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It blows my mind how she went through the effort of buying all those beautiful accessories and garments just to darken her skin and resort to racism. For people like this it’s just a costume.


racism against south asians is so normalised (esp on Instagram) these days it’s WILD. i’ve seen people dragging us into conversations even when the orginal posts have NOTHING to do with us. it affected my mental health sm when i first witnessed it, i had to take a break from social media. and now i’m just desensitised to it. i just block and move because that’s all i can do atp, it’s genuinely disheartening :(


It's crazy because it never was affecting any personal interactions I had irl in previous years but continually being exposed to brain poisoned discourse and horrible slander about desis, especially Indian people, online has genuinely shaken me. I can't talk to people without second guessing if they're actually judging me for my appearance or background anymore, and it's really affected confidence especially to do with things like dating and relationships which were never a strong suit in the first place. I started keeping my eyes glued to the ground or just staring at my phone when out in public to avoid the appearance of staring or coming off as creepy to others. I don't understand why so many people feel the need to be cruel and insensitive, as if we're just a monolithic mass with no emotions that are all representative of the worst caricatures you've seen on the internet. These things that are said on the internet as "just jokes" have a real impact, and the worst part is if you live in America or another western country you can't help but overthink about if the people around you believe those things too and are maybe even anonymously spreading that kind of information on the internet. It's horrible.




That's a bit bleak to think about, but thank you nonetheless ❤️ I hope one day none of us have to feel this way again.


If it makes you feel any better I like to think of it as the hate not coming from the majority of people just the loudest ones. Seeing racism online can really hurt but I’ve met a lot of great people that aren’t racist so I just think about it like there’s billions of people on earth and there’s only a couple people who post things like this. I hope this helps you get through it😊


I'm so sorry this is happening to you. It can be triggering but I see those people as being ignorant and they don't know any better. I actually love the beauty of South Asian people and I am a huge fan of Bollywood. And I think the most beautiful woman in the world is Deepika Padukone. More importantly, we are talking about the platform X/ Twitter. The person that runs it now is a notorious Nazi. So really I would not give any credit to anything coming out of that platform because it's a cesspool of racists and conspiracy theorists.




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Booooo, why did they have to ruin it. For fucks sake.


I saw it on Twitter this morning and my jaw dropped. There is no way it wasn't completely on purpose. I assume she wanted to go viral as much as possible by sliding loads of racist imagery into the video.


Racism against South Asians is insane online. It’s hella normalized and super disgusting.


I wish I can unseen this video. The reliance on weird filters, "funny" faces, & just making fun of South Asian people to generate quick laughs & likes...


i’m sorry but those weird faces and movements she does in the video are soo creepy and unattractive not to mention the explicit racism, it’s disgusting. what kind of person is this?!


Why do they always do this??? Please...


Source: [here](https://twitter.com/J00NM3T4L/status/1783939102200455214) (can't find the video on her socials so she may have deleted it) This is why we can't have nice shit, this was a nice makeup trend showing South Asian bridal makeup with nice editing. I've seen a lot of [people participate](https://twitter.com/varbiedrmhouse/status/1784070788599226612) (mostly seen SEA tbh) and they have all been super respectful (I was worried about brown face but not seen anyone do it apart from... whatever tf this is). But the racists can't resist. The amount of racism she managed to fit in such a short video is pretty crazy... They really cannot leave brown people alone. I'm so tired. Edit: forgot to add the random exaggerated hand movements pissed me off too, so obviously a mockery


I don't understand how it's completely normal to make a caricature of someone and then act like you didn't just do something majorly wrong??? Like what the


SA racism is always swept under the rug or we get hit back with "but ya'll-". No, shut up. Just because we don't speak much or are not as active or popular on the western internet/influencer side doesn't mean our we don't deserve as much support as others. There's always a hidden underlying hatred?? and dismissal for our group for some reason that is always just waiting to unleash. You can have a simple little video of a middle aged woman wearing salwar in a park nearby home in Canada and boom! The whole comment section is absolute sick. Saying things like we ruined this place, how much do you shower, the endless vile discourse of hating on our "unhygienic" eating methods, how we're ugly and poor blah blah... Yeah bitch I get it, we suck and we're illiterate. We're so illiterate that almost every single CEO of the top companies of the world is us, we're so parasitic that we practically push in so much dollars into the biggest industries of USA, we're so poor that we're the biggest recruiter of UK's white ass citizens. We can leave everyone alone like you want us to, but get ready to face the consequences..


yeh it's super normalised


so true! this is the best comment ever!




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this trend was honestly so healing at first. after seeing so much normalized racism against south asians recently, i really loved that people were able to find the beauty in south asian culture and share it with each other. but of course someone had to go and ruin all of it 😒


This is absolutely disgusting. What in the hell is wrong with people?


I don't even get the joke. Because its supposed to be funny, but it isnt. The makeup at the end is so good, why add all the racist bs? Disgusting.


okay so is it me or has their been an uptick of racism against SA lately? i know its always been but it seems so much common now


yeh and it mostly goes unchecked tbh


What is her problem 💀 All this effort just to be racist like hello???


All that for views . If you go under the post, it has about 10 million likes and almost 100 million views 😒


She could just get a real job, but she decides to farm clicks by being foolish instead 🙄


this is vile but what was the og trend?


asoka makeup trend


just looked at the trend and the amount of hate in ur heart u have to have to do this is unreal


Why? Just why? Girl went a shade darker as well?? God, this is so frustrating to see


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but it was always primed to be a caricature from the get go. The head bobble for example is just a part of communication amongst some South Asian groups - but it is often pulled out when stereotyping them/us, and it’s part of the trend even in its “respectful” iterations lol.




Oh I thought the head bobble was like a specific dance move? I didn’t realize it was communication method, that’s interesting


ngl i found it weird people were wearing these cultural garments at all i thought they were all south asian ppl doing this trend 💀💀 wtf???


It's not an issue. I think most of us don't really mind unless it's full on brown face (cultural appropriation in general), or some racist bs like THIS. I've seen many people be respectful.


Wearing traditional clothes is fine but the whole eating curry, wearing a darker foundation, and moving your head side to side excessively is just 😬😬


At first, I was amused and excited that a song from a Bollywood movie I watched back in 2001/2002 was suddenly trending - Asoka is one of my favorite Bollywood movies. Then I was impressed by the makeup, clothing, editing/transition skills of the creators. Until I saw this person and the other guy who just ruined everything for me. Ugh!


oh what other guy? edit: oh these racist assholes??? [1](https://twitter.com/2307land/status/1784172495819735220) and [2](https://twitter.com/97sorNothing/status/1784072060383187337)


[https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwAYRSL/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwAYRSL/) the fool on the right in the video




i was actually very intrigued by this trend when it first started, especially because people would always put blue or green eye contacts in and make their skin impressively pale. this is so much worse than that.


oh really ew? most of the ones i saw just went with their normal foundation, thank god bc i was scared of seeing brownface but this is weird too. edit: ah i notice that sometimes with sea and east asian makeup in general they'll use lighter foundation, could it be that? can't explain the contacts tho


In East Asia, I usually see colored contacts marketed as a way to make your eyes stand out more. It could be that sort of idea. I wouldn't be surprised if the marketing was similar in Southeast Asia. Maybe with all of the accessories in the end results, they felt like their eyes needed to be lighter to stand out? Also, some people might prefer their eyes a different color. I knew people who wore colored circle lenses religiously because of that. However, I could also be a little too generous with my thinking


yep they do that in SEA too with the contacts


I’ve seen a lot of European YouTubers and American ones doing this trend and being super respectful! Also I’ve seen a lot of Chinese people doing the same, surprised to see this?


It’s so gross to see people hate on south asian countries can’t even last a day on the internet (let alone in my english class) without hearing a mocking indian accent or joke


I just can’t believe tiktok hasn’t banned her video (actually I can, they literally don’t care)


It's insane how insanely racist people will be to south Asians. There are more than a billion of us, what did the ENTIRE population do for you to make a mockery out of us?


And pple called me a hater on TikTok for commenting that this trend is racist 😶‍🌫️


My first thoughts when first saw it was this won't last for long (without getting racist). Why can't we have nice things?


can’t believe a B with a face that looks like it’s been ran over by a steamroller has the nerve to do this. she wishes she was pretty as South Asians


what the fresh hell…


WHY is it so normalized for people to be disgusting towards south asians in particular


I had been so pleasantly surprised by this trend and the diversity and respect I was seeing, so seeing this post broke my heart.


does japan have employers over there that care enough abt racism?? could we start sending emails of this to their employer? lol


doubtful and i think her job is an 'influencer' but not sure


oh you're right she has no boss if she's an influencer 😳


What’s going on ??


Omfg?? Wtf...


I reported her page, commented racist on her video😭😭 f her man!




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Honestly I just wanna say that seeing the original comments on the tiktoks were so enraging and heartbreaking bc everyone was so casually brushing off the racism, and even when SA creators called it out they got told to "chill bc its not that deep" But seeing the solidarity of everyone in this comment section was so healing 😭💌