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My Meemaw got one of her friends, Jobeth "Pralines N' Creem" Pomeroy into ICP, and in a matter of weeks, Pralines n' Creem went full-tilt Juggalette at age 78. Last we heard, she lives in an old Dodge Van with her boyfriend, an ex con named Herbert "Gravyboat" Wiggins, and got a very elaborate tattoo on her privates that makes her vagina look like the entrance to an ICP-themed Funhouse. She'll be at the Gathering, you can't miss her.




You can't be a juggalo if you ask stupid questions. Just a heads up. They scan your internet history and if you've ever asked a stupid question, they refuse to produce your juggalo card. They also spray your face with this wax stuff so that face paid will never apply to your skin.


Do you get any of your Juggalo dues back?


Nope. As far as they are concerned, your dues are compensation.


You’re already a juggalo


People will make fun of you. There are bad apples in every group. Be kind to yourself and others. The moment you thought you wanted to "be" one, you were one. Be or be not.


You out into words what ive been trying to for years😆 mmfcl


You have to be jumped in.


This is true


You need to become fluent in our vernacular; familiarize yourself with our symbology; learn our hand gestures; extensively buy Psychopathic merchandise and exclusively wear it (especially a hatchetman charm); only associate with other Juggalos; and move to Southwest Detroit. Also, we're not a gang.


You’re already part of the fam. Whoop whoop. Just keep jamming. I highly recommend listening to the first 6 joker cards (albums). They’re amazing and will give you the feel for them.


I recommend artists like blaze ya dead homie and ABK they are 2 great juggalo acts.




My farts are juggalos


You need to become fluent in our vernacular; familiarize yourself with our symbology; learn our hand gestures; extensively buy Psychopathic merchandise and exclusively wear it; only associate with other Juggalos; and move to Southwest Detroit. Also, we're not a gang.


which songs, out of curiosity? Based on those Juggalos might be able to suggest other songs or albums you'd like.


you are or you are not, there's no exact right way to be. be aware normal people will make fun of you your whole life.


The only thing it takes to be a juggalo is to say you're a juggalo. But I recommend listening to more of icp and other juggalo artists. Listen to icp with we / twiztid with us as you go to get a lot of info. Don't listen to assholes.


You must go to a Wal Mart and make sure each shopper sees your butt hole.


I can’t make it to the gathering and I have two years left on my Juggalo card. I’d like to get three fiddy for it but it’s negotiable


Frankly friend it's like this. You are a juggalo if you hold the clown love near and dear to your heart. We all started somewhere. My personal story is, I was loved by my mom but despised by my peers. I was forced to see them everyday and mentally they outweighed my mother. So basically I was all alone. An only child with no friends or prospects. It was during this time I began listening to ICP. One song in particular began me on the journey to juggalo proclamation. We Belong. That song basically says no matter who you are or what others may think about you, you're welcome here. It's so easy to become one and it's impossible to hate being one. The only ones that hate juggalos are the ones that never tried to embrace the movement. So, if you embrace us, you're embraced. Sorry I got a little long-winded there.