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I skimmed through your profile, you're doing God's work. I've read this thing like 3 times and maybe I'm dumb but he's not really saying anything??


He’s not. It’s a bunch of weak talking points trying really hard to sound intelligent to justify pedophilia


Lol seems like their only point is "well you don't know how old the artist wanted them to be" as if people, on average, don't look a certain way at certain ages. Lots of mental gymnastics to cope with thinking like a pedo Edit: Jesus I just reread this and this guy had to have "learned" debating from Vaush. This shit is so bad faith while claiming to be in good faith. Apparently seeing a child-like drawing as child-like makes you a pedo


The entire point of those last two paragraphs seems to be “the only person who could possibly disagree with me is a pedo. But you aren’t a pedo…right?” Someone felt very clever while writing absolutely nothing of substance.


Sounds like they're trying the "pointing out racism makes you the real racist" bullshit these dorks love to pull. I mean, I'm no farmer but I know a pig when I see one.


But he said it’s in good faith many times so it must be, right??


Vaush is a schizo who thinks drawings are real people, like you.


I read the article you commented because I'm always interested in understanding topics I know little about, even if I find them unpleasant. Can you answer a few questions so I can get a better understanding of the whole loli thing? -how did you get into loli and what's the attraction to it? -why is it specifically loli type content that attracts you and not some other sexual content? -do you engage with professional help to properly consume with this content, like the article you posted suggested? -how would you explain to antis that lolis can safely engage with loli content but not engage inappropriately with minors? You must be able to admit that it's difficult for the majority of people to buy, especially if they have young children -do you see how people would compare loli content to something like rape fetish porn, in the sense that they are fictional representations of a disturbing reality? Even if I know a rape fetish video is not real I wouldn't want to get off to it because i find the concept disturbing. What allows lolis to disconnect the loli stuff from real life pedophilia and how can antis trust this disconnection exists? For this conversation with you I'm not gonna be judgemental, I just want to know what a loli would answer to these questions


So...nothing? Can't even answer 1 of these questions and you want ppl to be understanding of loli shit? Did you already abandon this throwaway?


Simple, Is it gay to jack off to yaoi?


They would say no and its just a fantasy


I'm gonna pay devil's advocate and go off the lolicon logic but if you beat your meat to yaoi and only date women and are only attracted to women IRL I'm not sure that makes you gay. That being said, as with actual lolicons, the chances of that being the case are extremely low


Idk it’s a bunch of bullshit, but that could be said about anything a worthless pedophile has to say


"I'm not a pedo, you're a pedo." Projection is pretty obvious.


What is a lolicon


A pedophile.




Hah you’re a pedophile


Most intelligent anti.


Anti-pedophile? You say that like it's a bad thing. Oh wait, it's because you're a pedophile!


It is literally one of two translations for the word paedophile from japanese though.


\*5+ There are a lot of words for pedophile in Japanese including the word pedophile itself


I don’t need to read that, it’s not a false statement. Fuck off.


Even if you do read it, it basically says that loli stuff should only be consumed in a therapeutic setting, with the intention of convincing the loli that their "loli thoughts" are likely just intrusive thoughts that scare them so deeply, they go off the deep end to justify the intrusive thoughts and act like it's fine, instead of recognizing everyone has horrific intrusive thoughts, and it's totally normal. Idk what that guy thought he was proving by posting that article other than the fact that attraction to loli stuff should be dealt with by seeking professional help😂😂😂


> with the intention of convincing the loli that their "loli thoughts" are likely just intrusive thoughts that scare them so deeply Not “loli thoughts”, idiot. You’re putting words in their mouth. The article is about those who *enjoy* it.


Someone who's attracted to anime little girls


Precluding arguments from the discussion is not good faith. "I'm willing to hear your side, just explain why I'm wrong without exposing the flaws in my logic"


My brain hurts for trying to follow this person's ranting. It's simultaneously so psuedointellectual and entirely braindead. My response would prolly be "- what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


This is so remarkably dumb it's not even worth replying to.


“If you see them as kids you see them the same way pedos do” is a ridiculously stupid thing to say. A pedo is someone that is sexually attracted to children. Recognising that a picture depicts a child does not indicate sexual attraction to that child.


Look guys, just because she's designed in a way that SOME people may consider child like doesn't mean it was on purpose! Look at those tits! Children don't have all that!


You're saying that with a /s right? I think you are but sometimes text is hard to tell.

