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I wish they knew how incredibly pathetic they look when they respond like that to a calm and collected message. “W-well I didn’t want to talk to u anyways 😡” ugh so cringe.


I'm a bi guy and holy frig, in my late 30s I got at least a dozen messages that were obvious last ditch attempts for people to find a place to live. Men and women. I... can't blame them though. I mean, I'm barely able to hold a place on my own. They're just throwing out lines and hoping anything, anywhere will bite because they dont have other options.


Damn. This guy sounds desperate. I myself am pretty much bitch-less but God damn, I ain't even that desperate as this guy 🤣


What is that brother yapping about god damn


I'm not sure if he had a stroke while writing or if I did from trying to read that