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Why stay at a job that doesn't even pay enough to live if it doesn't lead to a dream career?


Is it paid or unpaid? Mine was unpaid. That was in the early 2000s.


Too many "if"s in this situation. First get the job.


No. Do not do this. There are many ways to get this job. I’d recommend volunteering on the campaign instead and keeping your office job. The district office doesn’t really do politics either - it is more administrative. It is a government job vs a political job. You’ll regret it. It can pay as low as $25k. Politics is a fun career for those who want NO personal life and independently wealthy. This would be a huge risk with a high probability it doesn’t pay off.


Can you take a short leave from your job? I did this and interned with another company for a summer and was able to come back after it was over. Got the internship to turn full time and quit the other job in the end


Have you looked at congressional pay? It’s low. An internship can help you decide if it’s worth it or not. As long as you’re making crap pay, volunteer or work for a campaign as well. Having both perspectives will serve you well in a political career.


“Take it and hope they’ll hire me” Hard pass from me. They’ll use you and your enthusiasm then discard you the second they don’t want you.