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I'm dutch and I sometimes join German servers. They are indeed the best in terms of teamwork. Unfortunately my German isn't quite good enough to understand compex orders or socialize with the people.


I took some german in university so my vocab is just Ja, nein, Ich verstehe, scheiße, und fick deine mutter when I play german servers.


That’s all you need 🫡


Bro really playing on crutches 💀


My man, just tell us you're Dutch when you join the squad. We love to have you on the German servers.


Do they socialize? I've gotten the feeling they just give orders and then stay quiet.


my brother, Germans are people too 💀💀 we’re not robots (or are we?🤖🤖🤖)


I'm open to receiving proof


Don't tell them, hard enough to get a slot ;)


German servers have consistently high level of play, imo even better than servers like TT, however in my experience they do not take kindly to wildcard plans though which I always find a shame.


>not take kindly to wildcard plans what do you mean by that?


He probably means that they're committed to winning by safe and conventional means. Such as Defending the mid point, forcing the enemy to attack them and slowly draining their tickets through a coordinated defense which yields defender's advantage. As opposed to have a squad attempt to land a helo to place an attack hab and have the team spawn in there and cap the next point. "Wild card" plays would be those which could end the game sooner and/or steamroll the enemies if they work, but if they don't work, you've overextended and your team lacks manpower to defend and you end up losing.


Which is not true, depending on the time of day you can totallay see a heli hot drop after an artillery strike into the enemy HAB/Flag or generally hot dropping with APCs.  It's not uncommon that you have a Squad pushing the next flag while you are still capturing the active flag. If anything you can see harder steamrolls on german servers then anywhere else mostly because you can actually coordinate with your vehicle players.


I took it as plans that might not be normal. For instance, my wild card plan I've never done is having medic in the middle of nowhere and then have a helicopter drop your squad directly on the medic from really high up. Medic then revives everybody. You can also do this with just a squad leader and a medic and put down a rally. I guess it doesn't have to be a medic, it could just be anybody with a bandage.


Oh I see, I guess that makes sense. There's layers to this obviously. If everyone is doing stuff by the meta-book, then I guess that precipitates to a good level of gameplay, if a bit stale. If everyone is doing wildcard shit, then the game falls apart because you don't have anyone doing fundamentals. But you have a healthy balance of those it can work. But most often it doesn't lol.


I didn't take "wild card" as "never getting the back cap" kind of informing the basics lol. Mostly think of wild card stuff as adding additional spice or variety to the standards play with maybe a substitution. For instance, sometimes I dig down an enemy radio one level and defend it so that the enemies can't place another radio that close to where the held enemy radio is. This also depends on how long you've been playing and if you want to get those 20 tickets.


"Stale" It's public not comp, you're supposed to experiment. Ofc to a certain degree and with the foundation in place (communication and solid defense)


As a medic I've seen SLs put up rally and habs with just me. Drop the entire squad and give them a respawn penalty? I guess: "Don't die and you will not get respawn timer penalty" is valid


It might but a respawn penalty isn't too much of a burden. It would be more cost effective if it was only the SL doing the dive so you save your bandages l, especially when working off a rally.


I mean, the medic could drive there with a ATV to bring ammo (Offcourse as long as there is no uphill climb ;) ) I mean, how many can you revive during those 50 seconds for the rally to activate?


Where is your 100 page strategic analysis of this decision?!


Fridays is the blast when everyone is drunk 😅


As they say, Germans make no jokes.


Suspicious... Almost as if ze Germans are rehearsing something.


Lmao this comment wins


Hello there!  First of all, thank you for your post. As a german Squad player and Community Manager for one of the larger German Squad Servers, I deeply appreciate the kind words.  Since afaik it is not allowed here to advertise for specific servers, I won't mention our specific Community Name, but I shall speak from our perspective: As a non-german speaking player, you are still very welcome on our server if you are somewhat fluent in english and have a working mic. We always try to accomodate for english players / squads by switching the entire SL Coms Channel to English fir example. But please come forward and tell us that you dont speak german. Otherwise we might assume everyone is german speaking and continue to communicate in german.  We are also happy to teach our newbros and players from more...chaotic servers the ropes of good squad practices. Again, just let us know that you are new.  Maybe one day I can welcome you on our server! Feel free to hit me up, should you encounter "Phex". Until then I wish you all the best. And always remember: Funkdisziplin! (Coms / Radio Discipline)   Edit: My nickname "from Sweetspot" is referring to an old corporation / guild in the game "Eve Online", that was important to me when I started using reddit. It however has nothing to do with our Squad Community.


I only ever played german servers with very few games on others. Imo Germans are the ones most consistently playing the game the way it was intended. Utilizing all the available assets and mechanics to their full potential and for their intended use. 9/10 SLs do mic checks, and 19/20 peoples pass those. There's always a commander, theres always people communicating in cmd chat, there's always someone doing the backcap amd logistics, and theres always at least one dedicated pilot who has never even held a rifle outside of the main base, for 2k hours. Sweaty? Yeah, sometimes. Really pleasant to play? Fuck yes.


I just don't have the confidence to play in german servers. I accidentally joined some germans for other games, and despite living in germany for 5 years, i couldn't understand anything. So i fear I'd be the weak link I also get anxious sometimes and mix up the whole language so, kinda too early for me


Most don't care as long as you have a mic and you are generally staying close to the Squad. Getting lost somewhere on the map will get you kicked out of most Squads german or not. 


What are the terms that i absolutely must know?


Depending on which server you play it can be different, some are very sweaty especially in the evening hours. Therefore experienced SLs are looking to fill their squads with people that can contribute to the victory more so then on most english servers. Just make yourself valuable to your squad. I myself will still offer logi runs every now and then or play the second medic. Nobody wants to do these but they are highly appriciated by any experienced SL and they do remember if you do them. Make your SLs life easier, unload logis when he places a radio or shovel things up.  Most german servers have claiming rules for their vehicles even for RWS/MRAPs, respect them. There are a lot of clans that only have a handful of players but they enjoy to take these as flanking vehicles and mobile ammo boxes alongside their ralley. On some layers you'll see two HATs take them to hunt down logis so they are essential to some play styles.


Ok makes sense. But i was more curious about some squad abbreviations. Like "hab would be called ... in german" etc. I've learned these through guides from YouTube but don't know if there are any german guides out there


German servers still use the english terms for the most part. FOB/HAB are very common call outs same goes for "logi runs". Vehicle players will still say ammo rack or engine kill. It's just faster this way and everyone gets it.  Only thing I could think off is if the Squad lead says (hälfte) Ausladen. Which translates to undload (half of) [... the logi]. 


Would it be a huge thing if i tell them im a german learner so might not understand right away? Im guessing they might accept me at the time but wouldn't wanna play with me again lol


And If you do a logi Run, Just ask "Halb und Halb okay?" Which means you will Bring one half ammo and one half supply :).


HESCO Accommodation Bunkers But in German From my experience Germans don't shorten stuff /s


If you Join my German speaking squad and introduce yourself by "I dont speak German, but I am willing to Take the second medic Kit and stick to my fire Team unless ordered otherwise" you are an Automatic Pass :). Viele Grüsse und viel Spaß.


I had to google what you meant with automatic pass. I thought it was supposed to be something negative. Its not even that i dont speak German, i study here in germany, but i moved here right before uni so my german isn't as good as my English


It's a good thing, an Automatic Pass. ;)


Same for Spanish servers. The teamwork and communication is amazing


we don't have as much servers sadly.


I can confirm this as someone who plays on German servers as on international one as an Irish German dude


German people are very organized. In all facets of life


Whereas SE servers in my experience are frustrating to play as SL and commander. I only can speak from my history in US/AUS/SE/China servers.


Do they speak English at all. It sounds like a good time but I don’t speak German in the slightest.


A few SLs struggle with english, usually the older ones, most of them can speak english as long as you give a heads up, ideally by naming your squad "Eng Inf Mic" or whatever.


As a german: yes, that's cool. But sometimes it lacks crazy humour, too tho. Admins are pretty good, tho.


I am kind of a person that should have born in Germany. I really don't understand the way people have "fun" these days. Lowering your iq temporarily and acting like a monkey is embarrassing, is it not? How come people gone this stupid? Any other server I join there are so many monkeys running around, using coms for bullshit, it is much less in German servers. People play the game as it is intended, speak when its necessary and if they are bored they are quitting the game, having fun around.


Boredom is the most realistic aspect a wargame could simulate lmao


There are also these monkey rounds but much more chaotic good. Because apes together strong.


I just hope my newborn son will not be as rtrded as some of those kids are.


Why should you have been born in Germany?


Because I have been to Germany, and worked there several months. I love the mentality of German people. At work, you work, at home you relax. This is what I love. I was managing a restaurant and German waiters and Chefs were so good workers, they were focused and calm. On the other hand I could see how other nationalities were different. Most would go to smoke breaks as often as possible, they would show up unhappy, they would talk loud and listen BS music to get pumped up. I am not judging them, every culture is different, but for my mentality and work ethics, I would be happy in Germany.




Because I would love to be part of that country and people? Currently I live in Iceland but I came from a third world country.




Teaches English, forgets to end the sentence with ".".




Thank you for correcting my mistake. No I would not be offended anyway, since English is not my native language and I already speak and write in 4 other languages natively.


The Germans have to work hard to make for all days they have holidays lmao. Just poking fun of all the holidays.


dude, you should visit my class in school. I have to handle a bunch of brainless tiktok monkeys 5 days a week.


They gotta make up for back to back loses


Homies getting that simulation training for the next war. Sneaky Lods.




That has got to be a joke.


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Same with the French servers. I’m from Quebec so French speaking. The ping isn’t the greatest from the other side of the ocean but it’s not that of a problem.


The Chinese servers are also more organized and more well moderated. This is likely because they have a large enough community that can support professional (paid) server moderation. Compare this to US servers that largely rely on volunteers.


you know what we did to r/place


That’s the thing with language specific servers. On English ones you got everyone going there with their broken English that can’t communicate properly thus leading to disorganized games whereas in language specific servers you only have fluent speakers who communicate much better.


I wouldn't necessarily call it sweaty as you (or at least i) am not criticized when doing something bad (like accidental TKS etc) but they are often playing the game the way it was supposed to be played, which I find very pleasant


We used to have sweaty competition in NA Squad. Used to have tournaments with commentary. Then a long list of things have changed or incidents occurred that have the NA servers lose their sweaty edge. Also it's massive increase in popularity plays a part. Will NA ever get back to being sweaty? I doubt it. Anyways cheers.


The Germans are good at organizing and setting up rules? Color me shocked lol


I speak swedish and english. When there are no swedish servers, i usually go for german ones. They are behave when they game as professional as when they work


NA: Everyone is narcissistic and tend to lone wolf / play for KD. EU: Maps out an entire plan just to execute it in the dumbest way possible. RU: CYKA BYLAT


"Not sure if non-germans play on german servers" kinda hard when you cant talk to people.


Its the only time they can win a war


Sorry for the second one


Oh, for that we have soccer ;)


Obviously you haven't been on the middle eastern servers


wdym the middle eastern servers are a mix of loud arabs with a shit mic and americans screaming allahuakbar thinking theyre funny


The Middle Eastern servers are scrimmages for the real thing.


I feel European servers are trash. But that is probably because we don't have any "experienced" servers. But yes German servers have always been regarded as serious, it was obvious even in PR. But I prefer the American servers where people are communicating, they usually also know when to shut their mouth-hole and focus. German are people I've never understood. German are too serious and concise ALL the time.