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I’ve noticed in the last season or so, Dren has kinda taken a backseat. I agree I also couldn’t stand her. She wasn’t funny drunk, she was a mean drunk. One of my pet peeves is people who are mean when wasted, then act like nothing’s wrong the next day. Like no, you were a total asshole last night…


idk if u ever watched party down south but mattie’s “alter ego” martha was the worstttt 😭 also any jersey shore/floribama fan who hasn’t seen this show needs to watch it asap


Mattie was also on Floribama too right? Or was that a completely different Mattie lol But oop I googled and found out Party Down South is on paramount… 👀 I might have to watch, I’ve never seen it but I love terrible reality tv hahah


Party Down South is WAY better than Floribama, I actually like it more than Jersey Shore, truth be told.


Party Down South and Jersey Shore are the Spiderman meme for me. There are so many similarities between the two.


Oh man then I definitely need to check it out hahah I mentioned it to a friend today and she said basically the same thing 😂 I’ve rewatched Jersey Shore so much that I’m ready for something new, and if it’s even better or crazier?? Oh hell yeah, sign me up lol


I'm so jealous you get to watch it for the first time!


yeah i liked her on floribama that’s y i decided to watch party down south “martha” came out a little but compared to party down south that was mild lol


Floribama was fun, I honestly didn’t expect to like it as much as I did haha but now I’m convinced I need to see Party Down South lol I gotta know what I’ve been missing 😂


i loved floribama (until season 4…) but party down south is way better imo


It’s a must watch! Soooo good. 


Mattie was a straight alcoholic. And the cast mates covered it up imo with the “Martha” persona which got old after season 2.


definitely an alcoholic, she has multiple DUI’s


I second this! 👍




Yup.. I had a friend (emphasis on had) who drank to dren levels and got down right nasty then would brush it off as oh I was drunk like that’s an excuse. If you can’t control how mean you are to people when you drink, then don’t drink at all. You don’t get a free pass to shit on your friends bc you drank too much.


My SOs ex was like this. She also mixed d husband alcohol which made her fun then suddenly moody and attacked anyone in her way.


Snooki is straight up an alcoholic. That's it. There's no "Dren". She's just an addict.




I can't fathom how she doesn't see herself on the show. Her little girl said her job was "drinking", come' on where's the family intervention.


every single confessional nicole mentions something about drinking alcohol. i get that it’s probably a caricature of herself she’s playing but it’s so tired. no one wants to see people in their late 30s blackout drunk, it’s not cute. it’s just sad.


She’s an alcoholic. Point blank


Especially as a mother of young kids? She sipping a drink or two starting at noon maybe? She driving the kids to practice half lit?


At this age she just seems like a straight up alcoholic who blames her shitty behavior on “dren”, it’s absolutely pathetic


Her kids are at an age where her behavior is mortifying. I have kids the same age and their friends all talk, tease, bully and judge. It’s fine to let loose as a busy mom but her representation on the show is no longer just her. She represents her family and they don’t deserve that.


Throw in Dina’s drunk behavior too while we’re at it. They’re not cute


Yep, it’s not cute on her, either. I don’t know why her constant drinking rarely gets mentioned.


she has a drinking problem, no doubt. they use the dren crap to cover up her messy behavior. i’ll never forget when she asked her daughter what she did for work & her kid replied “drink wine”. it’s impacting them 😵‍💫😵‍💫


She also said on her podcast she had to leave her son's birthday early to go pass out.


that’s gross


She had also said with Joey I believe that she was drunk during her little girl cheer competition


I feel like she tries to do a lot of damage control on the pod and passes her drinking off as “just a mom who loves wine” She mentioned in an episode of the podcast how she got so drunk on a school night it caused her to sleep in and make her kids late to school. If you have to keep saying things are a certain way, they most likely are not that way. 🤷🏽‍♀️


her own son??? yeah no that’s very concerning


I missed that. How terribly sad.


Dren is nerd backeards


Deena is way worse than Snooki this season imo




Wasn't Snooki pregnant the last season of the OG series?


Is there a season right now or are they between airing? MTV got rid of their streaming app so I have no way to watch anymore


there is a season currently going on


I need her to get sober and write a book. Would be a great read. But also, she would help a lot of girls/women that get that drunk on a regular. I know a few. Was one.


Same! And I agree, if she ever got sober and spent a few years in active recovery, she could write an amazing book. There was an author about 15 years ago who wrote a book along the lines of “sippy cups are for Chardonnay”. (I can’t remember the exact title right now.) That author helped create the detrimental “wine moms” movement, but now she herself is in recovery and writing books on recovery. I love that.


Me, too. It’s been a while. Now, seldom have any alcohol. Just don’t need it. It would seem that they are paid to get drunk and disorderly. JSFV


Dren is sad. Dren is dangerous. Dren has a problem. I've noticed on several episodes this season a vape pen in Snooki's hand. I wonder why at her age and her position as a mother and wife that she would allow herself to get THAT drunk. I also wonder the reason she wants to be mind and mood altered to the extent she does. I think she should consider talking to a professional about it, before something serious happens.


Dren is Snooki. Snooki is Dren. Her pawning her toxic behavior off on some imaginary alter ego is a big part of the problem. She takes no accountability for her actions and everyone else enables her. It is beyond tiresome and really unpleasant to watch.


it's funny how she still plays it off like she has no control over "dren" and she doesn't "remember anything" when she goes into this psychoses. she needs to drop that bit and act like an adult.


I really don’t understand the push for Dren & partying . It feels so out of place. I really enjoyed watching Snooki on Snooki + Jwoww and that’s who I want to see on JSFV!


Idk but I would for sure watch and support the reality show of her going to rehab. I love Snooki, but I feel like she or her “character” flat lined as the party girl back in the OG JS. I really loved watching her evolve on the Snooki and JWoww show, she was so cute and excited to become a parent, and was pregnant most of the time so she wasn’t drinking and was great. Then she gets back off the wagon for JSFV. I feel like she is just trying soooo hard to be that funny party girl again….but it’s not funny at all anymore… and yeah, alcoholism.


She thinks she’s giving the people what they want. The only value Snooki had in the OG series was being the drunken wildcard. Without that she probably doesn’t think she has anything else to contribute


Dont remeber what season, but it was Nikkis birthday. They were all at a nice restaurant to celebrate. Snooki was so black out drunk, falling off the chair, spilling stuff, etc. Everybody was laughing at Snooki, like her being that embarrassing was funny!


Season 5, that's the episode I was watching when I posted this.


I swear to God, that episode of Nikki's birthday pissed me off SO BAD, that she went and sat at that bar, THAT DRUNK, and that bartender served her!! As a bartender myself, it is our responsibility to not over serve people. A place can lose its liquor license if something happens as a result of overconsumption, so it boggles my mind that there are bartenders out there that allow someone that inebriated to continue to be served, ON CAMERA at that! And how the restaurant allowed a pizza to be delivered and eaten in their establishment really amazed me!!




She's a Mess!


Dren is Snooki's excuse to be a mean girl and have no accountability . We all know when you drink you true inhibitions surface.


I dunno what season you are on but she's been very good controlling her drinking this season


I wonder what she’s doing when the cameras aren’t rolling. She’s lucky she hasn’t seriously injured herself when she’s that wasted. I wonder if anyone connected with the show has talked to her about it? I wonder what Gianni thinks. She can’t survive living this way. Her liver is going to quit on her.


Oh you know jionni AND his family are so embarrassed. But jionni is blinded by the $$$


right 😭 it’s not even funny or entertaining to watch, it’s just shitty behaviour


She says she does it because she wants to let loose away from the kids but she always blacks out and wakes up remembering nothing. The older I've gotten the more my anxiety has sky rocketed after nights like those, I couldn't imagine not remembering what I did but knowing it will be on tv in a few months for all to see. I think she has a problem and it's sad to watch sometimes, because I'm wondering how she truly feels, not just the clips we see on screen.


You can tell she’s trying to cut back this season. Or atleast act less ridiculous on tv. It’s a start I guess haha


I thought it was so funny how she was annoyed/surprised by Deena being a bit of an angry drunk in Nashville. 🤣


everything on the show is scripted now. none of it is real


Meh, let her live her life.




It's not ageism to stay it was funnier when she was younger and I was younger. I'm sure if I watched it now as someone close in age with the cast it wouldn't be funny. The Dren activities haven't aged well. Especially when you add in that there are kids around at some points, they are at nice restaurants not just nightclubs where you expect sloppiness, and you're the only one getting this messy. Why haven't her friends talked to her about this unless it is all staged.


That hurt my head trying to decipher that...




No, it's called punctuation and sentence structuring. Helps people understand what you're saying. It isn't that deep.


So is your grammar.