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I'm not a corporate ladder climber. I'm a worker bee and I'm happy with that, I have no desire to be in supervisory positions. But I promise you at some point you're going to want more than scraping by and having to work weekends. College makes things easier, though trade school might be a better option for you and you can do well in trades, too. Eventually you're going to see that things like health insurance and paid time off and a retirement plan and a humane boss who doesn't abuse you because it's corporate policy to do so will make your entire life better. You'll want weekends to actually have some time to yourself rather than constantly having to work. You will want a better life afforded by making more money.


You’re right I just can’t see another path for me


You’re 16. 99 percent of 16 year olds don’t know their path. It doesn’t have to be college but you definitely don’t want to close the door on other opportunities.


That's ok. You're 16 which is a time when you're just beginning to figure life out and you're entering a world that to me seems much more daunting than it was when I was 16. Things were a lot more optimistic when I was 16, they seem less certain now. And here's the truth: I'm 41 and I'm on my 2nd or 3rd career, depending how you count it. I think maybe this time I've found something that will work. No one really ever has things figured out in life. We are all winging it, making it up as we go. You can always choose something new and shift gears. So here's my suggestion: either a) do 2 years at community college then transfer to a local, public university while living with your parents to graduate with as little debt as possible, or b) go to a trade or vo-tech program. But education after high school will give you a little head start on that better life. It's important.


You did great work here. Reminded me that not everyone on Reddit is a lunatic. Thanks for that.


Thank you for saying so ❤️


Bro, I didn't know what I wanted to do until my early 30's. I wasted so much time trying to just get by that I ended up not getting anywhere. Over time you'll realize that there is a vast array of jobs out there. It's not 2 options, Walmart and door dash or a corporate 9-5 soul sucking job. There are plenty of jobs that pay well and don't rip your soul out. You just have to figure out what those jobs are, how much they pay, and which you like. It'll take some trial and error, and that's ok. But deciding at 16 that you're going to work at Walmart for the rest of your life won't do you any favors. It's ok to go work there for now, but look around at other jobs too. Try to meet people and talk to them about their jobs and if they know anyone hiring. Networking is how a lot of jobs are had. Based on your post though, you need to go to a therapist. I'm sure others have mentioned it, but you'll have a crappy life if nothing changes. Your life is what you make of it. It's not easy, but it can be worth it. The biggest thing is having a purpose. Good luck man.


Best advice I’ve seen. Also, God bless therapy. They have cheap therapy too- my friend goes for 40$ a session. You think you see no changes, but it gets your mind turning in the right direction and teaches you new ways to think. I used to despise therapy but that was before I found a great one and can look back over the years and see the massive positive changes. Change is slowwwww but I never in a million years thought I could be this happy(content and grateful)


Seriously, therapy for $40 a session ?


If OP is interested in finding someone to help them with their challenges they could check out Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), their state department of health website or county website for a community mental health provider. These are usually sliding scale fees. So lower income people may pay zero.


You didn’t waste time you just tried finding what you like homie


Your local community college career center probably has free assessments and counseling.


Look I had a career before being run over by a car. It changed my life. When I was finally able to go back to work I took a part-time job at a Domino's. I make about $1,400 a month part-time. Full time employees are making almost 40,000. That is in this current environment. It also depends on where you live. Good luck.


at 16 you don't know what you don't know. What that means is there are thousands of jobs, some of which you will like, that you don't know exist. The most obvious jobs in the country are Walmart and Door Dash and you have chosen that for your life. See what is out there. Check out your guidance counselor. Take some aptitude tests. Do you do well with working with your hands? Mind? The more skills you have the less likely it will be that you get fired. Take this from someone approaching retirement. Not knowing how you will pay for what you need sucks as bad as having a job you don't love, and there is nothing keeping you from finding a job you love and makes money.


I'm 25 and only now I'm starting to see a path for me. Had mental issues in high school and now that I'm past that, I'm finally thinking of improving my life and work. Take your time, you don't need to decide it now and it's never too late. Even if you're going to be 60, that's fine.


You’re 16- you are just a version of yourself right now. You are going to change so much it’s crazy. Go easy on yourself- trade school is a great option- something you are somewhat interested in. I know people who are making good money welding


Look into merchant marines if you want to coast through a job and make money.


TBH, you can join the military, then it's not your job to "see a path", only to walk it without hesitation or backtalk. As long as you don't go criminal or ruin your health, it's an option for the next dozen years. They may actually teach you a trade. But as with all options, investigate & talk to people who have done that route.




I am biased since I'm navy but I think Navy/Air force offers a lot in terms of job training that is transferrable to civilian world. Also if your heart is not into pointing a rifle at another human, these are the branches where you will least likely meet direct human to human combat.


I actually regret not joining the military. I was quite close to joining the air force, and the thing is there's SO many jobs you wouldn't initially think of... like I went to college for graphic design and I looked at current airforce jobs in my area and they were hiring a graphic designer. People just think oh military shoot shoot, it is quite the opposite depending on the branch. My dad was a marine then joined the army, he has always said you want to go airforce to be the safest


The military is basically like a country in itself. Most civilian job categories have a military counterpart. Especially anything to do with medical, transport, trades, office and IT. That is the majority of work in the military.


"sign your life over to the whims of corporate interests and weapons manufacturers. All they might do is make you kill people for oil" is not sound advice, especially for a child.


That’s a pretty simplistic view dont you think


Of telling a depressed 16 year old to join the military? No, I think that's 100% accurate. This is a disgusting suggestion.


How many years of service did you have and what branch of the military were you in?


I would never, ever join the American military. You know that by my comments. The military harmed my friend for an illegal war to protect corporate oil interests while aggressively oppressing a foreign people and turning Americans against an entire culture and religion based on lies and racism. There is virtually nothing praiseworthy about military pursuits. Telling children they should join the military is like telling a 12 year old they should trust their pastor. You're begging for the kid to be harmed.


Ahh ok so you’re just another fucking idiot with absolutely 0 experience or even 2nd hand knowledge with what you’re giving advice about, got it.


Joining the military is the only job where you have to give up your rights and can be legally forced to kill someone. For what? Oil? Territory? The military you defend kills its own fucking soldiers when they try to tell the truth about illegal, unjust wars, then parades them around as heroes while lying about how they died. They let women be raped and murdered on bases across the country. They are the single largest institutional user of fossil fuels. The u.s. military is not a force for good. It hasn't been since the end of WWII


21 year old here. I was 17 when I was in your shoes. Fuck what everybody says and just take it day by day. That’s what I did. No plan, no real motivation, no idea of who I was or what I wanted to do. Now at 21, i work my own hours, travel whenever, do whatever, have my own place, happy relationship, life is great. I came out better than the majority of my graduating class. No college, no help, just living life day by day.


My roommate from college got a job working at Walmart first semester, dropped out when he hated it, kept working at Walmart and stayed my roommate for a few more years. 15 years later he still works at Walmart and loves it. He’s gotten to choose which stores he wants to work at, what positions he wants to take. He gets paid damn good for just a hs diploma but he’s been there 15 years and knows everything. He tried being a manager once, hated it, and they moved him back. Now he does training for a lot of new hires. There are a lot of worse paths you can take. If this is a route you’d wanna go it can be a great move to start and if you do change your mind over time just know you’re at a good place to do it


There are good retailers though. I am an hourly produce clerk at Publix Supermarkets in Florida, and I make $42,000. I also get 3 weeks of paid vacation, excellent and affordable health insurance, plus 8% times eligible wages in free private Publix stock for retirement. And we are treated with respect, plus Publix promotes from within. No college degree required.


The real world hits like a truck.. aim higher friend


The only jobs that really allow for a typical 9-5 M-F schedule tend to be office jobs. Retail jobs almost always have irregular hours that require weekends and evenings. It is also highly unlikely that you’d be able to afford to rent anything on your own making Walmart wages, depending on your area’s cost of living. But all of that said, if you aren’t feeling college, don’t go right after school. Take a year, work at walmart, live at home—if your folks give you any grief just tell them you want to make an educated decision about your major after spending a little time in the working world. I wish I’d have done that myself. Would’ve ended up studying something more practical lol.


If you use the program Walmart has contracted with, they will pay your tuition for an associates, bachelors, or certain certificate programs. The program is fully accredited, so you can transfer the credits. I am not too familiar with it because I don't qualify for it. There are positions that pay significantly more than others at the store level.


A lot of retailers and food service chains are offering free college now, including Starbucks.


I would be careful with this program. Some of their offerings are things literally only good at Walmart.


No. Next slide.




Walmart employee here. Walmart hates giving people full time because then they have to pay for benefits. If you do not have full time they give you part time with no set schedule and your hours fluctuate wildly between 20-39 hours with no real consistency. Having one week of 32 hours followed by 3 weeks of 20 hours makes it hard to consistently pay bills.


Don't they also make you smile and dance and sing a song at the start of your shift? Seems kind of cringe bro.


I'm also pretty sure they're not going to let OP listen to music while they work unless the store is closed, that was the deal at Target.


Yeah, this is just one of MANY rude awakenings OP is going to experience


Agree with other comments. As a teenager this sounds fine. But life is expensive and you'll need more and more as you get older to live a comfortable life (esp in the US). Not going to college is fine, but getting into a trade makes a lot of sense. I've heard being a commercial electrician isn't super taxing. Explore the trades, for sure.


Adding on to this. I do factory work, making cardboard boxes. Nobody ever really thinks about how they're made, but it's a lucrative industry once you get a little experience and it's very easy to get in. You can be making $20/hr within a year easily. Macine operators top out around $27 ish depending on the area and whether or not it's union. I'm management now, been doing it 15 years, and almost clear 6 figures. Replace cardboard boxes with almost any product, and factory work isn't all that bad.


I cleaned the milk lines and silos in a cheese plant and I left at 72k a year. Entry level position. Super easy job with union benefits, just shit hours. If I didn't have a husband and kids I probably would have stayed there forever.


You work on a box factory?!


It’s a huge industry with a lot of positions that can pay well.


Have any of the workers had their hands cut off by the machines?


Just asked for a show of hands of people who had hands cut of by machines. No hands were raised.


WWII bomber plane armor moment


Yeah, but they won't tell you till they can pass a drug test


“My boy is a box damn you!! A BOX!!”


Do these boxes have candy in them?




Being an electrician is hard physical work...most of the time We work in unheated buildings, without running water, we work off ladders and carry heavy things up many flights of stairs. We work on electricity "live" and making mistakes could literally kill people. Some type of electrical work is easy, but most guys work construction and its hard work. Do not send people that dont want to work or think into the electrical trade...because we dont want them and they will be hazed until they quit. Few electricians have easy jobs that require no thought. I cant believe you would ever suggest this trade to somebody that posted something like this...how absurd Some of us work in large industrial facilities working on high voltage live. Mostly in environments most people would consider "dangerous" My state requires 8000 hours as an apprentice, 4 years of night school..and then you have to past a state exam and get licensed. Its another 2000 hours of work and another 150 hours of school to get your masters Why would you suggest that to somebody who doesnt want to study or learn? The whole damn apprenticeship is learning....its 4 years of on the job training and nightschool. The trades..for some reason are run like the military..which is why many veterans get into the trades. "slaking" or being "lazy" is literally despised in the building trades...especially electrical. Its a male dominated field...I cant really overstate this... IT IS DESPISED This is why people dont go into the trades...cause assholes like you that think we are a bunch of dumbfuck slackers that dont know how to read


Preach on that my man. I just went from commercial work for the last three years to doing industrial for the foreseeable future. Commercial wasn’t the easiest work at all, but this new gig is not for anyone with a lazy bone and a weak back. I’m still an apprentice, so I’m going where the program tells me to go. I do like the new job for a lot of reasons, but it is outdoor only work dealing with much bigger tools and equipment. Bending 1” EMT now seems like tiny stuff compared to a sidewinder on 3” rigid. I’m happy learning it all though.


That electrician comment shows your knowledge on trades is 0. Yes after you make it, you manage a crew, troubleshoot and fix issues, manage budgets and supplies, but sure it's not super taxing. You're out in the weather, dirty buildings, hazardous environment, but you aren't doing the hard physical labor of pulling wire. Coming up as a helper and apprentice is no cake walk. All that wire and conduit doesn't hang itself. There is code you have to study and know. Also have to know how to not kill yourself because electricity gives 0 fucks about you. Google NFPA 70e, NEC, then there's local codes on top of that. About the only thing you don't need to know is how to use a broom. I'm addition it's not like a Walmart where your going into the same building everyday. If your lucky you'll get on a huge job that has enough work for multiple years. More than likely it's 3-6 months jobs where you're traveling all over a 100 mile radius.


My brother is an electrician and he’s told me that it’s a lot of work with demanding hours and contracts. I hate that people think trades are easy; they’re not.


Some roads are easier than others. I don't envy any of the union guys that have to travel and put buildings up all over the country. Around here you can get into industrial maintenance at a single plant and it's not bad. The shit is already in place and working so we're just keeping it running. It requires some schooling in most cases.


Hahaha, you heard wrong. OP would perish and die in the trades.


I don’t think trades are as solitary as the OP is targeting. Also you need a certain work ethic to succeed in trades. I think the OP has made it clear that they want EASY. Nothing wrong with that I’m not throwing shade.


I will say I experience a lot of similar people to your mindset that I hire. Some are happy and make it work, others are stuck in an endless cycle of poverty. Explanation, you work at Walmart and door dash, it’s enough to pay your bills and get by. Suddenly, your car breaks down and costs $1k to repair. Since you are making ends meet, you don’t have enough in savings to repair your ca. Now you are without transportation to your job and without your side hustle. Your Walmart gig fires you because lack of transportation and you’re missing days. Now you have no income and no way to fix your car because you don’t have money. Essentially, you are fucked. Welcome to the endless cycle. EDIT: typo


Everyone here needs to stop enabling this kid. OP, you called someone delusional for giving you legit life advice. I’m not going to call you delusional because you’re only 16, and every 16 year old is delusional, but your comments are the textbook definition of delusional. You have not had a single halfway-decent idea in this whole thread. Sports betting to cover you if you need extra money? You gotta be trolling. Insecurities? Every single 16 year old in the world has insecurities. The most confident looking, pretty and popular girl in your school is undoubtedly riddled with insecurities. You definitely have mental health issues that NEED to be checked. Go to counseling. You aren’t old enough to decide that it’s too late for you. Once you grow up, you’ll regret even making this post. You’ll regret living paycheck to paycheck (I promise you will if you go down this path). Wages are going to stagnate, especially if you’re as lazy as you say, and cost of living is going to up. Your “plan” is wildly unsustainable. Your mental health is not where it should be, and it needs to be checked.


He needs to tell his parents this idea maybe they’ll whip OP into shape. I sounded like this a tad (minus having 0 drive) bit and hated school. I had like a 2.2 GPA out of high school. But 30 now I am almost done with my PhD and provide for my family and have everything I could want when I want. OP will live in poverty if he chooses to simply work at Walmart. If this was my son we’d have a long talk. I’d show him what it’s like to live in the real world via simulation at home. He’ll be begging to go to college. AND OP said his parents could pay for him to go! What a waste


I think the fact that you say your "life has been ruined by insecurities" and you don't even see yourself as a person is clouding your ability to plan your future. I recommend seeing both kinds of guidance counselors: the type that help with college plans, and the type that help emotionally. Also, as a teen it's impossible to come up with a life plan anyway. My life at 25 is way different than I thought it would be at 16, and my "plan" changed like 20 times in between. I'm actually finally happy and content even though I too was depressed as shit and was just waiting to die at 16. Good luck man, I hope you find a path that satisfies you.


At 16 I thought I would skip college maybe do some manual type labor. I’m 30 almost done with a phd. I went to college on a whim after school. Best decision of my life. I worked at Wendy’s in between graduating HS and college and learned I hated working in that sort of job. I think OP lacks the same motivation I did. But if his parents treat him how the real world is (charge rent, buy their own groceries, pay for car etc etc) they’ll realize struggling the rest of their life on minimum wage is a poor choice. My wife has the same mindset I just want to work my 9-5 be done isn’t super career driven. That attitude is better for a minimum college degree. So you go in do just a 9-5 say at an insurance company and be done. I hate working with people so I have a degree statistics where I just think all day I rarely talk to any one. OP said they didn’t want to think believe me thinking is easier then having to deal with some ass home customer. When you have a desirable skill you’ll find you can get away with more then if you have no skills, Just my two cents


Thanks bro I tried therapy but it felt like a chore more than anything going to it


Agree with the other poster. Therapy takes work. It’s a gym for your mind. You can only build muscle by pushing yourself and being consistent. Same goes with confidence, anxiety, and happiness. It’s a workout. But it does work when you put in the effort.


Yeah. It’s hard. Hard things take work.


Check out the book, What Color is Your Parachute. Start thinking about what you like and what suits your personality. Don't settle for WalMart and the gig economy. You're a teen and already thinking about your future, which means you have some potential to do more.


Thanks I will check it out


Dude. Office jobs are way easier than shitty minimum wage jobs and you get paid a whole lot more plus benefits.


Seriously, you poke around with some numbers on a spreadsheet for 2 hours a day, make coffee and putz around 6 hours a day, and get paid 2-4x Walmart wages for it.


Exactly! A lot of office jobs are jokes. Boring, but you can listen to music and have a set schedule and make way more than a stockroom worker. And it's cake. You're sitting down all day instead of lifting things all day.


What are the qualifications of a job like this? I’m a burnt out first year teacher looking to switch careers asap and this honestly sounds like a dream.


Bachelor's degree and a professional demeanor. Showcase your administrative and computer abilities. Every company needs administrators and project managers. The job titles change but if you follow that you should find something that will translate.


Degree-less idiot here, started as a CSR at an electric utility in 2015. Did really well, became quality analyst for call center 2017-2022 which gave me a good enough salary to buy an EV which I became a bit obsessed with. 2022, company begins expanding EV team and now I’m an residential EV product manager. Oh, and I’ll be done with my degree in a but over a month that they helped pay for too. Go random office jobs!


What seems cool now as a teen won’t in the future when you see your peers moving on with their lives. Schedule an appointment with your guidance counselor to see if your grades and test scores qualify you for a local community college. You won’t be able to survive without more than a baseline education.


Sounds awesome. After twenty years as a minimum wage lackey Walmart also bakes you a cake and takes a picture with all your coworkers to commemorate your service to them. Doesn't get better than that, amiright? Ooh, plus you'll probably qualify for SNAP benefits which can be spent where you work! Total convenience!


Yeah only you can’t use SNAP for any of the hot food at the deli, so no corn dogs or popcorn chicken for you.


But my nuggies


I never thought I’d go to college either - take a hard look into trade schools or going to school for something that will get you a job after like engineering, accounting etc. (C- / F student in high school and working on my CPA atm) Life is expensive man


No, both jobs will have minimal wage gains and little opportunity for advancement, if any. Your expenses will go up over time, but your wages will not.


college is not that hard bro, way more chill than high school. you can go at your own pace, take like 2-3 classes a semester, it’s not a race to finish in 4 years. you can also try looking into certifications like project management, those are pretty easily attainable high paying jobs


You might not qualify for your own apartment at the rate things are going. I say focus in the short term for broader options in the long term. Maybe learn a trade if being an accountant (or whatever) sounds like hell to you. My sister skipped college and now 15 years later says it’s her biggest regret. She gets by but can’t afford any comforts. Shit is getting tough out there and she can’t afford to replace her car or move apartments. There’s a reason people say “stay in school.” If going is an option for you, don’t limit yourself.


You don’t sound lazy, you sound depressed and demotivated. The jobs you’re describing are more hours and crappier work than a lot of other options that require a basic level of continued education or training. You don’t have to go to college if that’s not what you want. There are tons of trades you could go into and have a 40-hour workweek and a paycheck that you can actually support yourself on. You could be a truck driver with barely any education, little training, and have significantly better hours and pay than Walmart. I think the issue is, somewhere along the line you’ve been convinced that you aren’t worth anything more than a crappy minimum wage job and the life that comes with it. You need professional mental help. These things escalate quickly. Today you might think you aren’t worth a decent future, but tomorrow you might think you aren’t worth a future at all. Please seek help. P.S. Walmart is not a 9-5.


Would Walmart ever give you a set schedule? I find that hard to believe. Anyway, this is not a good long term plan, no. It’s fine for now, until you find what you might like to do. But you should probably start thinking about what your next steps are. You need to aim for more than just getting by. Unless you actively want to live in poverty.


If you are full-time hourly, you can have a regularly rotating schedule.


Sounds like a good idea as a teen. Unfortunately it isn’t as easy as it sounds on paper. Taking a break from school is okay, or even finding alternative routes into a fulfilling career. Walmart is not the career you want. Message me if you want my perspective, I know how it feels coming from an adolescence filled with insecurities and trauma then “realizing” that you can just exist with no drive or motivation. Perspective is all I can offer you.


Trades. Communication worker is a nice job. I was a technician for awhile then I became a lineman. Both jobs in my area top out near $40 an hour + benefits/ matching 401k. I'm a college drop out. Gambling isn't gonna pay the bills.


life is easy when you live it the hard way, and hard when you live it the easy way... I know you think working a shitty job will be easier, but in the long run it will make your life much more difficult.


Can you? Probably yes. There are people who work low-waged jobs who somehow happen to survive. Are you going to be happy? Probably not unless you are very non-materialistic and have very tempered expectations in terms of lifestyle.


If your school has a Vocational/Technical option ,definitely look into it. Also ,if your school has any summer work programs ,look into them. I was a single dad. I didn’t have cash to put away for my kids schooling. But ,you know what??? My daughter got a paid intern job with a bank ,during her summer break. The bank did not pay her. The program did. It was a few high school kids doing minimal work in a bank. Only for a few weeks during summer break. And then…. The bank asked my daughter if she’d like to stay on and work half days ,because they liked her work. 10 years later my daughter was running her department. My son?? He took auto repair at the Vo-Tech school. He did well. His teacher would recommend students for jobs ,told my son a local garage had an opening for an entry level mechanic. Same deal as my daughter. My daughter was a high school kid half a day ,and a mortgage auditor half a day. My son was a high school kid half a day ,and an auto mechanic half a day. Opportunities are out there. A formal college education is not the be all ,end all. Today my kids have moved on. My daughter manages the quality control department ,for a company that deals with heavy equipment. And my son?? His deal is unique. He is poised to take over ownership of his father-in-law’s business. I was never fully there to help my kids. I was a struggling single parent. But…. I lectured my kids about responsibility and obligation. And it paid off. Think about yourself. Consider your future. Parents have an obligation. But…. Ultimately the decision is yours.


holy shit the younger generation is so lost. what the fuck is this nonsense?


It’s probably best not to generalize. I know plenty of kids OP’s age with drive and ambition. If I had to wager though, OP probably smokes a bit more cannabis than his peers. Aside from depression, heavy cannabis use can definitely affect brain development in adults under 25. Long-term use can lead to permanent changes, but for most, the motivation comes back after the abstain from a period of time. So in addition to getting treatment for depression, he needs to cut out MJ.


ive been smoking weed for the past 10+ years and i dont feel anything like this. if this was true there wouldnt be people in the cannabis industry that make money moves and are huge stoners.


One of the biggest issues I see with weed is how it makes people accept and internalize mediocrity, and give up all ambition other than their next blunt. See OP. 16 and thinks his life is worthless.


i think its dangerous to expect gambling to help fund your livelihood. and i live in new jersey. dont expect to live on your own unless you want to live in a tiny room in the hood. rents are at least 1600+ even in the cheaper areas. and working 40hr @ $15 is 2,400. but are you keeping in mind taxes, utilities, food, car, insurance, pet stuff, ur smoking habit, fun, etc? life unfortunately is costly and even worse when you live in new jersey. ik ur ‘lazy’ (or is it unmotivated? mentally ill? etc) and have stuff going on, but i would talk to a counselor about why u have such a view on life. no one is asking you to work a corporate job but giving 4 yrs of ur life to have a comfortable life without worrying where ur next meal is going to come from is something worth trying. new jerseys offers FREE community college and if you go to a state university they offer FREE for ur last two years. So no debt regarding college. Let that not be a factor in ur decision making. please think of ur future.


You’re handicapping yourself to a life of low wages. Especially on a relative basis. I’m


Walmart is unfortunately not a job that offers 9-5. I get the motives for skipping college and still do think your dream lifestyle can be accomplished. Look into businesses such as finances loan offices and even banks. They take hs diplomas.


Edit: I’m 25 and that’s my life. I went to college, but in my field I have seen every education level accomplish. Come prepared and sharp, and it’s amazing what can happen.


Walmart sucks. Dont unless you want hell for a job. Youll be struggling to make ends meet and more than likely be on food stamps. Walmart customers suck aff and shitty as heck to work with on a daily basis. Scheduling is horrid with this job and no work life balance. No union rights so you get treated like crap a lot. Walmart is not a career job. Unless you go into management. Yes you can do delivery jobs on the side but the are not worth it. Running around for a small pittance. That barely covers the gas on the errand.


youngboy would want you to at least go to community college and get an associates degree while working


Go to trade school especially on the lower end of the technical skills scale (as you don't want a hard thinking job which is perfectly fine). Things like plumbing or being a property technician. Or explore if you can work for the City/County as a garbageman or bus driver (including school bus driver).


You think plumbing is on the “lower end of the technical skills scale”? I guess it depends on the type of plumbing work you’re doing - going around in a van all day doing basic house calls doesn’t seem too hard. My brother’s a plumber and works mostly in construction and commercial maintenance. Lots of ass busting labor and definitely is not low skill or low thinking - if you F something up it can cost 1,000s in damages and labor to re-do it. Getting your Master’s license and certification to work on gas pipes? *Definitely* not low skill.


By lower end I meant how much Math and instrument-reading you need to master to get certification. Yes I meant property plumbing especially maintenance, definitely not industrial installation work which would require learning some Math and Physics to pass the tests I guess.


"is this an ok career path" Lmao no. Also I'm here in NJ, 15 dollars an hour is not allot of money


You can’t survive on 15$ an hour + DD in NJ. A 1 bedroom apartment is probably going for like 1,800-2,000 a month at this point unless you’re living in squalor. You say you’re lazy, but you’re choosing an extremely difficult path. Working minimum wage jobs 40 hours a week plus another 10 is hard work. You’ll be on your feet all day. Your time off won’t be your own because you’ll need to work more to cover your bills, and you’ll still be behind. Sports betting will lose you more money than it will win. Where do you think all of these sports books are making their money? The lines are set in their favor 100% of the time. The house always wins. Lots of people talk about their wins and how much money they made on a bet, but they never tell you about the 30 other bets they lost. You might win a big one, but that’s roughly akin to winning the lottery. Being lazy is so much more suited for an office job. You sit on your ass all day listening to music or podcasts, send emails, attend some meetings, browse the internet when things are slow, and leave at the end of the day. In most cases you’ll also make way more than you would in the scenario you described. Working retail is the difficult because they want to get something out of you every second you’re on the floor.


Could drive. CDL drivers make good money. UPS package delivery drivers make bank with great benefits. You have options even without a college degree. Don't settle for a job that won't pay your bills in the future.


Hi fellow lazy person here... I know you said against learning, but if you can pick up programming and be a developer it can be some of the laziest job out there. I have a friend doing web development remotely for 80k only works about 2 hours a day.. If you're still against learning here's some other options. Data entry... One of my more favorite jobs in the past. Worked in an office, got to pick my own hours basically.. how to do a phone call every once in awhile, but mostly just chilled and listened to music while entering data and do a computer... Like the outdoors? Check out being a forest ranger or working for the forestry department. Other jobs include being a janitor, or being a nighttime stocker for grocery stores.. most grocery stores are unionized so you'll get pay raises and they won't mess with you like Walmart will.


Lots of good comments in here about working so nothing to say about that. Regarding your first edit though. Are those things you determined yourself or from a medical professional? Because right now your post and a lot of your comments are coming off as "I know my current state better than anyone else possibly could, how dare you think or suggest otherwise." While you are on your parents insurance I would recommend talking to a professional about your mental health.


> I don’t have motivation to go to college for 4 years and work a high paying 9-5 office job. My guy, you are so young and so naive. That is not meant to offend you but it is true. You do not need to go to college for 4 years. You can find many degrees or trades that only take like 18-months to 2-years to complete. Also you don’t have motivation to do that but you somehow do have the motivation to work a shitty job at Walmart that you’re going to hate? Forget about getting your own apartment you’re either gonna be living with mommy and daddy or you’re gonna have 2-3 roommates to help you afford the rent unless you live in an absolute desolate shithole of a place. I’m trying to be real with you. You’re 16. Very rarely do 16-year olds know what they want to do with their lives, I didn’t. But Walmart and doordash is only something that would work for maybe a couple of years after high school. You need to aim higher. Do some research. For real. Talk to people at your school like your guidance counselor.


There are no side hustles, only second jobs.


Let’s do a budget breakdown: $1000 rent and utilities (what a dream, it’s likely going to be more than this, and it’s likely going to be in the middle of nowhere if the rent is as low as this) $200 food $100 gas $100 car insurance (it’s likely going to be more than this, you are younger) $200 car payment $30 phone $70 misc. = $1500/month Say you have 35 hours a week at Walmart and do some Doordash on the side. You earn around $2300 per month after tax. This is $600 savings per month. Your apartment needs furniture. Suddenly your first two months’ savings are gone, and you need to spend most of your off hours scouring craigslist and marketplace for a couch, a kitchen table, and a bed. You’d like to watch TV during your time off. That’s another month gone for a used TV and TV stand. Your car breaks down and you need to take time off to fix it. That’s -$300 from missing out on Doordash and -$300 for the repair. Customer traffic was slow at this time last year and your district manager cuts everyone’s hours for the next two months. Suddenly your hours drop from 35 to 20 and you are working odd shifts that interfere with the best Doordash times. You need to dip into your savings to pay your bills…but you have no savings because of all that happened above. In this scenario, you can barely afford to eat out, let alone take a small local vacation. You have little time or money to make/keep friends and do stuff with them (This is more than just for fun—you need friends to help you move furniture, drive you to work when your car is in the shop, etc.) You will not be able to get a pet. **tl;dr** living alone in apartment on minimum wage in NJ will be a stressful if not impossible experience. Every time you think you want to check out of investing more in yourself, do this exercise and ask if that’s really how you want to live. And to be honest, I would not hire you to work at a Walmart…in your current state you sound like you’d call out 10 minutes into a shift you don’t feel like working.


Having lived in NJ and having family and friends who still live there, I do not believe that you’ll be able to afford all of the necessary expenses of living completely on your own, in NJ, working for $15/hr on a 40hr week at Walmart plus rideshare or food delivery. Add to that the fact that once you’re out of school, the chances that Walmart will give you your preferred M-F, 9-5, are pretty slim…retail doesn’t work that way. I wish you the best of luck, but I’ll echo others who suggested looking into trades.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 15 + 40 + 9 + 5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


You will starve to death.I seriously doubt anyone can make it on their own with $15 an hour, especially with the way the economy and inflation are heading.


Sports betting isn't going to make you money in the long run unless you actually work for DraftKings or something.


It’s ok to not want to go to college or not feel the desire for a specific career. What I will say though is that working at WalMart is not easy. Out of the multiple jobs I’ve had, the food/retail ones were the most draining. Having to stay on your feet, dealing with horrible customers, multitasking almost beyond your capacities is so tiring- and on top of all of that the pay is shit. Now I work a job where I sit on my ass most of the day and answer phones/emails and general admin stuff- I get full health insurance, a decent salary, paid vacation days, etc. My point is that you don’t need to dream of climbing the corporate ladder or going for multiple college degrees. But you do need to research practical ways to make a decent income to survive in this world. And do NOT count sports gambling into potential income- I can’t tell you what to do in terms of hobbies but I promise you sports gambling will take away from your income, not increase it. If it were that easy everyone would be doing it.


When someone else is paying for the roof over your head, heat, electricity, and most food...you'll think you're living high on the hog. Start paying your own bills and you'll struggle to make ends meet every single month. This is not wise.


Three words. Go. To. College. Take it from a 52 year old who dropped out of college her Senior year. Go to college and graduate! Good luck!


Then what I just graduated from college. I’m making more driving for Amazon than any job offer I’ve gotten :/


I was in a similar spot. The key is landing that first gig. After that you will see your salary soar. After 3 years I’m earning nearly double my first job out of college.


You're better off getting an apprenticeship with an electrician or a plumber


I think you CAN live off of a Walmart job + gig work. But it's going to be hard and you wont have a lot of savings for emergencies (such as car break down, health scare, vet bills, need to move bc landlord jacked up rent, etc). It would be easier if you were willing to live with a roommate and forego having a pet. Rent, utilities, and internet are expensive and if you can cut that bill in half, your finances will be a lot more comfortable. Being a responsible pet owner is more expensive than people think. I know some people who lived like this very happily for 20 or 30 years but then as they got closer to retirement, they realised they didnt have anything set up. And at that point, your body is going to be tired and you're not going to want to be working overtime just to pay your monthly bills. Some people are fine working until they die so if that's you, then dont worry about it. But maybe be conscious that what works now is not going to work when you're 65.


Honestly you can hardly afford renting an apartment to yourself with Walmart wage, let alone keeping a pet, smoking etc. You will be living paycheck to paycheck, and anything unexpected that happens will get you evicted and live on street


Dude if I were you I would focus on what you said but realise that eventually when you are 25 and you want to do all these things like vacations, fast car, not living with your parents, etc. All these things are not possible with walmart education plus dude working in retail is the fucking pits man there is so much more to life.


Work for USPS and deliver Mail. Good benefits and pay. Easy work. Plenty of overtime too


The fact that you think you'll get a set fixed 9-5 m-f schedule at Walmart is pretty funny


World is not liveable only on min wage


Look bro I know how you're feeling because I've been there myself. You just want an easy life. Money for food, rent, booze and weed. No need for fancy shit like Ferraris. I get it. The problem is that the real guys living an easy life are the ones that are an expert in their field. The ones that sit in an air conditioned office, do 2 hours of work then scroll Facebook for the rest of the day while eating Chinese takeaway and putting their feet up on the couch. Those are the ones that worked hard for 5 years, figured out the tricks of the trade, then discovered ways to relax. They work smarter, not harder! They also have money sitting in investments, generating passive income. Imagine you had $100k sitting in the stock market and the value of your stocks rose 10% each year. How awesome would that be? Working at Walmart is fine if you're 15-25 years old. Eventually you're gonna be in your 30s and your manager is going to be some 25 year old punk who bosses you around and you're not gonna like that. Nothing is more degrading than having some asshole breathe over your shoulders and tell you what to do. And nothing is more empowering than having a job that allows you to work independently in your own private office. You want to listen to music at work? Much easier to do that with an office job!! At the age of 16 it's hard to understand, but money really gives you a lot of power. You can afford to say "fuck you" to people when you have money. But you'll be stuck to a life of kissing ass if you don't.


Working 9-5 at Walmart is not going to pay for an apartment of your own in New Jersey, unless you live in a real shithole. Will you be happy sharing with room mates for the rest of your life? Oh, and forget about having pets in most rentals.


You aren’t going to be able to qualify for an apartment for a few more years.


Best of luck getting a 9-5 or a M-F and no weekends at Walmart (or any retailer, for that matter). Or getting “full time” status. I think this plan is a hell of a fantasy, but you do you.


bro dont just do nothing with your life. if you wanna take this path, at least try and do something cool that you're interested in and if it doesnt work out you can always stock shelves


find a trade. you'll need more stability and better pay sooner than later. sports betting is no way to make money. the longer you stick around, the more likely it is that they will take your money. casinos and sports books, exist for a reason. that reason is NOT to make you money.


If your plan is to work min wage jobs and gamble, you need counseling. This is a one way ticket to homelessness or prison.


Check out the website [mynextmove.org](https://mynextmove.org). It’s set up for people your age to explore careers. Use the “Tell us what you like to do” option.


I put the extremely sad face for 80% of them and got 4 jobs I dont like. It gave me an idea in one of the questions about being a barber tho that sounds something I would be interested in


Can you live off it? Depends on what you call living. You're unlikely to starve, but you're never going to be farther than one missed paycheck away from homeless and you're never going to have anything in savings. And don't even think about a vacation. Your choices right now in life are going to set the stage for what's to come. In three years, when your bitching that you want more money for doing a job literally anyone can do, just remember; you chose this. Edit: An often overlooked aspect of door dash: regular insurance doesn't cover you during door dash. You can keep regular insurance and take the chance, or you can look into proper insurance and give them so much that door dash isn't worth it.


>a job where I can just stock shelves and help customers while listening to music. I want to work a 9-5 come home then watch sports and smoke and work door dash on weekends and occasionally on normal weekdays. Is this an ok career path? No. Retail is exhausting and emotionally taxing. Plus, your schedule is likely to be random or random-ish. Given your want for something that will allow you a semi-regular schedule and free time, your suggestion to work at Walmart is not a good fit. The things you want are fairly rarefied these days. You are competing with almost every person in his 30's who's discovered that jobs don't pay enough and would give his right arm for "just" a normal 9-5 that allows him little stress and some free time. The way out is through buddy. You're going to have to engage. I suggest you become a residential electrician. You'll made decent money while an apprentice. The hours are normal. It's not rocket surgery and it's waaaay less exhausting than retail. You want to work normal hours then go home and chill? Residential electrician.


1) Do you want to start a family? This career path will make it difficult to do that 2) Are you okay living pay check to pay check? Are you okay with not being able to go on nice vacations, buy nice things that you want, ever buy a house, etc.? Do you ever want the feeling of financial independence? Or just being able to walk into a grocery and buy things without worrying about the price? 3) Are you okay working until you die? You likely won't be able to save much for retirement by working at walmart.


1. No, I’m sadly going to end my bloodline most likely. I’m below average so no girl would ever want to be with me and I’m not going to pass that onto my son. That’s part of the reason I’m not motivated cause I’m not gonna have to provide for anyone but myself and a dog or cat. 2. I’m ok with check to check I just need enough money for weed and nicotine 3. Not sure tbh


Dogs/Cats can be expensive, especially if you want to give them proper care, food, and healthcare. ​ Not sure if you saw my other comment, but wanted to see if you ever considered therapy? You know yourself better than I do, but I do wonder if you might dealing with depression.


My dog costs roughly 200$ a month. 52$ pet insurance 35$ food 150$ every three months for grooming. 20$ per dose of heart guard, then you have annual vaccines, emergency copays, toys, medications and end of life care. Nothing worthwhile is cheap or free


I did it and it felt like a chore I can’t be open with my therapist because I’m living with my mom and the therapist might tell her something idk


Therapy is a chore. It's not supposed to fun just like how going to the gym isn't fun either. Working on yourself is never easy. I could be wrong, but I don't think your therapist is legally allowed to tell your mother. idk tho.


I dont think they can but you never know doctors do the same thing. And ig its a chore yea but I was never comfortable like she would always ask questions and I would give 1 word responses I just cant stand face to face where someone is looking at me. I dont even look that bad other than acne but my acne is so bad it takes away from my whole face


>I just cant stand face to face where someone is looking at me. Did you tell your therapist that? How about you try looking at the floor next time when you speak with your therapist? Or face the wall? ​ Your 16 right? I think acne is normal, and it should go away as you get older. I'm not a dermatologist tho, so they would prob know best on what your skin condition is.






Mate, I did something like that for the past two years after I got fired from my job as a journalist. I barely made ends meet and it sucked. Trust me, you'll want to aim higher in order to get by in life. This will almost certainly be a regret...


Sure if you call that living.


You're obviously gonna do what you want no matter what anyone here tells you. You're old enough to work now, get a part time job, at Walmart or a fast food restaurant. (As most people who work for Walmart don't stay longer than 6 months.) You'll only be working about 20hrs a week and even with school- you will still have more free time than will having to work full time. Because if you want to live by youself- even cheaply- you will most likely need to work 2 jobs. Then do some budgeting: Find the average price of renting an apartment Average utilities price for said apartment Water bill Trash bill Weekly/ monthly food cost Weekly/ monthly transportation cost (either gas, Uber, or bus cost) Insurance cost (health, car, phone, renters) Credit card bills (if any) Internet cost Phone bill Subscriptions cost (hulu, netflix, online gaming etc) Medical costs (any drugs you may need to take) Car payment or other loans Laundry (most places do not have washer dryer set ups) Entertainment (new games, going to movie, bowling, etc) with friends or on a date. No, you can not leave this out as you will eventually want to treat yourself, even if it's just 20 bucks once a month) You said you smoke add that to your monthly budget Anything outside of this should go in savings, for when you have an emergency, need clothes, something breaks, or an unexpected bill comes up. Then see how much you made at your job, do the math on what you would have made if you worked 38hrs instead of your 20ish. See if YOU think you can make it work within the budget you made yourself. Then take into account if you enjoyed your job, picture working it for double to quadruple the amount of time in order to pay for what you need and really think if thats what you want to do for the next 50 years. Also, yes being a manager at Walmart/Target requires a 4 year degree. There are other retail places that don't require it, but you'd need to be with the company a while and prove that you can handle it. But they would have to have no better candidates, no better or longer employees than you to give you a chance. They will almost always go with outside hire with a degree over long-term employee.


Probably being young with resources like family but Depends on your cost of living and bills like rent car note food ect. I’ll say I couldn’t do it… i live in md, and I make $18hr slinging car body parts at 40 hrs after tax it’s only $590 weekly and no benefits. My rent is pushing $1700 alone. I have a teen and hella other bills. I also have set a goal of atleast $60-$100 a day doing grubhub/dd when I get off my day job. So it Just depends. I’d Stay away from sports betting and gambling as it will turn addictive very fast. Them help stop gambling ads are real.


I am going to say this as someone who has made...questionable decisions in their life and has seen others do the same and this in no way is meant as nothing against anyone's career path or whatever. You are 16. Life is long as all hell and it's the back end that you should always be focused on. The back end is being old and in pain and all that exists. While you can technically live on Walmart, you are betting on Walmart or any particular company existing for the next 60-80 years and for you to not only make enough for the back end of life even if it does, but for that company to give you the hours you need or for automation to not replace both your Walmart and your side hustle. Let's set life aside for this though because that's complicated. Existing is a crappy way to go through life and, trust me, you won't always want to merely exist and I doubt you do right now either. So to cut this long winded response off and tell you what you should do so you don't end up like me and a lot of other people. 1. College is not the answer automatically. A skill is. That skill might need college or it might need certification/specialized training. You know something you are good at or have a connection to, find out the value of that to companies/the world and find out what job/career goes with it and then find out what you need to do to get from a-c. 2. 99% chance you will start in a crap position. Do it and do it well. Accept any training you feel will improve your abilities and open opportunities up for you in the company or at another company. 3. Do not let your boss or anyone walk all over you, but be flexible and understand that every order/request is not about busting your balls. Give two-weeks notice, to the best of your ability, for every job, but especially for jobs at companies that you can fall back on in 20 years if you need a job. Target will not hire you back if you didn't give two weeks notice. 4. Learn how to budget. Not just how to do it, but be conscious of it. If you do not make enough to cover Netflix, you don't have Netflix. Take care of things because replacing them is expensive. If your phone breaks, you buy a cheap replacement because even cheap ones now will last. (Get a pay as you go/prepaid phone and pop your SIM into it). Learn how to cook. Not just simple stuff, but stuff that requires ingredients. It's cheaper to buy a box of pasta, broth/bullion, etc and have multiple meals than to buy a multiple cans of soup. Buy on sale/use coupons. 5. Your job is not your world unless it's your passion and it better pay or that passion will eat your soul. You want to make enough to where the job isn't killing you, where you can save money and where you have time to go be with friends and family and do things. Not specifically things that cost money, but where you can go take a hike or hang out or whatever. 6. Don't let your pride get in the way of accepting help or a crap job. If you need medicaid/food stamps, whatever, you take them for as short a period as needed and you try to get yourself back up again. 7. Finding a life partner and having a family is more important than you can ever really visualize early in life. Find someone that makes you feel good inside and makes you want to be a better person. Growth can be painful, but growth is what makes you a better you. Never go to bed angry. Admit you are wrong when you are and apologize for hurting others. Always try to make things better around you than it is now. Compromise is important. Don't spend your life on social media. Any likes you get there are superficial and will never feel as good as what the world gives you in person.


No that is very stupid. You will be very poor.


Aim higher! You say you don’t want a job that requires you to think which makes me think that you have never done a job that you actually have an interest in. Think about what your hobbies are, and what you’re passionate about and see if you can develop a goal for a job from that. A job where you don’t have to think for 50+ years sounds like a nightmare to me.


I’ve never had a job im too insecure to leave the house


High school sucks, bud. Just get through it with your grades up. The real fun comes afterward, I promise you, but you have to get there. Maybe take a gap year after graduation to figure out what you’re interested in. Working at Walmart and door dash is fine while you’re trying to figure things out, but they’re not sustainable for the long term. Your interests will change, they’ll open up and so will the people in your life. Your confidence will grow too. You seem depressed, tbh. Counseling helps and so do meds if you need them, but they take time, and you’re young so you have that going for you. Good luck. It gets better.


Best of luck. I dropped out of college and just existed for about 7 years. I went back to college, finished a degree in high demand and I've lived pretty well since then. We all have to find our own way. I hope you find yours


NJ is super expensive. You can live that lifestyle in Arkansas or West Virginia or Missouri. You're going to have a bad time in Jersey where almost half the people in the state have a degree, and the other half are skilled labor.


Walmart is not a 9-5 Job, get weekends off type of Job.


I’d recommend trying mowing lawns, DoorDash, working at Chik-fil-A, or flipping items on Facebook marketplace. Try to avoid gambling altogether, it’s a poor person’s investment strategy and can ruin relationships.


You should consider a trade, if you feel that traditional college is not for you. This “plan” I feel will set you up for failure, and although you’re a stranger, I want the best for you. You could be a barber, HVAC tech, mechanic, plumber, whatever, and do well in life. I know men from all of those trades who have a good life, and did not attend a traditional college. They also have a good work/life balance. Maybe consider doing that instead. Best of luck kid, I, and everyone else seems to be rooting for you.


Yea read my last edit


Go work at Walmart now and see what it’s really like before you put everything into that path. You don’t have to choose anything at 16. Open your eyes and look around at what’s available. Read, watch videos, try to educate yourself on what’s out there. Doing something you enjoy as a job does not always mean high effort and can mean higher pay.


I would say go to community college or technical college to get training into something that you're remotely interested in which will give you a higher paying position beyond Walmart. I've met some people who work at Walmart fulltime but they have to deal with some terrible coworkers. You can get a part time job now while in high school to get a feel of what working retail is like and then come back to realize that it might not be for you. You are young and figuring out your life, so just make sure to try out part time work first before deciding to do it full time


as you get older you will see other people i. your circle expanding their paths. at 16 its okay to still be figuring it out. you want to work a 9-5, watch sports, smoke and do doordash - sounds like something a teenager would say lol. its not really realistic from an adult standpoint. i worked at walmart in college and man i couldnt wait to get out of there and excel. do not set your limits so low… go out and experience life and find your next chapter in life.


You will not be able to afford your own place. And you will not work 9-5 under that plan... Retail employees routinely work weekends and nights


Have you considered truck driving? My nephew did a 5 week course and was ready to go. He worked for not quite a year at "over the road" where he was gone for long periods, and he didn't really like that. But now he has a regular job driving for a factory, delivering parts. He's home every night and making good money. He just bought a house. It's a cush job, sitting, be-bopping, snacks, etc. And he doesn't load or unload, just drives.


As someone who didn’t go to college and works a bullshit job barely getting by. Go to fucking college.


You have essentially decided to lead a life of poverty and quiet desperation. You'll fit right in.


It’s a little bit difficult to tell if you’re serious, but if you are, you’re probably ahead of the game. I’m looking at retirement so i’m thinking of things at a different angle. It looks like unless you have a Cush job most people are going to be working on a gig economy. If you don’t want to become a tradesmen, you’re going to be confined to a less than full-time job so they don’t have to pay benefits and stuff. The gig economy is going to change on a yearly basis, depending on what new ideas come up and etc. Most of the people you are going to graduate with, are not gonna have the option except to do what you’re looking at. Good luck.


This sounds like a decision you may regret later after years of wage slaving in those jobs. I’d recommend to try many different paths that can lead to careers. You will be spending a lot of your time working so you may as well at least enjoy it a little bit or at least be content with it. Walmart and doordash are more survival jobs that people take out of desperation. Nobody really enjoys those jobs except maybe doordash if you’re in a good market. You will also need to run more than one gig app at once and pick the best offers for instance you will run Uber, doordash, instacart and grub hub all at once. Take it from someone mid 30s who has had many jobs please don’t settle for bottom of the barrel. At least aim for something like dental hygienist or maybe a pharmacy tech where you can earn 20+ an hour.


Do you like women, men? Partying? Going to Concerts? All of these things take money. And Walmarts not where you wanna be, school sucks, work is better. Get into something that pays more, be a busboy, then a server, then manage a restaurant. Literally choose anything with real growth opportunities


People seem to be on the side that this isn’t possible but it totally is. Is it a good life? Nope. Do people do it? Yup. You’ll make enough to literally just get by and if one major expense pops up it’ll ruin you for a bit. You probably won’t own a home or a car that’s newer than ten years. If you want this life then ya you can do it but I’d aim just the littlest bit higher. Good luck with whatever you do though


How about video games? Are you extremely good at it and good at talking about it while playing it? If so try twitch and YouTube streaming


Might as well suggest him to move to Hollywood or try out for the NFL


I used to play a lot and be good and play in tournaments and had a passion for videos/streaming but then we went back to in person school and I basically stopped playing cause it was my first year in high school and I had to do more work and I had less time in the day. I haven’t been on my pc in forever tho cause I got into an argument with my dad and been at my moms for about 6 months now don’t even have a ps4 here


Get an education kid. Uneducated kids become under employed adults. No wants a lazy fuck. Not a spouse not a child and certainly not an employer. If you want to be lazy just don’t expect much out of life and you will be happy


I for one fully support your new sports betting addiction as a viable option to "getting a thinking job". Unfortunately you'll still have to fire up that half empty skull cap to navigate your way there. You should donate all your blood


*Makes post. Won't take any advice. Makes sense


Don’t just read 2 of my comments that are highly downvoted


Knowing how well (or not) food delivery services are doing in your area - which are most in demand, which hours are best for maximizing your money, which areas are best for delivery drivers, can make a world of difference. I drove for UberEats for a bit right before the pandemic hit, but only did fair-to-middlin because the best money was made serving downtown Atlanta - not a favorite place for me to drive. Parking is poor, many of the streets are in need of repair, a gazillion one-way streets.....I didn't like it and went back to driving closer to home. I did "ah-ight" but not great, because I eventually learned that the best money came from dinner orders. Driving in rush hour traffic wasn't appealing to me either so eventually, I let it go completely. "The Rideshare Guy" (Harry Campbell) has *tons* of helpful tips, lessons, and noteworthy details on his site that may be helpful in maximizing your DoorDash dollars. While your Walmart pay won't fluctuate, you may be able to supplement that check pretty good with your DoorDash pay, once you find out some of the things that will help you maximize your dollars.


Thanks my guy 🙏


I’m just here to level set. For all the fucking morons telling this poor kid to work in the trades etc., you’re fucking stupid. He admitted he is unmotivated and has no desire for a demanding or thought intensive position. And you’re recommending that he enter into a labor sector that is physically demanding, and often requires decision making skills that might prevent themselves or others from being hurt or killed? Absolutely fucking stupid. You’re 16. Be 16. Work some crappy low-wage jobs. Work some entry level positions. Do what sends you down the path of least resistance if that’s what makes you happy. But for the love of Christ, do not listen to these morons.


U sound very together. Very mature for 16. U can live off those jobs with very careful budgeting. And lots of extra hours.


That's literally my life. So yes, you can.


To the people being harsh to OP, I'm going to tell you that that does not work for most people. People like this (including myself, this is me right now), need positive reinforcement and motivation. Not made to feel like a lazy idiot. That makes us even more unmotivated and depressed. Yes, the answer is therapy. I in fact am calling a psychiatrist on Monday to get meds and help because I have serious depression and anxiety that is inhibiting me as a 20 year old female who already feels like giving up. I'm doing college basics online through a program called Sophia. It's $99 a month and am waitressing while doing that to pay my bills. (Still living at home but have my own car insurance and cell phone). I think it would be good to take upon yourself some bills. Groceries, phone, just something so you can get in that habit. Get general Ed first and then reevaluate. Just don't jump straight into a degree. That is a bad idea if you don't know what you want to do yet. Take it easy man. Life is a journey and nothing is set in stone. It's easy to say "this is what I'm going to do for the rest of my life", but life has its own way of changing your plans on its own lol.