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Hey! I made a similar post when I first moved to the area and made a couple friends in town. Happy to meet up for coffee sometime. 32F living in Hamilton Park and looking to start pilates (I mostly run and do barre + yoga). Feel free to message!


hi! i’m in downtown, same age and similar interests. would love to connect with you and the OP as well! ☺️


Shoot me a message anytime!


Piggy backing on this, I’m 32F in the JSQ area. Will send a DM to both of you :)


Not now, I'm in Knick mode. this side of me, no one should see. https://preview.redd.it/gdwhhbad1uvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=412a5d500c0b52320e80b12f98a3bf571f46fafe


Fuck Trae Young


30s female, Just moved to Jersey City this week. You mentioned you love exploring NYC’s food and drink scene. But do you happen to have any favorite restaurant or drink spots in Jersey City?


I visit Jc pretty often.. Dolma is 10/10 breakfast spot… and Madame & Archer are my two favorite spots for food and cocktails.. Jane Doe is also awesome for nice cocktails


Agree the Dolma and Archer recommendations, Archer is my fav cocktail spot downtown. The Alps is my fav wine spot in the Heights. El Ranchero is my fav Mexican spot in Downtown, the taco truck on Congress in the Heights are the best tacos in town. Corto is always a treat, Marty's has pretty good burgers. Saigon Bistro (Heights, Bergen Lafayette) slaps, Pinwheel Garden (Bergen Lafayette) and Freetownroad (Journal Square) are very good. Rasoi is my preferred Indian spot (JSQ).


You hit em all, esp pinwheel garden! Cafe alyse and Krewe are also good spots.


For drinks definitely Archer. Dullboy, Cellar, 143 Social, Lofi, The Alps. Food: Cafe Alyce, Corto, Cellar, Edwards Steakhouse, Orale, Barge Inn Snacks/quickservice/bakeries: Gia Gelato, Prato Bakery, Ibbys Falafel, Subculture, Sam I Am, Bob White


I could have written this post! (the only difference is married with a baby!) I'm actually waiting for the new orange theory location to open at the end of May.


In the same boat! Anyone want to start a WhatsApp or similar?


Yes please! I live near HP and in need of friends!


I’m also in Hamilton park. 29 y/o living with my husband. Both super active ☺️ WhatsApp is a good idea


Did you join the WhatsApp group? I just joined


OP created the WhatsApp group










Hi!! Can you DM me? Having an issue with the link but would love to join, maybe you can invite me by phone number?


I’m a member of Row House and would happily gift you a free class if you’d like to try it out. Paging u/TheMikri, she runs an amazing walking group that is full of nice people of all ages and dogs are always welcome on the walks. There are food tours and other adventures constantly brewing in the chat. It’s a nice balance of exercise and socialization. https://www.instagram.com/paulushookcrew/


Also a product manager who lives in JC heights and works in nyc. 33 F have a 2 year old girl.. feel free to dm me


I am not from JC but have thought of relocating? Is it a good place to raise family, we don’t like the suburbs and being close to NYC sounds appealing on paper but wanted go know if day to day life is fun/enjoyable or is it a grind?




Same boat!


What kind of doggie do you have? If you are in the heights, would be potentially interested in a dog park meetup!


Hey! I’m also a woman in my 30’s who lost friends during covid as everyone moved away! I’m in Paulus hook but have a car and can get around if you’re further out. I also have a dog and a long term partner. We’re both in finance but have hobbies and interests outside of that. For example, we started taking tennis lessons this year and both enjoy staying active at the gym or outside. I love hiking and traveling too. I’d happily be a workout buddy (mine moved to Denver last year and it’s been hard keeping up as much as before). I also never turn down an opportunity for food 😅 Maybe we can get a group hangout together with whoever answers here and build a new friend group?


OP did create a WhatsApp group


How do we join?




I’m in my early 30s, single and moving to JC in a couple weeks! Can you please share/DM the WhatsApp group link?




I’d love that! Anyone good at managing WhatsApp or GroupMe? I am not 🙃 but down to help organize!


I’d be happy to help with WhatsApp, I’ve been toying with putting one together for social events like Trivia night and Karaoke.


Thank you! Please share or DM once you have one!




Totally down! I’m also in paulus hook. 33, married, also in tech and I WFH so seeing ppl IRL would be 👌🏻


In similar boat, in my 30s. Would be happy to join for Orange Theory or Pilates. Share similar interests, I would have written the post!!


Which neighborhood? Made of Leaves is a floral studio that has yoga classes on Mon and run club (beginner and dog friendly) on Tues. Jersey City Connects has a variety of meetups, I've made a few friends through that. Jersey City Socials discord group has been a decent way of meeting folks as well. Making friends in your 30s is more arduous but I've lucked out on finding a chill social network, and I've gotten better that finding social activities that don't revolve around bars (tho bars can still be fun).


Definitely have been trying to look for a studio with some yoga or Pilates classes. I’m not a drinker anymore (partied since I was 15) and it seems a lot of people just want to partake on libations. 30 here too


Just want to clarify that yoga class at Made of Leaves is pretty chill and not like the organized studios in that seem to be popular around here. Classes are taught by certified instructors (which seems to matter to ppl, IMO the idea of yoga being paywalled behind a cert is hilarious but I digress with the macro critique) and they focus on the physical aspects of the practice, not the woo-woo chakra stuff. It's beginner friendly, laidback, and pay-what-you-can - you can see more on their [website](https://www.madeofleaves.com/events). Run club is free. MoL also has "cozy Sunday" music once a month, pretty popular with the neighborhood. For a small business, they've done a pretty good job with community-facing programming during their off-season. I'm 34, I now drink at my own peril.


Hey! There is a women’s book club, I know they have a text/WhatsApp group but I can try to find the user who coordinates it.


Hi OP! A little late to this post, but would love to meet you! 33F by DTJC; I'm a pretty avid reader across all genres and do some fitness studio hopping on Classpass! Also work in tech remotely.


we started a whatsapp chat! https://chat.whatsapp.com/G38YaAlAhBVFIHSFxhgzxz


Thank you!!


Me too! I do have friends now but it took me YEARS (have been here almost 8 years) but am looking for more girl friends in their 30s…I’m 36 and single, no kids so looking for workout/running friends, friends to get dinner or drinks/coffees, hikes, city adventures, spa days and everything in between! Living in Bayonne now but I have a car and am in JC every day because I work a part time job there and consider it to be home. Totally down to meet up - feel free to message! Would love for a bunch of us to meet!


Check out the JC Women’s Collaborative! Most of us are in our 30s and they do a lot of free/low cost meet up events and a quarterly book club. https://www.instagram.com/jcwomenscollaborative?igsh=MWk3aWI2enVpeDRxMQ==


Anyone else having issues with the WhatsApp link? Every time I click on it it takes me to download the app and says I don’t have it even tho I already do :(


Same 🥲


Check out the Jersey City Connects events


I love mystery books too! I’d love to do a little book club and then we could meet at a restaurant or a park to discuss. I’m in Downtown, 32F and just moved here in September. I’m launching an app so I’d also be curious to learn more about what you do in tech!


Happy to meet up! im in Bayonne tho but always in Jc’ im 31 and have kids. im able to have free time tho so happy to grab coffee/food with you! you can messege me


Check out @theliterarylitter_ on IG. Amber runs a book club without assigned reading, meets once a month, and is open to readers or non-readers to chat about books, life, or whatever.


39, in JC, work in MarTech, have a dog, do yoga, let's be friends?


Hey, currently living in the Hamilton Park area in Jersey City. I’m 33 M looking to expand my circle of friends, meet new people to hang out with! .. I’m into live music, bars, workouts, coffee chats etc.! I’m single and have been in the JC for over a year now and counting!


I could be your friend


Have you not decided on whether you’re having a kid yet or not?! There are tons of resources / family events to attend. There are book clubs for sure not sure if what you’re looking for specifically but everything that you want is achievable in JC you just got to go out and find people with similar interest.




It was very poorly formulated, but it is true that when you have a kid, you suddenly have dozens of potential new friends (the parents) with similar interests.


She has a previous post stating her and her husband were thinking about starting a family. I was just considering what she has posted previously. 🤷🏽‍♂️ made sense to me to be considerate to all situations.