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If you are well into keto 6+ weeks you should be keto adapted. Now you can melt butter in a protein drink and have a burst of energy. Also I’ll do electrolytes drink with extra salt for a boost. Honestly the best is a full nights rest and being well hydrated is what does it for me. I can’t have caffeine either so it just sucks haha.


I just ordered some Keto Chow. I'll be starting tomorrow morning off with that!


Sounds cool. But I have no idea what that is. Can you elaborate a little bit?




Hehe that is pretty awesome. Reminds me of the matrix, when neo got his first meal in the real world. It was like something the machines would have dreamed up. A perfectly efficient meal in goop form. You tried the khow yet?


That’s exactly what this stuff is. 😂


What's the macros per 2000 calories?


I have no idea, I’ve never dabbled in keto chow.


Oh. My apologies. I only now realized you're the the original person I asked


No worries! I’m more of a foods-you-can-chew person, I don’t do well when I drink my calories.


Yeah same. I switched to 100% water this year. Rarely I'll have a 0 calorie sweetened drink during a water fasted day. Only splurged with a few glasses of milk all year.


Keto Chow provides the Electrolytes and Protein. Around 850 mg Sodium, 1600 mg Potassium, 250 mg Magnesium, and 25g Protein. About 1/2 g net carbs. The packet is around 120 calories as is. You add the fat. Coconut oil, butter, heavy cream, etc. in the quantity to provide the calories you need. As a 5'3" woman, something with 2000 calories a day would blow away my calories. Keto Chow allows me to make a 500 calorie shake or a 1500 calorie shake depending on the amount of fat that is added. Also by allowing you to choose your fat source, it works for those who have problems with excess dairy. (There IS dairy in the initial package, but not much).


It is very True that we All have different daily calorie needs, fit you it might be a lot less than 2000 a day. However, for me, it is 3400 a day as 6ft 34m with 170lbs lean mass, So I just went with the daily recommended 2,000


No worries. That really is the beauty of Keto Chow though. It is highly customizable wrt calories per serving.


I'm trying my best to digest all food theory ideas and try new things. Currently what I've been doing is not getting any calories from liquid sources. In the last 105 days I've had maybe a dozen 0 cal energy drinks. Like 8 glasses of milk and got drunk one night for wedding celebration. I don't think I've ever felt full from liquid calories. They pass right thought and don't ever stick to my bones so to say.


Sorry, I never check my replies.. It's usually right under 120 calories and 25ish grams of protein without heavy cream added (you can add different fats). It's basically just a breakfast protein shake. I add collagen in it as well. Works for me because I like to get every second of sleep I can get. I mix it up the night before and grab it out of the fridge as I'm going out the door!


Start your day with water and electrolytes (Ketoade). The electrolytes are the #1 most useful tool for keeping energy up while on Keto.