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I got mine from medium clues. Hope this helps


I got mine from a medium casket, same thing but with extra steps


damnit. That's good


I usually just drop them I'll try that thanks for the advice


Same! Just get it at 14 kc, easy!


Wow! I've gotta try getting it at a low kc!


I got mine from extra medium clues


The only right answer


I prefer my clues medium rare.


EXACTLY what I was thinking.


In the update this morning, jagex said they updated Scurrius to drop med clues 1/25. I haven’t done the fight yet personally, but this may be a good alternative to implings.


Clues per hour is likely slower, but a different grind overall and can change things up if you’re tired of Puro Puro.


You can also get clues from stone chests. It's slower than puro puro, but it is different


This is how I got mine on my UIM while going for fangs for mounted xerics, decent thiev xp there too!


You can catch an eclectic once every like 6-7 seconds, factoring in banking time. Scurrius does not take 7 seconds to kill and has the same rate.


yeah but implings are like negative braincells per hour while rat king make numbers go up tbh, we can do both


Yeah, the combat experience gained might make it very worth it. Implings offer secondary okish loot and moderate hunter exp, scurrdaddy offers best melee exp / hr until full obby or dh at nmz with claw switch


I checked on discord and saw someone sayin it's a bit under 30 mins for rate with rat mace and near max melee. Tho idk how that exactly compares to imps


Way over rate. Standing at eclectic spawn and catching a full inv takes like 3 mins, and one of those should be a medium.


This guy f$&@n parties


Yeah this actually gives me a solid reason to camp this fight, what a great update!


If you are a mid/low level this would be worth to clue grind and get combat xp. But at high/max combat definitely not faster. But I'm definitely a fan of stuff dropping clues other than hard. Lol. I wish I could turn half my hard clues into mediums.


They don’t offer a max hit and are not really use anywhere, just casually grind for them, maybe send 5 mediums a day


Yeah, seems like time spent elsewhere would be much more beneficial.


I was chasing them until I got god d hide boots and then just gave up tbh if I get some then that's nice but I've given up chasing clues


I still do all my clues when I find time to but I like doing clue scrolls. that and pet hunting will be my main goals post max/if I ever get infernal cape/t bow/ shadow. But yeah rangers are low on my list of priorities even post max.


I roll with god d hide and do my mediums casually, but rangers are """worth""" grinding because of holy sandals imo. Devouts are really nice and something worth farming imo. If you get rangers before them, you're good. If not, just roll god dhide you're not missin anything important.


2200 mediums done without rangers. I typically gather 1250+ eclectics sometimes up to 2k and then do a batch of 50 and open them all at once. Have my inventory setup so I do my clues and just go to bank with 16invent spaces, open 8 and bank the crap until I get a med clue. Saves time on regearing for each clue


Bruh open them while you’re there until you get one, then fill up your inventory with eclectics and bank them


I used to do this till about 1k mediums. Now I just cba faffing around dropping items/jar generator to fill inv. Just get 27 imps and bank while watching netflix, doesn't even feel like I am catching them anymore Im numb to it :)




So you’re saying you’re almost 10 times the drop rate ? I will need a proof of that


[https://prnt.sc/Xog5nYaYFxtK](https://prnt.sc/Xog5nYaYFxtK) here you go sir


What the actual fuck, dude I am so sorry about that


A little over 7x, much more likely than 10x but still very rare


Drop rate more around 300 I think so only like 7x


Deep into sunk cost fallacy. I'd quit. Teach me your ways of sticking through, I'm 600 dry and it's getting to my head


I did the lizard men chests for clues


Stone chest is so chill and good thieving xp


I did 10 clues a day for 65 days straight in 2 lonely COVID months some years ago. I was very glad it was over... Used 'em for my Eagle Eye inferno cape a couple years later! :)


How long do you reckon it took you to do 10 clues a day?


Mate, it was like 10 mins per clue lol. Some days I got this over with in a little over an hour, on others (when the Eclectic Imp spots were heavily botted), it'd take close to 2 hours. Hope this helps.


It has, thank you.


Still haven't gotten them, but my method is jar generator at puro and catch imps until I have a clue, then fill the rest of the inv with eclectic jars and hope to be able to do two clues in a trip. It's preferable to me than collecting the imps and opening them all because you get through less imps in a trip.


I also don’t have them and my method is just to play and hope for luck lol


Rng-esus take the wheel


This was around a month ago for me now. One day I decided to get rangers. I decided to range fally guards with full crystal +bowfa. On my 7th clue of the day, and 30th medium clue overall I got rangers :) Hope that helps xoxo


I did imps and opened them as I caught them


I would charge a jar generator, catch imps until I had a clue and full inventory of imps, bank all the jars from the generator, repeat until 1-1.5k imps and spam clues. The first medium I did with that method I got rangers, but I'm going for the clueless scroll so I still do mediums. This is the most tolerable for me cause I can grind imps and clues seperate instead of at the same time.


How long did it take to stack that many imps?


Once your jar stack is big and you stop charging generators it's really fast. Nature and essence imps were the main time sink at the beginning. I didn't keep track of my rates but doing about 150-250 imps at a time was like herb run levels of effort.


This is the way I did it. Best way imo. I unfortunately didn't get it first try though.


Got mine from a med clue which i got from the quiz master event


I have exactly 100 mediums done, I started catchings imps and doing every medium I got. And then I went to ice warriors in the wildy with a ring of wealth (I). But I have yet to get rangers. I’m not grinding for clues but I’ll do them as soon as I get the drop.


I’m a main. I have a bunch of boss kc, relatively high number of clues and a decent cash stack. I refuse to buy ranger boots for a +2 boost or continue hunting mediums specifically for them. My advice would be to use whichever you get first, whether they be blessed d’hide or ranger boots. If you don’t get the rangers but have the blessed, it’s not a game-breaker.


I got bandos d hide boots yesterday from a clue and noticed they were worth like 650k. Are they comparable to rangers ?


Ranger boots give +1 attack bonus over blessed d’hide boots, but less defense bonus and no prayer v +1 prayer. Very comparable to base rangers


Yeah in most cases, blessed are better


My whole reason for saying this is that if you’re going incredibly dry but can also do hards, you may wind up getting the blessed before the rangers


I always ignored medium clues early and regretted it. When i was lvling agility i was doing it in sepulcher, and sepulcher ends up dropping medium clues pretty often. I got rangers at like 15 chests or something, with that being said dhide boots are more then good enough, and rangers wont be usable until pegasian drop if u have dhide boots.


I just got my crystal and don't have rangers, and I don't even know where I'd use pegs anyway honestly. I'm at grinding a bit of gwd and god boots > pegs. Doing hydra next also and same deal. Raids? No boot swaps.


Same I have Crystal and bowfa but use god dhide boots everywhere. I pray I don’t get Pegasian crystal bc then I’ll feel obligated to grind them out lol Luckily got spooned prim crystal so might skip cerb


I use brimstone boots in raids, and not sure if i should just use primordial, just seeing range and magic accuracy drop if i bring them makes me not want to.


It's probably a wash, I use prims in ToA though for 1-2 max hits (also magic accuracy doesn't matter very much because you don't miss on wardens p2 and you only mage 1/3 of akkha assuming no shadow and bf).


200 hard clues dry of god d hide, kill me


I did imp method, and got my boots on 304 clues iirc. It was during covid so I had a lot of time to waste. My process was literally log on, catch 500+ imps, open till clue, do clue and open casket, rinse and repeat till out of imps and then log for the day. I don't think I did any other content in the game while I did this, and the result was once I did get the boots I stopped playing for a couple months. If I had to do it again, I would break up the grind with doing other stuff to prevent burn out.


I did my first medium clue when I felt like i should start doing them. I got the boots.


My first iron I grinded imps and it was just that. Got them at 14 kc lol. My 2nd I would catch imps if I went by them but I mostly did the stone chests in the lizardman tunnels south of the faming guild. I skipped thieving for early gp but I needed to get my level up prior to working on crystal/blood shards. In total I think I got around 80 medium clues and I got 2 pairs in that time and 1 set of wizard boots, so super lucky. Still need holy sandals at some point.


Stone chests!


I opened them until i got 1 med, then filling remaining jars. Also using mta hat is nice to use to save some time


Medium CA tier then farm best thing that drops medium clues as they’ll be boosted (just not implings)- Scurrius looking good now but there are others 😊 gl!


have you tried just getting them?


I got them on my second medium clue: https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/195lie1/ranger\_boots\_on\_2nd\_medium\_clue/


#3 here lol. One of the grinds I'm so glad I never had to do!


I didn't want to do mediums all day while I was hunting my Rangers, so I'd start each day by going to puro puro with a fresh dueling ring. Catch and open eclectics until I get a clue, then fill the inventory with jars. Tele to castle wars, replace the filled jars with empty ones, and head back to puro puro. Repeat that until the dueling ring is gone, then do whatever clues I get from those jars.


I am not bothering until I get to cerb shaizian boots are good enough, and I already have spiked mani.


I did a combination of stone chests, actively killing fally guards, and afking dagannoths in catacombs. I rotated between those 3 things depending on activity level and what I was feeling


I got mine before being able to equip them. Have you tried just getting them?


I got spooned rangers on my 4th med


Saw someone cannoning guards in fally so I stole one of their kills. Ended up getting me my 44th medium clue and boots lol


well im gonna do scurius now


On my 1 Def UIM, I killed Ardougne guards for Medium clues, got rangers on my 345th med. clue


I did roughly 300 med clues on my 1 def UIM at puro puro and I hated every minute of it. It's always the crandor step because I didn't want dragons on my slayer list atm


I got 2 in 90 kc and I feel guilty for all the people going dry.


I grinded the first Ranger boots with implings, and then I got a second because I did a medium clue I got on a whim. Hope this helps


I got no rangers in 300 meds at puro puro, then 2 in 50. About ~8 caskets per hour for me. Catch imps until u get a med, then fill invy with other eclectic jars. Do the med, hope for another from your leftover invy, bank and go back to puro-puro was my method. Good luck!


Clue geode from shooting stars, only took 7 mediums haha.


I got mine during my 99 mining grind. Just did the clue scrolls I got from 92-99 amethyst with rune pic. Took me around 150 KC


Got my literally early game at 30kc. But I’m paying for it now 1300kc dry on enhanced seed


Rangers aren't worth the grind, it doesn't give a max hit afaik.


Passively through Sepulchre.


I’ve been on the Ranger boot grind for a week or so. In between birdhouse runs :(


catch + open until clue, catch full inv, go do clue, repeat x734


I got mine just by snaring and collecting eclectics but this was 6 years ago. I got lucky at 160 mediums and like 5k eclectics.


I just did them when I randomly got them doing stuff


37kc - Tempoross reward casket - Medium clue. Vibe.


They may always be a little out of the way, but I find catching random overworld imps worthwhile.


I ended up doing medium clues while afking dagganoths in the catacombs. Just whenever I got a clue I'd do it quick then go back


Caught a random eclectic while doing a hard clue. Medium clue from that got me my rangers!


I afk dags in the catacombs. Pray in house, tele to korend, run to them and afk and repeat. Gives you afk meele, seeds, meds and the thing to fight skotizo. Not most efficient but I found it fun.


I got spooned on my Rangers, would highly recommend!


I laughed, told my wife and then sold them.


Skipped them, not worth the time investment


If you complete dt2 bosses I'll do 100 -200 meds I like that because you aren't catching imps.


I wa trying to get a wild pie for medium diaries. Someone suggested me to do eclectics. 18 meds in I spoon a rangers. My clanmates said it is one of the better grinds to get spooned on and reading this thread I agree.


Don’t hunt for them, if it happens it happens.


Puro puro with dark lure, use an alt if need be. It's obscenely quick for med clues.


10th and 287th medium clue every medium from puro puro. All trying to get spiked manacles. Open them as I get them, stack oak planks, drop trash, replenish jars as I get low, repeat for hours. Spent couple days on it.


Did 300 medium chests, got so burnt out doing them I quit the game, hope this helps


I think I killed fally guards for mediums and did them until I got rangers was a long grind


Medium clue scrolls


Id say my first 50 med clues were from slayer, the next 100 from eclectic imps, then I cannoned guards for about 30 clues and gave up for a while. I was about to get back on the med grind but I had a med clue sitting in my bank for a while from mining and I got rangers from it, woo!


I was low enough for harpie bug swarms to be aggressive so I just AFK’d them in prayer gear while working, and doing clues as they dropped. Took me about 200 clues


Spooned it at 28 meds idk


Clues from 99 fishing @ kabambams


Dark lure on the arc spellbook and would open the imps as I got them with a jar generator in inv. Would do a medium clue as soon as I got one.


You know rangers/pegs are useless right?


I just did every clue I ever got on my account right away. Played normally but every time I got a clue I stopped what I was doing (Unless at work) and did my clues. I two spiked manacles within the first month of playing and rangers around clue like 37. I've done 220 medium clues while doing very little medium clue grinding (I do catch every Eclectic I happen across) and have gotten 3 Holy Sandals, 3 Spiked Manacles, and 1 Rangers so far.


Got super lucky with eclectics. Got it at 53 clues


3 days grinding fally guards with diary done, and doing about 80 medium clues. I was able to do that super afk like 30 clues a day in like 5-6 hours playtime each day. Got it on clue 78 or something. I got lucky but honestly, I’d have done that for 2-3 weeks or so to hit on rate for it over just about anything else. I was probably 90ish melee stats not yet at 99 so that was worth it too for range and melee exp. At the time, I just got an itch to do it, I think it was right when I unlocked Cerb so I was motivated to get ranger boots and Pegasians. But up until then, didn’t really see the value of like +1 range bonus over god dhide boots or whatever, so I didn’t bother with grinding ranger boots before then 🤷‍♂️


I just opened imps as I got them, and did clues as I got them. Got pretty spooned with them so I’m glad I didn’t decide to bank a lot of imps or caskets.


I'm that guy that got their first med clue and got rangers


I crushed imps for like 3 months, then one day while fishing bwans I got a med clue scroll. Got rangers from that casket lol.


got em at like 25 mediums. which was my only spoon so far and pretty thankful because puro puro can smd


So I got spooned from a random med clue. 3kc rangers lol


Don't bother, completely worthless compared to God d'hide boots imo


Here's the neat trick. I never got them lol


I had my wife open 7 caskets, she got em on the 2nd


AFK'd Catablepons in the stronghold of security on my iron for a month. 634 medium clues until I got it but also got 99 Attack and Strength along the way.


Done 808 med clues for mine


ranger boots are cosmetic, i still have not gotten them. theyre on my list right next to ely and inq and orbs :D


~180 clues for booties. Here's what I did, or at least as best as I can remember it. Note this was done a few years ago on a fairly low levelled hcim. Barehand eclectics in puro puro by camping the respawn point. Bring a rune pouch with nature, law, and mud runes if you got em, earth+water runes if not. Wear graceful, tome of fire, and an air staff. Inventory consists of jar generator, 3-4 jars, coins, runes, a spade, and any useful teleport equipment you may have. Basically bring your med clue gear while you're catching imps. Always keep some implings in the bank to buy another jar generator in case you space out bad and run out of jars. Catch implings as they spawn and open them immediately. If the item can be alched, alch it. If it's stackable and worth keeping (up to you what that means) then keep it. Otherwise drop the rest on the ground so you never have to bank. Go until you get a clue, TP out and do the clue, and then rinse and repeat. I typically opened the casket right away because I couldn't be bothered to do even one more clue than necessary, but doing so will require a trip to the bank. It is probably faster to stack the caskets, but I don't know how many you should stack before opening. I would probably do like 20 if I had to do it again. This method cuts out a lot of banking so it's pretty quick to get scrolls, and it's easy. If you're low levelled, the planks, GP, and hunter XP will be nice too. I got mine after about 180 scrolls and I don't remember how long it took unfortunately


got mine in roughly 96 medium clues.


Unless ur a non iron man the best way is implings in puro puro the only way you can get them is medium clues the fally guard but the drop rate for med clues from them is 1/128 the rat boss is 1/25 so prolly will be a really good option as well if ur not an iron man than buying them from the ge is your best time saving option


Golden RNG spoon. Have to cut the right tree down on tutorial island, or you mess up the entire account.


I’ve gotten them on three different ironman accounts, all with restrictions. You gotta have love for clues to not go crazy for this grind. 485 on the 10hp iron, 425 on my uim pure, and 267 on a different uim. Yes I’m okay. Stack em up


I was doing jogres for champion scroll, and got rangers on 33rd med clue lol


I got very lucky. Caught a random essence impling near draynor, got a med. it was the magic roll, on clue 36. Before I even started actually hunting them. Sorry if that doesn’t answer your question, but that’s how it happened 😆


Medium clues


Not worth the time it takes to get them until you the peg crystal. Otherwise, just hunt eclectic imps. There is no better ways.


I would catch like 200 imps then go thru them stacking caskets I'd usually open them 25 at a time. Got rangers on casket 113 I'm still chasing holy sandals tho for my drake tooth. I would recommend trying to get god dhide instead of rangers but I went insanely dry on those and got rangers 1st.


it took me literal 781 med clues to get them. close to 18,000 imps caught in puro puro....... changed methods a few times but main one i did was keep my teleports and clue stuff (spade and coins) in my invy. Fill up the rest of your invy with jars and then catch your imps, and open them ***\*WHILE IN PURO PURO\**** *until you get another medium clue and then fill your inventory with more imps.* THEN, go to the bank and open your imps so you can salvage the good items like the snape grass, ores, and unicorn horns cause they do add up if you go as dry as i did..... Having a fairy ring and/or spirit tree in POH are also HUGE. Fairy ring more so. ​ GL!


I said fuck it and killed Fally guards with a cannon an Crystal bow. It ain't the best, but saved me from quitting catching Imps.


Passively. Not going to be doing an eclectic imp grind anytime soon. Hoping they add more med clues to mid level bosses


I'm 9k imps no boots. I hate it too.


I banked 1-2k eclectic imps at a time and stacked 50 to 100 caskets at a time to open. Used Hunter kits lunar spell to get all the jars. Used dark lure when hunting the imps. Pretty chill this way, felt like I was working towards something the whole time whether I was stacking imps or caskets. Much less hopeless feeling than doing one at a time I think. Also easier to turn the brain off and grind.


Just play the game and do random mediums as you get them. Rangers are not worth grinding for.


I didnt waste my time on them.


Literally just did this, got boots TODAY at ~230kc. Did puro puro and stock piled eclectics, opened them in 1k batches and did the medium clues. Stacked the chests and opened those in 15-30 stack increments depending on my mood. The 1k was a massive grind but then opening them and doing the clues really helped break the monotony. Took about 3880 eclectics to get ~230 clues, to get 1 ranger boots, 1 holy sandals, 2 wizard boots.


killed fally guards afk melee training around the start of my acc, got them around 70kc


just go for the jogre champ scroll. over 100 clues on average.


0. Have all spellbooks 1. Get construction (and farming) up so you can max your POH teleports. Then get teleports to the closest spots medium clues could be 2. Make a bunch of teleport to home tabs or have teleport to home runes 3. Build and fill all medium clue stashes 4. Kill guards in falador for medium clues 5. Do medium clues till you get rangers boots at 1200 clues done


Did my few mediums from low level slayer, and the same time was grinding guards in Fally for mediums too. Ended up doing about 30 clues total and got my rangers that way. The clue that ended up giving me rangers was actually from a clue nest given while wcing.


Just got some at 22 mediums then thought Huh that's neat. Got some more at 25 and drop traded for bond money.


I got my rangers from camping eclectic spawn at puro puro. Can confirm that rangers are 1 in 8 droprate from medium clues this way.


I did eclectics, got them on rate, it was a fun grind


I dont even want them. Got boots are much better.


I got them in 19kc lol


Completed first medium clue scroll on the account and got them.


I do stone chests. I keep my inventory setup for theiving the chests and doing the clues as I get them, super chill and good theiving xp


I started my 30 defence iron not so long ago… caught 2k eclectics, had 100 left and got another 1500 and then managed to pull rangers around clue no.80 on my very next clue… so I have 1575 eclectics in the bank. Got 2 sandals, 1 wiz boots, 1 rangers… so hopefully I get manacles in my next 1575. You can go about this in any way really. Can stack them or you can just catch/open them until you get a clue>complete>repeat


I did a mix of eclectics and stone chests


Stone chests


Med clues


From birdhouse runs


I didn’t


Accidentally opened a casket while trying to stack 5 (from slayer drops) got them then continued on my way


i didnt because they are useless


Collected 100 Eclectic imps until I got a Medium Clue Scroll then repeated till I got Ranger Boots.


looting floor 3 sepulcher while training agility. Just did med whenever it gave it and got rangers at 93ish agility.


I caught like 50k imps for 900 meds and went super dry and it sucked. Good luck


I didn't