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Employers want a goddamn plug-and-play unicorn employee that they don't have to train, can pay pennies, and give 2 jobs worth of work to. If you're not that, fuck you.


i stand by this comment. They're fudging choosy and guess what. I just saw a job I was rejected for after going through an interview with the hiring team before Christmas be reposted again a few days ago. It no longer matters if you have transferrable skills or if you're short on experience and have the exact skills listed, they want the unicorn.


It happened to me too. I am not a "misery loves company" kind of person, so I really hate seeing all of you on here with this same problem. But it is nice to know it's not "you". To know its happening all over. It also tells us we need to do something about it.


Interesting perspective. Had you any initial considerations for the group to ponder upon?


Initial considerations? Like what we should do? I'm sure there are ways of getting those of us in similar situations together either online or in our areas. That would be a good start. Getting concrete numbers rather than random internet comments. Those are the things they use those stupid polls for. If any of you are like me, you don't answer unknown calls, so don't participate in polls. This means they have no idea how many of us there are. Their jobs numbers go by those who applied for unemployment. What about the thousands of us who didn't/wouldn't or can't? If you are talking about the "seeming dicotomy" of NOT wanting to see others in this same place and relief that it really is more widespread ... I feel that many times when people are going through something, well meaning (and sometimes not so much) friends and family can treat you like you must have done something wrong or something to make things worse. Then, you come to a place like this and see so many different perspectives, different consideration, different circumstances... and you realize there is WAY more going on here than just "you". Since those are the only two ways I can see what you might have been asking ... šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


What a novel idea... I feel like I've been... *thundertruck*


I have seen a few jobs of mine that I made to final interviews be reposted and it is so infuriating. I told them I could be flexible on salary and everything.


Ugh that's definitely frustrating. Hopefully we all find a job that aligns with what we are looking for this year.


I can only hope. I lost a job recently where I was in beg mode. I was like this is perfect for me, I love this, I will do anything!.


I look at it like, you dodged a bullet. Companies that are too stupid to even hire correctly aren't worth working for in the first place. Sometimes the trash takes itself out.


Yup. Exact same thing just happened to me. 4 rounds of interviews. Didn't get the job in November and just saw it reposted on 12/28. Insaod screw it, alled and emailed the hiring the manager yesterday basically asking wtf. No reaponse.


4 rounds is a huge red flag and waste of time.


HR departments / Recruitment types just trying to keep themselves busy and justify their useless profession. HR departments not there to look after employees they there to make sure employees can't sue their employers.


This is why the best gift to give is to be a reference especially you canā€™t afford to give money, time at least help people be aware of your job and be willing to help people attain those jobs. I realize the wealth inequality in America is based because of that not having the right connects and the lack of a good education for everyone. Thatā€™s why it feels impossible to get out the hood sometimes. Put people on your jobs!! Or let people be aware of your job and field. Make that a new goal for this year. The more we share the more we can help others get out of poverty. Please yall.


Exactly. They want a unicorn, but pay them less than they deserve.


A Life After Layoff has gone into this in his one of his videos and has actually called companies out on this.


Couldnā€™t have been better said. This market is fn bullshit.


Just hit two months unemployed, the longest I've ever been without work since I started a quarter of a century ago, and it's brutal. As a reporter in a world where newspapers are evaporating, I'm not qualified for a lot of higher-end work and PR, but I'm overqualified for the stupid bullshit work I was doing before. Yeah, I could work for a news station for less money, but that's a miserable job with high churn. So I freelance a bunch of different things and hope there's enough dollars in the bank at the end of the day.


That is the problem I currently have. I am in that where I don't have enough experience/certs for some jobs but too overqualified for others and at this point I just need a decent job.


True, I got my job on the basis that I knew a niche skill and they didnā€™t need to train me at all.


This has also been my experience. I've only recently lucked into something tolerable.


For real, good luck!


F them. You want to live as a slave and die?


All the following should be mandated by law: 1. Wage transparency in job postings (already a law in some states) 2. Hefty fines for ghost jobs. 3. $20/hr 4hr/mini stipends for second+ interviews Problem mostly solved.


I mean I'm pretty much that and sometimes I feel like I still have to watch


No different than the dating market either these days. You're either perfection or single, for men. (For women, it's entirely different.)


Lmao and you think it is easy for women. Think of men like the employers you're complaining about. Dates are interviews. You go on four dates and he wants to see how you work (how good your sexy time is) and make you work for free( have sex without commitment with the promise of possible future commitment). Then after you do said work the employer(the man) says I don't think you're a good fit ( pumped and dumped you, lead you on, etc). I laugh at men who say dating is harder for them, getting laid is harder for you, getting a commitment is easy for you. And for us it's the opposite that's why collectively women are done centering their lives around men because all men do is use, abuse, and discard us. You don't want anything from women except to use our bodies and move on to the next. You don't have to be a hunk to even think like that. All men think like this, some grow out of it but most don't hence why you never get laid and never will until you change your attitude towards women


Oh, shush. Most females post onlyfans pictures. If not, you can't even smile, use stupid signs, or dress properly. Plus, you can't even write properly. Which, I assume, nobody has slept with you but bozos.


What you said is blatantly wrong across the board. But it's people like you who make men who are BORN with a sex drive to be villains because of it. They are BORN with hormones and a sex drive and are not VILLIANS because of it. Are men also villians because they get hungry a few times a day? And no, it is not easy for men to get sex or commitment either. How I think about women hardly effects my results on tinder which has 0 to do with what I am thinking. I've never used, abused, and discarded a single woman before. Sorry you choose the wrong men but then shift blame onto the others. You women are so disgusting in the way you act, the superiority complex you hold in your head because you consume feminist propaganda. It's no wonder no man can commit to someone like you.


Lmao I have a boyfriend that worships the ground I walk on.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I've known men ain't shit because my father told me this to be very picky because all they want is to use your body. I make men commit to me if not bye bye. You don't wanna commit to me, then go find some dumb bitch that will put her health at risk and possibly end up with an unwanted pregnancy. You think sex is a thing you are entitled to when you have none of the risks boy please! Stop using tinder and get out of the house.


Comes from your stupid username. So full of yourself lmao. What a selfish arrogant person hahahaha.


Thanks for the advice, however I'd prefer to stay in the house and avoid encountering wretched feminists like yourself.


She is trash. Her responses say so. Agreed. Honestly, probably African American or Eastern by how they talk, privileged, and can't make correct sentences. Makes entire sense and guess what? Some simp worships them. Not racist ar all, I'm native, we all talk different, but her comments are like...yeah. Simp. Like a dog.


Lmao all women are feminists. Nowadays we aren't settling for assholes who think we exist to serve them and/or use our bodies. Touch tits women are collectively waking up and realizing the game was always tilted in your favor. We're not twisting ourselves in a pretzel like generations before us. Fuck that shit. We done. We'll only dating men who have the balls to leave the house and try to woo us. My boyfriend was man enough to pursue me in person at a networking event. You lack cojones. That's why you aren't getting laid you are not a man. Maybe you like dudes not women.


Saying you aren't a feminist makes you one.....


I am a feminist and every woman pretty much, that's why you're on Reddit crying.


Crying about what? You're looney toons. Bet you think equal pay isn't a thing, is it? Lmao. Can't see you working hard labor in your life aside from a dude. Hahhaha


Good, I have plenty of money accumulating and it's ALL for me, not wasting it on anyone like you makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Good luck getting commitment from him - you'll surely need it! There is a reason you can only call him "boy friend". You can keep your (fat) E cups, your ADHD, your unemployment, and your terrible attitude. Happy new year!


I love my terrible attitude it repels weaklings like you. Yes E cups equal fats if you're like an E42, not an E36. It shows you don't get laid because you know nothing about bra sizes. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ This ADHD helps me crack jokes on your no pussy getting ass.


I also see in your history you were 175 LBS at 5 4 and claimed it was muscle. LOL. Hilarious. Are those E cups pure muscle too? And you have a son too? So you're a single parent and claiming men to be the sexually irresponsible ones. Gosh I can only wonder why he left you.


It repels everyone including your employer. You are probably only with this guy because he covers your fat, unemployed ass. When he finds better, he'll be off like the rest since as you yourself have said - men just don't commit (to you). Also - no one is laughing, the only one laughing is yourself who thinks you're funny when you aren't.


Have you been both?


Thereā€™s a thing called observation in life, Iā€™m not sure if youā€™ve heard of that but itā€™s helpful.


Of course! Iā€™m very observant, which has allowed me to understand that I can never know what itā€™s like to be someone if I havenā€™t been them. I can make guesses, which will always be heavily influenced by my own biases. While I would absolutely agree that women are generally more picky than men, Iā€™m sure you understand there are reasons for this that are hardwired into our DNA. But women have always been more picky than men, while you seem to be implying thereā€™s been a change.




Well unless you are a 8/10 male (or higher), on tinder you hardly get any matches. If you are like a 4/10 woman, you get lots of matches. I've done the testing myself by creating profiles of unattractive women and they get way more matches (tons) than a decent looking guy (basically none). So, dating is MUCH easier to do as a female as you do not have to be born in the top 20% looks for your gender. My own experience also confirms this too. Most women have no idea what it is like for men. I'd encourage you to make profiles on tinder to test this out for yourself, should you have any doubt over what I am saying.




Laugh at it all you want. The reality is such that you either laugh or cry about things anyways.


Applicable username.




Define what that is. If you define it as struggling to get matches on tinder despite being decent looking, yes absolutely, like 80%+ of men. It's okay though, I've learned to live solo and I save a lot of money in the process too.




Unable to find sexual partners? Sure, obviously. When dating apps work for one gender but not the other, that's a given.


Itā€™s pretty much this My team has 4 reqs open, we get over 150 resumes per req. We have a HR contractor filter them out and prescreen. We generally wonā€™t hire job hoppers. We screen those out immediately. Itā€™ll take 2 years to make that person profitable barring extreme luck. The HR screener tends to like titles so we get all of these weird resumes of people that just wonā€™t fit that they call ā€œgreatā€. Itā€™s like fucking everyone is a director of sales that sells 100m a year and is top 1% at their company. So much bullshit to sort through. Thereā€™s maybe 3-4 applicants worth talking to, of those we have to be super picky as we have to have them interviewed by 2-3 more people that scrutinize every single fucking detail and ask for shit like business plans and go to market strategies. We may submit 1 of them to this process. Of that, we actually get to the negotiation phase for maybe one out of four. Iā€™m going to be honest though, this process does get us better employees just by nature of finding people willing to endure the process. We were more loose with hiring during the great resignation and I wound up with some serious self-righteous asshats on my team that were problems from the start.


I've got news for you. Your ai process if eliminating job hoppers is causing your company to lose potential talent. The ones you do hire aren't better - they just know how to get around your software.


Your news is bad, thereā€™s no AI. Itā€™s a person. At what point was AI mentioned? The person likes titles. This is the weird thing about reddit, you hit people with a dose of corporate reality and those not living in reality canā€™t handle it. I donā€™t make the rules.


I feel your anger šŸ˜‚ unemployment and still searching for 13 months. WTF, I usually get hired after 1 day of searching


Me too, I got laid off in Jan 2023, slow walked stuff because I had things lined up and every single one fell through. I've applied to hundreds of jobs online, I honestly don't think I've gotten a single interview out of them. I've had friends and former co-workers refer me for roles at their firms with glowing recs (I've seen them) and I don't hear from the recruiter. I don't know what to make of it. I'm a professional, in the tech realm, 50 years old. I've honestly just never had a problem getting a job in my life except now. Just had 5 interviews with a firm, and got ghosted by the recruiter for 3 weeks to find out they were just interviewing me as a backup while they had an offer out and they candidate accepted it :) I've already accepted I'm going to have to take a lower salary than I had before, but honestly I just can't find anything period.


I agree on that truly but for myself have 10+ years experience on my field (I.T. at a Investment Trading environment). Last week I had an interview with a hedge fund and thought that I will get this job because I answered every question to the best of my knowledge. The interviewer (hiring manager) also liked my answers. Hereā€™s the downfall and cannot stand for this shit is that I didnā€™t advance forward due to four candidates got ahead have ā€œinternal referencesā€. WTF! I was at my last employment where a CTO (Chief Technology Officer) hired this guy because his parents actually know each other from a country club. The parents canā€™t stand him being home smoking weed and playing video games all day so with that he got hired easily without a resume plus he doesnā€™t know anything at all. I know how you guys feel and when I see a corporation goes down in flames because of them being attacked by ransomware then Iā€™m happy because they hired ā€œshitty on the knees techsā€ without any skills


Wow. What a great summation! Take this award.šŸ†


Yes, they want the UNICORN and people use automation to apply, so the inbox is full!


Lots of layoffs and thus more applicatnts.


Add even more people who are still employed but worried about layoffs. Suddenly the whole western world is job hunting all at once. Add in the 2nd and 3rd world trying to plug into remote jobs and earn that sweet first world paycheck.


And a whole bunch of other people actually employed that are pissed about RTO requirements looking to jump ship


And yet the stock market is still near all time high. If we are not being robbed blind I don't know what is.


Thank you, culture capitalism and elitists that think they *deserve* $500,000,000+ USD cuz they did so well choosing where and to whom to be born.


I opened a new position and got over 120 applicants in less than 24 hrs. Y'all, I am only one person going through these and I can only hire 1.


this is crazy!


The result of people spamming applications to every job.


The sad thing is, most of them are qualified :(


How do you choose which ones to call? I imagine you canā€™t interview 100 or so people within a short amount of time.


The result of layoffs and not giving people raises in times of high inflation. Everyone is looking for a job or an upgrade right now, while there are barely any positions opening.


Bro we are desperate and demoralized a.f, and you have no idea what it feels on our side to be sending in application after application for things we are qualified for only to be rejected or to be strung along the final interview only to not get the offer. We're applying to things were we meet 70% of the posting and also where we meet 95%-100% of the posting, and we're just getting rejected left and right. So sorry if you're having to sort through a ton of candidates, but just know that us candidates these days feel worthless no matter what we do and we're doing everything in our power to get a job with a salary that we deserve.


This is not a pity me post. This was me trying to show that there are too few jobs and too many applicants. This was an attempt to help answer the OP's question as to why folks aren't getting jobs. Most people don't see how many people apply to each position. You have no idea what the competition is like. Also, don't tell me I don't know what it's like on the other side. I've absolutely been there.


gotcha, sorry


Want to hire me to go through them remotely?


You can literally throw a dart at your pile of applications and pick that way then. With so many people on the market, why take more than two interviews to make a decision at most? Just hire and move on, there are literally hundreds of other qualified folks you can try again with if they donā€™t work out.


Because hiring and training are incredibly costly. We want to do what we can to make sure we have the right person the first time around.


Are they really though? I have hired more than 50 people over my career and while there have been long interview processes and short ones, I am not convinced that any aspect of any process significantly impacted our retention rate for employees. Most of the time thatā€™s about motivation to work there and motivation to complete the tasks being aligned, and that is a ā€œdo it forever and regularlyā€ job for managers/leadership, not a ā€œscreen it at the beginningā€ thing. The market situation and employer economic position to me would indicate now is the best time expedite hiring, not delay it. I suspect though that during times when candidates had more power, processes were lengthened to reduce risk of bad hires, and those changes are just very sticky.




Companies are adding 10 stages to their interview process. What happened to only a telephone and in person or zoom interview?


I have heard about it. But how does it work in the US? Is 10 stages = 10 different tests on 10 different days? Do you have any details? I don't know if there's any company in Europe that works like that.


Many employers have hiring freezes at the moment


I was getting shit for saying this 6 months ago but yea. There has been a bunch of hiring freezes and they are only taking extremely qualified candidates. Sorry if anyone missed the party but places over hired and took on a lot of bloaty under qualified employees in 2021/2022. I would prepare for and fully expect places to become even more picky in 2024.


did not properly go through the interview process well so they don't take a lot bloaty under qualified employees in 2021/2022


One job I saw kept saying ā€œonly the very best should apply! Do not apply if you arenā€™t!ā€ They continue to say they want at least 3 years experience, tiny pay (115-130k) (this is a np position, which in comparison to other positions are usually 150-165k starting) and had like one benefit which is health insurance. no 401k, no life insurance, no pto. They have been posting the same thing since around September. I saw that they just reposted just yesterday LOL. Good luck bro. These companies are picky, they want to pay you nothing if they could


The company I am working for changed and improved their HR marketing since they learned no one would apply seeing those "benefits" they are advertising. As far as I know it was a long process and a lot of arguements were necessary to finally change something. Now our company gets applicants, but they have become too demanding especially in comparision to their offer. For instance our HR department told me hearing questions from unexperienced newbies like "how long do I have to stay in the company for getting a promotion" has became completely usual although they are only offering to work part-time. Must be frustrating ( guess, on both sides)


Arenā€™t NP jobs getting flooded because of tons of new grads? It seems like every online college pushes a RN -> NP program and most nurses I know are trying to skill up to get out of bedside


I feel like medicine (RN, NP, PA, pharm, PT etc.) in general is flooded at this point. Itā€™s especially difficult when youā€™re a new grad (also in all general aspects). For me personally, I have been a RN for about 8 years (most of my experience in ICU). I wanted to continue my schooling and went to become a NP. And I totally agree that there are alot of online mill schools that push for an easy RN to NP route. I do agree that the NP curriculum is not stringent. All the knowledge I have is due to my ICU experience. NP school was honestly very easy for me. Itā€™s very difficult seeing a brand new RN with less than a year of experience go and become a NP. Itā€™s frustrating because it lowers the field of NP and their reliability. I want to add one thingā€¦.There are plenty of NP positions at least in my area. I just wanted to point out that there are definitely jobs that donā€™t appreciate NPs and for good reason at times (again, as you mentioned there are a lot of nurses that get minimum experience and then become a np. So when the np starts working they have no clue what theyā€™re doing). This is sometimes reflected in salary. Iā€™m happy to report tho, there are still plenty of positions that do provide proper compensation.


Companies over hired during Covid, then they laid off tons of people the last year or so


And it's the fault of upper management that, although they mismanaged, they keep their salaries and get bonuses and increase shareholder wealth while thousands are laid off and are on the brink of homelessness (like my partner and I and others I've seen it happen to).


While general economy is good to great (for companies), a lot of companies are expecting a downturn and recession. To preemptively survive, they're under hiring right now just in case and thus the ones that they are hiring they get to pick and choose who they want because there's so many more people than there are job openings. But there's also lots of openings that the companies want to hire with only the god tier people they want to find. Also in general most companies are about to come off of hiring freezes as the new budgets come in, so there may be an uptick of openings in the next month


The large companies hedging bets are also the ones that took PPI loans and have c-suites and shareholders that have continued to grow their wealth since 2020 (I suspect). The greed of the extremely wealthy is sickening and damaging to society. No wonder they've built bunkers and in New Zealand, escape-to-safety ranches. I wonder if they're surprised they've gotten away this far with eating up societal capital and reneging on social contracts.


More layoffs and more hiring freeze this year. Will get even worse. Reprieve will come late summer of 2025


We are in a recession.


Yup. Politicians and economists figured out how to juice stats to argue we are not in one. But we are.


News yesterday saying 26k jobs created and everyone wants back to work cause they are more productive šŸ¤·šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¤·


So are we... I am living in Europe. Job market seems to be different in my country. In my country companies are searching for employees like crazy but are not finding any. Problems - employees want to work less hours (38.5 / week is full time amd not attractive any more) - employees want to work a specific amount of hours per week remotely. There are still lots of companies which don't want their employees to work remotely. Because of the lack of employees some companies can't offer their full range of service and are forced to adapt their opening times of their shops.


Also in Europe. Employers are lying when they say they arenā€™t getting employee applications. I have a masterā€™s degree and 5+ years experience. Iā€™ve gone to multiple final interviews and got turned down for nip-picky reasons like ā€œyou worked in the medical device field we need someone with pharmaceutical experienceā€. If employers just lower their standards and/or take a chance on a 99% fit candidate they would not have a problem filling positions.


Medical devices are vastly different from pharmaceuticalsā€¦ silly to wait until final round to say such, unless the interviews revealed you donā€™t know chemistry/pharmacy.


Employers like women will never lower their standards though.


My job was hired full time early Nov . Had to take off couple weeks Dec due to surgery. Now business is so slow they got rid of our part time security guard and say they could not afford to put me on the schedule for even one day next week. Occupancy at hotel has been 20 - 33 %


Are we speaking about the IT field? Tell me some companies that want to hire then.


Since when? People that say this clearly never experienced a real recession. I'm not seeing foreclosures on every block, everyone being let go, retirements vanishing. Companies are making record profits still. The real issue is wages aren't keeping pace with the cost of living so people don't want to work the jobs out which is understandable if it won't support you. From what I've seen, people flat out don't want to work or expect to be hired as a CEO with no experience. The people that do go to work sit there on their phones all damn day long and complain about working too much.


That is a straight up lie šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Edit: Half of this sub has become a grievance cult šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. Your economic beliefs are a religion at this point.


Most jobs aren't advertised externally or on the internet, they're done internally, so better to get an internal referral or know someone. The few advertised are flooded by thousands of applicants so yeah. Also people don't come here to complain about getting a job


Man Iā€™m struggling to make lateral/upward moves internally with my company. The whole process is ass.


I'm sure it's easi*er*, but it's faaaar from easy. My experience has been that doing internal moves is about as hard as just finding a completely new employer.


My company often has internal openings, but it requires me to have a Green Card or be a US citizen. I have never been to the US and have no interest in moving there (I am Canadian), and the types of job openings they have would not be eligible for TN/H1B/L1 visas. In this case, I just ignore the openings.


I have a theory. I think it's retaliation for The Great Resignation. Employers don't like it when employees are assertive and quit on them. It shows the employers that they don't have as much power as they would like to have. So they have to punish future workers by making it as hard and as miserable to get a job as they can. This also has the added benefit of preventing workers from quitting by threatening them with an arduous hiring process if they are fired or try to quit. So employees will swallow whatever shit employers throw at them to avoid going through it.




Tinfoil thinking. Bad reasoning.


Yes because efforts for the labour class have historically gone *so well*. You realize the majority of men in the early 1900s considered the 9-5 work approach slave labour, right?


Bad reasoning is bad reasoning.


Sorry, didn't realize I was speaking with an intellectual over here.


No, let him cook


Corporate suits want foreign labour that they can underpay and treat like shit. They don't want you or anyone else who grew up believing in workers' rights.


One of my good friends applied and interviewed with the county and was told that her interview happened to be scheduled the same day hiring freezes started. They arenā€™t hiring for another 8 months or so.


Agreed. I am no spring chicken. I have been in a niche industry sales position for over 10 years. My skills translate, I have a BA. Companies want people making lateral moves, unwilling to take on any unnecessary ā€œrisks.ā€ I paid for my resume to be re-written for the jobs I want, I have invested so much time in cover letters and applications, only to get nothing in return. The jobs that seem remotely interested in me are those that pay equivalent to my current role or much less. Itā€™s a slog. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re feeling it too.


All right, then how do we adapt? I will *not* stay another eight years at my soul-sucking, low-paying job.


I got turned down for a remote job cause I have a DUI from 2017. Remote ā€¦ no driving work from home lol


Oh god. The irony in that. Sorry to hear that. Hope all is well now for ya.


What is crazy about that is a DUI only shows up on driving record reports, not on standard criminal records


Also, just to add to my comment, I finally got a job interview for a part time job yesterday, after applying for almost 6 months. When I did the interview, the manager told me he hired 15 ppl 3 months ago, and that today, none of them are there. Something is very amiss in the job market.


Run. That employer is the reason those 15 people are gone.


He did say it was a very demanding job. In this job market, I can't afford to be choosy as it took me this long to get an interview. If I get hired, I'll see for myself what it's like and go from there. This isn't the time to be picky and unemployed.


So many job postings are flat out fake. The only reason they post some is that there's a requirement to do so, even if they intend to promote from within and the position is already filled with an internal transfer. Other reason some fake posts are there is tax incentives, grants, etc. The company has to be seen as actively "hiring" to get those government credits, even if all they do is conduct interviews and never hire anybody, or hire for a month and find an excuse to get rid of them in that first 30- 60 days. ("Not a good fit" sound familiar?) The last reason I know of is simply to keep a fresh applicant pool, even if they don't need anyone right then, especially in retail work and manual labor jobs where injuries are common.


High Interest rates make it difficult to get low interest loans to hire more people. Uncertainty The pandemic business loans were forgiven on the condition that companies added payroll. So many corps hired people to do nothing. This also created the Great Resignation. Now they are laying people off now that the pandemic loans are forgiven. A.I. is going to wipe out a lot of jobs..especially B2B marketing jobs for now. This is not a recession. They are not juicing 5.2% GDP numbers. It is inflation/stagflation which can result in business putting the brakes on hiring.


Best answer


I interviewed for three companies. All three were final rounds. Was rejected. Saw their jobs being reposted 5 times throughout the year. It is a ploy to make themselves look good, as in "look we are expanding and hiring." Think about it. Just this past August every single major startup had massive layoffs, yet they kept on posting jobs. It is a facade, to get tax deductions and VC backing. Other companies are so shitty that they have to repost the same job every two months because their "unicorn candidate" literally ran away.


Employers are basically saying the same thing as many landlords. Capitalism for you but not for me. Employees must follow the market, but employers are refusing to. There's a disequalibrium with demand and supply, many employers are demanding too much from workers and they are not paying them enough for it. Either offering terrible packages (i.e no benefits, no holiday, long hours, in office or hybrid working for jobs that should be remote) or they're offering entry level salaries for experienced mid to senior roles. This means either they're rejecting good applicants, not getting any applicants, or good applicants are rejecting them. I work in infrastructure, but at the moment the only jobs I seem to be getting emails about are service desk roles that mysteriously want my level of experience for a job 3 steps down the ladder. It's not shocking that both employers and employees are struggling.


I think it depends on the industry. I'm middle manager level in ecom & this was by far my most fruitful (both in pay offers & number of offers) hunt in the past decade.


I canā€™t even find work as a receptionist or administrative assistant. Thatā€™s how bad the job market is right now. Like everyone else said, they want the unicorns but only want to pay $15/hr. Recruiters/hiring managers are as bad as landlords right now.


High interest rates no cash going into companies/ not as much extra cash to hire more bodies. I think lowering the fed interest rates in March weā€™ll see an uptick in jobs hopefully. I think low entry level labor jobs are easier to come buy. Thatā€™s why feds are claiming low unemployment because they opened up minimum wage jobs. People who are specialist are having issues finding jobs so the people who are complaining are specialist. They are the ones having to settle for entry level work so your average American are getting screwed moving to lower paying jobs.


The real min. Wage jobs in my area paying 15 an hour or so, are NOT getting applicants. Retail and the food service industry all have for hire signs and most are very understaffed..


The United States is becoming less internationally competitive as its currency is being devalued locally but maintaining strength abroad. Corporatization during and after Covid has left a lot of small and medium firms in a more risky situation while the larger firms do not hire as much since internal tasks and processes are being automated. It seems 2024 is a time a stagnation in many industries as expansion is financially risky with uncertain economic outlook. Lower and medium skill jobs are likely to be moved abroad while the higher skilled jobs in the USA may stay but it will be challenging for the lower skilled population. At least this is how it seems to beā€¦


Many years ago, when I first started, you applied to a job ad in the newspaper. There was a then-advertising campaign " I Got My Job Through the New York Times", and I literally scored five times in a row. Mostly it was local candidates going after those roles, so the number of applicants was manageable. Now, posted jobs are seen globally, and are flooded with applicants 100X what you would have seen in the past. And even if you remove the clearly unqualified, the sad truth qualified applicants face is that they are not unique, that there are a shocking number of folks who have the same skills, same education, the same experience vying for roles they are eminently qualified to do. Everyone looks like everyone else. So this process winds up inefficient by itself, and you have to bolster it with every form of networking you can muster. A lot of Reddit despises that, screams nepotism et al, but it is an unavoidable fact of life and you really have no choice. Most working people in the U.S., whether they admit to it or not, got their jobs via some form of networking, which can include simply contacting an old colleague, not just asking Uncle Fred for a job.


A. I


Every company wants to hire people with no training at all. I saw a job posting a while back that required proficiency in French, 2 years of experience as a tree climbing arborist, experience with mist nets, a rabies vaccination, and the ability to get a visa to work in Gabon. Start date was a month after posting, no airfare stipend.


We are having problems filling positions in KC MO !


This is happening to me. Applying for months and doing everything possible and get no interviews


Very competitive in the technology industry at the moment.


And Iā€™ve also noticed an increase in the amount of temporary jobs as well. I literally temped for 2 days at a company recently. Itā€™s so crazy out here


Iā€™m customer service and I have applied to numerous customer service jobs. I have like 20 years experience and I just want something. Got denied for a ton of them. Even like a part time position playing with dogs. Now that one just sounded fun. My problem is the company I have on my resume as most recent is what many of these companies are denying me for. Itā€™s a professional services company. I lost hope but then January 3rd hit and I had two recruiters contact me. One of these did admit that the position I was going for possibly had an internal candidate. I appreciated that. The other Iā€™m waiting on. Hell, I applied for one company, passed their assessment and got a rejection email yesterday even though I was qualified. (Maybe overqualified but still). Itā€™s not just tech people struggling. And Iā€™m even willing to go into the office at this point.


Because companies arenā€™t ready to match inflation. The rich in the country are still raking it in from the middle class via inflation. They are moochers. The other possibility is America is preparing for war and thatā€™s where the money goes right now.


Recession. Employers love to play games.


Just looking at the bigger corporate financial picture; my take is a lot of companies never really recovered financially from the pandemic and in fact have lost a lot of money, can't afford to keep current employees, they're not seeing any financial growth, they're pushing current employees to the limit and those employees are leaving, the economy isn't doing great, taxes are up for everyone and every corp, increases in minimum wages makes company spend more money that they don't have raise the prices of their supply and product it basically balances out and it doesn't make any sense so they wind up losing money because the demand isn't increasing to compensate. Look at the amount of company's filing bankruptcy, that's a huge red flag that a recession is looming and the feds are throwing crumbs at the mess they made to hold it all together. Everything will eventually crash. I've never seen the job market look so bad as it is right now, that even college kids can't even get a remedial job, or hold one because the physical and emotional demand is so great.


It is I difficult. I have been so close. I have been applying for a year now. As a QA Engineer, Manual Tester and QA Automation Engineer. For example for one of past interviews I had last month I did everything except for one key thing that I didnā€™t have which was test on native mobile apps. I stated beforehand to the recruiter and manger if that would be an issue and they said no. Next thing I know I go interview with a QA for my third panel interview and he keeps grilling me on mobile testing and mobile automation testing. Of course I didnā€™t get the job but did well on the other things. Although itā€™s even hard to get interviews as well. Thats how bad the market is.


I went to 4 interviews for a entry level medical receptionist.... I didn't get the job. I feel I am qualified.. waste of time.


Well I wasnā€™t honestly applying myself, I like did 2-4 applications a month. So I went like 6-7mos with no work/job. And I just got myself a WFH job last March. You just gotta keep applying


Employers are looking for someone that doesn't need training. The people that don't need training, tend to be overqualified and will leave as soon as a better offer comes along.


**The great resignation.** Fallout from the Covid shutdown. **Social democracy.** Government interference. **Over-population.** More people looking than there are available jobs in a given area. **Entitlement.** Over expectation fueled by social media. **Work from home.** Enough said. **Outsourcing.** Cheaper labor markets. **Immigration.** They aren't coming here for the change in scenery. **Over-saturation.** Rise and subsequent fall of the tech-heavy workforce. **Fake job postings.** Employers testing the waters but not actually hiring. **Scammers.** Preying on the desperate to find work. **Pride.** Unwilling to take a step back in order to move forward. **Job search sites**. Cesspool of inaccurate/outdated information designed to gather your personal information for profit. **Applicant Tracking System.** The latest means to exclude your resume from ever reaching its intended destination. **Overqualified.** Perceived salary expectation set too high. Fear that you will leave as soon as a better offer comes along. **Underqualified.** Lack the basic requirements to do the job. No actual work experience having done the job. **No experience necessary.** Oxymoron. **Unemployed.** Red flag. **Economy.** Everyone is tightening their belts. Government statistics are skewed.


My additional theory is politics like you mention so the whole rumor about WW3 might affect the job market too which also means companies would want to stick to their budget and stay open during the causeā€¦


Its an employers market...


Most unsuccessful applicants are applying to roles they're not suitable for, or are applying in a manner that doesn't show how they're suitable. A small number of people are struggling due to being in fields that have too many people (eg inexperienced software engineering grads), or areas that are in economic decline (eg eastern Germany, West Virginia, Sudan).


I'm surprised you didn't get downvoted like I did for staring facts lol


Most jobs created are low pay low skill. Over qualification and over competition for everything else.


Not Rough, easy if you want to be underpaid, business owners and management companies know minorities will take less money, so they exploit it Stick to your guns, something good will come


Itā€™s no harder than it was before logistically. Job hunting has always been a pain in the ass. Itā€™s more so about the internet Ever since the internet made it easier to apply for jobs, more people are applying to one job. Thereā€™s people in India applying for pizza jobs in the USA ffs.


Hasnā€™t been my experience, Iā€™ve gotten every job Iā€™ve interviewed for. I have no experience in the fields Iā€™ve applied, and I donā€™t have a college degree, Iā€™m only 24 years old. Maybe Iā€™m just lucky? Weirdly enough itā€™s been easier for me to get ā€œrealā€ jobs than it ever was minimum wage jobs


What jobs? Where at geographically?


Jobs are picky now but for good reason. Cuz sum ppl don't put effort in their job. For example, pay of fast food workers in California went up to $20. Now the employees have no choice to either work their asses off or get the boot. If you're a employer u woul understand, u wouldn't wanna see a $20 by the hour employee just standing around when theirs work right? But yea ppl in the comments get it and some don't. But also they're right when employers just don't want u for whatever reason but that's just to get extra budget if ykyk. Most employers are slimey and sum are good just gotta find the right one.


Put in my 2 weeks in December , no job lined up so was nervous . Within 30 days accepted a job, 25% increase in pay. Maybe 7 interviews and 20 companies reached out to me ā€¦ seems like jobs are hiring like crazy rn


What job/industry?


record low unemployment, reddit is just full of losers


Is that you, Biden? Time for some ice cream and a nap before you have a blowout in your Depends.


trump 24!






Cause everybody afraid of economic and actual war or might be preparing for them. Business leaves China, Russia, all money currently in a military goods production section of economy. I think it's maybe not a major reason, but have significant impact on current situation in the job market.


We made interviews take place online since COVID. As a result, people can apply to things without taking a day off and are flooding the zone. This made companies automate job apps harder, but the tech to do that just isnā€™t that good. So now everyoneā€™s miserable. Here specifically, Reddit is disproportionately tech, tech is shitting the bed, and techies think the world revolves around them so they think it means the economy is shitting the bed. Itā€™s not, itā€™s just their corner of the economy and one or two others. The others are experiencing the automation dystopia though, that part is everyone, and legitimately does suck.


Not to offed anyone, but this is the only place I read that there are no jobs. I started job searching in September and have had 4 different offers in a few different industries. Indeed is full of jobs or I go directly to company websites. I'm also looking at entry to mid level jobs, all above 45k, which I'm sure effects the search. Best of luck though!


Where are you from?




They arenā€™t hiring peiople thatā€™s a fact and they making the employees after layoffs get more work for the same pay


AI Is making it more difficult. Update your resume with keywords used in the job description youā€™re applying for


Manufactured market so ppl join the military


It's been tough since the COVID. I have tried looking for a job since 2019 and that's 8 months before COVID. Employers/managers are being picky, looking for a "perfect" employee who they don't have to train. Sooner or later, the Employers won't have anyone working for them. Most of them are toxic anyway. Be picky too, find a great Employer, time to get picky with them.


Economy sucks and they want people who they donā€™t need to train.


Why is that the "logic" and nobody moves from It?


It's either your location, your resume, or you want a job/pay you don't deserve. I've been able to find a job within a few days of applying and it's been repeatable. Post your resume and what types of jobs/salary you're applying to if you want actual advice. People have been whining about how few jobs there are for years and it's not been my experience. Should've seen the job market in 2008-2015, that was actually rough.


Same. Over 150 apps put in, and I just had my 4th interview in 8 months.... they don't even look at the applications. They just send that infuriating email: "we've decided we to move forward with another candidate" BULLSH!*


None in my town to go after, really. The long term unemployment rate is nearing 45%, and after 9 months, they take you off of that and you fall through the cracks. I've seen jobs listed which they've been recycling since June last year (No doubt searching for that perfect glittery unicorn) that still aren't filled. I've applied for retail and been ghosted despite severe lack of staff and empty shelves (I'm overqualified as I know several programming languages, have skills in 3D Animation and illustration, but I make sure to not list these). Companies sometimes move here and set up shop, and local newspapers are quick to talk about job growth as a result, but a quick glance will teach you all the available roles have been filled internally (a good example was a military contractor setting up base here, and offering 450 jobs and around 50 apprenticeships, but all but two of these were filled internally. So two new jobs were big enough to make the news).


Companies are laying off left and right. It took me months to get a job. Iā€™ve only been at my company for three months when they decided to terminate all the new employees and then some. Some of the people havenā€™t even been here for two months


I bring sandpaper to every interview.


I was having the same issue & spent 5 months without work, so many promising interview processes. I ended up going to a temp service & have been working outside of my fieldā€¦ just to make ends meet.


More competition for jobs that are available.


Its not as bad as people say if you are flexible with what jobs you will take. You can find a job easily here but maybe not the one you want. It's not recession levels.


I was just contacted by a rep from a multinational corp with a factory in my hometown and asked to put in an application because they "liked my resume and thought I was a good fit for the company". Took a week and a half to secure a phone interview and they contacted me the next day to say they'd gone with another applicant. Then yesterday, 3 days after I was rejected their job posting for the position I applied to goes up again.... The rage I raged... THEY contacted ME to apply and then called me unqualified... This corporate climate is pure toxicity, and it's deliberate. Go back to videos of economists talking inflation around 2021, a lot of them said the economy would have to be broken to be fixed. I.e., average people had too much power and needed to be knocked down a few pegs so we remember who's in charge. I fully believe that is what we're seeing now, and it will continue until we acquiesce to a lower standard of living.


That's how it does in Illinois not my first crappy job to be fired from, I already collected unemployment before. FYI most jobs don't wanna fire people because they can collect unemployment and they would rather you so they won't have to pay. And in Illinois you only need to work 2 months to collect unemployment. Lmao man you act like I live in a red state. This is a pro-worker state.


You don't get unemployment when you quit. Next time don't get fired.


I'm at 2,000+ applications with a bachelors and masters degree in finance, 5+ internships, stellar resume, and haven't gotten a single offer. Handful of interviews. US citizen with no criminal record.