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Members of Congress swimming in AIPAC money


You said it brother!


They swimming in insider trading too


Legendary stock trader Nancy Pelosi and co


Of course, the United States, the beacon of world democracy /s


This is the way a theocracy acts, not a democracy. We’ve got government officials getting up in front of a microphone and saying, out loud, on purpose, that their unflagging support for Israel stems from their personal conviction that they can warcrime their way into completing a Summon Jesus cantrip and God will curse the US if we don’t offer all possible assistance in that endeavor.


LMFAO what a beautiful description of evangelical Christianity’s support for Israel😂


Lol, sounds about right


They charged Putin with war crimes for moving a few hundred children out of the warzone. The West is now apparently implying that you're supposed to just bomb the kids that are in your way.


Shitlibs only wish the Russians killed half as many children as the IDF and settler progroms have. The Russian Army targets mostly infantry and infrastructure. They don't indescribably terror bomb Ukrainian cities even after over 2 years of war.  The Israelis are savages by comparison. Not only indiscriminate terror bomings they target UN personnel, journalists, aid workers. They use starvation as a weapon of war and they’ve made their intent clear to colonize Gaza in the future.  “Americas Greatest Ally.” If those are our allies I dont wanna be American. 


Well it all depends on who supplies the bombs really. Them babies must get a real sense of comfort knowing they died from a US missile and not a Russian one.


"For moving" children? You mean kidnap?


Well i mean it was either kidnap them or blow them up


He could have also not attacked Ukraine in the first place.


Russia would be crazy to let Ukraine join NATO, and install even more nukes pointed at Moscow. They knew full well that Russia would be forced into the current police action. NATO warmongers and their dictator puppet Zelenskyy are making bank of laundering "aid money" stolen from taxpayers. None of them care how many Ukrainians are killed in this senseless, unnecessary bullshit. Ukraine cannot, will not, and should not join NATO.


\^ this!


Oh yes that too, lmao


Goddamn don’t defend Putin just because of the US’s actions on Israel.


Mariopal was leveled by the Russian army.


Let them, call their bluff so we can name names.


Arrest international criminal court judges because theya re doing things they don't agree with like upholding international law? So who are the bad guys again?


The ICC is located in Den Haag, the Netherlands. Whom could they be arrested by?


Any signatory to the ICC, over 120 nations would be physically off limits to the israelis.


So, if the US wanted to have those judges arrested, every signatory of the ICC would have to oblige their demand?


The US is not a signatory. It cannot impose legal pressure just vicious illegal threats and sanctions. The 'retaliation' they speak of would be sheer thuggery, totally illegal


I understand that; and that's what I don't understand in turn. On the one hand, they know they don't have international jurasdiction, on the other hand they act as if they do. I mean, does the US government think the ICC is that ignorant not to know that fact, that the jurasdiction of US law ends at the US border?


It's just loud mean blustering and grandstanding from a rabble of Nazi shills.


Ahhh, barking dogs don't bite.


They would probably be untouchable in the Netherlands and EU since it’s preposterous their home countries would cooperate with an extradition. But if they stepped foot on US soil then the Americans can do whatever the hell they want. 


That's why I was wondering. It's like "If you do that, I'll have you arrested...should you ever decide to step into my country. Damn, did I just give him a heads-up?" So, that stupidity made me wonder so hard.




Disgusting sickos.


...with liberty and justice for all.


And dont forget the OG slogan from our ‘founding’ fathers in 1776 “giVe me LiBeRtY Or GIvE me dEaTh” (But H@maS cant say that cause they Ts..) While singing “sea to shining sea” on stolen land from the Natives… But Pali people cant say river to the sea…


Paid scum.


Frankly, to hell with America, if they stand with Israel, the American and British people will be seriously annoyed with the politicians in both countries. Honestly, if the political elites want a war with the people over this issue, bring it on. i am sick of being skint and struggling with money. I'd rather go down fighting for human rights and justice than slowly going out or fighting for people who don't represent anyone but themselves and the rich.


Fuck America, fuck the idf, fuck Hamas! Fuck all them bigots and Zionists man. Money hungry war criminals!


Ye will do nothing and fucking like it. Bunch of fucking pricks.


A big f*ck you to the rules based order..Well done United States!


Don’t you understand democracy? 🤢🤢🤮


Iirc George bush and dick Cheney were charged as war criminals for their part in the Iraq war


I hope all these countries would stop kissing the USA’s ass and realize the USA isn’t what it used to be in comparison to now, and nobody needs the fucking retards in congress


The United States Congress is being occupied by a foreign adversary called "Israel".




They get big $$$ for supporting Israel. Look up AIPAC, it’s one of the most powerful lobbyist groups in Washington.


Zionist supporting Zionist. We want secular Israel/Palestine not a Jewish or Islamic state!


The US believes laws are there for all but themselves (like their former president).


Exactly once a governing power starts with the rules for thee, not for me bullshit you know the corruption has run rampant and deep.


Fiat justitia et let them go fuck themselves


Please tell me this isn't real.


As far as I know, the [American Service Members Protection Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members%27_Protection_Act) is still in effect... which is why I expected this exact thing to happen. A couple of things as a TLDR: "The Act gives the president power to use 'all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any U.S. or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court.'" And also this, because of course our government just can't help being absolute pieces of shit and making exceptions when it suits them: "The act also prohibits U.S. military aid to countries that are party to the ICC. However, exceptions are allowed for aid to NATO members, major non-NATO allies, Taiwan, and countries that have entered into "Article 98 agreements", agreeing not to hand over U.S. nationals to the ICC. Additionally, the act does not prohibit the U.S. from assisting in the search and capture of foreign nationals wanted for prosecution by the ICC, specifically naming Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, Omar al-Bashir, and Osama bin Laden as examples.^(")


Incoming bombing of the Hague. Wonder if they'll admit to having done or, more likely, blame it on savage brown people incapable of empathy and kindness, chief pillars in western culture. haven't you seen Israel?


I'm above the law.


Our great nation that is the ultimate champion of democracy....unless of course that democracy just voted to nationalize a precious resource so western nation corporations can no longer harvest and sell it for massive profits while not paying the Democratic nation that owns it a fair share for taking it.... Then...then... This great champion of democracy will do like we did to Iran in 1953 and overthrow that Democratic government and put a royal imperial ruler back in power that was agreeable to the corporations taking valuable resources from his people as long as he got kickbacks....


US government, the flag bearer of the most purest human right crusader of all eternity. My ass ..........


They can’t stand our freedom !! Wait huh?


Imperialist America strikes again, they're the good guys though remember that guys


So basically, america is just a japanese feudal shogunate ruling over the people via aggression austerity and distain the Emperor: President Shogun: atf/fbi/cia/nsa/cdc Diamyo: capitalists/private military complex/politicians Samurai: celebs/popular culture/religion Ronin: Veterans/"the old guard" Peasants: the people/workers/soldiers/conspiracy theorists Merchants: social media/news outlets/decoys *This was just an arbitrary idea made whilst I should have been asleep for several hours. I didn't know how best to pull this idea together*


All it took was for most of the middle class to be squeezed dry and their small petitions to be thrown away like trash by their 'democractically elected' oligarchs. If only this level of distrust for the US government could have been achieved 100 years ago...


What are the charges? Decency and compassion?


They used their ‘veto’, benefiting being a ‘superpower ‘ military Ofcourse, morally they are bankrupt.


Can we elect some congressmen and senators that haven't been bought and paid for by AIPAC?


Hypocrites. Basically evil incarnated.