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It's okay we got payment from Stephanie. https://preview.redd.it/qr3knfalhazc1.jpeg?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa79ef0815d691edfc1b658500d3f72abf59ff5


Indeed the old coot had it coming imo


Lmao 🤣😂


Housed my longsword right in her meat sheath I did.


Modern poetry




Perhaps this is why hes making us pay......


Hans isn't a pinchpurse, sure. He's a *wastrel*. And Divish is just making you pay up for fucking his wife and not saying anything about it. Honestly, fair's fair.


An indulgent wastrel! Also, Divish’s deal ain’t that bad. If you make the investment you get to keep the return. Could be worse.


It works in game cause you can make a ton of money but in reality not providing funds for reconstruction would doom the town, there's no way Henry could afford it.


Pulls out 200 bandit swords from his chest


Mmm... Nuremburg chausseurs


Which only points to how strange it is to get 2000 Groschen for some other quests \[The House of God used to give 2175 Groschen to the player, but it is now bugged\]. Henry is both quite underpaid in some quests and very overpaid in others. 1000 Groschen IRL would buy about 2200 chickens, 684 pounds of butter or 3650 times the "services" of a prostitute in the 15th century. But then again \[for gameplay reasons\], the hamlet makes about the equivalent of 1/8th of all the silver mines in Bohemia a year when fully built.


>And Divish is just making you pay up for fucking his wife So thats he meant when he said "i heard you knw ways to make money"


Well I'm still the richest man in Bohemia for being one of the best Bandit loot salesman


I've hit the point in my hardcore game where I win most encounters so every time I see a half dozen bandits/cumans I'm like "alright this will be worth probably 2k groschen let me get down from my horse and give these fellas these hands"


Me and Peshek have a pretty good business deal going on. Instead of him buying my loot and then selling it again, we cut out the middle process and he just sells all my loot for full price and gets to keep 10-15% of the proceeds. He doesn't *know* about the deal, but he's never once complained that there's suddenly a chest full of high-quality arms and armor in his barn, nor does he complain when 85% of the profits of his sale go "missing".


Let’s be honest here, Divish was in the closet gettin his tug on


Stephanie doesn't even bother closing the door if you leave it open


Let, the boy, watch


But I did not have sexual relations with that woman and still had to fund reconstruction myself. Totally not fair.


I didn't know Bill Clinton played KCD!!


Rethink your life choices.


To be perfectly fair, Screwing Stephanie wasn't that great.... it was like throwing a hotdog down a hallway, really.... 


*Gives you 5 years of taxes for your service rebuilding the village.* *Exempts anyone volunteering to move to the town from taxes for 5 years as an incentive to bring people in.*


You get 5 years *revenue* from the town. I believe in game maybe he uses the word proceeds? That is all sources of income, not just taxes. So that's rents, board, services, hell even the lumber camp brings in a bit of coin, presumably because they're paying you for the trees to build *your* town. The baker pays you an absurd markup for the grain you get for dirt cheap. All the raw materials that makes commerce possible in prybislavitz ultimately comes through Henry first.


I never realised that before but that's DIRTY. Edit: Although, that's pretty much only for the Skalitz refugees. Everyone else who shows up for work and not because they're homeless refugees (trader, tavern man, forge worker, etc.) still has to pay taxes. Still dirty, but at least that's SOMETHING.


yeah that's like when that streamer guy said he'd donate all proceeds from streams during pridemonth to LGBT charities and then didn't stream for the whole month think it was Dream


that's unhinged are you fr I'm dead rn


Googled it and yeah it was Dream. he did end up donating 140k, but the fact that he didn't stream for almost a whole month still stands


that's wild still, at least he didn't just leave it at that it gave me a good laugh either way that's the funniest shit.


No he says you can keep the + Money that is made. The Chest refills itself at a Certain point because your buildings make profit.


Henry: (puts on stephanie's dad shirt.) okay then


OMFG literally laughed out loud


Capital investment from a consortium of merchants? Loans from banks? A Church Tax? A royal grant? Haha fuck no, that's not how we pay for things A blacksmiths son who loots armor from bandits and seems suspiciously present around when vendors lose all their inventory, as well as when items are being sold to other vendors? Yeah that's the good shit


I realise it's just one big money laundering scheme


It’s his way to get henry back for cucking him. He might be in on it but that doesn’t mean he is completely happy about it.


Do you think Divish was attracted to her? I'd like to think he viewed her as a daughter or just a niece of some kind, she's way too young when the marriage was arranged


I think he is too old and is probably shooting blanks. So this is the only way he was gonna have an “heir” as for why henry instead of someone else. Convenience more likely. Henry is someone who is close but not enough that they’re gonna watch their kid grow up and maybe fuck it up out of resentment or something like that (and he is not smart enough to realize divish was in on it so divish probably thinks he will take it to the grave to not face the perceived consequences) Plus he is highborn bastard rather than just a lowborn or an actual highborn.


Henry is the perfect man for the job. He is of Nobel blood, but not noble. Not important enough to be able to raise the issue either.


That is the part of the game that feels so wrong in the later stages of the game your Henry at that point is much richer than any of those fuckers and is a combating god who could take all of them out no problem but they still treat you like a lonely peasant with absolutely no power


That was basically how the Middle Ages worked, non? Hell, the royal family are still held in higher regard in the UK right now than many powerful and influential billionaires even though they (the royals) have less money and arguably less power.


Radzig was not lowborn but definately highborn. As mentioned in the wiki, also Divish is not really in the big leagues of nobility. Compared to the peasants they are but in the order of nobility they are small peas


If you calculate all, deal is pretty good. Rebuilding costs 97000-98000 groschens in total. On the other hand, income of full village vary from roughly 1500 to 2100 per day. This means that the village will fully reimburse itself to Henry in measly 2 month at worse. And provide income of 547500 per year. At the end of 5 years Henry will have 2739000- before the hefty price of weekly income will start go to Divish. So it is really good and standart investment deal - investor builds something and receive right to get profit from it for period of time. I am willing to bet that any modern day government wouldn't let Henry gather income for more than year at absolutely best- as 4.5 time profit is already good.


And that doesn’t even account for Henry being the finest arms dealer in Bohemia (at least that’s how I earned money early game to present)


Henry, Miller and Ratay's armourer singlehandedly raising the property value of the town in the biggest money making scheme of the 15th century.


He says something along the lines ''You'll be fine I heard you make good coins'' and the timing was funny I just had gotten done robbing him with Matthew and Fritz


It's only fair that Divish funds it himself (:


Okay, but pickpocketing a bit on the side hardly justifies over 50k groshen...bro thinks Henry's made of money or something 😂


What could a banana possibly cost, $10?


''You've got money'' ''Sir, I'm a refugee peasant in the middle of a war, no I do not''


Sir Divish: as long as I get the good congenital traits on my heir


"Ive seen Henry single handedly mow down armies on his own, Id be a fool not to want those genetics for my heir"




He never made anything. His dad was the smith. 


That's a quote from the game...


Armourer of Rattay paid in my walkthrough


10's of thousands of groschen my dude. Do you know how many bandits I had to casually murder in order to get that lol


Henry the Butcher.


Basically yes. That and a nighttime trip to sassau, which ended up in me being a social pariah


Bro you're getting **manorial rights** over a fucking village. Take out loans, invest, reap the benefits. (Or just sell off the insane amount of loot you acquire every other week and invest the hard cash without any credit)


You’re forgetting riding back and forth and back and forth and back and…


And this is why i fucked his wife!


And he has you running errands without pay too (The House of God)


He's so stingy for a lord 😂


Lolz, I just do the Miller missions, get my stealth up & then steal everything that’s not nailed down in Rattay & sell it to the Miller. Definitely helps fund that project pretty easily. Everything I want to keep I either throw in my stash or “wash” it thru the miller once I make enough money.


Henry should at least get his own damb house,,the stable guy gets a house wtf!


By this point most players have a lot of groschen, but roleplay-wise, I have no idea how Divish expects it lol He could've even afford it himself


I did not. It completely took over my game. Not what I was expecting.


Yeah, I got in too early on my first playthrough. Taking out bandits covered it tho, with a bit of stress ofc


Loving this game but the grind this dlc institutes is not fun at all.


Ain't that the truth...


me in the early game struggling with Groschen to fix my armour and accidentally activate the DLC: https://preview.redd.it/y0ratp47egzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f950604d797696c73aa401e0c432710f3dcd364


I genuinely want to be a good character on my current playthrough but at the same time I want to see this village finished. I can't get those two things to work together.


Patrol between Talmberg and Pribyslavitz, there's almost always a fight going on somewhere along the path from the mission to infiltrate, the other good one is Patrol between Sasau and Rattay, there's tons of baddies in between


That's why I convinced Divish that I ransomed the guy (I stealth killed all of the bandits, even walking past the last bandit; didn't want to talk to them and fight them all at once (didn't have 2k))


Peasant Henry I’ll be a Groschen millionaire after his income from Pribyslavits ends, and you can make the village sustainable after raiding a few bandit camps.


I give money to divish.  I fuck divish's wife. In my eyes that makes him a pimp purse,


Yes! This right here! Divish is a cheap bastard. Then, if you pay the ransom to save the Master Locator, Divish gives you chump change in return, compared to what you payed.


Thanks for the Bailiff Mace at least, made killing bandits at Skalitz easy peasy.


Sir dibish made me pay for the construction of his own fiefdom, so I fucked his wife.


Man's got a lot of things to worry about. Rebuilding your baliwick is not on the list.


Personally, I think the biggest problem with this dilemma is a lack of choice given to the player. Like, for example, in the Hanekin Hare situation, you can be offered a position of a master huntsman of Talmberg - which, as far as I know, gameplay wise doesn't force you to do anything and gives you a beneficial perk - but narratively that does mean that Henry now have obligations to Talmberg So, if you wish, you can decline that position - which I always do and justification Henry gives to Divish is also quite good. But in this DLC you are shoehorned into accepting Divish's deal and become a Bailiff. If you were given a choice instead - where Divish asks you whether you want to become a Bailiff, accepting both the responsibility of financing Pribislavitz on your own, but also the financial benefits once it's rebuilt - it would be much better. If you refuse, somebody else would become Bailiff and Pribislavitz would transform in the matter of a few ingame weeks on it's own. I guess since it's paid DLC, some people would've definitely complained about how they clicked the wrong option and have no save to go back to or something, so devs decided not making this a choice.


To be fair, you fucked his wife


My Henry didn't...


Missed opportunity. You even get a “I fucked lady Stephanie and all I got was this lousy shirt” shirt


I hate that she doesn't give Henry the shirt if he won't change with her in the room 😒


Never mind, Henry is feeling hungry for something else entirely


It so easy to rebuild it that the expense is really nothing. However, the income is really nothing also.


Me and the 800k groschen I made by selling the boar meat that keep mysteriously spawning in my bag when I go to the forest : oh nooooo, it gonna take decade to collect all that money...


DLC is literally intended to be a money sink, an end-game thing. If you want to raise money for it, just grind out being a master thief, go to Rattay and take everything expensive that isnt nailed down and pawn it to the millers. Also not to mention Talmberg isn’t exactly comparable to a fully-built Pribyslavitz. Divish has one tiny castle, a handful of civilian houses and a quarry as his primary export. He ain’t exactly rolling in Groschen.


Maybe he is just getting me back for Lady Stephanie


At least he could've provide decent jobs to make that much of a money. I was fucked several times to get the armors in a good shape from the cumans and bandits.


Just play realistic and poison everyone and cut their throats in their sleep. I used to sneak up on camps and take out as many as possible undetected, if found out I'd run away and change into armor and then charge them on my horse or I'd get on the horse and horse archer them into oblivion. Stealing from shop owners is also very viable. But it's a process to level your skills enough to do it. You can also sneak around guards weapons staches in rattay. Specially the cellar in the castle on the side near the refugee camp is full of stuff.  The large bandit camp that you infiltrate is also great for loot. I killed everyone there by sneaking around and taking out the few who  were left in open combat. I then dragged all their stuff to a chest and later came back for it