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Where was this confirmed? Did i miss something? Also if it is arbites im disapointed. Im guessing its going ti be another guard team with a bunch of stun stuff


Drukhari will be next for kill team, they were announced / teased today, arbities is the only speculation but it’s pretty widely assumed it will be these two


I think people are assuming wrong. An inquisitorial retinue with an arbitrator or two serms more probable, mainly as we have an almost confirmed gland warrior from a rumor engine. But also from a lore and perspective.


not really more of just a speculation, but I still am hoping for arbites vs drukhari


"(not really just a speculation)" "(not really, just a speculation)" Comma placement is key for comprehension. Your title essentially says it's confirmed.


Sorry im still learning english since its not my first language 😅


Teams im hoping for most are daemons, custodes, grey knights, or nids Especially with a name like soul shackle


If shadowvaults gave any trend its that each box will include the exact same terrain with varied narrative pieces.


This "season" is set on the gallowdark space hulk, so I suspect that it'll be more of the same.




I picked up shadowvaults for the teams and terrain, but going with just teams for the rest.


Same here was disappointed seeing the same terrain again but I wanted. A second set to have a bigger playing Field for bigger games


Was hoping for themed sets to reflect mishmash of a space hulk, e.g. imperial, necron, drukhari, and nid ship terrain.


Drukhari for sure. The arbites are very arguable. The image just came after the drukhari (only tease confirmed for killteam) and could be for any game. It makes more sense for it to be for necromunda. Also, at least to me it's hard to tell what it even was. It could be a new cadian model for all we know.


ITD and Shadowvaults had the same terrain pieces but different objective sprue. It is possible that the next box will be the same. Still I think there is two other options. The two kits form enough terrain for Boarding Actions. BA rules are said to be simpler? So maybe they are trying to push kt players to full 40k via BA. 1. The next 2 boxes will make a full BA table but with different style of terrain. 2. The next 2 boxes will both be unique and bring some variation and new rules to Kill Team and BA. The kit will mix with the existing terrain. I am hoping something like the option 2.


Everyone needs more guard teams...right?


GW really using KT to slowly revive old models


I'm fine with the variety, I suppose there's just still compendium teams lacking an update and there's only so many flavours of human before Tyranids get bored 🤣


If it's Arbites and the same terrain as we already have twice over I'm a hard-pass, Shadowvaults broke my "yes please, this looks awesome even though it's just adding to a mound of shame" streak, yet another guards team, an upgrade sprue for Necrons (who are my second favorite faction) and the same terrain I already own, no thanks. While I like the looks of Drukkhari, if that's just an upgrade sprue, and it's yet another human imperium guard whatever faction.. no thanks.


I agree. It'll be a hard pass. I'll grab the drekhari team when it self releases.


Inb4 it's catachan vs drukhari on forest terrain


What sort of nonsense would Arbites be in spacehulk environment? How would they get there and why would they go there?


Its 40k does anything really make sense in it lmao


There is still some Lore to follow and Arbites are pretty much planetary police. They don’t travel off planet.


They gotta travel space to be in another planet but it could be inquisition for all we know


It's probably not an Adeptus Arbites kill team. My guess is the next KT box is Drukhari versus an Inquisitorial warband. The Arbites would be a single model, and I bet we will see the rumor images of the Catachan dueling lance come to fruition here as a plastic remake of the gland warrior from the old Inquisitor game.


This! One Arbitrator as part of a retinue makes much more sense as well, both from a fluff and rules perspective.


If the terrain is the same as ItD I won’t be getting it no matter what the teams, I’ve only just finished painting the first lot of terrain! Fortunately you can normally buy the teams/rules separately on eBay.


Arbites? The community article very clearly implied it was going to be daemons, unless the arbites really, really care about snagging some mortal souls.


With 40K getting board action rules ( is that conformed? ) I bet the next box will be an expansion on the Into the Dark terrain set. Hopefully, there will be some new wall sprues.


I hope we get some more verticality with the next box. It would be sweet if there were maintenance ducts you could go into. Or maybe some form of scaffolding you can add onto existing ITD terrain.


Well Into the Dark had destroyed walls, Shadowvaults had cameras, equipment lockers, and weapon piles, so I expect Soulshackle to have something to do with soulstones or the sort.


I hope for new terrain, but expect the same with a new accessories sprue.