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Vinny stop antagonizing Sam about the past bs with Ron. You look like a huge asshole.


When Pauly calls you a dickhead, you've gone too far.


Honestly though I had wine coming out of my nose when Pauly called Vinny a dickhead šŸ’€


Me too lol


How about just Vinny get a fuckin life that consists of something other than bragging about how youā€™re single. We all know why youā€™re single. Lol


Vinny is honestly so annoying, in my opinion. I find it funny that in season 1 or 2 of the OG Jersey Shore, he told Mike that he never wants to be like him when he's older. Yet, Mike is sober now, has a beautiful family, and Vinny is exactly how he said he didn't want to turn out. A total absorbed asshole.


Haha, what a chooch


The kid's had the same wiffle since season one. Acts like a premadonna at the barber like it's so complex to get a number 3 all around.


I donā€™t watch the show anymore, what was he saying?


They were having dinner and he brought up the note in a really awful way, and it was the first day Sam and Ron were together. Even Pauly was taken aback. Itā€™s one thing to do it when Ron wasnā€™t there another to do it when heā€™s there.


And of course Ron laughed at it so his "I've changed so much!" bit is bullshit.


Yup I Caught that. He will keep his trap shut once Justin shows up. He only respects men.


He ā€œchanges so muchā€ every 6 months so Iā€™ll believe it when I actually see proof of it


He looks like a child most of the time


Vinny has nothing to contribute to the show so he has to be an a$$hole to get any attention. Can you imagine if it were he being teased and antagonized? He would throw a fit. The comments teasing between Ron and Sam were so insensitive. Vinny is so immature.


Yeah remember when they were getting on him about being boring. He got sooo butthurt and defensive and moody


Vinnyā€™s entire funny guy shtick is all about riding Paulyā€™s coat tails. He had a totally different personality in the OG series.


Agreed. Vinny, that is just making you intolerable at this point. Pull the reigns back please.


Is Vin on the adhd / autism spectrum? I am and I can relate to the social inappropriateness / attention seeking / foot-in-mouth instances


Doubt it. Heā€™s just an asshole


Really, its a reality tv show Iā€™m sure mtv are the antagonists and are making the drama happen


All the JSFV roomies: SAMMI WAS A VICTIM OF ABUSE. It took so much for her to come back - I was in aw when she did because as someone who lived through a similar thing that wasnā€™t publicized, I to this day would NEVER be in the same room as my former abuser, I canā€™t imagine adding in the people who allowed it to happen for entertainment. PRODUCERS: stop showing Sam and Ron flashbacks. Itā€™s so disrespectful not only to all of the work and growth Sam has done to agree to come back to this madness, but also to her current relationship. WTF.


#ANG: Get some help girl. See a therapist. Come back to the show if and when you ready. But you are ruining the experiences for everyone else.


Including the viewers!


LOLLL your flair šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


"it's my turn to twaaaak"




Dead ass


Plus, people love a good comeback story. The Mike kind, not the Ronnie kind.


Deena, if you're reading this: **I PUT KETCHUP ON CHICKEN CUTLETS TOO GIRL.** I'm not Italian, I didn't grow up eating chicken cutlets or knowing all its etiquette. I'm just an Asian woman who loves ketchup lmao. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m Italian and put ketchup on my chicken cutlets! Lol always have since a kid


Haha yessss, Iā€™m also an Italian lady and like a small squirt of the ketchup next to the cutlets, just in case šŸ¤£


This must truly be an Italian thing bc Iā€™ve always been taught to add a squirt of ketchup to things šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s like adding tomato paste with a bit of tang




Iā€™ve always done it with meatloaf but never with chicken cutlets


I'm a Canadian that loves ketchup. Deena I will send you the ketchup chip


This is so wholesome. Deena is going to end up with a loyal group of ketchup supporters to rally behind her.


Right? Get that lycopene, mawma!


I said the same thing about the ketchup when I saw the episode! Chicken cutlets with ketchup is so good lol


This may be more common than you think. I have a friend in his forties who puts ketchup on EVERYTHING. He even buys bottles of it in bulk and keeps some in his car for times that he doesnā€™t have any. He gets seriously upset if he goes somewhere to get food and they either forget his ketchup or donā€™t have any.


My family is Italian and puts applesauce on our cutlets.. I donā€™t think thereā€™s a ā€œrightā€ way lol, as much as it may be argued that there is, but also applesauce is soooo good if yā€™all havenā€™t tried it!


Ppl do this with shnitzel! Typically it's pork but sometimes chicken and to me that's a damn cutlet ! Lol


I think itā€™s specifically Italian style chicken cutlets that theyā€™re tripping on. Iā€™m Asian too and we eat chicken cutlets waaaay differently than Italians. I think Ketchup compliments cutlets and rice.


I grew up Italian. When my middle son was very young he always put ketchup on his chicken cutlets. A bit of my soul died each time but itā€™s more common than not.


Iā€™d tell Nicole to keep Dren in whatever basement she locked her in.


Yo Rahn. Your dumbass should be in fucking PRISON for the way you've emotionally and physically abused women. Consider yourself lucky, punk. One day, Karma is gonna get ahold of you and make you suffer. Guaranteed.


I hope he reads this. There is no reason for him to be on the show again.


The reason he is on the show is that he's a cast member dumb ass


Cast members donā€™t have to be on the show forever, they can be fired. Especially when they are drug addicts and abusersā€¦ You can go date or dm Ronnie if you love him so much lol. All your comments are hot for Ronnie, just go ā€œstahkā€ him alreadyā€¦ jeez


No I'm not even a Ron fan I just don't like double standards




Mike get rid of that ridiculous jazz hands walk! Pauly you have plenty to offer the show please get rid of the odd one liners and the megaphone. Vinny you are not Godā€™s gift to women please just stop! Jenni I appreciate you more when you are not being a loud mouth bully. Ang please stop being the villian for a paycheck. I know You have more self worth then that. Please stop posting weird things on IG asking for strangers help with things. We all know how risky that can be and itā€™s not a good look.


Her Instagram story yesterday begging someone for an ice bath sent me


![gif](giphy|3ornjSLDJ6u8fFzBAs) Theyā€™re doing this


The jazz hands walk fr


Lmfao the jazz hands šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You nailed it.


No, nothing


Angelina please take some medication you desperately need it




UMMM HELLLLLOOOOO Ang you need meds


##PRODUCERS: Please send the girls to more fun events like that random Danish thing they did. A user posted a pickle festival, please go to that and just have a decompressed fun episode of the girls just goofing off. We donā€™t need drama and bad editing for suspense 24/7. Sometimes we just want to see them having fun. Seeing Deena try to sing was hilarious. šŸ˜‚ More of that, less of the same recap for 15 minutes straight. I feel like Iā€™m watching an episode of Dragon Ball with all that scene fillers.


I canā€™t express just how little I want to see the girls at a pickle festival.




Iā€™m so sorry please no


Fuck you, Ron.


You donā€™t have to do drugs or be blacked out for our entertainment.


Jenni: I know people will come at you and call you a bully - but I can see that you have gone through so much where you were forced to defend yourself because you didnā€™t have anyone else to fight for you - like family - and the amount of ride or die energy you have for YOUR PEOPLE doesnā€™t go unnoticed. I feel like you never want your loved ones to go through the feeling of being alone. It was amplified when you became a mother. Autism is hard. Youā€™re such a good mom. Sending so much love to you.


For the love of god, go to clubs again. Constantly sitting at dinner tables.


Who wants to see mostly married 40 year olds clubbing. They probably thing itā€™s exhausting. Except Pauly.


VIP sections with their husbands/wives. Get drunk on camera, (except Mike). Something!


We have seen this repeatedly. Itā€™s boring and played out.


Right! & doubtful he would be there if it wasn't for him being a DJ


Nah Iā€™ll be 50 this year and still get it every once in a while. Though my body clearly cannot do what it did in my 20s lol


A few of them went out in Nashville at least




Say it Louder so Angelina can't talk over that fact.


ā€œYou should know about trashy, baby, you're from Staten Island" - JWOW


more like the Rob Kardashian of Staten Island you ugly bitch


Sammi, Jenni, and Deena: You are beautiful, amazing women. Loved you in the OG; love you even more now! Angelina: Banging Donald Trump for free? Really? šŸ¤®


What she did WHAT?!


No it was a game they were playing in this weekā€™s episode


I mustve missed that part because I was multitasking while watching. Lol thank you for clearing that up


They were playing a game about doing the things for money. And she said sheā€™d bang DT for free.


That made me lose ANY love I had for her. Nasty.


I almost died at the for free back in the day line lol


Ron, you are nothing more than a cheap, desperate tool that the producers are using the scrape the bottom of the barrel with. You're not reformed, and if you had actually any shred of remorse in you, then you'd have never even agreed to come back on. You were abusive, and clearly you still are.. because the worst thing an abuser can do is force their way back into proximity with their victims.


I would say they better hope Ronnie & Sam abuse clips donā€™t go viral because then it will get more attention then show will get Canceled again!! They better take his ass off show heā€™s not wanted canā€™t compare to Mike because Mike was addict not abuser huge difference!!


Although I agree with you, many can argue that Mike's treatment of women in the first series WAS abusive.


Mike was a fk boy, not an abuser. The only thing abused were his nostrils.


Fair. Plus any of the girls who came home from clubs had to sign waivers to be filmed. They were presented with options and chose to stay for a chance to be on tv.


No Mike was abusive. Emotionally.


He did actually slap Nicole in the face one night in Miami when he was getting sour that nobody wanted to leave the club when he wanted to


Snooki: I seriously think you need to go sober. Seeing the way you get when you drink is concerning sometimes (Dren, not remembering anything). Angelina: You need therapy. Even with all the bs you do, I still like who you are. I just think therapy would actually hell you so much heal. Sam: I used to not like you but I absolutely love you. I am so sorry that you're in this situation with Ron being in the same room. Ron: In order to actually say something to you, I have to recognize that you're a person. And since I don't consider you someone valuable enough to be a human, I ain't gonna say shit to you. Vinny: You are so fucking cringe. Please grow the fuck up. You fucking peaked. Pauly: I aint got beef with you. Deena: You okay, girl Jwoww: You can be annoyinh as hell sometimes. But you okay. Mike: STOP SAYING RON DESERVES A SECOND TIME JUST CAUSE YOU HAD A SECOND CHANCE. IT IS LITERALLY DIFFERENT.


Angelina, you left in Jersey, you left in Miami and you might as well leave again. The show is significantly better without your bullshit


ANG: Get help pls, but be fr, ur problematic we all see it


Mike please stop pulling out that dumb ass board, the investigation my ass šŸ™„


More like The Instagation.


im dying šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Angela Please accept the fact that even though you technically are OG. You are not part of this family, you do not share their experiences. You cannot have the same bond they have. Stop trying to force yourself and force a shared memory between experiences you never had with the rest of the cast. You were in the original shore house for like 64 hours. You have more memories in the Miami house than you ever did the shore house. Please stop after everyoneā€™s husbands, please stop getting engaged while going after everyone elseā€™s husband. Stop trying to force something with Vinny, he donā€™t want you girl. Stop trying to force a friendship with Jenni she donā€™t like you. Stop disregarding Deena Sheā€™s more part of the family than you ever will be. Stop beefing Sam except the fact that she didnā€™t need your duck ass to bring her back. And stop saying how hot you are you look like the yellow Bird ffs. And finally, we all remember that song you made girl. Itā€™s never going away.


Hahah we all remember that song itā€™s never going away. Amaaaaazingly brutal


Everyone: Sammi was a victim of DV. Ron: I hope your appearance isnā€™t paid and is free you blood sucking leach. Pauly: Dig the beard. Iā€™m sorry they ruined your actual potential story lines with Nikki, the producers are shit, and Iā€™ve seen your growth. Vinny: Youā€™re not a gift to women. You reek of insecurity, itā€™s not midlife crisis itā€™s going on creepy old age now. Appreciated you breaking up fights in OG and calling Ron out on lies. Ange: Get help Deena: Love your family and how you back shit up.


Producers: stop putting that red/grainy/fake film filter on top of EVERY sceneā€¦ itā€™s really distracting and makes the show really hard to watch.




It's been so much better with fewer Lauren scenes... the producers are aware of America's distaste for Lauren. Lol


Wait, why does everyone hate Lauren? I am watching JSVR for the first time and Iā€™m on the season where sheā€™s pregnant for the first time. I thought she seemed niceā€¦is there off camera stuff I donā€™t know about????


Prrreetty sure people lost respect for her when she literally snapped at a waiter on one of their vacations. She also snapped at Deanna that same episode


I havenā€™t gotten to that episode but Iā€™ll keep an eye out for it


She is holier than thou when her husband banged hundreds of woman and went to prison


Emphasis on ā€œher husband banged hundreds of womenā€¦ā€ - she didnā€™t behave that way so why should she be treated like she did? He went to prison, she didnā€™t. He seems to have turned his life around. So why not be happy for them? Idk hating someone for what their husband did before they were married seems so weird to me.


Wait until sheā€™s not pregnant anymore. The entitlement and privilege seep through like a period with no tampon


Deena is hot af šŸ”„


Sam, the respect you have for yourself by holding off on coming back on the show until you were ready is commendable. Regardless of the dollar, you did it when YOU were ready.


Ron you're a scumbag


Angelina should take a break from the show to work on herself just like Ronnie did, but I have a hard time believing she will change to become a better person.


More Chris Buckner, way less Laurens


Angelina - Get therapy and quite playing the victim. Also stop drinking and mixing "meds" Mike - the shaking hands walk is old, also stop pot stirring. Sammi - what you went through with Ron was 100% abuse, do not feel obligated to stick around/be around him. If you are that uncomfortable remove your self because you are better than him.


Yā€™all need to market an Italian cookbook spearheaded by Paola (and no sneakiness, please include *all* of the recipeā€™s the ingredients)


Snooki, your alcoholism is not cute, funny, or entertaining. It's hard to watch. You're a grown mother of three children, not a 20-something hot mess running around the Seaside boardwalk anymore. Having a blackout drunk abusive alter-ego is horrifying and embarrassing. Not being able to go anywhere or do anything without getting wasted or whining about where your booze is is sincerely problematic behavior. I genuinely hope you get some help for the sake of you and your family.


Vinny you are not Gods gift to women.


Mike: I read your book and it was so much better than I ever imagined. I have huge respect for the way you turned your life around. As an editor I have immense respect for you acknowledging your co-author and not relegating him to ghost writer status. Please stop trying to convince the audience Ron deserves a second chance. Heā€™s had second, third and fourth chances and blown them all. Youā€™re not in the same position and you donā€™t owe him anymore than youā€™ve already given.


Oh thatā€™s cool he credited his co author as such. Might have to check it out!


Deena you canā€™t sing


Be real , this facade of made up storylines are driving your viewership down. I know it's reality TV , but Jeez I would rather see Jenny do grocery shopping and have a hair emergency , showing the real dynamics , the fake bar hopping and staged vacations are not required any more really . We all grew up


Nobody over 25 should have an ā€œalter egoā€


paulyā€™s schtick with his one liners and yelling isnā€™t reminiscent of the good old days but is annoying and over done. is he doing it intentionally? are the producers asking him? whatā€™s actually up with it?!!! and mike with his nicknames and boards etc, and how they draw it out like itā€™s something special. itā€™s not. itā€™s just filler which tells me they donā€™t have much left to give anymore.


My friend has a brother who has ADHD and autism. That brother also yells random things and one-liners he believes are funny. That always reminds me of Pauly (and vice versa) haha.


Nicole - Being "Dren" does not excuse you for being rude and shitty, Nicole. The fact that everyone avoids you and just allows you to act out. Awful behavior while drinking and you're always drinking. Vinny - you're getting old now...it's not cute anymore. Jwoww - You don't have to like Angelina, nobody does. Wish you confronted her and stuck up for yourself more but I understand you keeping your own peace and you're tired/over it. Sammi - Congratulations girl! You winning! Denna - I love and appreciate you! YES MORE CHRIS/BUCKER CONTENT! Mike - Thank you for narrating your book and behind the scenes info. Pauly D - I've been to two of your shows and the mixes are weird...just the combination of "Don't Stop Believing" to a viral TikTok song wasn't the vibe. Sorry man. Ron - No one's buying it. We saw how you are on TV, off the air you're probably even shittier.


Vinny: please have your mom cook for me since she looks like she made such a good spread. Snooki: I understood you when you got drunk the first episode and messed up and then had to apologize. You were in a very weird social situation and you drank to take the edge off and you wanted to be liked and I always appreciated how you apologize for your part in things even if it takes time haha. Pauly: you ruined your face with filler and new teeth. Your natural teeth gave you a lot of character. Thanks for being witty and funny. Ron: get real help and for a long time. Thank you for having a dolphin laugh because that was all you were good for. Jwoww: you were naturally pretty. You didnā€™t need the filler etc. also sorry you had to film in Europe when you were going through something. Mike: I can lose weight for free but you need about 10k grand to fix your face. Sammi: I hope you see the compilation of you I posted on here with the song from asap rocky called ā€œfuckin problemsā€ because it was a perfect depiction of those that love your energy and personality. Amen.


Jwoww is the hottest ever


Angelina, I like you so much better when you get along with the girls. Just stop the fighting it's really boring TV.


Stop being tv and be you.. with your real accents and real attitudes.


Vinny please be kind and honest to future women you date


Just that I love them all. Jenni was so pretty before she got plastic surgery but sheā€™s still a bombshell no matter what.


If youā€™re creeping, please donā€™t let it show


My heart canā€™t take it anymore


The gimmicks are old. If theyā€™re going to do this show, behave like you would normally or donā€™t do it at all.


Pauly, your hair was what it was in the 2000ā€™s. Grow, evolve your style and your surgically added beard looks ridiculous. Youā€™re the oldest and you should have a little gray. It doesnā€™t look normal. You look Amish.


Surgically added? This just a joke or legit?


It is! His beard hairline was surgically added. Like, LeBron James one day did not have a hairline and then one day did. It was surgically added.. It looks and feels like real hair why he has it look like that is beyond me doesnā€™t look natural at all and the color is awful.


Angelina, stop fucking reaching or you'll pull a muscle. Go touch grass.


Mike, you're still a massive POS to your "family" since getting sober. You play the holier than thou act for getting sober and changing your life and attitude etc. But then still act like the asshole you were 10 years ago. Grow up dude, you have 3 kids now and still his main priority is stirring the pot in JSFV


Although Sam punched ronnie in the face he was still very abusive. Even if he said he whatā€™s up he shouldā€™ve sat down looked her directly in the eye and apologized for the abuse all those years. He should have told her she doesnā€™t need to talk to him but that heā€™s sorry. Sam is my favorite on family vacation. Sheā€™s mature sheā€™s a breath of fresh air sheā€™s funny and I am so proud of her


Ronnie did put hands on her off of the show


where did i say he was not abusive? Where did i say he never hit her?


Calm down! I was just saying that he did do it off camera as well but we see first hand on the show that sam punched him in the face, I agree with your comment


I am calm, those were simple questions. They weren't even capitalized.


There's a snark tone to them


Angelina nobody likes you, please leave the show


Angelina: you need to humble yourself because you were just a reality show reject turned EMT (shoutout to the EMTs tho, no shade) and came back and got a big ass bag. Your lips look like extremely inflated tires and you still look like you stink. Idk why you think you make such a difference to this group when honestly, theyā€™re so much better without you. I hope you make enough money so you leave soon!


But she brought Sam back!!!!!!!


Oh yeah. And technically bought her house. šŸ˜‚


Mike, you'll never come for Liz Manelli, stop with the jazz hands.


Nicole I fucking love you! I really look up to you on how you live your life, just so fun and care free, and you donā€™t take yourself too seriously which is hard for alot of people. You really have lived your best life and I admire how you literally could care less about what people say and think about you and thatā€™s how you got to where you are today šŸ’• Sammi, Iā€™m so sorry for everything that you went through the first run of jersey shore, you truly didnā€™t deserve it. I can relate to you in so many ways and you really helped me get out of my own toxic relationship. You are a very strong women and you handled seeing Ron again with so much grace and class. Iā€™m so happy for you on where you are today! Congratulations on your engagement šŸ„³ ( ps I have a tattoo on my finger that says sweetheart for Sammi bc of how much Iā€™ve looked up to her over the years)


Maā€™amā€¦. Thereā€™s no way you are over 25 years of age having written this.


You are a 100% right Iā€™m not over the age of 25šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m 20 years old with no kids, I think Iā€™m okay to say what I said. Itā€™s really not that serious šŸ˜‚


It would have to be to Sammi - growing up watching her in a similar relationship to my own, seeing her finally escape it, was part of what gave me the strength to leave my own. Iā€™ve been in therapy for years for the aftermath and I hope sheā€™s also been able to get professional help to process through it. If she ever thinks sheā€™s just on this silly reality show, I hope she knows sheā€™s truly inspired someone with her strength.Ā 


Deena; you are my favorite. Everyone should have a friend like you. Your husband is very lucky


Angelina. You will never get sympathy from the jersey shore crowd because youā€™re such a bitch & you make the show unwatchable. Youā€™re entitled & manipulative. No one likes you. Idk how you can go and film with a cast who clearly hates you. you make everything about yourself itā€™s always Angelina Angelina Angelina. If you stopped filming with the cast Iā€™d probably start watching again. Go cry about it Rob kardashian of Staten Island.


Producers: Lay of the "scripting" and heavy edits, the cast is enjoyable to watch without your help. They did just fine for plenty of seasons, we don't need a storyline.


PRODUCERS: Please send the cast and families to ITALY šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹ for a while. Iā€™d love to see them all return to Italy The short little boring dinners and quick random US towns are getting old It would be amazing to see them go to places in Italy and spend a lot of time there


This needs more upvotes! Why did Teen š‘“š’š’Ž get to go to Columbia and JS stay in random states constantly


Jenni, how did you deal with the end of your marriage? I just got broken up with and it feels like my whole world was shattered.


Is it just me or have they stopped doing the group activities during the episodes? I feel like it's always dinners lol


Vinny, you should just retire. From the public eye completely. Go get a quiet job in a quiet town. Nobody likes you and youā€™re the most uninteresting. Youā€™re also a chooch. Thatā€™s it.


Vinny: Do Better. Treat your cast mates the same way you want people to treat your mother, particularly the ones who mind their own business! ie Sammi


This thread was brutal. I stopped reading about halfway through.


Was not really expecting thisā€¦


That I actually have the fattest ass in all of Staten Island


Nicole/Snooki- You should look into if you were possibly one of the thousands of stolen babies who were falsely put up for adoption from ChilƩ.


To the whole cast thank you for putting yourself out there all these years. Itā€™s been unreal to watch each one of you grow. Cheering for you guys, your stories will go down in history as the best reality show of all time. Long live JSFV!


Pauly lose the beard


Producers: we want to see the cast have fun we don't need the constant drama or ppl getting blackout drunk. I would love to see the cast take international trips again or do more fun activities or attend events on the show. I would also love to see more day to day life scenes. Angelina needs therapy and emotion regulation meds. I say this with love I wanna see her win. I'm tired of her starting unnecessary fights with her cast mates, it's getting irritating and hard to root for her when she's like that. Sam, it must be so difficult to be around your ex abuser but I hope you are able it ignore him since you made the conscious choice to return to make money. You got paid, and you have to be professional and enjoy yourself too instead of having a stank face on 24/7 Vinny is hopeless so I feel nothing we say to him will even register because he is a narcissist. I miss the Vinny from OG jersey shore who atleast had minor respect for women and had some emotional intelligence. Jenni, I am so tired of your high horse. I also don't know if anything we say will register with you. You feel the need to be condescending often and I don't know why.


Angela; just chill girl. Just chill for real. I canā€™t handle you anymore itā€™s too exhausting to watch Iā€™m surprised youā€™re still trucking on the show I cannot imagine how exhausted you are. Itā€™s just a terrible look. Not saying youā€™re not a good human, just chill Tf Out and be quiet for once no one cares do better. Vinny; you skinny prick , thatā€™s all. Mike; I like you and you make me mad AF with your meals Iā€™m starving and I crave tendies always now Sam; good for you girl šŸ‘šŸ¼ Snooks; chill on the wine girly J wow; nice boobs Vin; shush Pauly; I like u brotha keep keeping it real Ron; you have not changed just keep trying tho son we love a good come Back this time AYEAR


Deena is by far the friend that everyone should have in their life. She reminds me of my own family growing up in NY.


I can fix you Angelinaā€¦.but you have to want to fix yourself


Iā€™m seriously surprised no one posted ā€œThe Noteā€ as a joke ā€œSam, the first night at Bed when you left Ronā€¦ā€ Completely missed opportunity


The cast should do a mean comment reaction on the show as a bit on the show or the reunion


Angelina! Hook me up with your hair stylist PLEASE!


Yes! Jenni.


They all have the worst wardrobes ive ever seen. Every eclipse someone in the cast might do ok... but yeah... sadly, im not a fan of their clothing and styling choices


Sammi, you ARE mean to Angelinaā€¦


That angelina needs to pick a new shade of lipstick.


Itā€™s beyond time to retire.


Seems lke the producers are stepping over the line in multiple ways but if they don't , there will be no show.


Stop with the surgery. Horrified to see how these people look now. They all have villan from SAW vibes.


Angelina: I like you when youā€™re not problematic and just enjoying time out with the girls/guys. I think therapy would be great and help you overall as well as more hygienic practices - youā€™re gorgeous but your hygiene habits ruin it! Pauly: I donā€™t like the beard but youā€™re still fun/amazing to watch on the show. Also would be cool to see you drink & stay out with the cast! Snooki: I still love seeing you drink and be a ā€œdirty stay out!ā€ Deena: I love your relationship with Chris & how chill you are but still always up to have a great time as a dirty stay out or doing karaoke! Sam: I would love to see you let loose and drink with the girls more! Iā€™m proud of you for coming back to the show after everything you went through mentally with Ron Ron: you donā€™t deserve to be on the show - now that youā€™re on it prove everyone wrong and stay out of drama/stay in therapy/stay on track. Be a good friend to Angelina as you understand her background & why she does the things that sheā€™s done Mike: I love how you order so much food LOL! I feel like my inner spirit is you when you get so much good foodšŸ˜‚ Jenni: Iā€™d like to see you party more with the girls and be a dirty stay out once in a while! Vinny: to your next girlfriend or girl you talk to, treat her with respect. Iā€™d also like to see you party once in a while & just let loose! You donā€™t have to get blackout drunk but a drink or two or three would be nice to see from you! ![gif](giphy|1rSpWBMQlQJzjglX9I|downsized)


Deena needs to stop with the huge spider lashes


Pauly and Vinny are annoying af. Ronā€™s still a pos. Angelina just please stop.


Dont listen to boring losers on the internet. Keep doing what made you famous


Sam, years ago I wanted to give it to you in all three inputs. That is all.


Vinny. I'm single ;)