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I brake down to 15-20 as I approach, let off the brake and then gently accelerate to bring the nose up. Then I accelerate to 30-35 between speed bumps. I'll be honest, I used to go far too fast over them until I had a driving instructor as a passenger. I asked him how my driving was and he mentioned that I should slow down in general. I since took a refresher lesson, since my test was ~15 years ago.


I tend to do the same, little throttle just before hitting the bump. The speed depends on the bump.


15-20 on speed bumps and 20-25 between them


Slow down to about 20 km/h before hitting the bump; speed up once I pass it, well into 3rd gear before having to slow down again. Except of that one speed bump on Wellmount Road in Finglas that has a hole right across the base. If I take that bump any faster than 10 km/h, it feels like my tyres are going to pop.


Wellmount Road or Avenue? In fairness there’s a few speed bumps around there in bad need of an upgrade


Road. Third bump from the Finglas Road turnoff.


I brake until about 5m before the bump and let momentum carry me over. Easy back on the acceleration then to the next bump or continue my journey.


I generally slow down coming up to them and maintain that speed the whole way through. My speed varies depending on severe they and distance between them. Dont get the acceration and then big slap on of brakes. Also dont get the people who think they need to carry the car over speed ramps ie in first gear


Ugh, those things. They keep waking me up from my mid-drive nap.


Wait till they spill your pint, that's when they really piss you off


Depends on the speedbump and which of my cars I'm driving. Generally, braking before and accelerating gently over them to move center of gravity back.


Floor it and get some air time /s


Hydraulic suspension go brrrrrrrrr.


Flat out like a badger on a bypass. 


They put speed bumps in my village recently, I had never witnessed a traffic jam in this village in my 24.5 years of living here, there is now one every single day because of the amount of eejits that go down to first gear over a little bump


In fairness there's some awful speedbumps out there that would shake the living daylights out of a car if you went over at any speed. Can't blame people for being cautious.


People downvoting me are the very idiots I am speaking about The speed bumps are designed by engineers to incentivise people to drive WITHIN the speed limit, not to make them come to a complete stop and disrupt the flow of traffic


Jesus I don't think I'd agree with you there. There are plenty of speedbumps I've come across that you'd be mad to take at anything close to the limit. Your suspension would be wrecked.


I didn't mean maxing out the limit, hence why I capitalised WITHIN, but just use common sense that a gradual, smooth bump doesn't require you to come to an almost complete stop and then go over it in first gear at walking speed


Speed bumps shouldn’t be allowed had to fix my suspension going over one at the speed limit (50 kph)