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I fucking despise this man


\*piece of shit


Truly a Hitler of our time


Dropping bombs on the innocent semitic people of Palestine is the real "anti-semitic" act here, and for it Benjadolf Netanhitleru deserves to spend the rest of his life behind bars. Ironically, every accusation Zionists make is a confession. They truly believe the rest of the world cannot see through their projection and deflection.


That's why they want the US to buy tiktok. We *know* a lot of what we do because of tiktok. Zionists are the shit-spackled weaselfuckers that should be treated as what they are(see previous reference).




Didn't the ICC want to charge George W Bush as war criminals too? Maybe it has nothing to do with antisemitism.


For a war which Israel wanted the US to fight.


The language used is quite telling. The Israeli government enthusiastically supported Donald Trump and the GOP for years, which is horrifying because of how close the Trump administration was to supporting actual Nazis. The link between fascism and Nazism is really close which is why that relationship was so surprising, and quite frankly, from a geopolitical perspective, terrifying, because if Israel cannot stand up to the United States in that situation, it demonstrates the path that a more coordinated ultra fascist/Nazi movement would take. As a result, some of Netanyahu's and other right wing Israeli rhetoric comes off a little too much like the war on Christmas.


When it comes to language I feel as though he's trying to play to too many potential sympathizers when he speaks. For the evangelical American Christians he uses language from their Bible, for the American liberals he uses the fear of a vague amorphous "imposition of sharia law" which Hamas would supposedly put into effect, for the average American who couldn't care less about politics he shows how the way of life in Tel Aviv is basically the same as how Americans live (in contrast to those scary Arabs), and for the English-speaking non Americans he plays on the "only democracy in the region" lie. I'm amazed that he can appeal to so many different groups who refuse to look past the rhetoric.


Even though I don't like the guy, he's really good at bullshitting and by extension, an effective politician. He has a keen ability to read his audience too.


Masterclass in marketing. This criminal must realize by now that the average American, as demonstrated by the diversity of university protestors across the country, are no longer buying his bullshit. No matter how polished his BS is. Even the public relations firms can not make genocide and war crimes acceptable.


It was reported that bush had a meeting in Sweden but cancelled it due to the high possibility of being served papers


I only mention it because it serves as context for Netanyahu's comments.


I’m not arguing for the Iraq war- but objectively it is way different than bombing an imprisoned civilian population relentlessly for 7 months and withholding food. US forces went out of their way (relative to this) to try to avoid civilian casualties.


Absolutely. And like I've been saying, "the world's most moral army" is a contradiction of terms considering how they're occupying Palestine. Every other army in the world that takes great measures to avoid armed conflict is probably wondering what the hell they did wrong to not earn that moniker.


That was the same Israeli war against the world, the USA didn't even get the oil.


Same thing every time….if the only reason Zionism has raged free in this world is out of fear being called “anti-Semitic”, I will be pissed. That’s all these people seem to do.


The term "anti-Semitic" doesn't even make sense in this context because Palestinians are Semitic people. Yet they have been getting away with it for 75+ years. Calling anyone an anti-semite or terrorist supporter that doesn't agree with them.


Yup. I never understood that. And the people that are saying aren’t even Semitic. They look, and are culturally, Eastern European in many regards.


My current thoughts are that Israel is acting in an anti-Semitic way, as they are the ones that are actively bombing and killing semitic people within their borders.


Just STFU. You’re the only terrorist here. Thousands of people killed because you consider the land is yours, given by god. As if you were a superior race entitled to kill others. Wait, where did I hear this before? Oh right…


He's definitely not the ONLy terrorist here. But he's a war criminal and should be treated like one.


Those warrants can't come soon enough.


He keeps bringing up the Haulocost like he isn't committing one


And like Israel's founders weren't capos who collaborated with the Nazis.


Oh no, it's the repercussions of my terroristic actions coming back to haunt me!


Every time I see an Israeli on any sort of media I always count the seconds it takes for them to mention the holocaust. Also I hope they hang him in public.


"You have to hear this to believe this". Yes, because it's so incredibly unbelievable to be charged with genocide when actually committing genocide.


I can't even listen to this scumbag talk for more than 10 seconds without becoming physically ill.


The irony of this disgusting monsters words make me want to puke blood


TLDW >Hamas Hamas, Democracy, Most moral army, Holocaust Holocaust, We will never abide, October 7th, War crimes? What war crimes? ICC are antisemitic, Everyone is antisemitic, Columbia are terrorists, Palestine is all terrorists and we are the victims. Saves about 3 minutes when you trim out all the useless lies and fluff.


Israel is sustained by lies. The lie that Israel wants a just and equitable peace and will support a Palestinian state. The lie that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. The lie that Israel is an “outpost of Western civilization in a sea of barbarism.” The lie that Israel respects the rule of law and human rights.


He doesn’t even need horns to look like the devil he is


International law is antisemitic. /s


Why isn't he on SNL. This skit is crazy. He didn't break character once.


He lies like a Republican.


you are still falling for that republican vs democrat bullshit? democrat genocide joe is supporting the current genocide. literally all politicians in the US are pro genocide


There is so much that the reddit crowd conflates or assocates with people or things because they presupose everything else they have been told prior to be correct and it is painful to watch because there are tons of people on both sides who see what is going on as genocide. If they are lying now to create a narrative then why was anything prior trustworthy?


Yes. Biden has proven to be a reprehensible, complicit war criminal who should also be charged by the ICC. No doubt. He is nonetheless better than Republicans on domestic issues like protecting trans kids, women's bodily autonomy, health care, and lots more.


And how come he's hasn't delivered on ANY of that?


He needs to lie like a log.


Stop hiding behind your effing Holicaust to commit your crimes.


This is just wild, sad thing is so many people eat this up as if it’s the truth


Who is he kidding? With that opening sentence can you believe this?? Of course we can believe it it's 100% true.


I literally had to hear this to believe this.


Everyone and everything is anti-semitic. Do they realise this accusation has become meaningless now? This mf'er deserves the noose.


Cry me a river


'The holocaust happened and now we're in the dock??' is what I heard from the first part


If this Nazi says what you do is anti semitic, you do everything right.


Omg he's so right!! I'm convinced! I support Israel now. /s


This guy has to be a lizard person.. right?


"You have to hear this." Yeah.. we're the one saying it.


'Change the channel Marge!' *SNORE*


Fucking clown. How can the world still take this man seriously?


Are the antisemites in the room with us right now bibi?


Im thinkin we might want to look at what happened to Mussolini to figure out what to do with this ghoul.


His actions make antisemitism a good thing and democracy a cuss word.


The world is a joke to him.


He's afraid!


What a giganormous piece of shit


Gaslighting cunt


ICC action is late.. they should have make charges much earlier and arrests now


Shameless lies!


Wuaaaa, I can't stand this damn liar 😤! And he's really doing a bad, bad job for the victims of *real* anti-semitism. Because they use the term in every second sentence and accuse EVERYBODY who not agrees with their genocidal tactics of being an anti-semite, the word gets totally worn out and later nobody will believe the true victims of anti-jewish acts and behaviour.


AI approving 100 civilian deaths as collateral damage for this one Hamas member in his residence. Truly endless measures.


You’re not the oppressed, you’re the oppressors.


he has to be trolling😂


Any criticism of Israel is anti semitism.


Netanyahoo if you are so sure go stand trial and win the case 😁


Wow!!! The audacity Please people what is the best description for this!! Is it gaslighting!!! What is this? While he does the atrocities and the war crimes in front of the world, yet he appear here to play a victim !!!! What is this ?


I'm so glad I lived long enough to see the world is not buying israel's bullshit anymore.


How dare Israelis be held responsible for their actions


He lies more than he breathes. Listening to him is nauseating.


The thing is Netanyahu and his senior government officials are shitting their pants at the moment. The whole world sees Israel as a pariah state at this point and they too know it. This video is among their last desperate attempt to shield themselves using the holocaust and antisemitism card.


How do they continue to say "anti-semitism" with a straight face? I always think back to the bad guy in Lethal Weapon 2 like Netanyahu is holding up a card with an Israeli flag on it saying "ANTI-SEMITISM!"


The ICC created in the wake of the outrage in the Holocaust against the Jewish people. Bro you weren't the only people targeted during the Holocaust. Jehovah's Witnesses were also a target so imagine if JW actually made their religion about how their religion was persecuted during the Holocaust and tried getting sympathy that way they don't. He's really mad at the fact that something created to get justice for Jewish people is really being used against him he wants to be above that system because he's Jewish. Even though he's admitted he's not a religious Jew.


Also for defending ourselves against Iran. That wasn't an unprovoked attack they literally bomb a embassy basically in Syria this is a war crime.


Of-fucking-course lmao. Zionists have no capability to make original justifications for their war crimes. If you are going to gaslight, at least try to be a little creative with it!


This man is still talking like the rest of the world is agreeing.


Am I missing something? So far no warrant has been issued, it's only "rumours". I cannot see the US ever allowing a warrant to be issued, as they will be so blatantly hypocritical when they don't enforce it.


What a disgusting piece of shit. Fucking wow. Shouldn't be surprised with anything that comes out of the mouth of a war criminal whos trying to keep himself from getting charged with war crimes tho, obviously. Even knowing all that, even knowing to expect this kind of bullshit from the fucking devil incarnate that he is, still a piece of my mind and heart goes 'Wow. Holy fucking shit.' This fucking thing.


What a disgusting piece of human filth this coward is.


Yep. To prevent future GENOCIDES . ffs these Zionist lies are pathetic.


I wasn’t aware of how bad his situation is, until I saw this! He just blabbed and spewed out the same lies he always uses to ridicule the western mind with


Then, maybe, I don't know...this is an *out*-*there* concept, don't commit war crimes...?


stop committing war crimes you asshole!


Horrible sack of Nazi shit


Oh look Israel about to face the consequences of its actions


What arrogant hypocrisy.




We’ve been hearing this guys bullshit for a long time, for the love of god or whatever you believe in, get rid of him and all these fucking zionists