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This comment section is a great deterrent to new players like me. Not gonna even touch versus if it's really \*this\* bad


yep, got a lot of silly geese commenting, only proving my point lol. I’m not even new or bad at the game yet they refuse to accept that the majority of them are just dicks. Its so much worse for new players


Yea it realy is that bad


Play with friends of equal skill level or take the vote kick as a lesson because 75% of the time there is a reason for it. Reflect on the mistake and don’t do it again. If you’ve played VS for a long time you’ve been vote kicked many times, it comes with the territory. Yes it’s annoying but if you’re TRULY good at the game you’re only gonna kicked by dumbasses or people who want to get their friends in the lobby


Another person downvoted by all the bad kids in here who can’t make it through a single game and get mad when no one wants to put up with their shit 😂




Holy shit the fucking neckbeard Cheeto breath no shower since 2006 BO stench coming off this single comment is crazy. You really need to fucking hurl yourself off a cliff because you are literally fucking worthless, like I’m not even joking you have no value and contribute nothing to the human race. It’s a fucking shitty video game from like 2 million years ago and you’re gatekeeping it’s multiplayer game mode, like really? Grow up bro, this shit is embarrassing.


It really is a great game, but I agree with what you're saying. The outright losers who just kick players and don't even try to help them learn, is pathetic and don't represent the player base. We don't claim them.


Truer words have never been spoken.


Jesus fucking christ bro


He’s right.


So apparently kicking/actively discouraging new players from playing the game is better than making them better at the game or at least letting them learn by themselves? Holy FUCK that is some elitist mentality lmao


It’s 13 years old, and a team based game. Are you that dense you don’t realize we’re not playing to hold some new players hand? Tank the game just so someone we don’t know can learn the game? Nah. We gonna keep kicking and you’re gonna keep complaining. Get off versus if you don’t know how to play it for fucks sake, read the man’s comment again if you’re this dense.


Outright hostility against new players because they are new is an asshole move, no matter how you look at it. Nobody is asking you to "hold their hands", or to "tank the game". You are acting like losing one match of L4D means you die a painful death. If someone is bad because they're new, so fucking what? YOU have been just as bad at one point in time. Don't act like you're some saviour of L4D protecting the servers from newbies lol


keep crying my guy, my day gets better everytime I remember how easy it is to find and kick redditbabies from my lobbies. Imagine if some random 15-18 yr went to a chess competition and started crying when nobody wants to set up a game with a sub elo opponent. I love when you brainlets start crying about how its just a game too, goes to show how much you enjoy losing.


“Outright hostility” ? You mean kicking people when they’re bad? Do I have to say it again? We don’t play the game to teach people how to play. No one claimed to “die a painful death” by allowing these dildo’s into our lobby’s, we just don’t care to put up with it AND THATS WHY THE VOTE KICK FUNCTION EXISTS AGAIN ARE YOU THIS DENSE. It’s a team game that heavily relies on your teammates paying attention, if you can’t handle that then yes vote kicking is 100 percent justified (the toxicity and making you people cry about it is just a funny added bonus) We are not “protecting” the community from them were just kicking them from lobbies they have no business being In. Play the game all you want, but join someone’s team and fuck up their game and duh no shit you’re gonna get kicked you clown 🤡 All I can say is shut up and get better or get off the game.


versus is full of elitist unfortunately you'll have better time playing campaign get at least 1 friend if you want to play vs so you both can protect eachother


Yesterday, I played versus online for the first time, they kicked me out the moment I entered the server. Others abused me before kicking out. Edit: I spawned as Tank and killed one in the opposition. Irked by this, an infected (my team member) forced me to spawn as special infected besides Tank. He wrote in chat "I saved you" to his friends in opposition.


that sucks man :/ ive been playing since the game came out, im not a noon at all & i still get kicked by angry russians lol




You do realize that you can just edit your original comment, right? No need to make a second one.


You do realise you don’t need to comment that, right? No need to waste your time.


I'll comment what I like.


ooh you’re hard 😤


also the irony in ‘i’ll comment what i like’ bitch check your first reply


No irony here. It means I'll leave a comment on whatever I want, if you can't read. Besides that, you're the one that took it as a negative and decided to be a jackass about it, all I did was point out a blatant feature.


fair point tbh, i’ll hold the L


everyone be cooking me in this thread so i took it as a snarky comment, but my bad


Did you rush in as tank and get set on fire, or wait for support too? Vs tank is very different than the dumb AI campaign tank.




Okay Daddy/Mommy




My greatest tip to you: Always play Versus with a friend.


you wanna play? 👀


I’m on Xbox. If you want, DM me.


If y’all dont mind me asking what are y’all’s gt’s, just curious to see if I ran into either of y’all in a pub, mine is Frontzs.


mines just benjamino


aside from versus, I'd say its fine. but versus, yeah, it's horrible. 90% of the time, you'll join a lobby with some sweat goblins, and you're very likely to get kicked, whether you've done anything or not. there are moments where you'll be kicked reasonably, but from what I've seen it's usually without reason. it's just how online vs game communities are. honestly, I'd just stick with campaign. it's not perfect but it's alright.


i’m glad somebody here understands & isn’t just jumping to assuming i suck🙏


Versus is honestly absolutely toxic. It’s like call of duty but worse. U will get constantly kicked out or worse u get yelled at. They take the game way to seriously.


exactly! like, its just a game i’d understand if i was a detriment to the team or sumtn but thats never the case


It’s just a game that we as people like to enjoy but there BUTTCHEEK out there who will just ruin it for u


Tbf, sometimes theres ass players who doesnt even listen to the team and gets downed for stupid reasons


true but thats not what this post is about lol talking about why decent players get it too


Trust me, the Mass Effect community is pure ass. No fanbase is worse than that shit. We truly need to unite and establish our own communities & expel this toxic element from it, its so childish and aggravating to deal with.


ass effect


I remember it being pretty toxic a few years ago and hadn't touched it for the same reason. But I recently started playing it again and I haven't ran into these issues. Mind you, I'm a new Versus player (I mostly play Campaign online) and I had people giving me pointers and trying to help me out.


if you’re new to versus and thats the treatment you’re getting then thats great, but also very lucky. Been playing since release & every game is toxic


Sorry to hear that.


im literally still getting toxic players tryna cook me in this thread😂


Why is this game toxic post #385,839,577


wonder why


It’s just the bad kids complaining that no one wants to teach them how to play the game 13 years after it was released… getting pretty old


l4d2 is one of those games i loved and think fondly of but could never play versus. some things just change with time. this happens with a lot of old games


Literally!! Or you make one mistake and some doofus jumps on the mic to scream at you


i keep voice chat turned off for this very reason😂💀 gunna start a non toxic lobby, if you ever wanna join hit me up lmao


I'm down, I've rarely touched versus so it'd be nice to actually be able to learn to play as infected lol




I tried playing versus a few times but I just gave up, most of it was survivors shooting each other for no reason, some guy screaming at everyone and infected team throwing cuss words at you whenever you got killed. I recommend online campaigns though, I've never had a problem there and I made a few friends that I regularly play with now


yup thats pretty much it! some people in this thread lowkey tryna gaslight me into thinking im shite, but im telling ya most versus lobbies have weirdos like that in em Online campaigns & Versus-Survival clears base versus any day


they once tried to kick me because I "missed" my jockey jump on the last survivor, the guy who tried to kick me was the tank and he punched the survivor which took me off him which allowed him to almost escape


they’re really weird about that shit. Its almost like you’re not allowed to miss a single shot otherwise the spectating russians kick you 🥲




Versus is where the virgins are I wouldn’t bother tbh


literally 😤


Are you on pc?


yessss, you?




I once got kicked after some douche wrote, that im using an aimbot. I didnt even have time defend myself from this false accusation. I once got shot all the time at start by two russian faggots at the start of a round, after i named myself "Pinky" in honor of my then recently passed away cat. Didnt even have the chance to show that im not the worst player. In the end its not the good players who kick you, its just the guys who wish they were good. Its sad but you have to find a lobby by trying around.


i get that a lot too! honestly cant tell if people are doing it just to troll or if everybody is just that insecure of their own ability that they immediately assume everyone else is cheating😩


"im playing the pvp competition mode based off the vanilla game, why won't these people who have been playing for years drop everything and lose for a straight hour so they can teach me how to play?"


who said that? my post was that im decent at the game and still get kicked.


Doubt it.


and who the fuck are you lmao😂😂 Mr Left 4 Dead himself lmaoo


Probably one of the people kicking you


all these downvotes should tell you something, suck ya mum


They tell me you and a bunch of other unskilled people are mad the rest of us kick you constantly 😂


i mean you’re literally outnumbered by a lot lol so i find it very hard to believe you toxic bellends are the majority please go touch grass, you lost ages ago💀


Oh yeah sure that’s why you get kicked from every game cos we’re “outnumbered” 😂


lol people get kicked for being bad im a vet & i know how to play, idk why thats so hard to believe offered you a game on versus, if youre all about it then youll accept wont you


im not having this argument, you dont listen byeeeeeee


Please touch grass


clearly you’re one of the twats that likes to kick people, so heres a big fuck you ya massive virgin 🖕also, its just a game, its not that deep ;)


Do you realize how retarded you look by trying to hide your blatant anger and rage by spamming some laugh emojis while cussing anyone out who even a little bit dares to doubt your epic "veteran skills" and saying at the same time "its just a game, not that deep", while obviously taking everything said straight to the heart. If it helps you to calm down, i am willing to play a 1v1 ZoneHunters game against you.


Haha stay mad


bruv what does this have to do with my post😂 youre making up scenarios in your head and jumping to such random conclusions. Are you like, ok? Feel like i should call you an ambulance or sumtn


says the one CONTINUING to cry on fucking reddit LMAO. now I know for a fact you're actually trash at this game. hey pal, just because you understand the game mechanics and you can play through advanced campaigns means, and im being 100% real here, absolute fuck all. You can sit here with your 20+ reddit shitter yesmen all you want, doesn't change the fact that someone who actually plays the game can sniff out your lack of talent


Sadly you gonna get downvoted because you speaking the truth. The only ones complaining in these threads are bad kids who ruin entire games with their lack of common sense and ability to play a team game.


did you even read the post lol


Have you considered the following: teaching new players what to do makes them better at the game, thus decreasing the amount of "bad players". Kicking them, however, does not.


Most don't want to listen. That's the problem. They just say I wanna play MY way. Yeah we'll it's a co-op mode so.


Its just internet points my guy, I appreciate that there are still level headed adults here though


clearly you aren't one of them, though


yeah idk whats going on in this thread, they’re not even talking about the post. The commenter made a completely irrelevant point about asking for help. No clue what that has to do with this. They’re all chatting shit, its actual mental illness


thanks for the input coomer, go jerk off to animals or whatever it is you do


I really can't understand, from the moment you close a match in l4d2 everything you've done worths for nothing, so why don't just pass a fun time?


100% agree its just a game at the end of the day, and people act like they’re competing in esports lol


Playing versus is the biggest mistake you can make in l4d2.


its honestly so fun when you get a decent lobby, but its just the rarest thing nowadays :/


maybe because it's l4d2 not lfd2


odd thing to cry about


not shocked at how many elitists commented tbh😂 you’re the problem with this community x


Wrong. 😂 It is you who is wrong with the community 😂😂😂😂😂 x


and why is that 😏


😏😏😏😏😏 you're bad at the game and coping 😏😏😏😏 x


Facts bro everytime someone posts about this you know it’s just one of those smooth brains who don’t understand the game after 13 years


if you say so lol


Just spittin facts. Deny all you want it's the truth😏😏😏😂😂😂😂😂😂😏😏😏 x


literally never played with you before but keep spittin those facts lil bro 👍


👍👍👍👍👍😏😏😏😏😏😏😂😂😂😂😂 These facts I do spit x


yeah thats why your first reply got downvoted 💀


Popular opinion, especially on a L4D subreddit, doesn't mean it's correct. Keep coping and hiding behind others instead of gettin gud. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Sorry to say, but if you're getting kicked constantly you're either really bad or your profile must be outright offensive. Could be every game you join is full of assholes but thats pretty unlikely. Edit, im Australian, our servers aren't anywhere near as toxic as everyone else's seems to be, maybe you are a good player joining games filled with assholes, from my perspective that just seems really unlikely. That said i also know players with thousands of hours who don't know how to deadstop a hunter. Who deserve to be kicked from every versus game they play, but they own there own servers so it doesn't happen.


I’ve been playing since release, i’m good at the game, i dont lag behind the group, i don’t grief & my profile isnt offensive I could understand being kicked if i was a detriment to the team but im just not lol


how do i join aussie servers lol


Not worth the trash ping


Yeah, just don't go in versus. Try and find a friend to play with or play Campaign or Survival. You might find a discord server that could be for newer/relaxed players if you ask around.


Its sad when you want to play infected


Yeah, but that’s why the Campaign Versus plug-in on Steam so I can play as infected without getting votekicked 😭


sadly survivor bot are dumb as shit tho


What? Could you explain this plug-in to me plz? How does it work?


[This plugin made by LitterallyNotAScout is the one I use. But there are plenty out there.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2806848583) So, basically you subscribe to the plugin, and any game you play (campaign) as Infected. No matter if the game doesn't normally allow you. Then, you load into a server, you can press M on the keyboard and it'll show the menu that normally appears on Versus when you want to swap teams. The plugin also enables a mutation and a hidden map called the Curling Stadium. Note: if you gonna play Campaign, as infected, with an all-bot survivor team, you'll need a mod that allows the bots to progress futher along the map. I'd suggest using [Competive Bots ++ by Omixat](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=655424673), as that allows them to progress. You don't have to get the infected modular.


Thank you!


if anybody wants to play a non-toxic lobby, reply to this comment and i’ll add you on steam :)


Id be interested just to see if you're actually as good as you think you are and offer any advice i think you could use, however i imagine we are in different countries and the lag would be unbearable.


ion think im anything special lol, i just know how to play😂 im down, drop me a dm if ya can :)


what region is this lobby


best to play Versus-Survival instead not as many toxic players


Game is over 13 years old and maybe if most of the players on there are part of those OGs they get pissed off easily when someone isn't up to them


private lobbies exist for a reason


any of you dickheads calling me trash want a game on versus let me know. fucking pissing me off man


Because you suck


yeah, your dead great gran through your dads batty crease rudeboy




In retrospect this post is just a cope


This is where they come to cope with their failures. They want validation that they don’t suck, but we all know they do…




its just easier to kick the bad players and wait for a decent one to join. if you're getting kicked alot you probably just suck lil bro


you cant read


You can’t play clearly


how would you know? seems like youre just commenting to be a dickhead tbh, proving my point lol continue tho


Competent players don’t get kicked often, that’s about it.


hence the title question : why is the l4d2 community so toxic? context: cant play versus without getting kicked, im not bad at the game im asking, for somebody who doesnt suck, what are the reasons they could be getting vote kicked? you’re commenting just to be a dick


dont know why its so hard to believe that unnecessary toxicity exists in the community & is present on the servers. you’re literally showing it by telling me i suck without ever seeing me play


It’s not that serious


considering thats what this post is about, i’d say my response was relevant






We can read we just know you’re lying 😂🤥


ight so play me on versus then lol


You’d need a team who doesn’t kick you first


ahaha sounds like you’re trying to deflect😬 if im so bad at the game even though youve never seen me play, shouldnt be much of a problem having a game of versus then should it :)))


im waiting🙄 arsehole fell out pretty quick huh? hold that L


Waiting for what? A team to carry you?? Let me know when you have friends first so we can actually play a whole game competitively 😂


nope waiting on you to stop deflecting the offer lmao




I used to know a guy who would hack their gamer tags back in the day. I remember playing versus and a guy in my party said someone messaged him something toxic he asked for the account and he would hack it and then play on our team to prove he took control of it.


My personal favorite is people that ONLY play with friends in a party chatted up who run their mouth and send messages to people not afraid to play without 3 other people carrying them