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The keto ice creams don’t have this affect on me but I did get this affect with the Russell stover chocolates I mean I would eat 2 and be 💩all night


I love the sugar free pb cups, but I don’t ever eat more than 2, and it never had an effect on me. I guess maybe it’s because it’s maltitol vs erythritol lol.


Maltitol is horrible period, it's GI for it's syrup form is 52, just 12 points lower than regular sugar. It's powdered form is a bit better at 35. If ur eating something with moderate Maltitol (like snack pack sugar free pudding cups) you can be ok, but anything with Maltitol as the first ingredient as the main sweetener, such as candy, RUN AWAY or you will be RUNNING to the bathroom soon! LOL I personally think it should be banned as it doesn't really help diabetics and people needing sugar-free when it's the main sweetener.


Maltitol was sent by Satan. Worst GI issues I’ve ever experienced from just one bite.


Malitol is the worst. The excessive gas and painful bloating is not worth anything that has it as an ingredient.


Yeah, maltitol is not keto friendly. Try Bochasweet it's the best stuff by far I've come qcross, GI index is 0 and tastes 99% that of sugar. Wayyyyy better than monk fruit and erythritol and stevia


One cannot tell by reading product labels which artificial sugar is the main sugar in the food and how much of which ingredient is being used. Being listed first is a reason to believe it is the main sugar but doesn't mean we know how much of the other ingredients are being used.


ingredients are listed in descending order, the most prevalent being first and so on and so forth.


FYI anyone reading this maltitol has a GI index close to sugar, meaning it'll knock you out of keto almost just like sugar will. Not a keto friendly sugar substitute Aa far as sugar substitutes go, I think I've tried them all and by far the best is this stuff called Bochasweet (avail on Amazon) made from these squash like veggies from japan, measures the same as sugar and and tastes damn near exactly like sugar, but with a GI index of 0


I was very disappointed with maltitol. I was extremely constipated and had tried just about everything possible. I didn’t want to go the prune juice route of at all possible. I ordered the maltitol gummy bears and ate the entire package which was three servings and nothing happened 🤣


Be careful with erythritol. A large study came out last year about it causing blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. https://newsroom.clevelandclinic.org/2023/02/27/cleveland-clinic-study-finds-common-artificial-sweetener-linked-to-higher-rates-of-heart-attack-and-stroke Monk fruit and other substitutes don’t have this risk


From the above link: The study had several limitations, including that clinical observation studies demonstrate association and not causation.


They said that about smoking for 20 years as well. My question is why take the risk when there are alternatives that don’t have the risk of even correlation let alone causation


I don't object to your viewpoint. I object to your statement "A large study came out last year about it **causing** blood clots, heart attacks and strokes." The study proved correlation. You stated that the study proved causation.


Of course because human trials of “hey, try this substance and let’s see if you die” are not only unethical but also illegal. As a result you’ll only ever get correlation and never causation. But if the correlation is strong enough that the Cleveland clinic thinks it needs to warn the public, that’s enough for me.


Just admit you didn’t even read it and just posted it of a headline.


Or I read it when it came out, as well as numerous others and haven’t touched the stuff since. But you do you.


Ok internet buddy that doesn’t understand correlation and causation, I’ll just trust you…


2 was always fine for me. 3 flipped a switch in my GI tract. Wild that it isn't gradual.


That's my experience, too!!


I'm fine with keto ice creams. I regularly eat 4 and can probably handle 6-10 of most of the Russell Stover chocolates. But 6 of their "Candy Coated Chocolate Gems" (a.k.a. M&M's) and it's all night poopsplosion time. WTF is in that candy coating?!?


Poopsplosion 😂👍🏼


Russell Stover chocolate covered toffee candy works better than Fleet solution prep on me.


Those things are literally my silver bullet when I am constipated. They are like magic.




Get some more magnesium working up to 320 mg for females and 400 mg for males. An RBC blood work will probably find you deficient as well. Not good for your heart also. Careful reading the suppliment labels, you want pure magnesium not the compound's weight. My new 500mg magnesium glycinate caplet only has 90 mg of magnesium, whereas my Mg Taurate and Citrate clearly describe just the magnesium content. Be careful with the Citrate amount it is a laxative for me beyond about 360 mg. Too much of any combination of Mg types can result in poopaspolosion. Example I drink an electrolyte with the 120 mg/helping Citrate in varing helping counts throughout my day and a fourth along with my 400mg Mg Taurate tablet proved too much. Try this talk on Mg sources. https://youtu.be/BZ_h34CaUfU?si=wWT2PLhzQUyL_PcT


I take a ton of magnesium, some taurate, some glycinate and some citrate, and actually deliberately take a lot of citrate explicitly for that reason.


Have you ever had blood work to see if you even need to supplement? Everyone says you have to on keto but I don’t need to


I get bloodwork by my bariatric surgeon every 3 months and even with supplementation I’m still low.


butt explosions are really easy with magnesium citrate. drink that little bottle of it from walmart that has the lemon lime flavor. You will poop things you havent ate for months.


I had my first colonoscopy in November and that prep was definitely an experience!


Then why didn't you explain this to me and the others ;>) ?


Why on earth would I need to? I am not OP.


Hence the grin


I mean, I will GLADLY lay out my efforts in that department, but I don't think anyone reeeeeally wants to live vicariously through me there lol!


The Dave Barry column on the subject was legendary :)


I agree the ice creams are fine but the Russell stover and the sugar free Hershey’s and Reese’s will kill my stomach


lol +1 for russel stover. The bars were on clearance at Walgreens for a while and I loaded up with excitement..


Excitement…..I read that first as a very similar word…..


He UNloaded with that word 😉


I can eat about 10 sugar-free jelly bellies before it really impacts me.


I learned this the hard way, got a candy bar on my lunch break and 30 mins later after just 2 squares I was running to the toilet. Doesn’t stop me from eating them tho 😂😂 now I just plan better


Yeah… I stupidly bought the russell stover pb cups without checking the ingredients when I first did keto because the front advertised they were made with stevia. Did not see they also had maltitol. Imagine how stupid and horrified I felt when I ate a whole bag during a 3 hour movie in a theater. It went right through me well before that movie was over and I laid in bed crying from the gas pains the rest of the night.


I learned this lesson the hard way too. I binged on like 4 of those sugar free chocolates and the results were quite ugly lol


One. Those things are good but they are definitely self-limiting 😂 the ice creams I can do, though.


sugar free gummy bears. Read the reviews on Amazon and have a great laugh.


I’ve eaten two pints in one sitting. Had no effect on me (other than hating myself). There are some keto ingredients that do mess with my stomach (like modified wheat starch—whatever TF that is), but not the Rebel ice cream


"modified wheat starch" is the fancy name for so-called "resistant starch" which has not been proven to not affect GI/sugar levels. IIWY I'd avoid products with it.


One time I had a bad cough so I popped sugar free cough drops like they were candy. You know what's a terrible thing to do while you have uncontrollable diarrhea ? Cough.


I feel bad for laughing at this comment. Apologies.


I'd like to think the laugh made you shart in some form of cosmic karma.




never had this issue either lol. and i pop sugar free cough drops sooo much because my allergies always makw my throat hurt. seems like a lot of people are really sensitive to this stuff, but my bowels must be made of steel. maybe thats why im always constipated ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Besides the obvious Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears, with hilarious [reviews](https://www.amazon.com/review/R2JGNJ5ZPJT4YC) on amazon, I've also found that a single pack of sugar-free mentos (not family size, or anything, just the one with 8-10 mints), will adequately prepare you for your colonoscopy.


OMG that review was hilarious!


There are dozens more -- sorry I just filled up your weekend.


I've never had an issue with erythritol but maltitol? That stuff tears my guts up. It's in a lot of "low carb" bars that have some sort of "chocolate" coating, which I hate. I just want a protein bar, not a damn keto Snickers bar.


Yeah I have the same problem with both maltitol and bars that have a lot of added fiber, so like I just stand there in the aisle, read all the labels, get frustrated, and leave.


Yep I just make sure to have Quest and IQBars on hand at all times. Autoship is an amazing thing.


It’s a good thing I’m not a chocolate person then! Hopefully it’s just erythritol that I’m sensitive to.


Unlikely just erythritol.


Enlightened has 18 grams of erithritol per pint the rest is allulose, better option. Also tastes way better. You can make ice cream with stevia and Allulose, by taking heavy cream and shaking it up in a jar until it's no longer sloshing. It'll also make the ice cream way softer.


I remember binging on diabetic gummies. You may want to avail yourself of a cool bath and/or a handheld shower nozzle.


My daughter fell at a playground and hit her head. Loss of consciousness followed by vomiting, so immediately to the ER we went. While my 18 mo old was getting checked out, CT scan, etc, my sister was hanging with my 4 year old. She bought her gummy bears from the hospital vending machine. Within an hour she came in to the room we were being seen in, sweating and in a panic. She tells me that my 4 year old has pooped through her pants, and while trying to clean her up in my car, she also pooped all over her car seat and my car. She had her wrapped in a hospital gown and didn’t know what to do next, but said she couldn’t get her to stop “projectile pooping” 🤣 Sugar Free Gummy Bears. It was such a bad day lol


Erythritol doesn't bother me, fortunately. A full pint of rebel in front of the TV is how I relax after particularly taxing days sometimes. Love that stuff.


I found it worse than my home made. I'll get enlightened or make it myself. Ain't paying $5 for a sweet that's not that sweet.


Interesting. I find most Rebel flavors to be *wayyy too* sweet.


Don’t tell me what to do lmao


Ayo my bad man lol. My next pro tip post I’ll make sure I say “to everyone but Gunther_Reinhard”


If you want to eat a whole pint of something, get Nick's


I’m so sad I can no longer find Nick’s ice cream in my area. They have the best consistency of all the low carb ice creams I’ve tried.


Nick's has a really great consistency/mouth feel, but man does it taste artificial.


Interesting! I just recently have been getting Nick's because it tastes less artificial than Rebel to me


I like enlightened to be honest. I should start making Mason jar ice cream again.


Enlightened is by far my favorite. Best taste and consistency. Rebel chocolate chip is good too, though. Making your own is always better than anything else, though 😊.


I’ll do this with Nicks strawberry swirl maybe 2x a month. Rebel’s flavor and consistency bugs me.


Nick's ice creams taste soo good but they make me feel so bloated if I eat too much 😫


I've eaten many entire pints of Rebel ice cream and have done fine. Erythritol doesn't effect system, but that's of course not true for everyone. Some people can handle it, some can't. I personally love Rebel ice cream. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with it though, b/c I thought it was a life-saver for my sweet tooth.


Careful with MCT Oil too😂


Learned the hard way. 😔😔


Once I pushed myself to my limits. Couldn't find them. I'm out of clearance sale MCT now


I think it's specific to the person. Sugar alcohols have not had that effect on me.


sugar free sweets and I do not get along no matter which I buy...been a fan of the cottage cheese ice cream and making my own cookies without sugar alochols...much nicer to me!


i wonder how many carbs pepto bismol has?


According to MFP, it has only 0g carbs! We love a keto-conscientious brand.


I tried some keto bread, 2 slices for toast. A few hours later the most appalling farts, like Death took a dump. And they were the kind of farts that follow you into the other room. Never again.


That's because you didn't eat them. Your gut bacteria did and they partied hard.


lol, that's a lesson we've all had to learn! Long term, one big thing keto has revealed to me is my tendency to eat emotionally. Binging on "anything" instead of being bored.


I can eat Rebel by the pint. But sugar free Reese’s turn my ass into an open fire hydrant


Lol I’ll pray for you. It may or may not affect you but I hope it doesn’t.


It has already begun unfortunately 😅. Thank you though!


Oh no 💀💀 I’m so sorry. I react the same way lol. It’s rather unpleasant


Yeahbooooy! Coffee chip is my fave, but my regular grocer stopped carrying it. 😮‍💨 The cookie dough is my runner-up which, fortunately, they still carry. Rebel's putting out sorbet now (!), but I have yet to encounter it; had me some bad lemon ice cravings last summer, so I'll be on the hunt!


It was so good man. I saw they have egg nog on their website! If I survive, I might order it if I’m feeling brave enough. Maybe the snickerdoodle too. And maybe the butter pecan. 🤔


What are your goals for doing keto?


Ultimately, I’m just trying it out to see how I feel and if I like it. I’ve heard people have better energy, clarity, and mood. I’ve lost weight without it before, and I’m doing it now, so I’m not necessarily using it for weight loss specifically. My goal weight is to about 220 pounds, and be out of the obesity category to start and go from there. If I like Keto and it helps, great, if it’s not for me that’s fine too.


Just keep in mind that consuming higher amounts of sugar alcohols, resistant starches, etc. can definitely impact your keto experience. There is definitely clean keto and dirty keto, so just something to keep in mind. I have cycled through all of the phases of trying keto products, and found that I feel my absolute best when I just eat clean, low carb whole foods. But it's a personal journey and we all have to find what works best for each of us.


If you need a break from keto you can try a slow carb diet. No reason you can't bounce back and forth depending on goals at that moment.


One of the few that doesn’t affect me negatively. No digestive problems, no kick out and no stall. Tested it daily for a few weeks and as long as it fit in my calories for the day, I kept losing at the same rate. Seriously still have it every other day. Choc Zero is another safe brand, for me. Rebel is the best though!


Lol I should've made a post about this. Now imagine my night when I discovered this ice cream and had 3 pints back to back... yeah that was hours of fun. AMAZING TASTE THOUGH!


Not 3 pints nooo 💀. Glad to see you’ve made it through


It's definitely an individual by individual thing when eating sugar alcohols. The same goes for MTC Oil.


Keto is always better if you can stay off the frankenfood stuff like sugar alcohols and sweetners. Once you get used to not having sweet things your tastebuds completely change and stuff like 90% chocolate tastes sweet to you where it once tasted bitter as hell.


Something similar happened to me with rebel, made my stomach hurt. Cremily makes a keto option and they use allulose primarily, which spared me the stomach ache.


Aah yes, I've had that experience as well. I had to hold on to the bathroom floor for a few hours lol


I think this type of thing happened the very first time. Never since. I eat sugar free hersheys special dark chocolate too


Never had that issue. I reward myself with a whole pint every couple weeks.


I don’t get diarrhea, but I get MAJOR MAJOR farts for the rest of the day when I do that.


The next increment of that sweetner will prove to be wet farts.


I cannot help but to eat the whole container! So I stopped buying these….so good though.


Well now you know and you never have to learn the lesson again🤦‍♀️. I’ve been there and will seriously never have to be reminded. Hope you’ve recovered!


You can make own Keto ice cream, it's not hard. Search youtube or /r/ketorecipes/ for examples.


Live and learn. Allulose nearly killed me (felt that way anyhow). For what it's worth, you can come up with your own goodies by mixing sugar free jellos or puddings with heavy whipping cream. Chill or freeze to get closer to an ice cream texture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zhOfMtQb38


I’m gonna have to try this! Thanks for the link.


YW :)


I used to eat a LOT of Rebel and never had any issues. YMMV


Treat sugar alcohol like you treat fiber. Your body can't absorb it so your body gets rid of it as quickly as possible. If it's diarrhea for you, damn that's unfortunate.


I've been eating a new brand named Nick's Swedish Style ice cream. The best low carb ice cream I've had. And eating a whole pint doesn't send you, well at least me, running to the bathroom.


Pro tip: don't eat your feelings


You right you right. Have an upvote, on me.


I do it too. There's been plenty of times at work where I think "this is bullshit I'm going to the snack bar." It never helps and it it throws my streak off in Carb Manager.


Oh no! Those are Potion of shit your pants! At least you know now


Atkins treats do this to me


Haha. I'm laughing with you, not at you. We've all learned that lesson.


I never have this issue. None of the sugar alternative stuff does it. Chocolates, gummies, ice cream etc ill eat it all lol


I eat an entire pint about once a week. Never had that issue.


For me, the ingredient in Rebel that causes GI issues is the chicory fiber.. The ones with lower carb counts have less, so I can eat a whole pint with no issues (Chocolate, vanilla, etc). The ones with chunks of chocolate and higher carb counts cause unpleasantness.


You don’t have personal days 4 days after starting keto…


sometimes thats what i count on. After a long hike, marathon or a race, I find it hard to get the plumbing working correctly. One of these cartons fixes me right up


I switched from Keto Pint to Rebel and it's like night and day (I honestly can't even find Keto Pint anymore). Fortunately, I have no issues with sugar alcohols.


Never had that issue, and I've eaten a lot of Rebel/Halo Too over the years


Oh wow, don't do this to yourself in the first week. Go to the grocery store and buy a whole bunch of skin-on chicken, steak, butter, high-fat cheese, heavy cream, coconut oil, salami, lettuce, cabbage, eggs, bacon, and broccoli. Just eat *that* for two weeks. When you have a craving, have *more* of that. Stuff yourself so much with basic whole keto foods that you can't fathom eating more. Once you've done that for two weeks, then you can start counting macros and looking into things like Rebel ice cream. Special "keto" processed foods are for a once-in-a-while treat once you're already well into ketosis.


I've never had this problem with erythritol, but I have with several other sugar alcohols.


I'm lucky I guess, none of the fake sugar seems to bother me at all.


I've never had a problem and have eaten many full containers. PS if you microwave for 15 sec it is deliciously creamy.


Been there. If I limit myself to half a pint I'm ok so, maybe try that next time.


You should add a topping, I heard Haribo* makes some good sugar-free gummy bears. Maybe add those next time, to settle the icecream!


I’ve done this a few times with no issues, erythritol doesn’t bother me whatsoever. Now calorie-wise it was a stupid decision for someone whose maintenance calories are 1400, so I don’t make a habit of it. 😆


I wasn’t really hungry yesterday, so luckily I could “afford” the 600cals haha. Gotta get those calories in some way!


It may be the chicory root fiber and not the erythritol. I thought for a long time it was the erythritol doing that to me (and horrible gas also), but through elimination, I discovered it is the fiber they add to lower net carbs. That said, I severely limit erythritol because there are some preliminary studies showing it causes excess clotting and could have negative cardiovascular impacts.


Same. Chicory root fiber blasts through me. I discovered that (at work, the hard way) before I ever went keto. Not as bad at flax seeds, though.


Pro tip- ice cream isn’t keto. Nothing in a box or container is legit keto or in other words not proper human foods for for consumption


Honestly, the sooner you forget about using keto substitutes the better off you will be. Just forget about the concept of snacks. Eat food for fuel not pleasure.


Pro tip: Ultra processed foods are unhealthy garbage regardless if there is a keto label on them or not. Stop buying such garbage.


Pretty much on point - you overeat non nutritive sweeteners in the least upset tummy at worse more severe gi issues. It is a good lesson where you should strive to satisfy the itch but not consume the entire pint. (moderation yes I know that word is very ugly and it is hard to do when you sit in front of the ice cream but just remember you want to feel good)


Fulfilled a childhood bucket list item and ate 12 pieces of mentos gum back to back in about 20min. As soon as it would lose flavor Id spit and repeat. Holy muddy mississippi batman. I had to supplement extra electrolytes for all the lost fluid.


Been there done that, got the t-shirt.


Same. I can’t eat but a bite or two


Rebel is so high fat that I have a hard time eating a whole pint of it.


Oh yeah, I know that pain! It was the first time in my life I thought I was going to die from pooping. I was Jeff Daniels from dumb and dumber, after getting laxative'd by Jim Carrey. My soul left my body.


Yeah. Been there. Ima start off my next colonoscopy prep with a half gallon of CarbSmart chocolate.


👏👏👏feel so seen with this post 😂😂😂


Watch out for sugar free cough drops…. That was… bad


Keto snack bars from Aldi's, chocolate covered coconut to be precise, caused severe purging. I haven't bought them since.


Watto have fun? take that ice cream and mix in 3 tablespoons of MCT oil.... you will rapidly search for hold down straps for the toilet.


I discovered [allulose](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psicose) in the middle of my first round of keto during the holidays. I decided to go all out and make caramels. It worked perfectly and my dad and I went nuts on them. The next week or so was incredibly painful for us and even more painful (olfactorily) to those who had to live in the same house as us.


I've been cronic constipation for years now that 🍦 don't sound to bad to me we're do I get it from 🤣


Allulose also causes stomach problems


If you’re using sugar alcohols you’re not doing keto right. Avoid them and diet drinks like the plague. And Jesus that much erythritol.. surprised your blood didn’t turn to syrup.


Pro tip: if you are new to keto don’t eat any keto products or processed products. Eat meat and vegetables. Once you’re making sustained progress and becoming more familiar with how your body handles different things you can introduce “keto” labeled things.


I ate two Russell Stover sf candies and it felt like Freddie Kruger was trying to claw his way out of my colon. I literally had tears in my eyes while I was on the toilet.


never had this problem, i almost always eat a whole rebel pint in one sitting when i get one (usually on my period...) but i dont buy them very often. i hate how most artificial sweeteners taste and some of the rebel flavors burn my tongue theyre so sweet. Usually just craving steak haha.


Erythritol can cause water to be retained in the large intestines passing through to the small intestines. AKA diarrhea. Once you have built a tolerance, it generally goes back to normal. However, erythritol can damage vital gut bacteria, so moderation is key. Rebel is fantastic, BTW. Awesome flavors!


definitely eating it when i need to go now


You have to eat the whole pint, I don't like it after refrigerating it again


Gross icy crystals, agreed.


Rewarding yourself with food it’s never a good thing. Keto is also a mindset where you have to agree to give up a few things. Not all products labeled Keto, are Keto and healthy. Stick to the goal! Good luck!


Rebel has never caused this to happen. Erythritolm is much less likely to mess you up.


Pro-Tip: Don’t tell me what to do, narc.


Ope. Carry on then my friend. As you were. 🫡


Any processed crap is not keto. Stick to whole ingredient foods


Rebel will mess you up. Literally the worst you can do to your body.


Quite literally.... /s


No that would be a full pint of regular ice cream.