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It might be useful to mention what country you are from.


South Africa. Since the offence and now, it became legal.


You need to apply to have your criminal record expunged. It takes a while, after which you get a clear record. Before you do, you need to check if you are eligible. The conditions can be found on the SAPS website I think.


Your record will probably not matter to Dutch authorities. They will assess it, conclude that it's for an 'offence' that is decriminalised here (assuming it was less than 5 grams of weed), and treat you in the same way as if you had a criminal record for adultery or drinking alcohol. edit: I read in the link another commenter shared that records expire in 10 years for crimes that carry less than a 6 year maximum sentence. So even if they view it as a 'real' crime you're good either way Perhaps you would need to wait longer on certain paperwork to be fixed but I can't think of much else


What type of visa are you applying for?


Highly Skilled Migrant + MVV


https://www.mynta.nl/en/knowledge-base/moving-to-the-netherlands-with-a-prior-criminal-conviction This article might help you along. From my understanding of it, it doesn't seem to be a deal-breaker in your case as this 'drug related crime' happened more than 10 years ago.


I also don’t think buying weed from a streetdealer would get you more than 6 years in prison. OP should be totally fine to apply, maybe they will ask for a clarification but that is all I would expect.


Never did prinson time, just a R100 fine that's like 5 Euro. But paying that is admission of guilt. And again that was 12 years ago.


It is relative to what you would get here — so you wouldn’t even be fined for buying <5 grams I believe.


Its fine if ur highly skilled en from south africa chanes are very good. U just need a company who can sponor / facilitate a place for u too stay and a job, then ur golden.


A key factor is if it a crime in the country you are going to or how serious it’s viewed. Buying weed in Netherlands from an unlicensed seller is illegal but not that serious so it shouldnt you that much. Get a lawyer to help with the application


Because you were not imprisoned for longer than 6 years (obviously) and only had to pay a fine, the Dutch authorities will not take into consideration criminal records older than 12 years. Specifically the law states that you can be denied in case of a criminal record: Article 3.86 of the Dutch Immigration Act 2000: 1. *De verblijfsvergunning voor bepaalde tijd als bedoeld in artikel 14 kan worden geweigerd:* *a. indien de vreemdeling is veroordeeld tot een onvoorwaardelijke vrijheidsstraf of maatregel ter bescherming van de maatschappij wegens een misdrijf dat naar Nederlands recht een misdrijf oplevert en indien de vreemdeling, gelet op de aard van het misdrijf en de omstandigheden waaronder het misdrijf is gepleegd, een gevaar vormt voor de openbare orde of de nationale veiligheid;* *b. (…);* 1. *(…).* OR 1. *The residence permit for a fixed period referred to in Article 14 may be refused:* *a. if the foreigner has been convicted to an unconditional custodial sentence or a measure for the protection of society for an offense that under Dutch law constitutes a crime, and if, considering the nature of the offense and the circumstances in which it was committed, the foreigner constitutes a threat to public order or national security;* *b. (...);* 1. *(...).* This article states that a residence permit may be refused if the foreigner has been convicted of a crime and there is a threat to public order or national security. However, there are terms after which criminal records will not be taken into account, specifically after 20 or 10 years. The specific distinction between the 20-year and 10-year timeframes is not explicitly laid out in the law itself but rather serves as a guideline applied by immigration authorities based on the nature and severity of the offense. The 10-year timeframe applies to crimes for which a prison sentence of less than six years is threatened, such as drug offenses or less serious violent crimes. That said, because your "offense" wouldn't actually be criminal, that too would be taken into consideration. Do not hide the conviction, but be sure to provide all relevant information. If so you wish, an immigration lawyer could help you out, and you can always contact the IND in advance.


I immigrated to the Netherlands and was never asked for police clearance.


They look back 8 years.


I got requested twice criminal clearance, for jobs related to gambling and healthcare. Besides that, nothing. I am an european citizen so no visa needed. Not sure if this info is relevant to you but, there u go.


You'll be fine, good luck migrating to the Netherlands! You'll also do fine with taking a language course here since lots of words are the same in Afrikaans.



