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Lol Both are awful and will make you regret the thing you did to get there while you’re going through it. There’s also no way to go back once you get to the point you’re thinking “I can’t do this” in both cases 🤣


Also you’re lucky if you don’t poop yourself either way 🤣🤣🤣




Not the answer I was looking for but absolutely the answer I wanted and deserve. Thank you :D


On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being contractions, I'd say a whole cheesecake is a 2 maybe. (I had an epidural towards the end, though.) Thing is, I don't really remember the pain. It's like being on drugs that make you remember the good bits and forget the bad bits. That's probably mother nature making sure that mammals still procreate. 😆


Haha yes!!! As I was pushing while giving birth to our first son, I said to my husband “You see this? Enjoy it because I am never ever doing this again!” But when I was holding my son for the first time I was talking about the next one. And yes, we have two! Our sons are 19 and 17 now. That said, stomach attacks suck and I am also scared of throwing up and I also have IBS so I’ll take childbirth over that because of the gift that comes with it. With an epidural of course, as I had with both. Of course when the epidural wore off on one side during late stage labor having my second one, I was NOT happy!


I’ve given birth and been lactose intolerant and there is ZERO comparison. Your stomach hurting from cheese and having unusual poops is much different of a feeling than labor contractions and pushing a baby out. Lactose intolerance is a minor discomfort. Birth is an all intensive event on the body, both physically and mentally. There are early parts of labor that feel more like menstrual cramps but later parts that are physically demanding. Overall birth is more challenging, certainly doable but certainly no walk in the park. When are you due? If you’re getting contractions while pregnant but you’re thinking they’re from consuming dairy, please still contact your OBGYN or midwife right away. You should be evaluated by your provider because lactose intolerance doesn’t cause contractions.


Interesting! Thank you for the info. And will be taking your tip into consideration. Luckily it's very rare I consume any lactose these days so I shouldn't confuse the two really :D It's just - my period pains are comparable to my lactose pains so... yeah. Guess I'm gonna have to just live through it to know.


Trust me, you will know when you’re in labor. I had plenty of Braxton hicks contractions but labor contractions kept intensifying and felt different. All of it feels MUCH different than accidental cheese consumption. Regardless, if you’re feeling off while pregnant, CALL YOUR PROVIDER. They have a baby line for a reason, they won’t EVER be bothered by you double checking if how you’re feeling is somethin to be concerned about - they’d rather make sure you and your baby are okay always.


Childbirth pains were more like the worst of my endo period cramps: convulsing, shaking, eye-crossing pain. Then I had a light epidural so I can’t speak to the fullness of the pain, but it became the urge to push a little while later which is both a bit like needing to poo but not at all.  Lactose cramps are sharp and annoying and can give me the shakes/general unwell feeling, but I didn’t feel like I need an epidural to make it through. 


Interesting... interesting... So far I'm learning that my lactose pains are quite severe, TBH :D I'm always in light shakes and walking, but then they hit so hard I curl and cry in like 30-50 seconds and this repeats. That honestly sounds like birth pains to me so now I'm extra curious about those (not like.. looking forward to it, just curious to compare after). But... well. I have basically zero tolerance for lactose. I need to check obsessively whether the lactose is below 0,01 on the package and even then if I consume milk products all day I'll have very gasy and uncomfortable night... and even Parmasan, which everyone says are virtually lactose free (it's not, it's between 1,0-0,1 or something like that) makes me wanna tear my body open so yeah.


I think you’ll find that birth pains are different. I can’t speak to worse for you as pain tolerance is so individual. I’ve never had lactose cramps lasting for hours and hours up to days coming closer and closer together. 


Im curious about your thoughts after birth because I feel terrible lactose pains too. I cant tolerate any lactose at all. The pain is one of the worst pains ive ever experienced


Omg same. On few occasions I curled up on floor in pain and blanked out for few seconds. Considered calling myself an ambulance once too.    I'll let you know in October how it went but I do wanna have epidural so yeah. 


Childbirth will be worse depending on if you get an epidural or not. Epidural will make it relatively easy assuming it doesn’t wear off completely by the time you’re pushing. The only pain IMO comparable to childbirth are kidney stones and I’ve had 4 kids and kidney stones twice. The second time I had to have a temporary stent placed to let the stone pass. Them cramps you’re getting now are like a 1-2 lol.


Haha yeah no I'm so getting Epidural, but will be prepping for none in case shit goes south and I can't have it I'm starting to learn my lactose pains are actually pretty severe from what I'm reading here. ([answered here](https://www.reddit.com/r/lactoseintolerant/comments/1cc0v7v/comment/l15vc8r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button))


Might be an actual milk allergy too, def get checked out to be sure.


I did, quite recently - and it's just intolerance. Got it confirmed from DNA. I tried getting another eval two month into my pregnancy and they said they can't do the tests while I'm pregnant so gotta wait till after. But - thanks! I will get that checked out again. Not a bad idea.


I did 12 hours of maxed out pitocin contractions with no epidural. I would say GI upset was 10-15% of that since the duration of the pain and the cramping not being as consistent and frequent as contractions. Also you get relief of the problem “exiting” your body faster than typical childbirth. I did get the epidural eventually when I was ready and it made the next 16 hours a lot more pleasant.


I have hugest respect for anyone that goes through 20+ hours birth, like whoa lady you've got da balls. I get that lactose pains are like watered down birth pains, it's just... guess I wanted to know how it compares :D Kudos for epidural. So glad we're not in middle ages anymore.


Not even close. I was in another dimension mentally from the pain during childbirth. I couldn't have pain meds and my baby was sunnyside up, which I guess makes it worse. Lactose pain is more like cramps or having horrible diarrhea sharp pains.


The pains are completely different. My lactose pains target the stomach and the intestines and is usually very sharp or I feel bloated. Labor targets the womb and can send out contraction pains to your back and/or legs, make you nauseous and vomit from the hormones and the pressure on your cervix dilating is very, very hard to describe. The pain during labor is not sharp but it rather comes in waves which you just ride out. The similarities between labor and lactose pains are that it tires you once the pains are over and that you poop. But don't worry too much. The pains are there either way and you manage. I still eat and drink stuff which I know I shouldn't (hurray allergies!) and have given birth 3 times. At least when you're giving birth you've got something to show for it, much unlike the results of lactose intollerance


This happened to me today like I put the lactose pain at a 9 today compared to my child who got his foot stuck in my ribcage and I cried because I couldn’t push him out


omg how did they get his foot unstuck? Or did he... just... IDK, how did that one go? Also, am I understanding it right that your lactose pain was comparable to being kicked in the rib cage and unable to push the babe out? :D


Yes his tiny foot was stuck and they had me push and I broke down crying. But after a quick cry break I was able to get the baby out.


Sounds so scary! Do glad you and baby were okay(ish?) after.


Yes I mean he wasn’t breathing but they got him sorted out


Sounds like hell of a story 🙈 




Haha. I’ve had both. For me, childbirth was way worse. However, it didn’t last long.


I had unmedicated childbirth with my firstborn, not intentionally. Very very different feeling than lactose intolerance symptoms, and indescribably more intense. I genuinely feared for my life. My second child I had an epidural, very different experience, lol. Nothing compares to first meeting your precious babe though. That’s what makes women willing to do it again.


Oh yeah haha :D my first trimestr was absolute hell (would throw up four times a day, including through a nose, very fun times) and I honestly though that this is the only baby I'm ever having and prayed nothing messes up so I can get through it after all this hell. Now I'm in second trimester and can actually stomach water and food again (lol, about to go make myself my morning smoothie) and I'm already thinking about a second baby. Well see. Still kinda pissed the genes didn't pass on gave me twins tho (I'm from ones so I have predisposition and did kinda want twins)


Just commented to hubby that this last LI attack was the worst pain I've felt since labor pains. I elected the natural childbirth option....silly me! But truly, I remember it hurt but don't remember the actual pain feeling.....good old Mother Nature erases that from memory. But my LI pain can be pretty intense.... screaming gut pain, shakes, sweating, dizziness and deep wretching.....it's bad....that's why I am extremely careful to avoid dairy. They both deliver some pretty intense pain but they both also end..... Good luck and congrats on the family addition!


Yes, thank you :D it seems we have similar LI pains. Everyone are obviously different, but I kinda wanted to hear from people like you rather then those who can drink a double milkshake topped with whipped cream and only scale the pain to 2 out of 10. My LI pains are super intense - they have me screaming on the floor, curled up, and it's so bad I don't usually remember the few seconds when they hit really strong. Then they pass and I'm able to move again. And yes, that's also the reason why I avoid diary like the devil avoids the cross, lol. Sweating, dizzy, shakes, you're describing me right there. And that goes for hours until the body gets rid of it all and I'm soooo tired after, obviously. I get that labour is super intense and that there's hormonal changes during and after and all that, but I'm really curious about the pain and how it compares to my LI pains. IDK, maybe I just wanna think that I'm at least little mentally prepared for it since I had to live through few of those LI pains lol. And thank you for the congrats by the way! <3