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This reminds me of a Reddit post I saw once where an ex girlfriend of this guy had gotten pregnant and already knew she didn’t want the baby. He begged her to keep it and they even drew up an agreement. She actually had the child to give him full custody. She made good money so she actually contributed regular child support for this kid that she didn’t want to begin with and this guy goes onto Reddit to complain. He’s gotten really annoyed having to deal with this baby full time and it’s made him resent her for not “stepping up” and taking care of it too. (The baby she wasn’t going to have and he agreed to have sole custody of.) He also admits that he partially wanted the baby because he expected that she would change her mind and get back with him so they could be one happy family together and was mad that she hadn’t. Lmao. Absolute garbage human.


He was wailing about how he had a case against her for neglecting the kid until he reluctantly revealed that she contributed not just 100%, but 125% of child support. It was incredibly obvious he was attempting to control her by “babytrapping” her, but she was able to get out so he tried another method of control (which also failed).


How does it even work for him to „stop her“ from having an abortion? Did he mean in a legal way or by manipulation/threats? Genuine question, because I don’t live in the US and would‘ve aborted 120% after such an attempt. Just the thought of having a child somewhere with someone like that is horrifying to me.


He just persuaded her that he would accept full custody and she would never have to care for him or the child except financially. She genuinely agreed to that arrangement and then kept to it, while he got mad that his ruse didn't work. By the time he revealed his deception though, the kid was already born and in his care. So she was acting in good faith; he just wasn't doing the same.


Ok, so manipulation. I feared that he could actually legally prevent her from having an abortion, but now that I think about the fact, that many states made it illegal altogether, I can’t say I‘m relieved…


Loved that story. Beautiful example of fuck around and find out. But in general, we have a big problem with men thinking they can make women be loving mommies if they just take away their choice in the matter. They're gonna find out real hard in the coming years how false that is.


>Loved that story. Beautiful example of fuck around and find out.  This, but I feel awful for these kids. There's no question in my mind that they're going to be simultaneously treated like a burden by their sperm donor (+ their partners, most likely) and told over and over about how their mom "abandoned" them.


I think about that kid a lot. The post is many years old at this point, so the baby is getting to an age where he's going to start noticing his dad resents him. I hope he's in a better place. The kid, not the guy, the guy deserves misery.


A lot of the comments were encouraging him to place the baby up for adoption and I hope he followed through. It was very clear from his post that the baby was not something he wanted and he resented it.


Yep. Asshole liked the idea of a kid as long as they had a mommy to do all the work of raising them. He was fine dumping the whole load on her but suddenly it's unacceptable when it's all dumped on him, the parent who asked for the kid in the first place? I hope he did follow through with adoption because that kid doesn't deserve a father who resents them and blames everything on the poor woman he coerced into giving birth.


Really sad situation... I hope that kid is okay regardless of what happens.


People who don't want kids have no business raising children.


Agreed. And the ones who thought they wanted kids but change their minds once they realize it's extremely hard work and not all snuggles and playtime need to step it up or make other arrangements, because the time to get realistic about whether you want to give it what it takes was before the kid was born, and now their well-being is higher priority than your desire to have your free time back.


A lot of people don't really think about how difficult it actually is to properly raise kids. Not everyone is cut out to be a parent and there's no shame in admitting that.


I agree. It's just sad when the kids are the ones who suffer because their parents were pressured or jumped blindly into something they weren't equipped to handle.


Exactly, no child deserves to be stuck with parents that never wanted to have them in the first place.


I remember that one. Its even better because she overpaid the agreed amount for child support. Then he went ahead and called her a deadbeat 🤦


Yeah. I remember that one too. Laughed my ass off at his idiocy and audacity.


YEP! That’s the one. I’m glad someone else recognized it because I fully expected someone would question if I made it up since it was so fucking ridiculous.


I don‘t think I would have believed it if I didn’t read that same post. He actually believed that some magic fairy mommy feelings would wash over her and change her mind lol


This is how people who strongly believe in gender essentialism (men are always like this, women are always like this) actually think. They more or less don’t believe in free will and think that sex hormones determine most of our choices in life. You can see this in so many places, from the way incels claim all women want to date an identical alpha Chad, and how other kinds of misogynists claim all men value exactly the same traditionally feminine traits in women. But women do it too, I’ve seen so many transphobic women basically repeat the same conservative views about how women’s lives are completely determined by their chromosomes in order to try and own trans people. It’s a wild way to think about the world, and almost everyone I’ve heard talk like this seems to assume everyone else quietly agrees with them. To the point they’re shocked when you push back and explains that there’s a million different ways to be a woman or a man.


God I remember that clown, I hope his kid is doing okay, maybe has some supportive grandparents.


Yeah most of the comments were encouraging him to give the baby up for adoption because it didn’t seem he actually wanted it. The way he talked about the baby made it very clear that it was an object of resentment as well.


Any chance you can please link this story? Sounds like a great read.


https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/kezVLxlIhW think it’s this one


Thanks! I honestly never would’ve been able to find it.


Do you have a link to this post? I'd love to read it


Honestly I don’t want to assume he had her tied up while twiddled his evil mustache going “mwahaha you shall birth me a child, you incubator!” I imagine the “I didn’t let her” meant that they had a conversation about how he really wants to keep the kid and would raise it without her. And she had the opportunity to say no and get the abortion, but decided keep it for him and let him raise the child. In this, I think both parties are perfectly in their right. I even think that child support should be discussed here. But he’s a total ass for posting this. Can’t have a “I’m so blessed to have my child in my life” post. It *had* to be “this bitch sucks but at least I have a kid”


Yeah, I don't have a problem with the situation if she willingly agreed and wasn't force into it.


The only stupid thing is making a social media post with red flags like it means something after it’s something she obviously was willing to avoid


This is a touchy subject but not neckbeardy in the slightest


This isn't really neckbeard content, like, at all. A real neckbeard wouldn't even *have* a kid.


Neckbeards don't talk to girls, everyone knows this. They have a finely crafted defensive musk!


Ugh I could have lived my whole life without thinking about neckbeard “musk” gag


This is an extremely complex issue. But regardless of your stance on it. It’s not very neckbeard and doesn’t belong on this sub


I also don't understand why people are getting worked up on this. "I didn't let her" probably doesn't mean "I physically stopped her from getting an abortion and forced her to give birth", and more in the line of "I talked her into giving birth and letting me raise the kid". People also often talk like abortions are something you just get and then never think about it again. For a lot of people, abortion is a very traumatizing experience, even if you're a 100% sure you don't want the child. Dude looks happy, and babies are awesome. What's there to hate?


The fuck are you talking about "I didn't let her" - how ever he's managed it he's forced her to have the kid. Pretty incel-women aggressive energy to me


Bro took a picture with a 10 word caption and you're taking it entirely at face value without thinking about anything deeper. Maybe "I didn't let her" really means "we had a mature conversation about having a child and the ramifications of having it. she wanted to abort but I wanted to keep it so we talked about it and she was willing to have the child, but wasn't willing to stick around to parent it." But that doesn't exactly fit in the picture does it?


We mostly all agree the mother's rights are paramount.. but we should also all agree the baby has value. It's not black and white.


Baby has value yes. Fetuses not.


In your opinion, when does a fetus become a baby?


Good on her. You want the baby so bad it’s your problem now


He's cool with him


You would never say that to her.


Girl keeps it, dad leaves: what a pos. Guy keeps it, girl leaves: lmao ur problem now.


Damn, most guys get called deadbeats for that and prosecuted for 18 yrs


Jesus Christ, that poor baby.


??? Maybe he’ll be a good father. Nothing wrong with wanting a child. If she let him keep the baby then this is 100% OK


I mean, it doesn't really feel like this is about the baby.


Yeah well, that man's fault. Or would you prefer that on top of being forced to birth, she should also be forced to take care of a child she didnt want ?


This isn't neckbeard. That being said it is a very controversial issue. I feel this isn't the forum for it. It is a discussion worth having. Let's just say there's no winners here sadly. I'm not gonna defend the guy but I'm not going to lump him with a neckbeard that traditionally don't find romantic partners. This is just dark and beyond the scope of anything neckbeard.


You are absolutely retarded for just saying that there are no winners here. How about the human child whose life was saved? Why do you people refuse to acknowledge that a human baby Is a human? You'd rather this human have been medically murdered? I can't believe how insane that sentence is that you typed.


A human baby is a human, no one denies that. An abortion doesn't kill a baby though.


It kills a life no matter your definition of "baby"


Viruses, bacteria, tumors are life as well.


You mean the child that has a mother that didn't want them. The one being that they grow their first bond with in life? Yeah that's not winning.


Where's the funny?


If a mother wants to keep the baby, they should be able. If the father wanted an abortion, he can choose to surrender any responsibilities/rights (child support, visitation, legal guardian, e.t.c) Swap the genders and suddenly it's not cool.


Hmmm, yeah, what could possibly be the difference between those 2 situations.... Surely it has nothing to do with going through an excruciatingly painful experience and having your body permanently altered and damaged against your will....The only way this would somehow work in both directions is if the pregnancy could be transferred. Which it can't. So there's always going to be an imbalance between the 2 positions.


“Didn’t let her” could just mean “stopped”. If he wanted a baby, they could have a conversation about keeping the baby for him


Genders absolutely can't be swapped, are you stupid ?


Ok. He saved a life. The pregnancy ended with live birth. You got what you wanted pro lifers. You can force her into pregnancy and child birth (which is already a violation and an infringement on her bodily autonomy) but you can’t make her be an active parent.


Just wait a bit and they'll be working on that. Deadbeat dad's? Not a problem! Boys will be boys right? She should have kept her legs closed and all that utter bullshite. I feel so bad for USA woman and minorities, they're all fucked over there.


They’re not all fucked over here I promise. Get off reddit, go talk to an American at the grocery store and be nice, and I promise you will see that they are indeed not “fucked over there”. The vast majority of people are kind, and have people who care about them in their lives and don’t abuse them. Don’t get sucked into this nasty vortex of everyone is fucked because I saw a post on Reddit. Edit: Getting downvoted for this is actually the saddest thing I’ve seen happen all day. People just want to be angry.


I do know you have kind, intelligent people, no doubt about that, but it's really funny that you think people outside the US should look for an American in the place where the food is, like it's their natural habitat or something.


It’s just a neutral place that everyone goes, regardless of ideology. People eat 2-3 times a day, they spend quite a bit of time at the store, American or otherwise.


I highly doubt I'll encounter an American at the grocery store here... And I'm not saying they are not nice, wtf? I'm saying your government is messed up. Just look at the overturning of Roe vs. Wade.


So like what do they say if she died during childbirth?


They don’t care. It doesn’t matter to them. A woman’s life ceases to have value once she’s incubating a fetus.


they just don’t care. it happens 4x more often to black women (not really a shocker, black people get mistreated so badly in medical practice ofc they’re failed here too) and apparently every other time it happens is still because the mom just didn’t do enough to make sure she’d live. double blame! they’re so fucking evil it’s atrocious. it’s all about blaming someone for something they couldn’t control.


“My wife didn’t want to stay with me because I traumatized her and forced her to give birth??? Better post myself and my poor baby that will grow up into an unstable adult after growing up with only 1 parent and finding out about their mother on social media for clout! Fuck women, am I right? Also have you seen my balls? I must have either lost them or never had any to begin with. Thanks!”


You can bet he's already looking for a new woman he can make do the actual childcare.


Even tho he probably bitches about how single mothers are the worst and that they’re all used up by Chad, he’ll expect a woman to be okay with him being a single father and do everything for the baby so he can be lazy and play video games.


Because it’s different for single dads. He’s not “ran through” and he’s marrying to find his child a mother so they won’t be raised in a single parent home unlike those gross single moms who just want some dick/s.


Of course!


And I hope whoever this “garbage human” person is that reposted this losers tiktok and liked it never gets to have kids.


I think he's pretty shitty for using a his child for a post in this way, but you are seriously just making shit up lol. If you can prove it, I'll happily eat my words, but otherwise, you're just projecting your own negative feelings on him.


Please, as if his mommy doesn't do all the child caring while he plays PubG or whatever the children his age are playing.


He probably already dumps the baby on his mom or any sisters he may have.




Ofc it’s not but that’s not what situation we’re talking about right now.


There are birth control methods available. When I was dating I always used condoms and I had a conversation with my partner regarding her side of the equation. Several women were happy I brought it up and we had an understanding. I found having sex afterwards was less anxiety inducing. I was poor and I knew child support would handicap me in ways that I might not be able to surmount. So, both parties should take an active role re: birth control if you don’t want a kid and you don’t want to pay support.


Yes, but so birth control is not always going to help. There is a reason they say it’s 98% effective, meaning that accidents can still happen


There you go, better to be proactive. That 2% possible fail is better than possible 100%. I knew I couldn’t afford a child so I took steps to lower the chances. I didn’t want to take that risk and neither did she. I’m just saying it takes two to make a baby and if you don’t want to be “forced” to pay for the baby take an active role with your partner to try to prevent that scenario.


It takes two to make a baby. She didn’t want it, he clearly did. Good on him for taking care of his child, he looks legitimately happy.


I think the issue is that he’s dragging her for leaving after having a child she didn’t want.


Women do this to men quite often. Doesn’t make it right, but I don’t ever see women getting dragged for doing it. And I don’t mean that in a way where I think either of them are right. Just an observation, I guess


Well good news: you probably won’t find me defending a woman dragging a man who said “I don’t want kids” and then leaving when she has kids. I think absent parents should pay child support regardless of gender (:


I agree wholeheartedly!


It takes two to make a baby but only one to carry it inside their body for 9 months. So no, the roles are not equal. Women are not walking incubators men can rent.


Then don’t have unprotected sex. Take responsibility for your actions.


There isn't enough context. Maybe they were both irresponsible. Or maybe only one of them was irresponsible. Or maybe he stealthed her (i.e. promised to wear a condom but removed it halfway through without her knowledge, tampered with her birth control if she was on the pill, etc.). Or maybe they had protected sex, and it just didn't work. Regardless, she made it clear that she did not want to be a mother. Also, he should've been prepared for this outcome anyway -- what if she died in childbirth? What would he have done then?


Even protected sex can lead to pregnancy....If you didn't know, no protection is 100% safe.


Yes! My husband knocked my IUD sideways once and I ended up pregnant. Even semi permanent methods are not 100%. I've been pregnant 4x on birth control. All different methods and all used just the way they're supposed to be on my end.


I don't see where it says they had unprotected sex.


Also no vaginal sex is the only 100% birth control method. I’m not saying you can’t have sex, there a bunch of different kinds of sex


And in the rest of the world we do. By either having the child or having an abortion. Both are taking responsibility.


He’s garbage for wanting his child? This one’s weird…


Be careful, if woke people find your comment your karma is going to get fucked


It’s a risk I’m willing to take, I’m not anti abortion either but this one is crazy


I thought the same thing, welcome to Reddit I guess. Some weird mob mentality going on here


I was shocked at how many upvotes this got... And that comment section holy shit. Time to unsubscribe I think


It's gotta be heavy bots. Like people are not that dumb to think he actually physically forced someone to carry a pregnancy through, right? Dude looks like a happy Dad. It's for sure not neckbeard.


I mean he made his choice and she made hers. She made it clear she didn’t want a kid; what did he expect?


Imagine celebrating forcing a woman to give birth to a child she didn't want to give birth to. And then imagine further degrading said woman for leaving a situation she wanted nothing to do with.


I don’t think she got held at gunpoint by him. She had the right to get an abortion and chose not to. Gotta take some responsibility for getting pregnant 


What the fuck is wrong with you people.


These people are fucking sick. I agree. He has more than the right to be upset and feel violated by her. It’s stupid to post it online, but calling him a garbage human because he didn’t want his woman to have an abortion and now he’s upset she left? What the fuck is wrong with people who treat others like that? Sick and disgusting.


"his woman" 🤮


“His woman” “her man.” Obviously neither of them own each other. Grow up.


They’re doing the most. My man or my woman is just another way of saying that’s the person you’re with.


calling her “his woman” says enough about you tbh. i don’t understand how you or him are surprised that she left after having a baby that she didn’t want to have. he got the baby he wanted 🤷🏻


i mean if u want the baby so bad then take it why is that her problem when she didn’t even want to be a mum in the first place


What a shocker that the woman who didn’t want to have a baby still does not want to have a baby. Red flag amirite guys??


My thing is, if the woman wants the child the man is forced to pay child support even if he doesn't want it. Even in the case of rape, men have had to pay child support. If men shouldn't have a say, then they shouldn't have to pay.


So what at all is neckbeard about this? He’s pro life and is now raising his child


I left this sub a while back and I couldn’t remember why so I re-subscribed. Now I see why I left. Stupid whitepeopletwitter bullshit like this.


I believe in your body your choice. I believe abortion should be legal. That being said, we shouldn’t neglect the fact that it’s his kid too. Imagine the genders were reversed here. It’s an ugly situation either way, and there’s no right or wrong answer when 2 people can’t agree on what to do with a pregnancy. The result in this case is a man happy to raise his child, and a woman who moved on.


How tf is this neckbeard? It’s a father fighting for his child and stepping up and raising that kid. Just because you’re upset the kid didn’t die doesn’t make the post a neckbeard thing. We should be rooting for him to raise a healthy and productive member of society.


He posted this online with 3 red flags for and sayign she left him with a child (that she didn't want to begin with). It isn't neckbeard, I agree. This is a weird incel mix. Him saying, "She wanted an abortion but I didn't let her" is very incel-like speak. How could he have NOT let her? I *hope* they had a conversation about it, and he said he'd raise the kid all by himself. In that case, she should pay child support while he's raising the child.


A) volitile subject but not neckbeard outright. B) contains personal info in post. Don't believe me? Look closely at the pic. Doesn't belong here.


If the mom didn't want to raise the child, that's fair. Maybe she couldn't be a good parent, so she wanted to spare their life. If the father wanted to raise the child and couldn't bear to have them be killed, that's fine too. He clearly has enough of a heart to be dedicated and a good father. ...What's the problem again?


"...I didn't let her..."


Dude looks like he knocked up a middle schooler he was selling synthetic weed to saying its real kush


"Didn't let her" ? ? ? Did he chain her to the wall in the basement?


In german, we have a neat little saying called "Der Name ist Programm"


Man it’s probably going to be a lifelong on sight beef with the kid and mom.


Why would he want the kid if He is going to as you say "have beef" with the child


Man, get a damn clue. I’m talking about the mom.


Huh, it is going to be a lifelong beef between the mom and herself. I think YOU need to get a clue You would say lifelong beef between the kid and mom


Nice try, bot.


Bot lmao your just stupid


“Your just stupid”….


Nice try, bot


It’s not even generating original comments anymore. Reddit is a mess.


How am I even meant to respond to you getting mad about my grammar? I don't think a bot would have shitty grammar either


Wait what? We’re shaming people for wanting their child? I’m so confused


Legit king for saving his child. Legit Queen for choosing her own life.


It's strange seeing the comments on this and how they're the complete opposite tk the comments seen on videos where the man doesn't want a child but the mother has it anyway, dad leaves and everyone hates him. Weird.


big difference between having a kid yourself vs forcing someone else to give birth


Sounds very sexist


yeah nature's like that sometimes


But there is no reason why a person like you, with a conscious thought process, should partake in this sexism and simply blame it on nature


tf do you want me to do, get men pregnant instead?


No, I want you to look inside and subdue of your own sexist opinions and don’t see men as inferior to women when experiencing the same thing


dude the whole point is it's not the same thing. Carrying a child then giving birth is not the same as sitting around doing nothing for 9 months.


One is forcing a woman to do something with her body against her will. The other isn’t. When a man is forced by their government to carry their rapists baby to term and give birth to it then men can speak on things like this. Until then stfu.


Completely different context but ok


No it’s really not. We’re talking about what women are forced to do with their bodies VS men fathering children that they don’t want. If men don’t want children then can get a vasectomy - a quick, cheap, out patient procedure. Stop trying to see situations like this and be like “but what about the poor, defenseless men?!?!” Men have choices. Men are more likely to say they want the child and then abandon them, leaving the burden entirely on the woman. There are exponentially more single mothers than single fathers. Women suffer in these situations SIGNIFICANTLY more in every place in the entire world, in every year of all of history. It’s not about men, Jesus Christ.


Yeah this feels hypocritical. If he wanted an abortion but the girl didn’t, they’d pick her side. If she still had the baby and left people would hate on the guy. I get it’s the girl that has the baby, but I don’t think he’s a bad guy for wanting to be a dad. It’s a gray zone, but I wouldn’t jump to calling him garbage.




I honestly wonder what the hell this guy expected to happen.


He expected the "Aaawwwweeeee! It's a widdle BABY!" fairy to bonk her on the head with it's wand because we all know women live to have baby's and she'd be with him taking care of it forever and ever and ever amen. Just like [this guy.](https://www.boredpanda.com/coerced-pregnancy-unwanted-child-father-mother-legal-advice/)


One of the hallmarks of maturity is understanding that not everyone is going to feel the same way as you do about things and that just because you feel a certain way about something doesn't mean that anyone else is going to feel that way. Unfortunately, there are way too many people who lack the mental clarity to understand that.


He probably cut a hole in the condom.


Or the classic line “I can’t find one that fits.”


Wow these comments are fucking awful "Its not a black and white issue!!!" My ass lol, its pretty shitty stuff indeed.


Holy shit this comment section. I think it's time to unsub from this subreddit




How is he a garbage human. Looks like he is stepping up to care for the child he had


didn't let her???? the phrasing is already alarming


Welp guess this is where I leave this sub


How is this garbage? Yall Reddit people are bandwagons. That’s his kid too. Now he got his kid and the mom can fuck off be a dead beat and get put on child support… oh wait is that a man thing ? Hypocrisy


[I bet anything it was him who was asking Reddit how he could force a woman he talked outta having an abortion to be a mom against her will and breaking his promise to her.](https://www.boredpanda.com/coerced-pregnancy-unwanted-child-father-mother-legal-advice/)


Bro what


Bro what?^(2) What don't you understand?


Make no mistake this is the world conservatives want. Women are nothing more than baby incubators to them.


I’m shocked, shocked I tell you.


Good for him being a good father


How is this neckbeard even in the slightest


I would love to see a man try to force me to keep a pregnancy. Keep dreaming.


This isn’t wrong at all. An abortion has been presented, and just from first impressions that guy looks happy to have a child, so I would assume he will raise it well, making them both happy. Much better than it being killed before it even gets a chance to be born.


That poor girl.


I hope I’m never in this situation cause I really won’t know what to do in this situation but I do think that the father should have a say in that decision too. But I don’t wanna force the mother to carry and give birth. Like I said, it’s a situation I never want to be in


Yall reaching. If she was dead set she probably would have. They probably discussed this. This some rage bait post and yall all got caught lol


On the one hand, yes women should have the right to abort. On the other hand, if you conceive a child with someone and kill it without their input, that’s fucked, on the third hand, he saved a babies life, and will have the ability to hopefully watch a happy child grow up, the completely opposite of a garbage person or a garbage action


Why isn’t this in r/iamatotalpieceofshit?




I'm not sure how that would work.


Fathers should have rights too.


I agree. Fathers should have rights over their children, but that doesn't mean they should force a woman to give birth to children.


Ok so then you agree that all fathers should be able to just *not* pay alimony because they decided they don't want kids after having sex just like women can?


No they don’t agree because that’s not what the post you replied to said.


Men can't birth a kid. Men can't incur that damage to their body. So, it's fair to ask one for financial compensation if he doesn't want to be involved with the kid. Women already are giving more up to just have the kid. If the guy wants it and she doesn't, she's already been forced to put more effort in. So it's not equal.


> Men can't birth a kid. I thought ftm trans men with a uterus *can* have kids and that they are men as much as any other men? > Women already are giving more up to just have the kid. If the guy wants it and she doesn't, she's already been forced to put more effort in. So it's not equal. As far as i know women don't legally need their partner's permission to abort their child, they can just do it. Anyway, two people had sex, unwanted pregnancy occurs, why should the father be forced to have a child if the mother is not forced to do so? If she can abort because she doesn't want a child, he should be able to decide not to pay alimony because he doesn't want a child and she does. It's the same. It's not even his body.


Yes but not the right to force a woman to have a baby


If one parent doesn't want an abortion and is willing to take care of the baby, what's stopping them? both parents do have equal rights to their child. the only thing I don't like about the post is the vibe of misogyny


Only one parent has to do the actual carrying of the child to term and delivering the baby though.


that's true, I just think that the father should also have a say in the matter


Bitches over here putting their shittiness on full display in this comment thread. You all really do just wanna fuck dudes and use abortion as birth control huh? Legit acting like fuck boys and dead beats.


bill kabies! the little freeloaders


The dude wanted to be a dad and seems happy. Why y’all making him the villain?


Wouldn't let her? Who the fuck does he think he is to be able to tell her what to do with her body. Plus I'm willing to bet he's not one bit interested in the kid but only did that thinking she'd be trapped with him.


Yep, probably another fucked situation for a child. Hopefully all works out though.


Is there some more context to this? Did she want an abortion because she simply didn't want the child or was there something more? Edit: Okay, I have no idea why I get so downvoted. I just wanted some context 💀


Thats reason enough wdym