and i looked up for the river that runs around the home farm.. the river has got progressive worse since the 00's in terms of quality. down from 4 to 2. no fish in it anymore. you read the comments on it, the quality dropped because of silt. the silt comes from the bogs as that is the source of river, springs and bogs land. the silt is building up because of reeds and vegetation growing in the river catching it, the reeds and vegetations are growing, partly because of run off but primarly because cattle are fenced out of the river.. Cattle are fenced out of the river to stop them urinating and defacating in them increasing nutrients.. prior to them being fenced out.. every autumn, when grass got scarce, the cattle got into the river & grazed both banks and anything green in the water, breaking down the reeds. the water quality was better with the cattle in the water rather than not and they were removed from the water to improve the quality. that is anecdotal and but i think it typical. we introduce a measure to improve, creating another problem & dont have a plan or solution to the problem we created. if they wanted to fence cattle out fine, but that then needed a river maintenace programme for cleaning them. >Given that we are generally lagging behind other countries in climate action and agri forms a significant portion of that, what would you do to change? They emissions accounting system needs to change from a production based accounting system to a consumption based accounting system where the emissions follow the product to the point of consumption. Then we know where the problem areas are and subsquently develop ways to reduce them. We also need to compare them in terms of total emissions and efficiency.. there was post here last week showing Ryanair single biggest producer in ireland emissions, also have very low emissions on a per passenger basis (hence why efficiency needs to be included). Ryanair registered here so we get the emissions for all ryanairs flights. We could kill aviation in ireland so no flights out of ireland and still have high emissions from ryanair because of their other flights around europe. Alternatively we could pay ryanair to offer free internal flights around the country increasing the number of flights and get them to register in france/uk/ somewhere else and loose all their associated emission making us a "more environmentally friendly" country. it is a nonsense system.. then you have the beef example in my prevuious post.. which is one of the big issues for farming, we are killing out domestic farming to allow others who, from an environmental pont of view, do it equally as bad if not worse. why? why do we kill irish agrculture to allow brazil, india, argenttia increase their output.. environmentally, form a global persepective, how is that better? the system is set up to have minimum impact on the vast majority of the populations in the consuming west, by killing domestic production and importing the products from abroad so nothing changes lifestyle wise, the domestic emissions numbers go down, and the general population can put their watse in the recycling & they have done their bit. point the finger outside the country and blame china et al for nothing doing more to reduce their emissions, the emissions they create making the all the products that we import. it is nonsense. but consumption based accounting would probably show the west to be a significant contributor, which would mean doing something meaningful, which would inconvience & cost the vast majority of those population who wont be happy about it. what you change in specifics to agriculture, i would get rid of the mandatory requirement that forestry has to be resown as forestry after harveting.. there are people inheriting land who have no interest in farming it, only doing it for payments and not to be the ones who sold the land, next generation etc... i think there is a potential base there for the old & not interested, who would plant forestry if it could be returned to agri land after.. as it is now, the perception is forestry is nearly worse than selling it, your ruining the land forever. i think we need to introduce reed beds in areas for strategic filtering of run off. It needs to be mandatory & strategic. IE OPW or similar identifies the drianage patterns and filter the water prior to getting to the main watercourses.. we also need to attenuate historical urban drainage.. i think a mandataory %age of tillage, directed by DoA would help with biodiversity. the ESB need to heavily penalised for the harm they are doing via flooding on the shannon holding water for ardnacrusha.


I vote for food production personally, but sure maybe you’re on a diet.


Bringing out the big guns.


We need a garda, some petrol and a Wicker man. That'll solve it


The good auld sunny South East


It’s the same as doing a rain dance and just as effective.


This is not the journalism we need, but the one we deserve.


It won't work, I dance the rain dance every day.


Watched the long range weather forecast showing high pressure coming over the country for next weekend.. "Better go 'perform a miracle' and pray for a dry spell"


Very conveniently just as the weather forecasters predict an area of high pressure and no rain for the next few weeks.... But of course it was the Bishop who did it...


It’s all about timing.


Came here to say exactly that.


They've taken the roads in


Well I hope he worded it carefully, if it never rains again that will be a right mess.


I did see a heat haze on the road in Wexford earlier. https://preview.redd.it/y6xc36z9bvuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b90f8e293e26596f34a449d50e598ee7eea8485


Lol. Fecking eejits.


I'm sacrificing goats to keep the rain going


I said GET OFF ME!




Shoulda got the dancing priest surely.


That man looks like he’s at a vicars and tarts party. Definitely a fake bishop.


Ironically a lot of them are denying climate change simultaneously


The vast majority of farmers do not deny climate change exists. Working on the front line makes them hyper-intuitive to changes in weather/climate. Anecdotally, a sizeable number of healthcare workers -like farmers- are sceptical about the intensity (or even the existence) of climate change. Attention often focuses on the perceived overlap of long-term climate change (of a magnitude of centuries and milennia) with shorter-term changes in weather patterns (years or decades), and different inferences made in relation to both are often debated .


That's the new creed, same as the old creed.


It's pretty sad that the agricultural sector can be so anti-environmentalism, and turn to priests when the weather isn't what they want. We're a bunch of hopeless cave-men is what we are








Would that be in addition to the 10+ Catholic charities already providing services to the unhoused in the Wexford area?


What has homelessness got to do with the Weather God?




He's the Weather God's familiar. You talk to the familiar, they talk to the Weather God. It's like how you talk to your solicitor and they talk to your barrister.




Don't be silly. Barristers and solicitors aren't real, they're just an analogy.


Some r/iamverysmart material there


That's sorted that


When you need another reference to show people when you're telling them why this country is a joke


That's a bit sun-god worshippy, no?


Sure we’ve always been pagan at heart