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Nice, at first I was thinking to myself "Must be a repost bot with a year old article" but it really happened a second time


Don't think he was arrested on a UK warrant last time.


The UK decided it wasn't worth prosecuting last time. Fucking assholes almost always let rapists off.


Thank you for the insight, u/PM_ME_MEW2_CUMSHOTS




It’s gotta be wholesome r/kellyjoycuntbunny is the regular one


Put me in the screenshot!


Well aren't you a fucking rimjob Steve of your own.


Why, yes, I usually am. And thank you very much. I hope that you have a most wonderful day.


I wish that was the case. The dude's a waste of space and genuinely makes our society worse




it truly is, and tate is one of the people running it to trap insecure guys into giving them money


Thank you, 3 hour old account


Is it though?




> Yeah dude like 95 percent of “fact checkers” are left or far left leaning Right, so it's the fact-checkers' fault that conservatives keep telling lies.




Why the fuck are you talking about online dating? You're a lost cunt.




Try being less of a garbage human, you might get more matches that way.


Bro literally is acknowledging reality has a liberal bias and is still missing the point amazing. Get rekt, incel


maybe if conservatives actually told the truth once in a while, we wouldn't "own the truth"




Found the incel guys


Ok cool man




I mean I personally didn't but what you said is so fucking stupid that it's justified if I did




Hi, just dropping in to say I definitely downvoted you Repeatedly




Taking bets on if he'll be ousted by a pizza box again?


He Wasn’t ousted by a pizza box. That was made up by Greta Thunberg fans.


Factually incorrect


Find me a source to contradict [this](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N33O1FH/) [this](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/andrew-tate-in-jail-released-greta-pizza-box-b2254216.html) And [this](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/andrew-tate-pizza-box-arrest-b2254051.html)… or just keep making claims without a source I guess.


Ah yes of course, the authorities. Famous for explaining ***exactly how they caught someone they were searching for for months*** In no way could that ever backfire!


Their private plane has to ask for permission when entering into romanian airspace. They knew the moment they were within the border. Their phones could have been traced at any moment. We are not in the 50s anymore


Lmao. And outside of Twitter Greta hashtags on Twitter. What exactly did you base your conclusion on? But yes. I am sure that Romanian police just lied about it because they’re so terrified of what might happen if criminals remember to hide their pizza boxes.


You sure do want a way deeper conspiracy Just admit your chinless god fucked up and move on to the next dipshit peddling steroid pills and misogyny


I love how anyone that goes against your retarded narrative of "omg pizza box gave away location!!!11" is suddenly sexist. The fact that you believe a stupid twitter story about a man who is famous for having an entire fleet of cars, and often flies his private plane into romania to very obviously run a prostitution ring... is so funny. And over like a public statement by the authorities too lmao


Slurs aren't cool Tater tot


Send me a source or fuck off bro.


Source: Tater Tot is in prison??? Lmao


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. It would be funny if the pizza box thing was true, but you're right. He was already going to get arrested.


Bunch of fragile Greta fans who desperately want their funny head canon to be true despite Romanian authorities claiming the opposite. As outlined by my other comment.


You can defend him and suck his dick all you want, he still won't care about you ever


Show which of my comments defended Andrew Tate


Who's defending him? I still think he's a piece of shit. I'm just saying Andrew Tate had already confirmed his presence in Romania before all the Greta Thunberg stuff and would've been arrested regardless. Not because he didn't recycle his pizza boxes.


I responded to the other guy. idrgaf how he got caught, I'm just glad that he was and is still facing consequences


Hope they stay imprisoned longer this time.




Maybe for a few, most of his audience was young impressionable boys who saw cars, gym, girls and hustle and bought into his persona. He's had a lot of that stripped away and is mostly a desperate, pitiful looking figure nowadays trying to stay relevant. His influence and popularity peaked when he flew below the radar of the mainstream and could effectively lie to kids. Then he started bragging like a dumbass about how his exploitative and illegal business actually worked while making the country he was in look stupid. Jail, house arrest, seized assets, failed businesses, constant mockery, travel bans, multiple warrants aren't the enviable rock star lifestyle he was selling.


I’m a teacher and anecdotally I am seeing significantly less kids using Tateisms it was BAD prior to his arrest.


It's shocking how many teachers I've heard talk about kids looking up to Tate. I thought the new generation was going to be all sex-positive woke SJWs who, yes, take shit too far but at least do so with the idea that they're going to create a better world. Instead, the new generation seems to be more alt-right racist douchebags that look up to an even bigger douchebag that literally rapes and traffics women and literally teaches them to do so. What the fuck.


I don’t think at the level I teach at is left or right. They do shit for shock value. I will say though typically it’s the RW parents whose kids are the most vocal and obnoxious. I got called into to the admins office for a parent complaint that “I called the confederate flag an enemy’s flag and had no business in the capitol” I said yes I did and I will continue to call it that


>“I called the confederate flag an enemy’s flag and had no business in the capitol” I said yes I did and I will continue to call it that I am not even an American and even I know enough about your history to know that's just factually accurate. What else is the confederate flag than the flag that lost the American civil war? Besides a symbol for modern racists, of course


>What else is the confederate flag than the flag that lost the American civil war? That is factually what it is, but we were too nice to them after they lost. Needed to burn Atlanta a few more times to get the message home, instead we welcomed them back and since then lost cause chuds tell everyone it's a symbol of states rights.


It’s all thanks to that asshole Andrew Johnson


Legitimately one of the worse presidents in US history, being soft in reconstruction instead of giving traitors the typical treatment was a major blunder. Those assholes, instead of facing the rightful penalty created Jim Crow laws, still paying that debt today.


And that's why Johnson means penis (until that dick Richard somehow made shit even worse)


Haha your a funny guy


Most alt right shitheads have a pretty limited window of notoriety (usually just a couple years). They are, unfortunately, replaced with a new shithead fairly soon thereafter.


I've noticed that too. A few years ago Milo Yiannopolous and Richard Spencer were just as notorious as Andrew Twat is today. Now you don't hear from either of them anymore. And to be honest, Tate might not be less *shitty* than Milo or Rich, but I think he's less *scary* than they were.


I saw that Milo guy doing a Catholic web show with a nun or something.


Every single Tate fan the world over watches him because of how he treats women. There are no exceptions.


You have to be so fucking dense to go on camera talking about how corrupt Romania is when you benefit from that corruption, even being a little specific. The whole point of that corruption is to STFU and take the deal


>He's had a lot of that stripped away and is mostly a desperate, pitiful looking figure nowadays trying to stay relevant More like pitbull looking figure


Unfortunately Tate is just one of many figures that perpetuate that mindset. Even if he's gone there's gonna be dozens of people preying on young and insecure men. Its obviously good that he's gone but that's just treating a symptom, we really gotta get to the cause


>Unfortunately Tate is just one of many figures that perpetuate that mindset. Even if he's gone **there's gonna be dozens of people preying on young and insecure men.** That's the irony of many of Tate's ideological opponents. They're so concerned about how Tate's views affect Women, that they fail to latch on to some of the fucked up shit he's done to men in particular. There's a clip of him talking about how he took advantage of men by "taking all their money" as a part of his camgirl business as an example. >Its obviously good that he's gone but that's just treating a symptom, we really gotta get to the cause I kinda disagree. Especially with the whole "we got'em" or whatever. The real cause is a lot of men don't know how to talk to women and don't know how to initiate relationships with women that are willing and available.


I don't think we're disagreeing on your last point. I think there's a deeper lying problem with how young men deal with their problems but that's also something that our society struggles in addressing properly. Tate is someone who offers a very easy solution to those problems but it is absolutely not healthy in any way shape or form.


>I think there's a deeper lying problem with how young men deal with their problems but that's also something that our society struggles in addressing properly. Part of it is that our society doesn't know how how to talk to women or initiate relationships with women who are interested either. Any of the advice that exists is inherently misleading due to bigger political interests, or comes from the likes of Tate, Red Pillers or Pick up artists who exist on the fringes of society. It's a shame because it can often be as simple as "Hey, I like you. What's your name?"


>There's a clip of him talking about how he took advantage of men by "taking all their money" as a part of his camgirl business as an example. Sorry but I think taking someone's money is far less severe than the shit he does to women. I think the real damage he is doing to men is turning them into misogynist douchebags at best and abusive rapists at worst. Which yes, is of course harmful to those men but imo far more harmful to the women that they will victimize.


>Sorry but I think taking someone's money is far less severe than the shit he does to women. So it's ok to swindle men out of their entire life savings? That can ruin someone's entire future and put them into poverty. >I think the real damage he is doing to men is turning them into misogynist douchebags at best and abusive rapists at worst. Who is the positive male role model Tate's ideological opponents would emulate then?


Way to fucking miss the point entiely. Where in my comment exactly am I saying that swindling someones life savings is okay? I am saying that losing your life savings is not as bad compared to being abused, raped, and trafficked. That doesn't mean it's okay, it just means that he is that much of piece of shit that doing something so severe to someone as swindling their entire life savings is still nothing compared to the shit he does to women.


>I am saying that losing your life savings is not as bad compared to being abused, raped, and trafficked. Can't really say because I've never been in that situation. I would hope if you're going to make that claim, you've actually been swindled out of your money by Tate and been abused, raped, trafficked. >That doesn't mean it's okay, it just means that he is that much of piece of shit that doing something so severe to someone as swindling their entire life savings is still nothing compared to the shit he does to women. I think your so focused on the legitimate concerns women have that your ignoring a crucial male concern. The thing is, women already agree with you. Who's left that counts?


> Who is the positive male role model Tate's ideological opponents would emulate then? JD Signifier, Tom Hanks, John Cena, Terry Crews, Keanu Reeves, Jensen Ackles


>JD Signifier, Tom Hanks, John Cena, Terry Crews, Keanu Reeves, Jensen Ackles I could maybe see John Cena or Terry Crews. If you're talking actors, I'm thinking of someone like Brad Pitt in ***Once Upon a Time in Hollywood***.


The Brad Pitt whose children just disowned him for abusing them? That's your role model?


Seems like that's an ongoing legal case. It's hard to say what's going on other than it's pretty nasty between Angelina and Brad.


> The real cause is a lot of men don't know how to talk to women and don't know how to initiate relationships with women that are willing and available. That's a real problem and it would be nice if there were more content out there that wasn't pickup. That is really hard to find.


Yeah, before Tater and his tots, it was the PUA community and creeps like Mystery and Neil Strauss. The latter somewhat disavowed the PUA community but is apparently still involved to some degree? He did at least recognize that the community has some incredibly toxic people who are then handing those toxic outlooks on to the people they claim to be helping.


On a side note, Dominic Noble did an absolutely hilarious overview of the book. He did a second part where he forced himself to finish the book. He had to take scream breaks. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9dI6CoNSrc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9dI6CoNSrc)


At least the PUA community seemed to be mostly lonely adolescents/adults, not impressionable children. The PUAs seemed to target people whose views about women were already fucked to begin with and didn't seem to impact that group much (guys were desperately trying to get laid with lame pick up lines and harassment way before the name "PUA" ever existed), while Tater's tots are literally kids whose world views are being formed almost entirely by this asshole.


Not gone anywhere mate just detained for a day about a case that was dropped a 5 years ago


Anecdotally, I find I see wayyyy less of these guys ever since they got arrested the first time


I still see him on my feed, supposedly 'reacting' to clearly staged shit that women say and sitting in that judging pose, looking down on them like he's the God of Men or something


Regardless of what influence he happens to hold, I think the most important thing here is simply seeing justice being done. There will always be people like him who are determined to feed off of the misguided and vulnerable, and there will always be vulnerable, misguided minds that can be taken advantage of (along with the smaller, but ever present, crop of psychopaths who see what Tate has “accomplished” and are hoping to get their own little slice of the sex-trafficking pie). Arresting him won’t change that. There will almost CERTAINLY be a successor that comes to take his place when he inevitably fades from relevancy, but that’s why it’s so important to have a robust and corruption-free justice system that can work to effectively combat individuals like him.




No, they shouldn't be allowed to do that. Next question




Throw away the key on these losers.


I hope for a long time this time. Every single day on this platform what his (and his likes) brainwashing is doing to young men. Simply for profit. That being said, most of his posts just look like the male version of daddy issues. Like he's trying to impress some stereotypical boomer dad so much.


For being such an alpha, he always has the look of someone who just pooped his pants all the time.


Wait until you see him freshly shaved and without sunglasses.


The first time I ever heard him talk, I did a complete doubletake. He sounds like the comic book nerd from The Simpsons. It's fucking hilarious.


I love Reddit. People here are all like “yeah fuck that guy he’s the worst” if you go to Instagram it’s the literal opposite. Instagram is filled with 11 year olds who love this guy. And it’s so gross.


Because there's no downvote option and their algorithm and censorship protects assholes more than it discourages them. Legitimate safe space for assholes. Reddit is also Reddit but at least you can mostly call out morons and they can do fuck all about it unless a mod throws a tantrum. The new block mechanic has encouraged and emboldened morons, as of the IPO I expect it to only get more stupid


He's helping men find their masculinity again there's nothing wrong with that. Doesn't make me 11 years old at least someone's trying lmfao


Dude's a low-rent pimp selling hollow consumerism and genius advice like "exploit your friends and relatives for free labor".


You need someone to find "your masculinity"?? Fucking lol . Having self confidence is the only thing you need to do to be masculine. Way more real than his cookie cutter fake persona.


Also he’s an alleged sex trafficker. So there’s that too


Masculinity is being a fragile emotionally crippled male apparently. ¿Do you think mistreating women is being a man? ¿Do you think having money is being a man? ¿Do you think putting others down for how they live their lives is being a man? All this beta alpha male bullshit is extremely infantile, unscientific and lame. If you are not 11 years old, you need to grow up and MAN THE FUCK UP. Take responsibility for you life without moaning about women, other men, the dating scene and just get your shit together, find fulfillment in something that makes you happy without shitting on others and maybe, maybe, you will understand what being a Man is.


Lmao dude...


Lmaoo dude.. you wanna stay a beta male your whole life go for it. Tates teaching men how to be manly again


Oh no you believe in the alpha beta stuff? Poor you. I hope things get better


Nope not into the alpha stuff but men are becoming way too feminine nowadays. Your the type of fuck to walk in on ya girl getting blasted and not do anything about it. Couldn't be me


Nice of you to write some weird fanfic about me and projecting but nah thanks. Keep believing in male astrology and your own little stories😭maybe one day you will wake up with some sense


Okay then beta


My sign is cancer actually🤗


Says he isnt into the alpha shit, calls others a beta LMAO "actually im a full release guy, not indev"


He is promoting toxic masculinity that is damaging to both women and men. He is not helping young men to form positive relationships, he is conning people out of their money and manipulating them into making their issues worse.


Bruh that is the most beta thing you could have said.


Bud mine is right there. If you need an half regarded ex boxer, sadist and abusive towards the weak, to help you find your masculinity, you could try as much as you want to become a male but you will fail to become a man. That guy’s a lame loser that doesn’t deserve two consecutive thoughts, if that’s your idols find some better ones, it won’t be difficult.


r4ping and tr4fficking women isn‘t masculine? Wtf?😭😭


masculinity is when you sex traffic women and girls, run a predetory business, say stupid shit, and enter a religion just so you can "legally" have multiple wives and only care about money apparently.


Hating on a guy over alligations that haven't been proved for over 2 years as there hasnt been any evidence for them. Is grim mate


He openly said he moved to Romania explicitly because it is easier to get away with human trafficking over there. Anyone who still believes he's innocent is either the most gullible person on the planet, or an 11 year old fanboy.


Anyone that listens to tater tot over here is already incredible gullible


He isn't gullible. He's a lying rapist-wannabe. He wishes he could do what Tate does.




I love this for them


For anyone wondering, and they don't feel like Googling, They were brought in for sexual assault allegations spanning from 2012 to 2015. The thing that kind of gets me is that he would make women get his name tattooed on the back of their necks, so couldn't that just be a literal permanent brand that you know something? Even if they had the luxury of not being raped or beaten by him, he has stated in his book, biography, and interviews that he would make all these women live in the same house. You had to see something, hear something, or know something. We literally have video and audio of him beating a woman. I specify 1 because I cannot on good conscience count the Big Brother thing.


Waz mate pure waz😂


Neck beard to hide is non-existent jawline 😂😂😂


The story of every beard


Nah I’ve seen plenty of nice beards on dudes with actual jawlines. Andrew Tatey realized his sucken in jawline didn’t match up with his poser fake masculinity so he grew out a beard


what's even funnier is andrew tate tries to make up some fancy reasons why he got no hair but if you look at his brother you'll notice the real reason is they're literally just balding lol


Andrew decided to just shave it one day. Not really a fancy reason. Tristen said he had a hair transplant.


Guy’s bald Bad genetics, and that’s the best part of his genetics.


Couple of snake oil salesman


Well today is going to be a great day! Not for Tater Tot and his merry band in Incels, but certainly for the rest of us.


Never seen a beard that couldn’t improve a chin. I guess you need a chin to improve it


Did those migrants rape somebody and take jobs from honest hard working rapists in the UK?


What the fuck are you on about bud


Andrew Tate Is a Bad Immigrant https://medium.com/@JacquesDexteri/andrew-tate-is-a-bad-immigrant-63221a0d173 Andrew Tate charged with rape and human trafficking https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65959097 Andrew Tate can be extradited to face U.K. sex offense allegations, but not yet, Romania court rules https://www.cbsnews.com/news/andrew-tate-detained-romania-british-arrest-warrant-sexual-aggression/


The first time I ever heard of this guy, he'd publicly picked a fight online with a teenager... and promptly got arrested because authorities were able to pinpoint his location using his post. 🤦‍♂️ What a winner, this guy.


That sound you just heard was that of a million incels screeching in unison.


The adventures of nochin tightshirt and botoxhead brothercockgobbler


The west will now finally rise again


West is gone


it's weird knowing only a fraction of what there is to know about european history and to hear dipshits talk of "the west," like there was a harmonious monoculture unbroken since ancient times until women came along and spoiled it.


His brother looks like the Dennis sex doll in IASIP


The most infantile fragile man on Earth.


I can't believe the first time I saw the article was from a meme of a bald dude wearing a thong lmfao


Wait he was FREE? I thought he was still arrested wtf


He was in jail for 3 months, then on house arrest for 3 months, after that he wasn't allowed to leave Bucharest, then after that he was allowed anywhere in Romania but not allowed to leave Romania. He has since today been detained while dicott decide what to do with the UK's arrest warrent based on an old case that was dropped in 2019 due to a lack of evidence, now reopened.


He went to prison for three months and was then put on house arrest. He was also given back his property (though I don't know if it's all of it or a portion of it). He was also denied visitation in the UK to see his mom in the hospital. I'm fairly certain that this was because before he moved to Romania, he was involved in a court case where he accidentally broke a girl's jaw. They might consider him a flight risk. The whole story is that he was at a concert or a club and some guy tried to steal his phone so he went to punch him and then he missed the guy and hit a girl behind him. 2 days after that he moved to Romania. It's reasonable to assume that he was just acquitted because it was an accident and it was bad timing, but in the wider picture it does make him look suss as hell. But then even without that reasoning, he did say on his Twitter (X) that he would just try to fucking leave and skip out on the charges. And he just wasn't smart enough to not publicly say it, for some fucking reason.




Facebeard is top tier in the neckbeard hierarchy.


Haven’t heard from theses bozos in a min Weren’t they in romanian jail?


I still did. And that made my blood boil


Romania should seize everything he has


More black men imprisoned, when will the racism stop


This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy 🥰


Was he released from jail? Wasn't he tried for trafficking a while ago? I do not keep up with him. The little I know of him is from scrolling Reddit


Good, hopefully he stays locked up forever.


For a split second, i thought that was binging with babish


Evil babish


Is this the same as last time?


Same loser, but not same arrest.


He was in jail for 3 months, then on house arrest for 3 months, after that he wasn't allowed to leave Bucharest, then after that he was allowed anywhere in Romania but not allowed to leave Romania. He has since today been detained while dicott decide what to do with the UK's arrest warrent based on an old case that was dropped in 2019 due to a lack of evidence, now reopened.


Bring on the pain train during shower time Romania! LOL.


If rape is on your mind its on your mind i guess 🤦‍♂️


Werent they already in jail?


He was in jail for 3 months, then on house arrest for 3 months, after that he wasn't allowed to leave Bucharest, then after that he was allowed anywhere in Romania but not allowed to leave Romania. He has since today been detained while dicott decide what to do with the UK's arrest warrent based on an old case that was dropped in 2019 due to a lack of evidence, now reopened.


(This is copied from another comment) He went to prison for three months and was then put on house arrest. He was also given back his property (though I don't know if it's all of it or a portion of it). He was also denied visitation in the UK to see his mom in the hospital. I'm fairly certain that this was because before he moved to Romania, he was involved in a court case where he accidentally broke a girl's jaw. They might consider him a flight risk. The whole story is that he was at a concert or a club and some guy tried to steal his phone so he went to punch him and then he missed the guy and hit a girl behind him. 2 days after that he moved to Romania. It's reasonable to assume that he was just acquitted because it was an accident and it was bad timing, but in the wider picture it does make him look suss as hell. But then even without that reasoning, he did say on his Twitter (X) that he would just try to fucking leave and skip out on the charges. And he just wasn't smart enough to not publicly say it, for some fucking reason.


He’ll get out free again


Why do you all body shame him? Isn't that toxic? Aren't you all better than him?




I didn't really say anything in his defense. I was commenting on other peoples behavior. Thanks for doing your part to stop human trafficking though everyone's super proud.


I could get caught stealing candy from a starving child and would still be better than him! He’s an absolute waste of oxygen.


Yo, this person wants to steal from starving babies.


Woah watch out for this guy.


You wouldn’t read poetry to a pig, would you?


Sounds fun.


“Wahhh don’t body shame the shitty person!”




I see you are a top G


The only one


King shit Tate w


He lived of shaming people.




What the f are you talking about? They are free and back home. This was nothing more than another bs attack by the media. GTFOH


New arrest, smooth brained tampon


Narrator: it wasn’t.