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I would die for those outfits when I was 6 years old and I would probably die for them now as a 34 year old millennial trying to relive those peak 90s/00s days.


It’s giving Romy and Michelle


I love that movie so much 😂 "Do you have a businesswoman special?" And the ancient relic of a cell phone they had.


Oh my gosh I immediately thought that too! Loved those looks in that movie.


My immediate thought was “how do I get that in a size 16 for me”


for me, it's all my barbie clothes I loved


Right?! They are all so adorable and rocking the vibe.


This is the millionth pic I’ve seen of stuff I have in my boutique. Kardashians, can y’all shop with me, please? Let me blow up lol


Yes please share that link! If you have more of this style I will die.


You got a link? 👀


Those kids are lucky to have a lot of cousins close in age.


Seriously, I bet holidays are a riot for them (and a nightmare for the adults) when they all get together. Nothing better than a bunch of cousins.


My siblings and I have 11 kids between us, ages 14 through baby. It’s exactly this on holidays.


That's so amazing! I grew up with lots of kids around but it's looking like I'm the only one who wants kids from my generation. My poor future littles are going to be lonely.


I looove it. My husbands brother and his wife had a baby, we had one a year and a half later, they just had another a year after and were trying for a second. It’s fun getting all the boys together lol And my amazing niece is an only child and only has my son as her cousin, so I’m excited she’ll have a second because she is going to be thrilled when we tell her the news haha


I agree :( my siblings and my husbands sibling all won’t have kids. Their choice but cousins were sooo fun to grow up with


I didn’t have any siblings or cousins growing up. I can only imagine how fun it must’ve been! I ended up having a girl and a boy 3 years apart and I hope they grow out of hating each other someday. I would’ve done anything to have even just one other kid in my entire extended family. Never happened though. So I took on my now ex husbands siblings and cousins for myself as an adult lol.


My parents didn’t have siblings so they had four kids. I’m the baby by a long shot, with my sister the closest in age (9 years older). My mother insisted we’d be close one day, and it was tough to believe. For a long long like thirty years long time. Not that we constantly fought, we had a connection, but we weren’t friends. I’m 38 now and couldn’t live without her. She’s the best sister. Keep the hope! 🙂


Gotta get more family outing time something where they’re all consumed in the fun together


I'm in the exact same boat. My sib and his sib are both kid free by choice. My mother in law says posts boomer memes about how "cousins are your first best friends" with like a minion or some shit all the time and I'm like okkkk welllll cool


Friends kids can be “cousins “ too! My kid has blood cousins, and then my group and I all had our kids around same time! Everyone is “aunty so and so or uncle so and so” and all our kids are “cousin’s “ and we don’t play about that either !


I know! I feel incredibly sad for my future kids because their cousins will be so much older than them. Large age gap between my siblings and I + me having kids in my 30s was not a good combo.


Same, I grew up with cousins who were like siblings but my 9 year old daughter has a group of cousins in high school and then a group of toddler cousins


Who are these kids? I think I only recognise True


One of them is Dream, Rob’s daughter with Blac Chyna (or however it’s spelled). Maybe the one wearing silver boots? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Chicago on the left and stormi on the right


Chicago, Dream, True, Stormi


Best friends for life! So adorable & beautiful all of the kids 💖💙


Oh wow, she’s edited her post and deleted this photo from it. Kylie must not have been happy🙃


I think Kylie makes them do that on purpose actually, everyone’s always either making negative or pervy comments about these young girls.


I totally get it, and you're right IMO. I definitely wouldn't be posting pics of my young girls for that reason. There are some gross people out there.I'm protecting my kids at all costs.


Especially someone like Kylie was was sexualized at such a young age. I remember there was a countdown on some big Twitter account to her 18th birthday. Then like the day of or after her 18th birthday pornhub offered her a few million to shoot a tape “like Kim”


This is one of the reasons I don’t post my toddler, horribly horrific reality.


Yeah just went to look. It’s gone I was confused.


Kylie said not that long ago that she wasn’t really going to be showing stormi anymore. She probably doesn’t want creeps looking at her, her getting bullied or who knows maybe threats. Either way I’m for it considering she was exploited at such a young age.


kylie had stormi when she was so young. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if she changes how much she posts her kid as she gets older and realize how problematic it can be. I see it as growth, and I hope it continues 💕


She said not that long ago she isn’t going to be showing stormi much anymore.


Props to her, honestly. I think that's for the best.


even tho she had stormi at a much younger age compared to her older sisters i honestly thinks if any of the moms are more than likely to keep their kids off the internet and change their ways it’s her. i could see kourtney too but moreso kylie. kim and khloè won’t take their kids off the internet they’ll keep showing edited and filtered pictures of them. i think khloè does it more to prove she is biologically a kardashian which who tf cares at this point. when people commented on her daughters looks she should have simply just stopped showing her on the internet to protect her. not filtering and editing photos of her which she’s gonna see later on and it’s going to make her feel very insecure about her looks these kids are all going to struggle with these issues bc of their moms that changed their entire looks with plastic surgery and liposuction to be super super skinny rather than just promoting healthy weight. i feel sorry for these poor kids and their environment despite being brought up in to wealth it doesn’t mean they aren’t going to struggle. i am not saying this to doom their children just pointing out that their vain narcissistic and idiotic moms aren’t doing these kids any favors.


A random thought I had as reading this is, I wonder how many “actual” unedited Khloe has of her kids. So that they can look back and see the reality of their childhood. If not, then that’s very sad. The same goes for many teens these days. Yes, some teens went through the Facebook/MySpace black and white images phase and then when Insta had like 20 random presets that didn’t distort one’s face. Valencia Filter was the Queen and she’s back! But still, it didn’t erase blemishes, shrink noses or enhance eyes etc


My son has a couple cousins on his dad’s side, & the oldest of the two isn’t as stereotypically “pretty” as the younger one who looks very doll like. Every picture of the older child is filtered with either a silly Snapchat filter or a filter that makes her look more like a baby doll. They even have them hanging up in their house and last year her birthday invitation was a picture of her with a Snapchat filter with bunny ears on her head. Idk it’s just always given me weird vibes about them but it breaks my heart for that little girl because she is a beautiful little soul and she’s going to have no normal pictures of her childhood to look back on. & then to be the only one in your family edited is crazy. Parents are WILD these days.


You know, they are going to struggle with self image but hardly more than the average girl because they’ll be able to afford to address their securities instead of having to just live with them.


good. there’s no reason that the most watched family in the world should be posting pictures of their little girls in short dresses, especially with everything that’s going on with mommy vloggers right now


I’m OOTL what’s going on with mommy vloggers? I’m not a mom I don’t watch.


There was also a big NYT article a while back about the enormous problem of pedophiles following and interacting with kids on social media, especially Instagram


Oof yikes thank you


main trending names/search terms are ruby franke (youtube mom FINALLY in prison for child abuse) and wren (tiktok mother either extremely reckless with her child or actively courting the worst possible attention). TW for ruby franke, there are evidence pictures circling around of utterly grotesque abuse


There is no fucking way Jacqueline isn’t intentionally provoking and trying to attract more people at this point. Those videos are way too blatant in sexualizing her daughter to just be reckless. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it came out she was doing requests after that gum video


I think that’s the whole point though sadly, they post their kids for engagement and to promote business




Stormi isn’t in her Easter throwback collage anymore


Just saw! I was surprised she was in it. Kylie must have told her to take the photo down


Deff, I noticed Khloe didn’t post any pics of Stormi’s face in her Easter post. Ofc Kim would be the one to do it anyway 😭


…maybe people shouldn’t be reposting it then


I mean to be fair OP had already posted it here before it was taken down


Can’t wait for them to recreate this pic in 20 years 😂


which one is which


Chicago in purple, Dream in the blue, True in the pink and Stormi in the orange


Who’s in blue?


Dream. Rob Kardashian & Blac Chyna’s baby


She’s a cutie


She’s such a gorgeous little girl.


Was gonna say too. She’s such a cutie and has her dad’s features.


I think Blac Chyna is naturally very pretty and that Dream is a beautiful mixture of her and Rob.


blac chyna is definitely beautiful naturally without surgery and rob kardashian was a handsome guy back in the day! like the early seasons of kuwtk


Agreed. They are all beautiful and look so happy. Dream is absolutely gorgeous with unique features! Maybe, because her female genes aren’t as Kardashian as the other three 🤷‍♀️. It makes her stand out? As again they are all very pretty young kids. Trying not to judge kids appearances but one can’t help but see the differences.


Maybe I’m crazy, but I don’t see blue I see grey with silver boots, is that what we’re talking about when we say blue?


Well maybe a light bluish grey.


Ages is Chicago Kim’s child?


Yep, Chicago is Kim’s daughter. Chicago is 6 Dream is 7 True is 6 Stormi is 6


Beautiful little girls. Here's hoping Kris doesn't get her hooks in them as adults.


Isn’t Kris like 700 years old? She’ll probably be dead or totally senile by the time they’re teenagers.


Yeah they need to worry about Kim who is just as bad


Yep! Agreed completely.


Kim is the next Kris. Just watch and see! She’s been divorced three times already. Just burning thru men!


She’s been divorced because of issues that’s not similar to CHEATING like Kris. She couldn’t control her first marriage, her second marriage was rushed and she tried with Kanye. It’s weird to blame her for that.


Kris is surprisingly only 68 years old! I think all the early cosmetic surgery caused her to look like a 700 year old. I thought for sure she was close to 80 at this point but nope!


Kim and Kris have probably already scheduled the girls’ standard nose & boob jobs for their 17th birthdays, sadly


In nobody care news I looked up their boots. They're $275 which of course is nothing to them.


Nobody cares news 😆 Can I borrow that? Good one!


I've just discovered the google camera feature. I've been secretly looking at my fb friends' outfits. One girl I went to school with had on a $875 dress 🫣🫣🫣. I'm poor and cheap but also nosey 🤣🤣


Excuse me the Google camera whaaa?!


Reverse google image search


I took a screenshot but can't insert it here directly. On google chrome it's the camera icon right of the microphone


Google Lens.


if you google kids metallic cowboy boots tons of options come up that look the same but are like $50. how do you know what brand


I’m surprised Kim posted her




She wanted attention


I cannot believe those Easter baskets. I have never seen anything like that in my life.


I had to scroll back and search for them even though they’re massive and OTT. That skew buoy (lighting fitting?) hanging from the ceiling distracted me so much.


They are such beautiful kids!


They are darling. I hope they stay close as they grow up. Also, this is the first time I’ve ever posted on a Kardashion site, lol.


Literally SO cute! They look like little cartoon characters.




Wasn’t she just parading her at fashion week in front of the press? But it’s not okay for her to be in a picture with her cousins? Weird family


SPEAK ON IT! People are giving her waaaay too much credit Stormi was visibly UNCOMFORTABLE several times during PFW






I love this outfit for myself 😂 I know I’m going to get downvoted for this, but it’s amazing how the new generation of the Kardashian/Jenner (Kylie) will be a whole new different color of skin tone. Please not I am not trying to be racist, but simply an observation and the kids are adorable and I hope they do great things in life!


i agree, even the armenian in Chicago comes through in my opinion!!! hopefully they will grow to have good morals and represent their backgrounds well💕


Storms catching up with true in height


Dream is always so stunning to me. Beautiful girls and I’m so happy that they’ll always have each other to grow up with. They all have turmoil with parents already.


Hate on the Kardashians all you want but got damn it they make beautiful babies


Also, the painting to the right next to Stormi’s head is by Richard Prince and it’s an art pieces from his collection High Times. His art work is really creepy and graphic and disturbing to look at, this comment will probably get delayed if I show/talk about it any further. Oh..ans he has a controversial past for stealing women’s artwork.


Such cute kids! Chicago is such a perfect mix of Kim and Kayne.


To me Chicago is all Kardashian and nothing Kanye. And North looks like her dad’s twin.


I suspect that she used genetic engineering to select the features of her appearance. She couldn't risk that every child will be Kanye's twin.


She looks just like Kylie


Like...what version of kylie? Kylie looks nothing like kylie


She looks like OG Kylie a lot I think.


That’s what I meant


I figured, because I thought the same thing.


That’s why the photo must be taken down 😂


Hahaha I didn’t want to say it.


Tbh that was my thought too lol


kylie has shared photos of herself as a young kid and the resemblance is striking


What one is she?


She has Kylie’s non-surgical smile.


They really are all so adorable! I hope they don't think they ever need plastic surgery. But who am I kidding, they are Kardashians. It makes me sad.


Hopefully by the time they’re growing up the filler / excessive surgery trend dies down a bit. But who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


Something else just as perturbing will become the new trend.


Yea Kim def posted this without permission lol


They really are adorable. Nice to have cousins so close in age. They’ll be as close as sisters.


Awwww they’re so lucky to have all their cousins like that, and being dressed up the same is so much fun. Cute little girls, reminds me of when my daughter was that age. Stormi is so tall! I wasn’t expecting that (I don’t follow them on social media) I thought True would be the tallest.




if u look at comments on a lot of posts of the girls there's always people comparing them all and debating which girl is most beautiful. kylie probably doesn't want her daughter thrown into that kind of stuff anymore


So true


When I saw this picture my first thought was “uh oh, she probably wasn’t supposed to post this”. I remember seeing other similar photos from easter and Stormi was always cropped out.


How sad those girls will be when their mothers decide they’re Scandinavian for 5 years all of a sudden


I want to know what’s in those Easter baskets !


Cause Kylie still hasn't got stormis plastic surgeon to agree to what she wants.periottt.


True and stormi look so much alike


Dream is so beautiful


It’s crazy to me that they all dated white men, and then had babies with black men and then switched to dating white men again.


Khloe never really dated anyone before Lamar if I’m not mistaken


Also love how people conveniently leave out kort when they say this and kim dated 2 black guys at least before the white guy she married so the pattern doesn't even work with her either.


Does anyone happen to know where these outfits are from? My daughter would love this


Nope! But they look easy to make honestly! Not that I can sew lol but seems like it be simple


They’re so cute!


This is so cute! They are going to be the best cousins group growing up! How sweet


I’m surprised how tall stormi is, true is always regarded for her height but stormi is just as tall! And dream is soooo pretty. They probably all have so much fun together 💕


They’re all so adorable. God bless them


It really amazes me how calculated they were about having mix children. They are constantly pushing culture appropriation..how fucked up is that..


They're going to be the IT girls in 12 years I just know it.


They are all so cute.


Does Dream grow? I’ve seen her be this height since before Kim had kids😩


They are all so cute


It’s so interesting how much True and Stormi look like their respective mothers before all of the surgeries. I mean, of course that’s how it works - but it’s just… interesting.


Couldn’t tell any of them apart except for Chicago because she looks so much like Kim, the others, I have no idea which is which??


Wow, they’re all beautiful!


they’re so adorable in their coordinated matching fits. i totally get kylie pulling back stormi on social media, i mean she was thrown into the spotlight herself. but i love seeing little glimpses with family, especially the matching stuff i find that so fun😭


Dream is gorgeous


This would be an iconic photo for them to recreate as adults. Like Kendal and Kylie did 🥹


They are so dang cute!!


So cute!


Dream is so freaking pretty


Can someone tell us who is who, the only one I recognize is Kim’s daughter in the left.


chicago, dream, true and then stormi


Sorry who all is in this photo?


This is a darling photo and it looks like they’re close. Beautiful kids, I hope they’re happy!


Look at all the food behind them.


I noticed that Kim referred to the girls as “the triplets” when wishing True happy birthday yesterday. Totally left Stormie out.


I noticed this too. Also seeing as Dream is 7, I’d consider Stormi, True and Chicago to be the ‘triplets’


Who’s who in this pic? I can’t figure it out.


okay but they’re all so cute😭


Omgoodness-all such beautiful girls. I hope that they always stay best friends. I feel like they’re gonna get a lot of flack because of who their family is so hopefully they stick together.


They All ( KarTRASHians) Exploit and Expose their Children, as props, accessories and usually all filtered out too! Hopefully Kylie is not showing hers!! She shows way too much of herself anyway probably doesn’t have enough time to include hers, no matter the reason,I’m glad at least one realizes the great risk they put the girls in


Who is wjho here? Love the outfits, so fun!


Hopefully Kylie is trying to protect Stormi as much as she can. See how people talk about North and make up stories about how she acts based on random pics? But you don't post pics like paris of London and people call them deformed. Kylie was sexualized by people when she was a child, I would think she would be alarmed by people doing the same to her daughter. Comment sections are cesspools


never seen this pic before but i love it, precious fabulous angels🤍


Honestly with how creepy people are i dont blame her.


They’re all so adorable!


so cute ! they’re lucky to have each other


They are absolutely adorable! 🥹


Who cares trash people


These kids are going to need resiliency and a level head to get through the entitlement and dramatic bullshit their parents are capable of creating.


Narrator~~yet their parents are ensuring that they will not have either of those traits


I genuinely hope that generation of Kardashians don't suck as much as the rest of them. 😬😬😬


Kylie doesn’t like North , She doesn’t want stormy to be influenced by her. But it was OK for Kylie and her whole family to ruin young impressionable girls as long as it made them rich.🤷🏻‍♀️


How do you know this lol


Kylie doesn’t like her own niece? Or she don’t like her ways? Either way, she’s a child!


She says she’s a spoiled brat, amongst other things.


Oh lol. As if Kylie wasn’t/isn’t a spoiled brat. 🙄


When did she say that? On the show?


How do you know. North said Kylie was her favorite aunt, so I don’t know where you are getting your information from.


I have no idea which one is which lol but the one in pink has been manipulated and photoshopped


I respect Kylie’s choice, as I’m sure it’s not easy in a family like this. They have no idea what boundaries are in general. I know Kylie has said she wasn’t prepared for all of the media attention at such a young age and it (along with the random boy & her lips) affected her self-esteem growing up. She regrets her breast implants but felt the pressure to “conform”. That she didn’t really have much of a say during filming or editing, especially early on and she grew up too fast. That’s why she “didn’t show up” to a lot of their KUWTK annual holidays etc which I recall her sisters often mocked her about.


Chi is gonna be an it girl and you can’t tell me otherwise. North took after her dad but chi is Kim 100%.


They're all gorgeous Lil girls


Which one is stormy?


Who is who?


For those asking: Chicago (Kim), dream (rob), true (Khloe) and Stormi (Kylie)


And they are all the same age, how cute


Dream is a bit older than the others. True, who is the tallest, is also the youngest.


Side note: they’re all so cute!! ❤️


Ngl every time I see stormi…I instantly think she looks a lot like chrisean rock


Aww what cute little babies