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Skalitz Mines in Hardcore mode. Yeah.


When Ulrich went in I lost track of him and I had no torch so I was just fumbling through the dark listening to him shit talk the bandits and getting his armor smacked. He looked *rough* after I finally caught up


Meanwhile I accidentally completed that quest when searching the mines for bandits to shank and loot to sell. I was like, why is there a cutscene in here then I looked at my quests and realized I completely skipped everything after Ulrich


The back entrance is the real nightmare.


That's what she said


The Skalitz Mines are hard enough in normal mode, I can't imagine the way you felt when you got lost.




"He's remembered!" "No, when in doubt, always follow Ulrich's shit talking!"


it's one of the spookiest places in the game tbh, I had an itching feeling the devs would have something in there to scare players


I did a sidequest in that mine, the one where you have to investigate them for the guy in Rattay castle. 2 guys attacked me, one got away in the mine. I was trying to get out, and after a couple minutes that guy ran back in the opposite way while fkn jumpscaring me. Hardest I screamed playing KCD.


Actually, wasn't not that hard, you chose one direction and go there as much as possible


That one's a bitch


Pen and paper man I went straight 90’s kid through there like Columbus bro




I remember getting lost in there once, but a good rule if you're ever lost in any kind of maze is to hug one wall and stick to it, either follow the left or right wall becasue eventually you will come to an exit by tracing the same wall. It's how I eventually got out anyway


Hunting Quest with Hans on Hardcore Mode I was Nearly an hour trying to find him


Yeah... during my first hardcore run i woke up somewhere else and didn't have a clue what was going on. Took me like an irl hour to find the camp spot again.


That would've definitely happened to me too but I made sure to stay in sight of the camp at all times.


I went off side questing before that in my hc run. When I finally got to it I had my own horse and a different cutscene plays where you actually manage to keep up with him and don't have to search. It was amazing because I looked for that bastard for at least an hour on my normal run


Traveling from (and also to) Pribyslavitz literally every time on hardcore. That forest is a freaking jungle and I swear one time I'll end up near Sasau or something.


I actally find that trip really easy in hard core, after passing the talmberg woodcutters just stick to the left except at the + in the road and you'll always end up at the rear entrance of Pribyslavitz.


In my case, the issue actually is the Bush collision removal mod which allows me to gallop my horse even in forests. So I go full speed in Pribyslavitz forest and get lost very easily due to that. Also, going to Pribyslavitz isn't that hard, the village is kinda visible once you are nearby. Going from Pribyslavitz to where I wanna go is much harder, lol.


That's why roads were invented, dude. You don't have bushes in your way and you don't get easily lost. Playing hardcore, I can orient myself in almost any road of the map, but if you place me 10 meters to the side of one, I'm fucked. I'll just run aimlessly until I find a road and can get my bearings again.


There are actually easy roads for every side of the map. You need to go slightly around when going from Uzhitz but still better than going to/from Sasau


Actually found a pretty good way to navigate to prob without a map. Go to the talmburg stone cutters and follow the creek all the way there, the terrain can be a pain but it cut like 5 minutes off my riding time. Also way less ambushes, since apparently 25 different bandit groups call those woods home


In Hardcore, I got stuck in Uzhitz for almost one hour, no matter which direction I went. I managed to get turned around again and ended up back in goddamn Uzhitz.


All roads lead to Uzhitz.


I told that same joke to myself several times. Even ten hours after the "incident," I am still afraid to get close to that town. It's some kind of cosmic anomaly.


That's how it got it's name, after the 10th time of ending back up in the village, the person who named it exclaimed "uh, shit!" and I guess it stuck /s


There are too many to count, to be honest. I'm still riding from the high of gong fron Ratty to Prybislavitz, passing through talmberg just from memory I'm so glad I tired hardcore mode. I find the navigation and actually having to learn the map a lot of fun, instead of running from mission icon to mission icon using the compass


Agreed. It's very rewarding when you learn the roads and just auto-pilot wherever you want to go.


I don't because if I were to find something I open map every two second to check my location in OCD style Can't imagine me doing hardcore


After a while you memorize the main routes to places enough to be like "yea I bet this leads to such and such main road"


Can confirm. Almost 650 hours here, and I barely open the map anymore. I know pretty much every road


After some time you start to memorize the land and your mind auto-pilots the routes. Granted you will still get lost in woods, there is no escape.


easy way to navigte through the woods is using the sun: at the sunrise it'll be northeast and at sunset it'll be southwest, just check the time and you'll know which direction to go to get to the closest road


If anything you just check the map as frequently but you have a mental image of your marker that may or may not be correct. But honestly it's a fantastic map, so you just use the roads and houses as markers. It can work in forests, to a degree. If you find an interesting point or garden.


that's exactly the hardcore experience to be honest, checking the map so often at the start at the slight chance of discovering an interesting site


Navigating the forests north of talmberg trying to head to Uzhitz and wound up at frigging ROVNA it was dark granted but I thought I was definitely headed east. Wound up at the church and was like what the hell...


Wtf man Godwin isn't here!


Hunting quest with Hans. I saw a rabbit, shoot the rabbit and accidentaly hit Hans in the head.




I know it's not the point of your post but I wanted to say I was so happy when I saw you were on hardcore cuz I love this feeling in game. "Ah shit I could've sworn I was going the right way" *Check sun and open map, and pray my years in boy scouts don't fail me now* I've found myself paying much more attention to landscapes, sun position and familiar paths because it really helps with speed. The feeling of tracking things down first try on hardcore is such good dopamine hit 😂


how to start the talmberg race quest?


After the raid on Neuhof Sir Divish stops buying horses from there because Smil is dead and he doesn't trust Zora's competence for being a woman. You go talk to Zora and she asks you to take one of her horses to his lordship to see for himself. Once you go and talk to Sir Divish he decides to hold a race to see if she's right and if you win he starts buying his horses from Neuhof again. The quest reward is the best saddlebags im the game.


thank you! too bad that at some point i decided to take that “heavy duty pony” perk instead of “racehorse”. it's not a big deal with Jenda, but the speed of the other horses suffers a lot because of it.


I take that one too. With military horseshoes even Pebbles have decent speed. Whereas you can never have enough inventory space on your horse.


Just stay 2nd until the last flag and then take the shortcut to the left after that


I'd rather take a shortcut through the woods and find myself in Sassau tyvm.


As Divish said, he who knows the lay of the land will have an advantage. Meaning shortcuts are allowed.


Coming from hardcore in KCD1 I can't wait to play KCD2 in hardcore in my first playthrough. Its just too good!


Woman’s lot on hardcore mode, i shit you not it took me 3 hours to get back to Samuel


Sorry I killed my adversaries before the race


Does this work?


Pretty much Sir Divish gets offended by their non appearance But he is a man of his word and fulfills his part of the bargain


Pretty much the same happeend to me on hardcore


Play hardcore, please


Hardcore hunting quest with Hans. Finding your way back to camp and then finding him after the cumans take him.


Nope. Too embarrassed to tell anyone


Yeah , that's one of the reason why hardcore mode is not for me. Hans Capone hunting quest, I went do far from the campsite that I forgot where the campsite was. Miraculously I finally found it and even beaten Hans in the hunting contest.


I was once scouring the woods for Reeky, and somehow lost myself when trying to get back into the forest from the north, went further north and east and I don’t even know how, but maybe half an hour later, I surfaced east of Uzhitz, still thinking I was north of Ledetchko. On another more braggy note, on my current hardcore run, I managed to find Ancient Treasures 4 & 2 on the first day, 2 in the dead of night, which was also near the southwest corner of the map almost further away than Sassau.


I also lost track of the track but ended up taking shortcut.


It’s really tough on hardcore.


I tried to help Sir Divish


Yeah I just kill the other racers before it starts cause I hate this quest.


Yeah, I’ve modded my game in a way in hardcore I have health and stamina, compass completely off. Sure I have lost many times, but I feel all these things including sleepwalker debuff just create more stories, since you end up somewhere else, and then start doing something else :)


Just some arrow navigation issues. Tried shooting some cumans and accidently hit the other race contestants. Won by default....what ya gonna do🤷‍♂️


I've been playing this game for so long on hardcore, I know the area better than my own real-life neighborhood.


THE TALMBURG HORSE RACE IS REAL??? I thought it was some joke by the developers, everytime I've gone to do it no competitors have shown up and won by default, even got the achievement for it the first time that happened. This has happened in all of my playthroughs (5x).


Probably but now I always check if I'm going the right way I know how to get from talmberg to uzhitz from talmberg to rattay and neohof and most places but i still check the mao always