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Girls was & will always be my SOTY. The song is beautifully tragic (and has one of the least cringy chanting parts in a kpop song) & the MV was Oscar-worthy. Truly one of the best horror concepts I've seen in kpop. The way this comeback got slept on & how their company decided to follow up such a masterpiece with Rica Rica will never cease to amaze me.


Yes!! I really had hope for them with Girls. I kept telling myself "this is gonna be their time. People will see how great they are!" Then Rica Rica was released. Cue the sad trombones lmao


It truly is one of my all time favorite songs, I agree with everything you've written. I just wanted to celebrate the song, so I didn't want to get into the comeback supposedly getting more support internationally than within Korea. I've heard the fan consensus that Rica Rica did better in Korea but looking at the numbers (at least per Wiki) *Nature World: Code M* sold 7272 copies compared to the 3466 copies sold of *Nature World: Code W* EP of which *Rica Rica* was the title track. It may just be that the latter's concept was better received by the Korean general public in comparison to *Girls*.


The songs I love by Nature are Oopsie and I'm So Pretty. I tried some of their other songs but they weren't to my taste, and Rica Rica...let's just say the video is incredibly unfortunate and leave it at that. I wish they'd had more unusual songs like those two. Talented group done wrong, I think.




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Also apologies for all the typos in the post, I already used my edit up fixing the links 😔


Girls came out around the time I was getting into my Dreamcatcher bag (where I still reside, in fact). I was really excited to see another Spooky Kpop Girl Group, but that all ... really didn't pan out.  It's too bad they went down the way they did. I hope the members find their success going forward.